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Posts posted by nero47

  1. Miami 1:00 W W

    @ Green Bay 1:00 L L

    @ New England 1:00 L L

    NY Jets 1:00 L W

    Jacksonville 1:00W W


    @ Baltimore 1:00 L L

    @ Kansas City 1:00 W W

    Chicago 1:00 W W

    Detroit 1:00 W W

    @ Cincinnati 1:00 L L

    Pittsburgh 1:00 L L

    @ Minnesota 1:00 L L

    Cleveland 1:00 W W

    @ Miami 1:00 L L

    New England 1:00 L W

    @ NY Jets W L


    7-9 we beat the Jets just becuase they won't have anything to play for.

    I Believe 8-8 possibly 9-7 with a surprise win against either (Cin,Pitts,Minn). Jets have enough defense to split. NE has offense in passing game, ? running game (lot of old legs). Mia big ?. Is Ronnie truly back, He does seem breakable. Can Ricky carry them again, if Ronnie goes down. Is henne the real deal?


    Although we play some real contenders ( Cin, Pitts, Minn, GB ) the rest are slightly better, equal, or worse IMO.


    If this team gets to the bye healthy and playing well, then i billieve anything can happen.

  2. It's the offensive line I'm concerned with, more than anything else. It's my biggest critique of Nix and Gailey. Healthy they might be o.k., but if Hangartner goes down, then Woods will have to move over and someone will have to replace him. If Bell or Meridith go down, who'll replace them effectively? I just think they're walking too fine a line with that unit to really expect to be able to win very many games this year. I hope I'm wrong there. And what really bothers me about that isn't that I think they like what they've got there; rather, it seems far more likely that Wilson put the brakes on spending for free agent O-linemen. Or, maybe he implied to Nix that he'd have to make it work on a limited budget. If we have to deal with a front office that doesn't go after big name F.A.'s, who expect to win soley on rookies and guys on rookie contracts, then we'll never be a Super Bowl team. I mean, the few guys we have that end up stars end up leaving more times than not. So, I know I got off on a tangent - I think we'll run good - we did last year and that was with less to work with all around. I think our Defense will be able to stop the run, and I think we'll have, when healthy, a wild-card able team. But, we're so thin in places if injuries happen I think we'll fall apart fast.


    Regarding Bold:


    a.) I am tired of hearing about cheap old ralph. Name a minimum of 3 up to 5 Oline veterans with enough gas left that you could have bought to win now.


    b.) We have purchased FA's in the recent past who did not pan out.



    c.) The "star" which i believe you are referring to (Peters) was being upgraded commensurate with his skills, but felt he deserved much more and forced his own departure. Remember he was considered a ? coming out of college and not drafted by anyone. This year we will see if he is a true star in philly without a mobile qb to protect.

  3. The guy was considered a 1-2 year project coming out of college, so I think we have to wait until next year to see if he can become any kind of player.


    But right now, the Maybin pick is looking to be one of the worst (if not the worst) draft pick in the history of the franchise.

    walt patulski - notre Dame

  4. The NT was rated lower, but seems to have some promise as all rookies do. OTOH, the LT is a project player a few years removed from playing TE. He is a project player despite all the puff pieces written on the bills website. If we rely on these project types to man the blindside it's madness repeated.


    Buffalo conducts their rebuilds in direct contrast to what successful rebuilders like Parcells do: draft lineman, then focus on the non-dull players that Ralph craves. Miami completed their rebuild, while Buffalo will be doing this for the next two years beyond 2010.


    if memory serves, and I know at my age it can be a problem, miami made the playoffs two years ago with a weak schedule and a savvy if not strong-armed QB. Then missed the playoffs last year with a weak defense, "weak" QB, injured premier RB, and tougher schedule. This year the D doesn't appear to have been significantly improved, their O backfield will be manned by the same QB, a damaged RB, and an aging RB. Yes, I would say their rebuilding is complete. :worthy:


    My prediction their record this year 8-8 no playoffs.

  5. Well that's great news then! That means that Nix is confident that Chan will convert one of those 3 QB's into one good NFL caliber starter. One that throw about 10 - 15 more TD's then Ints's, complete at least 60% of his passes, and be able to either hold onto 4th quarter leads, or lead the Bills to 4th quarter comebacks. And Chan will be able to accomplish this feat, with basically the same OL that DJ and Fewell suffered with last season.Yes sir, I'm sure glad Buddy and Chan get paid plenty to eat, drink and live Bills football, because they have one hell of a job ahead of them coming up this season. :)

    let's hope it's a five player line and not 11 different lineman who only play one or two games together and aren't changing positions.

  6. I'm curious to know if we've ever signed this many undrafted FA's?

    Don't know, but this is almost akin to the old 17 round draft days. Back in the day each team took as many as 17 to 20 players in a given year. Tahat way even veteran backups had to fight for their jobs. once in a while a John Unitas or Jack Kemp would show up. In the early nineties, when Dallas was a joke, jimmy johnson traded herschel walker to minn for a boatload of picks. Then because of plan B free agency and Dallas's 1-15 record, he was able to look at every free agent first.


    It would appear that this FO is using a strategy similar to this. Bring in a playmaker and quality players(not merely by their measurables, but their on-field performance), add what amounts to late round draft choices that were considered draftable as udfa's, then find backup FA's to fill. It may take 2-3 years to get everyone you want, but then you're solid for years to come.

