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Posts posted by buffalobillsfootball

  1. Hats off to Schumer - I support this guy 110%.


    Schumer Meets With NFL Commissioner

    WGR Newsroom - Wednesday, January 10, 2007 - 5:00 PM


    Senator Charles Schumer met with N-F-L Commissioner Roger Goodell today to discuss ways to protect small market teams with revenue-sharing from larger market teams and the NFL black-out rule and how it effects fans in Western New York."The NFL met with me because I'm on the judiciary committee which has jurisdiction over the anti-trust exemption," Schumer said.


    "They(the league) want some things out of me and I told them - my friendliness to the NFL will be determined by one factor above all - how well they treat the Bills and how long they're going to stay in Buffalo," said Schumer.


    Bills owner Ralph Wilson will serve on the eight-team committee that is now determing how league revenues will be split.

  2. U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer


    Announces talks with the NFL on future of the Buffalo Bills


    U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer announced today that he will meet with NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell in on Wednesday, January 11 at 10:30 am in his office in Washington, D.C. Schumer will discuss how to keep the Bills in Buffalo, better ways to protect small market teams, and the current NFL blackout rule and its ill effects on fans in Buffalo, Rochester, and across Western New York. In the days after Roger Goodell was elected NFL Commissioner, Schumer called Goodell, a Western New York native, to express how important the Bills are to all of Western New York, and that their loss would be devastating to the heart and soul of the community. Schumer will also discuss with Commissioner Goodell ways to produce revenue sharing rules that will be fair for small market clubs like Buffalo.


    “This meeting is another important step in our marathon effort to ensure that the Bills stay in Western New York, right where they belong,” Schumer said. “There are a lot of issues still to be resolved but I am looking forward to working with Commissioner Goodell – and his staff – to ensure that all NFL teams, particularly small market teams, are treated fairly.”


    On the agenda for Wednesday’s meeting will be: the NFL Qualifier Committee’s impending revenue sharing deliberations and decisions, current financial issues facing the Bills, and the NFL blackout rule.


    Following an April 2006 meeting with Ralph Wilson in Buffalo, Schumer has spearheaded the campaign to produce fair NFL revenue sharing rules so that the Bills can remain financial healthy and located in Buffalo. Schumer worked closely with Commissioner Tagliabue and is now working with Commissioner Goodell to communicate the small market teams’ point of view as negotiations around implementing the new Collective Bargaining Agreement proceed.


    Last year, Schumer lobbied outgoing NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue to ensure the league’s Qualifier Committee, which determines many critical revenue sharing issues, included representatives from small market franchises. On April 21, after a meeting organized by Schumer with Tagliabue and Buffalo native Tim Russert, Tagliabue announced that Bills owner Ralph Wilson would serve on the eight-team committee that is now determining how league revenues will be split.

  3. Given this, we should probably all be very happy that they managed to finish at 7-9. The Bills played all of the the league's top six teams (NE twice, Indy, Baltimore, SD, Chicago, Jets twice [Jets had same record as Philly and NO, but played a harder schedule]). Those eight games alone meant that we played teams with a combined record of 96-32 (76-20 if you don't include the Jets).


    That is an absolutely brutal schedule. Tennessee had the second hardest schedule (146-110).


    Does someone have a link on this - I believe it - but my buddy (pats fan) here doesn't...

  4. Preeee-cisely.


    If the Bills were to leave Buffalo - it would be the absolute worst thing to hit WNY - it would tear the heart and soul right out of this region.


    With a show like Schoops - it could and would give the impression that people would be OK if the Bills left because the Sabres are "King."


    I'm sorry (and this is coming from a huge football AND hockey fan) - but the NHL is nothing more than a mickey mouse league.


    Give the impression that the we've moved on from the Bills; I worry that we enable the team and new ownership to push for a move.


    WGR is joke ... I don't care that their "not the voice of the Bills - without the Bills - that station would be MORE a joke than it already is... Bring on the sports radio COMPETITION - nOw!

  5. So you are mad at Schoop for saying that Loseman was rattled? Yet you agree with him?


    Loseman was rattled. Watch the NFL Replay.


    2 and 6 he throws a 1 yard pass.


    3 and 5 he has one man to beat on the outside but throws an uncatchable ball to the sidelines.


    4 and 5 was just sad all around.


    That whole series was a gift to the Titans.



    *Really* hard not to think "DeLuca1967" doesn't have some connection to WGR55. He's the only one really going out of his way to defend the station.

  6. The Bills are still king in Buffalo and always will be in terms of numbers. Many more people like football--it's just a fact. The Bills still lead the league in terms of households watching their team. I think it's great the Sabres are great and have a chance at the Cup. I just moved back to Buffalo and was very disappointed in WGR and all the hockey talk though. I frankly don't care about hockey in Sept-Jan. And nobody else around the country does either! Face it, it's a regoinal sport and a Canadian sport. What league gets dissed for poker? When ESPN and the ocho and all of its 1-8 channels does not want to carry your league's games b/c ratings are so bad---nobody cares. Again I think it's great the Sabres are doing well, but talk about it Feb through May/June when it matters. After 5 games they're talking about the Sabres here--it's like talking about the Bills after the first half of their first game. The fact the Bills have not fielded a great team since '99 is the main reason they haven't gotten as much support lately. Once the Bills go to the play-offs and have a good team the psyche will change. The Sabres would be out of here quickly for lack of interest if they went 7 seasons w/o a playoff appearance.

