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Posts posted by buffalobillsfootball

  1. I can only imagine that many posts similar to what I see here were being made on the Pats boards when they hired Bellicheck. 



    Ridiculous Comparison.


    "He launched his career in 1975 as a special assistant with the Baltimore Colts, then became an assistant special teams coach with Detroit (1976-77) and Denver (1978). In 1979, he joined the New York Giants and contributed to Super Bowl championships with the team in 1986 and 1990 as the team’s defensive coordinator. Following Super Bowl XXV, Belichick was named head coach of the Cleveland Browns in 1991, becoming the youngest head coach in the NFL at age 37. By 1994, Belichick brought the Browns back to the playoffs, finishing 11-5 and advancing to the second round of the playoffs, while allowing a league-low 204 total points.


    In 1996, Belichick joined New England and was a key contributor to the team’s rebound from a 6-10 season in 1995 to an 11-5 season and the team’s first division title in 10 years en route to Super Bowl XXXI against Green Bay. Belichick then spent three seasons with the New York Jets from 1997 to 1999, helping New York improve from a 1-15 season in 1996 to an appearance in the AFC Championship Game in 1998."source


    Jauron cannot even touch Belichick's success.


    We picked a loser - and sadly, we'll all continue to pay.

  2. You beat me to the post.


    I'm not a conspiracy theorist - but I can't help but look at the events that have transpired and think: this whole thing smells funny.


    Every move the Bills have made seems to disengage the fan more and more.


    The latest: the hiring of Jauron - put its over the top.


    I'm so tired of living in an area and being held captive to a team that puts you in a catch 22: If you don't buy the tickets - the Bills will leave. If you buy the tickets and support the team: you're consistently let down.


    As much as I appreciate Ralph Wilson and sincerely hope to see him win the BIG ONE - I just can't help but question his commitment to winning. He's gotta want it for himself; fans can't hope for the best. Only he can deliver. And, once again, he went wide right.


    So, here's to the best -

    Go BILLS

  3. Old boys network sets back buffalo again.


    Sucks to be a young person and care so much for Buffalo/Bills on so many levels.


    Politicians, Marv, Ralph - please retire and move on. You've screwed up our area enough... and now the Bills are done, too..


    "Give whoever it may be a chance?"


    WTF is that?


    Jauron had a chance with Chicago and Detroit.


    He's done and so is this bills supporting family. No more.


    !@#$ the BILLS

  4. Levy said his goal was simple:


    "Our inention is not just to go to the Super Bowl, but to win it - as quickly as possible."


    I couldn't be happier with the moves this week. Call me an eternal optimist but Levy has the character, vision and determination not to fail.


    He HAS unfinished business and coming back to Buffalo is a perfect and fitting place to accomplish those goals.


    Mularkey will be fine. PLEASE surround him with the best OC/DC available.


    Go BILLS.

  5. Not sure if you realize Wilson is is looking to save money....not dish out any more money than he has to.


    Pioli will coomand more money than he currently pays Donahoe,Modrak and Mularkey together.




    He may and should demand to be paid but New England is notoriously cheap...

  6. Isn't that what they did when they hired TD.  He was the star GM candidate available when he was hired:

    Jerry  Sullivan - January 11, 2001:


    Ralph Wilson wasn't kidding when he said he wanted to relinquish most of his customary NFL duties and spend the rest of his career kicking back in the owner's box. All you need to do is examine the title he bestowed on his new hire, Tom Donahoe: president and general manager.


    For the first 40 years of the Bills' existence, Wilson was the only president. None of the general managers who ran his football operation over the years had the dual title of team president. Not Bill Polian. Not Pat McGroder or John Butler.


    Wilson is conceding that he lacks the energy to remain as involved in the NFL as he used to be. You can't blame the man. He's 82 years old, and it was time for him to loosen his control of the team and to give an unprecedented level of power to a football man he could trust.


    He could not have found a better available man than Donahoe, who is respected throughout the NFL and was widely perceived as the best personnel man on the NFL market when Wilson abruptly fired Butler three weeks ago.


    Wilson took his time doing it. He left Donahoe hanging for more than a week while deciding what to do with Wade Phillips. As recently as Tuesday, Donahoe talked with new Lions President Matt Millen about hooking on with Detroit's staff. It looked as if the best man might slip away from Buffalo.


    But Wilson got him in the end, and for that he should be commended. You might call it luck, but he has a way of digging up quality GMs. He hired and fired two of the best in Polian and Butler, and he was fortunate that a man of Donahoe's reputation was available when he went looking again.


    Donahoe is universally admired around the league as a football man. Like Polian and Butler, he is a scout at heart, most comfortable walking the sidelines at some college all-star game, looking for some overlooked prospect. He has never worked anywhere other than Pittsburgh, his hometown. He probably would have remained with the Steelers for life if it weren't for the power struggle with head coach Bill Cowher that led to Donahoe's departure last January.


