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Posts posted by nero47

  1. This move smells of brilliance in under the radar, maybe Cowher feed this idea into Ralphs head when they couldnt agree on a deal.

    Don't know about "brilliance", but I was thinking the same thing about Cowher. Wonder if this was one of the coordinators he was supposed to be calling, getting info for the bills.

  2. Lets be reasonable here. For the last few weeks, a few assistant coaches have turned down the Bills head-coaching postition. Let me send a message to all of them. Here goes...


    I can understand that guys like Cowher and Shannahan turning us down. I understand that the future of the franchise is up in the air. I understand guys like the two mentioned above don't want to tarnish THEIR winning legacies by coming here. I also understand you assistants have playoff games you are preparing for. I further understand that the weather sucks in Buffalo, the stadium is old, the market is small and the team you could inherit is lousy, dreadful, hideous and woeful.


    But reasonably, are you the ones losing out in the long term? You're turning down the opportunity to:


    1.) Make significantly more money.

    2.) Make a name for YOURSELF

    3.) In the process, make a better life for your family by doing #1 and #2, yourself.


    Fine, we get it. The Buffalo job is the worst in the NFL. hahaha, we get it, we suck. Nobody else needs to turn us down for us to realize that. We've known it for ten years. But what we are, even though we're a "small-market". We are a very proud, dedicated fan base. We can live with losing, alot of us say at the conclusion of every year: "I'm done with this team". But the diehards, like myself, will stick with the Bills. Yeah, its an embarrassing time to be a Bills fan, but at the end of the day, we are just that. We love our Bills...even when its not our proudest era.


    So, in closing. You can all continue to turn us down. But now, especially in these economic tumulutous times, don't all be jackasses. What's the worst that happens? You take a job in "NFL Hell", make a ton more money, it doesn't work out...in the end, you can go back and be a ......oh yeah....Coordinator (a wealthy-er Coordinator, too!)...


    Just a thought!

    My thoughts exactly. Also, I might add, perhaps they do not have a vision of what being a HC is all about and have no confidence in their ability. it is always easier to let the other guy drive the ship, and not have to take the heat. Finally, even if you interview you don't have to take the job, but you will have been through it once.


    I would like to see a Billick or other previous HC hired and make them all look like donkeys.

  3. Lets be reasonable here. For the last few weeks, a few assistant coaches have turned down the Bills head-coaching postition. Let me send a message to all of them. Here goes...


    I can understand that guys like Cowher and Shannahan turning us down. I understand that the future of the franchise is up in the air. I understand guys like the two mentioned above don't want to tarnish THEIR winning legacies by coming here. I also understand you assistants have playoff games you are preparing for. I further understand that the weather sucks in Buffalo, the stadium is old, the market is small and the team you could inherit is lousy, dreadful, hideous and woeful.


    But reasonably, are you the ones losing out in the long term? You're turning down the opportunity to:


    1.) Make significantly more money.

    2.) Make a name for YOURSELF

    3.) In the process, make a better life for your family by doing #1 and #2, yourself.


    Fine, we get it. The Buffalo job is the worst in the NFL. hahaha, we get it, we suck. Nobody else needs to turn us down for us to realize that. We've known it for ten years. But what we are, even though we're a "small-market". We are a very proud, dedicated fan base. We can live with losing, alot of us say at the conclusion of every year: "I'm done with this team". But the diehards, like myself, will stick with the Bills. Yeah, its an embarrassing time to be a Bills fan, but at the end of the day, we are just that. We love our Bills...even when its not our proudest era.


    So, in closing. You can all continue to turn us down. But now, especially in these economic tumulutous times, don't all be jackasses. What's the worst that happens? You take a job in "NFL Hell", make a ton more money, it doesn't work out...in the end, you can go back and be a ......oh yeah....Coordinator (a wealthy-er Coordinator, too!)...


    Just a thought!

    My thoughts exactly. Also, I might add, perhaps they do not have a vision of what being a HC is all about and have no confidence in their ability. it is always easier to let the other guy drive the ship, and not have to take the heat. Finally, even if you interview you don't have to take the job, but you will have been through it once.


    I would like to see a Billick or other previous HC hired and make them all look like donkeys.