    It's nice that B'lo has a good team in the Sabres, but there is as much interest nationally as Rochester having the Raging Rhinos as a good soccer team. Nobody cares or knows b/c there is just no interest nationally.


    This was exactly my agruement with the WGR screener today - but again - it wasn't relevant.


    Schoop is nothing more than a shill to Entercom who makes a TON of money off ad revenue because of the SABRES and the BILLS.


    But still, WGR is a joke... and so is DeLuca1967.

  7. So your whole point is that nobody has faith in the Bills? And yet you consider them winning 1 road game

    against a very good team "a miracle"?


    What kind of fan are you? So you are saying that fans stayed away from last Sundays game because of the

    game this Sunday?


    The NHL cap went up this year. Which means, and I'll type this s l o w f o r y o u, s o you

    c a n r e a d, means their profits went up. :censored:


    No, the real question is: what kind of fan are YOU?


    Again, find me a link on record nhl profits - please, hurry - meanwhile, our beloved Sabres STILL can't make a profit.

  8. The Bills were 5-2 and playing for a playoff spot.


    That must be why the NHL is coming off of record profits.


    Funny thing. I heard the show and I heard dozens of calls supporting the Bills. :)

    The Bills needed a miracle to make the playoffs!


    Where's your link on NHL record profits?


    Last I heard, it will be a miracle if the Sabres make a profit THIS year:



    WGR55 is a joke and should be called "Sabres Radio 24-7." Even the callers they let on are a bunch of fems.


    Nice try buddy but don't you have calls to screen?



  9. How about according to the Fans? The Bills had what? 25,000 - 30,000 empty seats? In what could be described as a unofficial playoff game.


    The Sabres are taking advantage of the fact that the NHL is a better product than the NFL right now. Right now the NFL is not even the best football product. That goes to college football.


    WNY fans relate more to the Sabres. Not just because they are winning. It's because the NHL is more "neighborhood". The NFL is 100% corporate. The NHL and Sabres are our dirty little secret. The NHL shut down for a year so that teams like the Sabres can exist. The NHL is tailored so a team like the Sabres can win it all. The NFL would rather forget small markets like WNY even exist. They would rather see teams in Mexico, Canada and Europe.


    So, tell me - if the Sabres didn't come off the strike blazing like they are - would they be that popular because the "NHL shut down for a year so that teams like the Sabres can exist." (what a crock that argument is)


    Dude, in your little dream world - the Sabres are an anomaly - Buffalo is the only team in the NHL that is seeing this type of success - go to Boston, NY or even Carolina and you can walk up - same day - to get a ticket.


    If the gears were switched and bills were winning - fans would be going nuts over the bills.


    Winning brings fans and support. But his show was so over the top and biased - he couldn't even handle a call from someone to counter his points - what a joke. I'm sorry, but I expect more for Buffalo NY.

  10. What is it that you don't agree with? :)


    Sabres officially take over as number one team in Buffalo - per Schoop!


    Sabres this, sabres that, sabres, i love the sabres, who are the bills, sabres, sabres, bills suck, sabres, gotta gotta gotta, did I mention the Sabres? Sabre players are people - bills players are bad bad bad.


    (Don't give me this: the common man can relate to the Sabres and not the Bills when both make millions upon millions a year - more than most "common folk" will ever see in lifetime. )


    Schopp was over the top and an arrogant pig. If the Bills won last Sunday - today's topic: "Sabres officially take over as number one team in Buffalo" (ACCORDING to who, YOU??) - would never have occurred.


    I'm sorry, big Sabres AND Bills fan - I support them both 110% - win or lose. But the Sabres are local - the Bills are worldwide - try calling up to share that perspective and it's not "worthwhile to the show."


    Shows like this make me sick and do nothing for the morale of Buffalo. Kick the Bills while they're down but I'll suck their A$$ when they win.


    Bunch of bandwagoners!



  11. I disagree, I think a stadium with a retractable roof downtown by the waterfront could do wonders for the team and community. Of course it be expensive to do but am sure we could get more revenue by having a stadium there for concerts etc. and possible destination for NCAA tournament games if the demand is greater then it has been for the games at the HSBC. It also be great to draw people to the new casino being built downtown etc.



    You totally missed my point. I'm not arguing for or against a new stadium; I'm talking about the Bills leaving WNY all together.

  12. I like your approach. You make a very good arguement and I agree with you. The only thing I can't get past is how a new owner will be able to service the tremendous debt load he will have if he buys the team for $600MM-$700MM. Also, can anyone turn a profit with the lowest priced seats and luxury boxes in the league, all within an escalating salary cap which will put more of a squeeze on the new owner in a depressed market. I think you are right that some sort of partnership needs to be done, probably with a group in Toronto. That's the only scenario I see for the Bills long-term survival as it seems to me that Ralph is posturing to sell the team as he gets too old to manage it. Good post. One of the best and most well thought out ones I have read on this topic.






