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Posts posted by buffalobillsfootball







    What are you worried about? You're stuck in Cincy!

  2. So the county taxpayers have to pony up $300 million, and that is if the price does not go up. What will be their "reward"? Higher seat licences. Sound like bondoogle to me.



    A new Bills stadium will be funded by the state, period.


    And yes, don't worry folks, the Bills will stay in Buffalo, forever.

  3. Giants, Jets Receive $300 Million in NFL Stadium Loan


    By Aaron Kuriloff


    Dec. 7 (Bloomberg) -- The New York Giants and Jets received approval for $300 million in National Football League loans toward a shared $1.2 billion stadium in the New Jersey Meadowlands.


    Representatives of the league's teams, meeting in Dallas, voted 30-2 to grant each New York franchise $150 million through a program that provides financing for stadium construction, Giants co-owner Steve Tisch said in an interview. No other single project has received more than $150 million since the NFL's program began in 1999.


    ``With no other obstacles, we're in good position to break ground in the spring,'' Tisch said.


    The Jets-Giants request risked being the first that the owners rejected. Some owners were concerned that increased revenue from the new stadium, once added to the players' salary pool, would boost payrolls for all teams. Owners of both teams said the privately financed stadium was contingent on the $300 million NFL contribution.


    The NFL players union said this week it was willing to cut the salary ceiling by $800 million over 15 years to reduce the stadium's impact on other teams. It said a new facility would raise salaries by around $2 million a year.


    With financing secure, the next step for the stadium project is an environmental-impact hearing Dec. 13-14 before two New Jersey state commissions.


    Share Stadium


    The Giants and Jets said they should get twice the usual loan because they are the only NFL teams sharing a facility. They agreed to split the costs of replacing 30-year-old Giants Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey, after the Jets were unable to get public funding for a stadium on Manhattan's West Side.


    The teams' plans call for building an 84,000-seat stadium next door to Giants Stadium, with a footprint of about 630,000 square feet, according to a document submitted to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and the Meadowlands Commission, which will hold the hearings next week.


    The Giants plan to build a 20-acre training facility in the southwest corner of the development, along with parking areas and tailgating zones. Broadcast facilities, sports medicine clinics, stores, restaurants and a New Jersey Transit rail spur also are part of the project.


    Playing in the U.S.'s largest market, the Giants had annual revenue of $182 million, according to a 2006 listing by Forbes magazine, while the Jets had about $179 million. The Washington Redskins led the league, with $303 million.




    A new stadium might help both New York teams generate more money from skyboxes, luxury seating, parking, concessions and naming rights, even after borrowing for construction, said Craig Depken, who teaches sports economics at the University of Texas, Arlington.


    Depken said the average NFL team gains about $20 million in profit annually from a new stadium.


    ``I imagine at current rates, the debt will be something like $20-25 million a year, so they'll need to get more than the $20 million league average,'' Depken said. ``I have no doubt they'll get it.''


    The teams may make more money, and help pay for the stadium, by selling seat licenses, a one-time fee for a transferable permit to buy tickets, said Max Muhleman, president of Private Sports Consultants in Charlotte, North Carolina, who has worked on stadium projects for the Carolina Panthers and other NFL teams.


    ``They receive ownership or equity in their seats that can be transferred or sold if they wish,'' Muhleman said. ``This is not a front-burner need, but it could contribute a significant amount of capital, around $90 or $100 million.''


    Revenue Restrictions


    Other teams don't share in local revenue that new stadiums generate, such as money from luxury seats, skyboxes, parking and naming rights. Because the NFL's labor agreement calculates the salary ceiling as a percentage of total league revenue, the new stadium also will raise player salaries for all teams.


    Ralph Wilson, owner of the Buffalo Bills, was one of two owners to vote against the labor agreement in March 2006. U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer, a New York Democrat, joined Wilson in an Oct. 10 news conference saying the agreement threatened the NFL's competitive balance because it left teams such as Buffalo with income pegged to the local economy and expenses dictated by teams in bigger markets such as New York City, Washington or Dallas.


    Gene Upshaw, president of the National Football League Player's Association, said this week that the union would accept an $800 million cut over 15 years in the salary limit -- $102 million per team this season -- in order to alleviate concerns about labor costs to other teams.