  4. My assumption would be that Cowher has already told the Bills that he's not interested. He and the Bills reached a mutual agreement not to confirm or deny anything other than that they met.


    I'm really starting to believe that the Bills thought their chances of landing Shanny or Cowher were very low so they came up with a plan B that involved Buddy Nix and his connections to the Schottenheimer family.

    I would take it one step further. Cowher has until Sunday night to accept whatever contract is out there. If the Jets and Minnesota lose and Cowher has accepted the agreement, then a news conference will be called for Tues or Wed. to announce the new HC B. Schottenheimer or Frazier. Scenario 2, if both teams win Cowher lives another week. Scenario 3, if one team wins and the other loses, and the losing team's coordinator is not named HC, then that Co-ord is eliminated. :thumbdown:

  5. But there is always a problem. Since they did not make the final 8, they are not handicapped by the free agent rules of the uncapped year. They can go out and sign whom they want. Also they have a mid range 1st round choice and 3 second round draft picks this year and 2 firsts next year to rebuild.

    They can sign those not under contract. Also, we have seen where BB signs players who fit his system. I don't have a list of who is available, but I don't think there are enough players out there for one year. That defense is a mess.

  6. I totally agree that they need to get it right this time, hire experience as a winner, stay away from coordinators who have never been a head coach in the NFL. The only dispute with your statement that has me in disbelief are the words "do whatever it takes and money won't matter" and Ralph's name in the same chapter of the same book much less the same sentence.

    Wake and smell the coffee, these "big name" HC's want to walk into a situation similar to what they left. Buffalo does not offer that situation. Money is not the problem, desire by the HC is. Shanny thinks he has everything in place with the skins, we shall see. Cowher IMHO is holding out for Fox to leave Carolina or Del Rio in Jax.


    (As an aside the team needs to determine the cause of all our injuries. With a team that does not lose over half its starters each year to IR we may actually make the playoffs. )

  7. If you don't interview, you won't get another chance. Sounds like Rivera has found his level. Content to be DC and nothing more. DJ appears set to catch on as DC somewhere, same with Fewell. Although you may fail as HC, does not mean you will stay unemployed. i.e. Mangini, Weiss, crennel, etc. Our problem has not been spending money, it has been not spending wisely and not drafting wisely. Both elements depend on the type system the coaching staff puts in place.

  8. Unlike star players who can go from team to team and succeed based on their talent, a Star coach must assemble first a coaching staff equal to his previous staff and install a system similar. Then he must find all the parts(players) necessary to execute the system. Finally he must have the desire to win again. In most cases, it is very difficult to obtain all the necessary players and most importantly to rekindle the fire. As examples, I would point to V. Lombardi, J. Johnson, Gibbs, Parcells (although he did get back to the SB with NE, He is probably the only exception).


    There is generally a reason why coaches retire. IMHO, it is usually burn out. Coaches who want to spend time with their children during the teen years have already missed the boat. It's nice but it is about the coach not the child. When the come back the game is not the same, and the desire is not the same.


    Cowher needs to stay in the studio unless he is really hungry. Buffalo, although not the best situation would provide a great challenge for someone with the fire to win.

  9. Theoretically, leverage is nice, however the Bills are in desperate need of legitimacy. And Ralph gets older by the day.


    Can the Bills really afford to play chicken?

    forget Cowher, i want a coach who is going to get us to the SB not just to the playoffs. If he has to be dragged here under his terms and conditions, does he really have the fire to be a winner here? Let him make his demands negotiate a reasonable balance or just say no, and let the rest of us go on.

  10. #1 - the bills (levy) did the WRONG thing by bringing in and paying Walker & Dockery considerably more money than peters , when Peters clearly was the better player and then confounded the situation by not taking care of Peters by re-doing his deal to at least equal that or better of those other two overpaid slugs.


    #2- the bills did the RIGHT thing by shipping his azz out of here for essentailly Woods & Nelson, because he became a cancer on this team, which i blame both he and the bills, but mostly the bills.


    #3- the bills did the WRONG thing by not using their first 1st round pick in securing Peters replacement by drafting Michael Oher instead of Maybin, thereby exposing themselves to continued ridicule over moving Peters.

