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Posts posted by Hirly5

  1. I find it funny how Davis and Wilson are meddlesome owners (which they are) but couldn't the staff remove there names and insert Daniel Snyder and Jerry Jones name into the article and the article could read the same way.


    Where are the pieces trashing the way Dallas and Washington run their front offices? If you look around the NFL, the teams that remain good have owners who step back and let football guys run the team.


    I think every Bills fan understands that the only way the team is going to get back to its winning ways of the past is a new owner.

  2. What if the Bills hired Ron Jaworski as GM? It has been mentioned many times and most recently as Dec 23rd on The Tony Kornheiser Radio Program that Jaws' dream job is to be a GM of an NFL team. I think he would be a perfect fit in Buffalo. He is local and knows the mentalitly of the area.


    Jaws watches tons of film on every team. He knows what schemes work and what schemes fail. With all the film that he studies, I think he would be a great evaluator of talent. It would give the Bills some local and national buzz. It would bring a well respected football person into the organ-eye-zation which would help stop the constant bashing of the Bills front office and their aging owner. Instead of being the circus in Buffalo, maybe some free agents and coaches would like to come to Buffalo if Jaws was the GM.


    The only reservation is that the last person that came out of the booth and into the front office chair was Matt Millen and we all know how that worked out.


    I think it would be a win-win for the Bills. They get some PR buzz ala TO but MOST importantly, they actually get a well respected football mind in the front office. :thumbsup:

  3. I picked up a book of his last year and haven't stopped reading his stuff since. I have two more to go and I'll be stuck waiting after that. Anybody read his work? I have never had an author that I enjoyed reading more. It's definately not for everybody but I think the guy is brilliant.


    If you enjoy a sarcastic and unabashed view of society, I'd give him a try. Warning though, his stuff can get fairly graphic and off color. He wrote the book "Fight Club" which most know from the movie. My personal favorite is "Haunted".

    This is his site if anyone is interested:






    Any other fans here? I'll be running out of Palahniuk books soon and need some suggestions if anybody has any.



    Another decent author like Palahniuk is Tim Dorsey. He writes in a similar style but a little less brutal.

    He is the best in the bidness. I have purchased all his books and enjoyed them all. They tend to be quick reads because you never want to put it down. The most messed up book is Invisible Monster (which might be the best one out of the bunch). I suggest Survivor, Choke, and Snuff.


    His writing style is great. He uses some of the same elements in each book but then introduces a different way of telling the story. I am always checking to see if he has written anything new. I agree they are not for everyone. They are graphic and tend to highlight the not so pleasant side of human nature.


    There is a collection of essays on Fight Club called You Do Not Talk About Fight Club which is pretty interesting. A few essays stink but a majority of the essays are good and make you think alittle but differently about the movie/book.

  4. Tim,


    I was listening to the Tony Kornheiser Radio Program from Dec 23rd and he had Ron Jaworski on. Mr. Tony mentioned that Jaws always wanted to be a GM. Mr. Tony has mentioned this before. How crazy would it be that local boy Ron Jaworski comes back to Buffalo as a the GM? I do not think anyone else watches more film on every team in the NFL than he. I think he is a great talent evaluator and knows what schemes work in the NFL today. It would create some local buzz for the Bills ala last years TO signing appeasing the fan base (more importantly put paying fannies in the seats) but then make a splash nationally as Jaws works for ESPN. The only reservation is that Matt Millen kind of messed up the from the booth to the front office path but I Billieve that Jaws can get the job done.

  5. Tahou's closes at 8pm now??? That sucks, man...Nice that they're open at 8am for a hangover breakfast, but 8pm?? Prime business for that place when I lived in Rochester was 2-4am. I can taste that italian bread and hot plate right now...yummmmmmmy.

    I believe the one downtown closes at 8pm. The one on Lyle stays open to the wee hours. I miss the late night trips to Tahous or the less crowded Henrietta Hots (convienently across the street from the Klassy Kat).