    Cowboys owner Jerry Jones also said in an interview in October that owners were working to mitigate revenue differences and called giving the Giants and Jets $300 million a ``reasonable approach.''


    ``I think we are working and have worked with the player's association to mitigate that revenue so it can take steps to clear the way for a new stadium,'' Jones said.

  4. here is the misleading component with that stat........... yea we are 12th and SD is 21, but the key for a stat like that, is your percentage of seats filled in regards to your stadium capacity. and look who falls dead last in that category. sad to say folks, but that is telling!!



    Please explain to me your rationale when Jacksonville has to cover 7000 seats just to "sell out?"

  5. The difference is that other teams are selling out their games now. Sellouts are now almost always a given in most NFL cities.


    I am not saying anyone is obligated to buy a ticket. What I am saying is that because local people cannot afford to support this team all the time and considering the lowest ticket prices in the league, stuff like this increases the chance that the Bills will move in the long run.



    Thank you - someone else who get's it...


    I've been saying the same thing since Tuesday and have been accused of being negative.


    Hopefully the bills will kill the jaguars and the remaining season will sell out.


    But this is an embarassment.

  6. Why do people bring up the Sabres? The Sabres to sell out an entire season needs to sell what? About 750,000 tickets right? The Bills to sell out EIGHT games need to sell over 1,100,000 + .... thats the huge difference. Also isnt the average Sabres ticket about $10 less? Combine that with church, jobs (Sabres games usually at night, not in the middle of the day) ... etc and you have your reason (imo)



    daquixers, i'm not following your numbers...


    Ralph Wilson stadium sits just under 74,000 people.


    74000 X 8 regular season games a year = 592,000 tickets.


    Sabres play what, 40 games at HSBC that sits just under 19,000?


    18,690 X 40 games a year = 680,000


    Numbers above are just estimates; but I don't see where the Bills have to sell over a million tickets a year for a regular season.


    I also don't buy this excuse:


    "Combine that with church, jobs (Sabres games usually at night, not in the middle of the day) ... etc and you have your reason (imo)"


    With a fan base that spreads from Rochester to Southern Ontario, there is no excuse for the Bills not to sell out the game before the blackout deadline.


    Is it true they are down to a couple thousand tickets? If that's the case - Ralph should either buy the tickets and donate them to the service men/women in our area and their families OR find a company to buy them out.

  7. Dude. Your not getting it. If Jax is doing as bad or worse then us then they may move to LA before we do. Thats what the original poster was saying. What dont you get? If we covered 10,000 seats with a big tarp, then we would EASILY sell out every game for the rest of our existance.



    Dude, I get it. It's clear. I don't care what's going on in Jacksonville. From a national perspective - we ALWAYS get the short end of the stick. With the attitudes around here (clearly some justify the economy of Buffalo not to support the team; meanwhile, HSBC is COMPLETELY sold out for the YEAR) - that we should count on Jacksonville moving over the BILLS.


    Anything is a possiblity - anything less than a sell out is inexcusable. period. That's why it is imperative that we continue to buy tickets.


    You guys just don't like reality, do you?


    ps: Hey Daquixers, isn't Nate in need of a fluffing or something?

  8. Oh no, I must live in a fantasy world because some screen name on the intarweb told me I did!  Not only that, but you still aren't following the thread or what I'm responding to.  You automatically assume that I'm talking about mentioning the Bills, when I'm not.


    Lets review why you are stupid:


    1.) You yell at him to "GO BUY A TICKET AND SHUT UP"

    2.) He responds to you with: I have season tickets

    3.) You, the guy who is pushing for everyone to go buy tickets, respond to someone who DID buy a ticket by telling him that he is delusional and to "!@#$ off".




  9. hahaha ... OK! Sounds like you are more willing to justify 3 hours of watching a football game for a week of watching your family struggle with monetary problem. Hate to break it to you, but including the PSL, a Bills season ticket is nearly 1/2 year of rent.