    Why is it always the team's fault? Th player gat a raise commensurate with his progress as player and was offered a new contract close to what he finally got from Philly. IMHO, he is now beginning to show his true level of talent. Some truly excel and others level off. He has leveled off and may be declinng.

  11. Dear Buffalo Bills and Bills Fans Worldwide:



    I encourage all Bills fans to hear this letter and demand today that the Bills truly commit to becoming a winning organization that we can be proud of. It is D-DAY in Bills Nation and the organization needs to hear our plea. Get to fixing these problems or dare I say it......... get the hell out of Wetsern New York and let us get on with our lives


  12. Let's see some examples of that generosity. I have followed the team for 50 years and could give you dozens of examples of the Bills not signing their own stars because they would not pay them what they were worth on the market, and the trends are just as frugal regarding getting top free agents. We dont... period.

    Examples please?

  13. Cowher is either a scared coward, or a confused prima donna.


    1. Coward - He knows that when he was hired in Pittsburgh, that the players were already in place. his job was to build on what was there. In Buffalo, He will have to actually build a team without having a core and scheme already in place, and doesn't have enough confidence to believe he can get it done. (By the way for those of you who always believe RW is cheap- Back in the 70's and 80's, the bonus money for players used to come from loans of his other businesses. Today there is more than enough from tv revenues to pay for it. Also, huge sums have been paid out, but to the wrong players. RW didn't pick the players).


    2. Prima Donna - If $10mil is on the table, and the future of the franchise is stable (as I have seen on this board being reported), then Cowher's decision to come here is perplexing. If he really wants to coach this year and he is up to the challenge, then get with it.



  14. Too many on this board look at coaching candidates based on singular areas of success. IMHO we need to be looking for managerial head coaches, someone who can put the right people in the right places. We haven't seen that in the last ten years.


    Grimm may be ready for a coordinators role, but not HC as I see it.

  15. I wonder how much all of this "success" that everyone is saying this team is having is attributed to the emergence of Fewell, or the fact that this team and certain individuals on it are playing hard not knowing if they're going to have a job next year when/if the new regime starts cleaning house.

    No offense, but I think DJ's tampering on both offense and defense has caused this mess, not the players playing harder now. There job is always on the line. Notice the aggressiveness on offense these last few weeks. Yes the QB is not the answer to our future, but have you noticed the TD's being called back and the improved playcalling. This team without all the OL injuries and PF as head coach imho would be 7-6 at this point maybe even 8-5 ( The offense stopped moving when butler went down in NE). IF PFbeats NE and ATL, he should get serious consideration for HC.


    just my two cents.

  16. Second best? Please...that was one of the most disastrous stretches in franchise history. All that winning completely tanked our draft position for years, causing a lack of talent that led to the mediocre stretch we're currently experiencing.

    nice tongue in cheek. But imagine if we had won those 4, we'd be going another ten years. :thumbsup:

  17. Three things stand out in this football game.



    #2. Yes, we need a QB and an offensive line, but DT is our most needed position. When Jamaal Charles and the Chiefs, the Chiefs, run up 140+ on you, it is time to change the defensive line. We need a DT in round #1 or round #2, no questions!!!

    1 play 76 yards. Reason LB and DT went to same hole. DT's are trying to clear openings for LB's to make plays. If Lb (SS) tries to fill same hole + 76 yard TD Run. Stop the play as designed Chiefs run up 70 yards rushing. Wish we had some players left.

  18. I wonder if TE has suffered mre brain damage because of his two concussions than originally thought. it may very well be he reason for his regresion. he plays well one moment, then poorly shortly thereafter, when nothing has changed to cause erratic behavior. Possible backouts?

  19. Fewell will difinitely complicate the Bills coaching search. He will do well enough that he will be a contender for the job. Add in the fact that few if any of the big name guys want to coach the Bills and it may come down to Fewell or a Haslet, Fassell or Trestmann. If that is the case I hope the Bills will refocus their search on a quality GM and let that guy decide who should be head coach.



    Agree on the GM thing, however, we did that with Donahoe and got mularkey. Hopefully we catch a second coming of polian, not an old retread.

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