  7. I've been a fan since '63, and have never felt this sense of the Bills being unable to get back to the top of the heap, nor the lack of a "savior" figure to pull us out of the doldrums. After the terrible years of the late '60s we had the coming of O.J. After the awful late '70s there was a proven coach on the way in Chuck Knox. After the mid-'80s, Jim Kelly would be the man. But now, we lack any such charismatic figure or proven winner.


    Of course I'll be thrilled if we can get back to the top through a team concept, not having to rely on any single individual. Let's hope that starts happening now.

    How quickly we forget the lou saban years. it was team concept both times. after he left both times the team had a slide. It's not about the super star or the super coach, it's about who can get a team to play together. I believe Gailey will be that coach.

  8. Question. Assuming we have a top quality Defensive Backfield, would it not be wiser to force the opposition to throw the football rather than run it on us?


    Give that we will face Sanchez and Henne (two QBs that are not elite at this time) I believe we would be better served forcing the jets and dolphins to pass not run. Brady however is Brady.


    Are you referring to the 1st Amendment, which allows for freedom of religion. For that amendment makes it clear that the Government shall not impose a state mandated religion on its citizens. Many of our laws were in fact drawn from religious laws and background, some good and some bad.


    Bringing one's belief in God's will determining your decision as to running for public office or not, is not a new concept. It does in fact go back to the founding fathers. In addition to the fact that the Declaration of Independence uses the concept of rights endowed by a creator ( even though the Declaration is not a part of the Constiution).


    To the point of hypocrisy, Gingrich or anyone else, we are all hypocrites simply because we are not perfect or infallible.

  10. Im not sure about that. Hes a strict Constitutionalist, so he understand the Seperation Clause better than anyone.


    And besdies....goverining from a Judeo/Christian ethic does not necessarily mean "bringing more religion into government"

    Please point out the Separation Clause, if by that you refer to "separation of church and state". I seem to have a problem finding it in the US Constitution.

  11. If you are again going to not do what it takes to get a true franchise QB, then trade down and hope we can make the team better.


    I would trade down twice if possible and take a tackle, NT etc with those picks.

    Please tell me who would need to trade up to our position so we could trade down or vice versa. Although this trade talk is always nice one would need a trading partner that has a need for your position.

  12. Get some real good FA's before they are all sold! I see many


    players I would love to have...why don't they??? It's almost like having extra picks in the draft by picking up a few of


    these guys!! I don't understand the Bills thinking...I think Gailey was hired for this belief as the bottom line with this team


    is the BOTTTOM Line in the standings!!!!!!!! :lol:

    Getting FA's you would love to have does not get us to the promised land. Build a Core to get close as miami and the jets have then fill in the final pieces with FA's. This is not Fantasy Football wwhere you have the pick of the league. let the new leadership work their way or buy the team and do it your way. :thumbdown:

  13. No no no.. your grandchildren's grandchildren will be paying back Bush's mistakes and illegal wars. Your grandchildren's grandchildren's grand kids will be paying back anything else.

    Wrong again. Total responsibiltiy belongs to career politicians in Congress. The McClains and other Repubs that have come and gone, Kennedys, Reids, Pelosis, etc. You sir seem to not know or do not understand the roll of the congress vs. the presidency. The House of Representatives is responsible for all Financial bills ie The Budget. The Senate is Responsible for ratifying treaties and Ratifying Wars (legal or illegal Vote no and the President must bring the troops home.) Finally the President's responsibility is to protect the interests of the people by approving or vetoing bills that come from congress to his desk, then executing the laws, not formulating policy as a Corporate CEO. He is also entrusted with negotiating international treaties, then presenting them to the Senate for ratification or denial. HE IS NOT a Sovereign ruler. Finally, the Supreme Court is charged with reviewing bills that become law as to constitutionality before we are apprehended for breaking them.


    If you have not read the federalist papers, now would be a good time to do so. We have all became serfs to the federal government going back to the end of the 1800's. It is not because of Bush or Obama, it is because we keep electing the same congressmen over and over thinking they will change. insanity prevails!!!!!!

  14. I was born in 1962. Growing up I watched the Bills, as many kids did, beside my father. It is a special time in a young boys life. My dad was a huge influence in development as a Bills fan, explaining the game player positions and rules. Now it's my turn sitting there with my boys but it just doesn't seem the same. I don't remember my dad trying to explain to me why someone who hit a person with a car deserves our support. I don't remember my dad trying to explain why someone who derived pleasure from murdering dogs would be a good choice for our team. Have the players changed or has the media spotlight just brought it to the forefront? I just don't know but it gives me a headache just thinking about it....any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    I tell my grandchildren that these players were given much in life. They were elevated to their incomes because they had certain athletic skills, but that did not give them the right to break society's rules, then just go back to the way it was. I believe they shouldn't be allowed to play anywhere. They should find a new occupation.

  15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floyd_Little


    I remember him as a player for the Broncos. A shifty little guy who could catch the ball as good as most receivers. A pumped up version of the Bills Mini Max Anderson - who ironically had jersey number, 22, half of Little's 44 number.


    But statistically, I don't see how he's even considered for the Hall - and now he's going to be inducted. OK, in 9 seasons he topped 1000 yards once - I'll give him that.


    Good for him, but to me, he was just another "pretty good" back from the 60s-70s era.


    Here's his rushing numbers from 67-75

    381, 584, 729, 910, 1133, 859, 979, 312, 445 = total career rushing yards: 6,323 or around 700 per season. BFD!


    Are there not dozens of players more deserving than Little? What am missing here?

    I never considered him a real threat in the pros. He ran upright and went down very easily. As I remember it he would go down on first contact because of his running style.

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