    Again, I'd like to see Ralph do something more productive on this issue. Right now, he is losing credibility with the league and polarizing our franchise from the rest.


    I honestly don't buy into the fact that the league/national media wants the Bills out of Buffalo. There is no proof to that whatsoever. I would argue that the Bills existence/success in the NFL is just as an important, if not more, than placing a team in LA. The Buffalo Bills have a great history in the league. Our fan base is enormous and world-wide. We deserve a strong, passionate leader who we can trust will do all in their power to keep the Bills in Buffalo. However, the Bills also need a top notch marketing arm to tap into our base.


    At one time, the Bills were king in WNY/S.Ontario. Now, there are just too many options for folks to spend their entertainment dollars. Ralph needs to catch up and lose the ego.


    Mr. Wilson, do the right thing - bring in Tom Golisano. Prove to us that you’re open to seeing this work. Tom has made his interest known throughout the community.


    Put the issue of the Bills leaving Buffalo to rest, for once and all; continuing to let this malaise hang over us is not right and heartless.


    Go Buffalo!

  13. Dear Ralph,


    The team looked great yesterday. An awesome win over Miami - made me feel great. Today, I have a bitter-sweet taste in my mouth - why?


    Wilson Not Optimistic About Future of Bills in Buffalo


    We can’t even go one day, enjoy the win without you reminding us about our uncertain future. Personally, I’m tired of it. I’m tired of hearing you B word, moan, and not make any moves to stand up to the NFL.


    Keep up the good work on the revenue sharing fight - it is a cause worth fighting. While you continue to plant seeds within the community and enable the national stage that Buffalo cannot support the Bills and their eminent demise is near - why not take it one step further; stand up to the big market teams and PROVE that you can be successful here… How about selling half the team to Golisano and/or a group of local investors and let fresh blood come into the administrative and leadership roles at One Bills Drive and help you with your cause?


    Yeah, I know, Buffalo will n-e-v-e-r be NYC and/or Dallas and see $250,000 per suite.


    BUT, guess what?


    Nor will Green Bay, New Orleans, Jacksonville, Cleveland, Kansas City, Tampa Bay, Tennessee, St. Louis, Detroit, Indianapolis, San Diego, Oakland, Cincinnati, or Minnesota!


    More than half the league would dream to have revenue like that!


    You've done your best the past 40 years and I am forever thankful that you chose Buffalo for the Bills... and I know all the noise you're making today is on behalf of our team’s long term success here in Buffalo. (Although, I'd appreciate it if you'd stop making Buffalo out to be a third world country - it's starting to eat at me a bit!) But before you let the Bills bail on Buffalo - this Bills community; which stretches from Syracuse to Toronto --> deserves another shot at local ownership, leadership and success.


    I can see Tom Golisano putting together a strong team to reach out to other owners in the league to make this revenue sharing deal a win-win for everyone. I could also see Tom reaching deep into his business contacts and partners from CNY to Southern Ontario - to help buy out those suites at higher rates. You can see a powerful sports marketing collaboration between the Bills and Sabres – that would help both teams flourish in Central-Western NY and Southern Ontario.


    Ralph, I love all that you've done for WNY... you have no idea how much pride this team bring to this community. I appreciate you sticking with the community for this long... and I hope that you/we see a *Buffalo* Bills Championship soon - but please note:


    The Bills need a new face – a new approach – but not a new home!


    God bless and Merry Christmas

  14. NFL | Los Angeles might not receive a team soon

    Tue, 12 Dec 2006 21:36:25 -0800


    The Associated Press reports NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said Los Angeles might not receive a franchise soon. The league had hoped to put an expansion team there in 2002, but the franchise went to Houston after civic leaders and potential ownership groups could not agree on a stadium site. "I think there has been a misunderstanding in the past that we have to be in Los Angeles. I think we've proven that we don't have to be in Los Angeles. Los Angeles is a wonderful community. It's got great sports fans. It's got great football fans. It's got great NFL fans. We want to be back there. But only on the basis of being successful for the community and for the NFL," Goodell said.

  15. I am not too familiar with the region's tremenously wealthy, outside of golisano, so I don't really have any ideas for future owners.  I do have a question however: Does anybody know of / heard of Golisano ever expressing (in public) any level of interest in buying the bills?  I only ask because it would seem that he would be an ideal owner for the team as far as keeping them in the area.



    Tom Golisano's thoughts on the Bills from the Buffalo News on 12/03/06:


    PT: Did you ever think of buying the Bills?


    TG: The Bills, like the Sabres - even more so - are a huge asset to this community. I'd hate to see them leave. On the other side of the coin, I've seen no activity at all to indicate they are available to anybody, so I don't spend any time thinking about it. I'm sure Ralph Wilson has his plans under control, and if they ever become available and people want to talk about it, I'm sure I'd talk about it.



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