  6. Week 1 Mon, Sep 14 @ New England Patriots L

    Week 2 Sun, Sep 20 Tampa Bay Buccaneers W

    Week 3 Sun, Sep 27 New Orleans Saints L

    Week 4 Sun, Oct 04 @ Miami Dolphins L

    Week 5 Sun, Oct 11 Cleveland Browns W

    Week 6 Sun, Oct 18 @ New York Jets W

    Week 7 Sun, Oct 25 @ Carolina Panthers L

    Week 8 Sun, Nov 01 Houston Texans W

    Week 9 Sun, Nov 08 BYE

    Week 10 Sun, Nov 15 @ Tennessee Titans L

    Week 11 Sun, Nov 22 @ Jacksonville Jaguars W

    Week 12 Sun, Nov 29 Miami Dolphins W

    Week 13 Thu, Dec 03 New York Jets (Toronto) W

    Week 14 Sun, Dec 13 @ Kansas City Chiefs W

    Week 15 Sun, Dec 20 New England Patriots L

    Week 16 Sun, Dec 27 @ Atlanta Falcons W

    Week 17 Sun, Jan 03 Indianapolis Colts L



  7. I'm not defending her but, McDonald's was stupid to not give her a refund when they found out they were out of McNuggets. It's just insane they never did that.

    I agree. That is the thing that stuck out to me. Why no refund? As a veteran of Burger King, I recall on some occasions giving out refunds. These people are stealing from her and she should call 9-1-1.

  8. There's got to be some problem between Cutler and McDaniels. Why are they trying so hard to shop him?


    I believe Cutler was mad that his QB coach (security blanket) left for USC. Peter King wrote about it in his MMQB column on si.com. Also, the fact that McDaniel probably wants to establish it is his team and if the QB is not on board then he is expendable.

  9. I know Marv Levy is sacred around here but was he really that good of a coach or did he just fall into the right situation with the likes of Jim Kelly, Thurman Thomas, Bruce Smith etc roaming the field for him. He was outcoached in EVERY single Super Bowl. The worst was Super Bowl 25 when Bill Parcells and Bill Belichek out schemed the Bills. They went with a ball control offense and dropped as many people into the passing lanes as possible on defense. The Bills never adjusted to this game plan that the Giants had (Earlier in the year, the Bills went to the Meadowlands and beat the Phil Simms led Giants). The Giants learned from that experience and used it in the Super Bowl. In Super Bowl 26, the Redskins were a better team. In Super Bowl 27, both the Bills and the Cowgirls were the top seeds in their conferences yet Buffalo got absolutely annihalated. In Super Bowl 28, the Bills were lucky to get into the Super Bowl I think riding off of the emotion from the Comeback Game.


    Sure Marv was good at handling all the personalities of the Super Bowl era but when it came to game day, he was outcoached in the biggest games. Now to Dick Jauron, sure he is a heck of a nice guy and the players love him but on game day he is outcoached every freakin' week. :thumbsup:

  10. red-zone scoring still an issue


    Isn't this the main reason why they went out and drafted a 6'7" reciever named James Hardy? I know he sells siding but I am sure he can out jump 5'11" corners with minimal effort as well.


    I can see not playing him in regular game situations because he might be behind on the playbook but how hard is to tell him to run to the corner and jump in red zone situations. This coaching staff never utilized him properly. He should have dominated in the red zone but he never was given a chance. That is why this staff needs to go, they didn't utilize their talent properly (see running Jackson on goal line/short yardage instead of the guy they call Beast).

  11. Ummm, no matter how much money we came up with, we don't work for the Bills and we don't have the power to hire a coach. If I was a billionaire, do you think I could just call up Bill Cowher and say "I'm going over the head of the front office, you're hired for 10 million a year"? Of course not. How, in your mind, would this work?


    This scenario only works at the college level where rich boosters influence the president on who to hire or they pull their donations.


    Maybe if you were a billionaire, you could hire Cowher and give him a headset so when he is sitting in the CBS studio watching the games he can act like he is coaching.

  12. Anyone plan on watching this documentary on the 1958 NFL Championship game? The game film is remastered and in color. I kind of wish it was in black and white.


    I read the book over the summer. It was a really good read and I highly recommend it as a Christmas gift. The list of HOFers playing and coaching in the game was amazing. There were 17 in total. To me, the most interesting storyline was the rise of Johnny Unitas and Raymond Berry from fringe players to being one of the best at their respective positions.

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