    Donahoe has always insisted that money wasn't an important consideration for him. People who know him say it's genuine. He could have gone to Seattle for big money after the Steelers reached the Super Bowl, but he turned it down. He had numerous feelers (New Orleans, Miami and New England) shortly after leaving the Steelers. Detroit and the Jets were interested before Wilson signed him. The expansion Houston franchise talked with him.


    But he held out for the right job. Donahoe is said to be a devoted family man, and Buffalo was reasonably close to Pittsburgh. It's a Rust Belt city with a blue-collar ethos and abiding affection for its football team.


    Donahoe was once described as having a great reverence for the Pittsburgh community. People close to him have told him Buffalo would be a perfect fit.


    "You can't go wrong with the guy," said one league source. :D  :lol:

    Larry Felser - January 7, 2001:


    Wilson has never enjoyed himself more as an owner than the last 14 seasons during the Bills' golden era. It would be sad to see him soil his own football nest in his golden years.


    He can still avoid this fate. He should hire the best GM candidate available, which is Donahoe. Maybe Donahoe would cost more than Ralph wants to pay a GM. But there is a new appreciation for that job as the most valuable on any franchise.



    yawn.... connect the dots.... espn... buffalo media... who the heck cares what these people think?

  7. Well...I guess you can say that's what RW did with TD in a way (thinking big that is)...


    It may just be My opinion, but if RW thinks he is going to change much promoting from within and keeping MM...well...good God I hope he's ready for the fallout if that Plan fails...


    I'm VERY worried about one thing...There are hints here that MM will actually gain a little more power if he stays around...The comment from Ralph about asking MM what he needs could be interpreted that way...Oh Boy!...If Mularkey ends up coming out of this with more say, the Bills will then have a HC who was not even ready to be a HC making bigger decisions...


    God help us... :D



    good, albeit scary, point!



  8. Professor--

    The last GM, before he was hired, was one of the BIGGEST names out there. I remember being thrilled when Donahoe was hired, because he was the candidate who had a fancy track record. And how did that turn out?



    HECKERT has had a damn good run at drafts the past few years.


    Hmm, let's see - Tom Donohoe - worked at ESPN - he was "well regarded" and promoted in the media by ESPN.



  9. It was just a thought... you're both probably right - but if I were Brett - I would be anxious to prove that I still had enough in the tank to give it one more try.


    Besides, the Bills need someone like Brett - and his fiesty leadership - not ONE Bill stood up and took the bull by the horns. Not one.


    The '05 BILLS had no swager - no confidence - nothing.

  10. How would you react if the BILLS brought in Brett to compete for the number 1 job? Assuming Brett's done in GB - and he still wanted to compete - would you respond favorably?


    I think the guy has a ton left. I just think if we could cut his cord from Mike Sherman (fired yesterday) AND a change of scenery would serve Brett well.

  11. avsforum.com is where you want to be.  Your eyes will bleed after trying to absorb everything there.


    I like my DLP, but my $300 bulb has blown once already and I'm scrared to death to watch the thing knowing that the 6k-8k bulb quoted lifetime is pipe dream.... :w00t:



    Thanks for your reply SDS.


    How long did you own the TV before the bulb died?

  12. The new owner will be Mark Hamister.  He'll move the team to the Canadian side of the Peace Bridge, and the Canadian gov't will build a new stadium complex complete with a casino and Canadian ballet.



    That's the funniest thing I've heard yet.


    Canada will get its first franchise as soon as it becomes a state in the United States.


    Canadian money sux.

  13. After moving from Buffalo after graduating, my wife and I have lived in NYC; Greenwich, CT; and now Texas for the last 14 years.


    And quite frankly, after living elsewhere and going back to visit Buffalo once a year, I have found Buffalo and WNY to be one of the most bigoted and prejudiced places around. No other place that I have been to even comes close (and that includes the Southern U.S.).


    I hate to burst your bubble, but it's true (unfortunately).



    Bubble not burst, nice try though.


    Buffalo, like EVERY city on this planet deals with race. Buffalo is not unique.


    For someone who has lived in CT (New England) and now Texas - you, of all people, should know. Greenwhich (the nice part) and all of TEXAS - has some of the most bigoted folks around.

  14. At about 10:40 pm Mike Mularkey walked in to the Buffalo Chop House and headed straight to the restroom.  Five minutes later, he exited the restroom and immediately exited the restaurant.  He didn't even have a drink at the bar.  Why the heck wasn't he at home gameplanning?



    Who cares... IF the game plan isn't already created - we're f!@##ED.


    I saw Tom Brady at the Celtics game last night - shouldn't he be home prepping for his game in Miami?


    These folks are human and have a life.


    Get over it.

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