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Posts posted by Hirly5

  1. I am currently watching the Man U- Chelsea match on FSC and Wanye Rooney just got carte off on a stretcher. He was tackled from the side and his ankle got caught underneath the defender. He stayed down and was rolling around in pain. It may be a slight sprain but he looked in pain. If he is injured too bad, that aint good for Englands chances in the World Cup. Chelsea is up 3- nil also. They are going to repeat as Premiership Champs again.

  2. I'm not sure...but I believe TSN and OLN are run by the same people, and they chose to show the same game on both their stations.


    Which is awfully stupid.  Two games, two stations...show both games, morons!


    Is there even an OLN in Canada? That is what I meant. If Canada does not have access to OLN then that can explain why they switched to a 3-1 game. Here is another thought, maybe TSN just doesnt like the Buffalo Sabres. Maybe they figured more people would rather watch the Rangers than the Sabres.


    Either way I hope Center Ice realizes this problem might occur again and uses a local feed instead of a national feed that doesnt have a reason to stay with a blow out.

  3. Yeah, I would blame TSN on this one. I also think that it was on OLN in America but not shown in Canada so that is why they switched. Some people are forgetting that it was the Canadian feed so they could care less if a game they switched to was already on in America. I was glad that Center Ice caught on and switched to MSG. I dont understand the switch either way though. The Rangers-Devils game was 3-1 anyways. It wasnt like it was tied or anything.


    Did anyone catch the intermission between the 3rd period and overtime on the Carolina-Montreal game? Don Cherry called JP Dumont, JP Dupont. Don Cherry is something special. Since the Sabres game was on TSN, he didnt watch it because "I dont watch the other guys games." I assume since he was on CBC, the other guy was TSN.


    Hopefully Center Ice will rethink about using TSN for the next game and use MSG.

  4. On a related note, does anybody know who the carrier will be for tonight's game on Center Ice? I pray it is MSG.....


    It is TSN. None of the non-national games are on MSG for Center Ice owners. No RJ :w00t:

  5. I just bought that online- thanks!  I still have some Arsenal songs stuck in my head.  I sat in the Arsenal punting section for Arsenal-Fulham in March.  Arrrr-senn-alllll! Arrrr-senn-alllll! Arrrr-senn-alllll!


    On a sidenote- Olivier, Hirly, AJ- are you familiar with the Auld Firm(Old Firm) football game between Glasgow Rangers and Glasgow Celtics?  I was over there and heard many perspectives on that game- fascinating


    I know that it goes deeper than just soccer. The Protestants (Rangers) vs the Catholics (Celtic). I actually own a Rangers jersey because Claudio Reyna played for them a few years back. I have heard that you do not want to be in certain parts of Glasgow wearing the wrong colors. Blue for the Rangers and green for Celtic. Those fans have a lot of passion.


    I would love to go to a soccer match in Europe sometime. The crowd chants and reactions are always great. Hornsby does a great job in describing the environment at matches before and after.

  6. A really good book to read is Fever Pitch by Nick Hornsby. He wrote High Fidelity too. It is about his love or obsession with Arsenal. It is a great book because you can relate to it so easily. Replace Arsenal with the Bills and you could write the same book. This was the basis for the movie "Fever Pitch" that came out last year about the Red Sox. Once again, this will help shed some light on English soccer.


    I love to watch soccer. Any level. Soccer is like hockey in my mind, either you like it or you dont. A lot of my friends think it is boring. Not enough scoring or action. I can easily sit and watch a nil - nil tie. You are right about the near misses being just as exciting as an actual goal. What some players can do with the ball is amazing. It always amazes me how a player can take a booming cross and chest it or handle it so easily. Cross and then right to foot.


    I like watching the really top clubs or top national teams because the ball rarely goes out of bounds due to mistake. If you watch a Premiership game then watch a MLS game you can tell the skill level difference. The ball goes out a lot in MLS. But the best athletes in America dont take up soccer. They take up football or basketball. Slowly but surely I think the USA will progress.

  7. I agree that soccer is very political. I wouldn't put too much faith in the FIFA rankings. It is some complicated formula (much like the BCS). Is the USA good? I think so, but not 4th best in the world.


    I have Fox Soccer Channel and that channel is great. Weekends are filled with all sorts of soccer action. A really good resource for understanding the Premiership is The Limey on si.com. At the bottom they have a tutorial on relegation, the different cups, divisions, etc. It is really helpful if you are new to English soccer.


    I like the Champions League but that has some drawbacks. I guess my biggest beef is the G14 (it may be G12 or something like that). It basically is an alliance between the top clubs in Europe that guarentees that the members will be in the Champions League every year. I think teams should get in on merit. I have seen some articles that a showdown could come where the G14 breaks away and forms a SuperLeague making the Champions League nul and void. Enough of the doom and gloom. Soccer is a great sport and I can't wait for the World Cup this summer.

  8. Have any of you had Lake Placid Ubu? It was pretty good. The tap handle was a big dog bone. When I lived in Rochester, I lived across the street from JB Quimbys at Winton and Jefferson. They always had good beer on tap. Every month they would switch it up. They let you keep the Beer of the Month pint glass every Wednsday. I miss that place. Another beer I enjoy is Anchor Steam - Anchor Porter.


    One beer that is horrible is Ithaca Nut Brown.

  9. Sep 10 @New England - Loss

    Sep 17 @Miami - Win

    Sep 24 N.Y. Jets - Win

    Oct 1 Minnesota - Win

    Oct 8 @Chicago - Loss

    Oct 15 @Detroit - Loss

    Oct 22 New England - Loss

    Nov 5 Green Bay - Win

    Nov 12 @Indianapolis - Loss

    Nov 19 @Houston - Loss

    Nov 26 Jacksonville - Loss

    Dec 3 San Diego - Win

    Dec 10 @N.Y. Jets - Win

    Dec 17 Miami - Loss

    Dec 24 Tennessee - Loss

    Dec 31 @Baltimore - Loss



  10. - I agree, cell phone use at the gym is stupid


    - Annoying cell phone rings at work


    - People talking on the cell phone in a confined space


    - People that wear the little ear piece for their cell phone


    - When I worked Burger King Drive-Thru in high school, people that ordered a Big Mac, Chicken McNuggets, "Meal Deal things", didn't know what they wanted, put no effort into giving their money or receiving their food, talking on their cell phones, and handing me garbage to throw out for them


    - Coworkers that tell me about their kids, their weekend, something funny that happened ... I really don't care


    - IT guys


    - Really old people that pay for groceries with a check


    Basically I hate cell phones and old people

  11. From the Discovery Website


    Unlike last season — the last derby style race to catch as many crabs as possible in a matter of days — fishermen must now abide by a new set of rules and regulations that were implemented to decelerate the already dangerous conditions in the Alaskan waters. New policy dictates that each ship is given its own quota instead of one fleet-wide quota, allowing captains months to trawl for crabs instead of days.


    Either way it should be fun to watch.

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