    The NFL will not force a team to move. The Bills have ZERO chance of moving until Ralph Wilson dies and many believe (including those inside the company) believe Tom Golisano will make a bid to buy the Bills after Wilson dies.



    yo i know exactly how much the tix cost - i have four seasons under my name - and I don't even live in WNY.


    my whole point: let's worry about our own backyard and not J-ville.


    we need to continue to sell out that stadium every week. i don't care about our past or the last 24-25 sell outs - i'm concerned about our future... and the message it sends if FANS don't buy TIX.


    why are fighting over this - it's a no brainer.

  10. Your hilarious ... Greenbay is like that because of its incredible history.


    P.S. some people would rather feed/clothe their kids then make a trip to a football game ... and that doesnt make them any "less" of a fan. I know a guy who would LOVE to go to a Cowboys game. Just ONE! But he is working a ton of hours just to help his parents/siblings keep the house and have food! Would you rather him spend the money on a ticket? Give me a break. You should apply for a Bills marketing position.



    sounds like many of you are willing to justify a Bills departure... sad

  11. Wow, you call him delusional, you tell him to !@#$ off, yet you're the one who can't even follow a simple topic on a message board (a post which he was replying to, mind you).


    You're a dumbshit.



    nah, you're a dumbshit. how can one talk about teams moving to LA and not bring up BUFFALO? The national media does it all the time asswipe.


    Go ahead folks, go live in your fanstasy world. Godforbid the Bills leave - but if I were you; I'd worry about the team in your backyard and not the one down south.


    If you freaks can't gleam that from my multiple messages then - yes, !@#$ off

  12. Sounds good to me



    me, too. throw in Danny Wegman, too.


    As a bills fan and huge buffalo supporter - i have zero confidence in our politicians and business community to get their act together to preserve a great tradition in Buffalo.


    Yes, we have Schumer and Higgins battling on our behalf - but the fan base must continue to do its part - buy more season tickets and sell out this team.


    Yes, winning will help - but supporting this team is non-negotiable. Making a stand because you do not support the product only enables a re-lo.


    (Sorry, I don't know why the fact that we have 7500 tix left bothers me. If we can't sell out this game on a holiday weekend, I can't imagine what the next three will be like after JAX - god I hope the Bills WIN all the way).


    Go Bills and happy turkey day.

  13. LOL.  WTF kind of moronic post is this? 


    #1  I have season tix even though I live in Virginia.  But thanks for playing anyway.


    #2  Are you talking about Bills fans that have sold out 24 or their last 25 games despite being horrible for the last seven years?


    #3  And again.  JAX is good.  The NY Giants are good.  It was a Monday night game.  The stadium was about 30% empty.  There also were/are 15 sections of tarped over seats because so many tickets remain empty.  Now, 7,500 tickets remaining in Buffalo doesn't seem like a big deal when the announcers tried to justify the small crowd last night ijn JAX because the WIND CHILL was around 40 degrees.  Football in JAX has never really taken off.


    Let's bet the Bills will sellout or come VERY close by gametime Sunday.  Just like always.


    Get a clue!



    Dude, you're delusional.


    1) I could give two ***** where you live. I have season tix and live in Boston. (Nice try).


    2) I don't care what's going on in JAX - I care more about the Buffalo Bills and their cemented future in this area.


    3) The Bills season should be sold out and a season ticket waiting list should exist - ala Green Bay.


    4) Again, you're delusional not realize that we will always be targeted as a team re-lo until the lease is redone to secure its future here in WNY. It's our job as fans to do our part - the part we CAN Control - to not enable the league/future owners to move the team.


    #$% off.

  14. i don't know where mitholidian verginia is, but my guess is it's a heck of a commute.


    But golly, what's with all the nasties today? We won, and our "QB of the Future" showed a pulse, and well, we won.


    I'm happy. Sorry to hear you're not.


    We now return you to your regularly scheduled rant.



    Yo, just as thrilled as the next bills fan with Sunday's win. It was much needed and good for JP - I think everyone wants to see the guy succeed.


    But the truth is: Bills fans need to support this team when they're good - and when they're not so good. Until we get a new stadium (preferably somewhere closer to downtown) and a legit new lease - the Buffalo Bills will always be viewed as a team on the move. Either to LA or more likely Toronto.


    It's imperative that we sell out the Ralph this weekend, and every home game.


    Go Bills.

    Go Sabres (nice win tonight!)

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