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Posts posted by nero47

  1. The NFL is "What have you done for me lately?". I am scanning the boards reading nonsense like "What took so long", "Maybe they could have just kept him a while longer?, "You know trade him for something, like a 7th rounder in 2020".


    Gentlemen and ladies, if you don't cut the mustard at work (unless you're union), how long does the boss give you to get it right? 3 months, 2 weeks, or until Friday? If the boss has no further use for you, will be at 5:00pm today?


    TE got 3 weeks of the regular season. In 2 of them he bombed. After the third it was obvious he was no longer needed.


    Did the coach mislead us 3 weeks ago with his comments? Yes, a little, but he said throughout the presesaon that although he had a pecking order, no one had clearly separated themselves. Well by game three someone finally had. We weren't really going to challenge for a playoff spot, so find out what we have and be exciting. Hopefully we will.


    Goodbye Trent, your demeanor will make you a good banker, but you will never be a leader.

  2. Nto as bad as the record indicates?


    As evidence, you cite offense and defense. The Bills defense recorded zero sacks. They gave up 34 points on six scoring drives.


    The offense? The fact that you say the QB had time to throw, but didn't; the receivers dropped balls; they ran the wrong patterns---all of this is your argument that we are "not as bad" as it seems??


    Not very convincing.

    Sacks are wonderful and flashy, but not always indicative of how good or bad a defense is. Putting pressure on the QB is more telling. In the second half, Rodgers was making excellent throws under pressure that he didn't make in the first half. He also beat us twice on running plays where he was pressured out of the pocket and his receivers were covered.


    Had our QB and WR played half as well, we might have put up more numbers and looked competitive. As for the WR's johnson was short arming and Evans gave up on plays where he didn't appear to be the go to guy. As I stated near the end of my post. A QB in command can make a huge difference. We shall see.

  3. I agree that we are not as bad as our 0-2 record indicates. Upon reviewing the games, I've noticed a couple things. Defense and special teams have played better than expected imo. Against GB, the defense was putting some pressure on Rodgers and forcing him to make critical throws to his receivers on their back shoulders, away from the coverage. They were great throws and catches. (ed. note - Jennings third down catch in the third quarter, after the interception, should have been challenged as he spun around he put the ball on the ground. Imo I believe that is an incomplete pass).


    The offense, particularly QB had time to throw, but a) didn't, b)did and the ball was dropped, and c) receivers didn't go far enough downfield to get first down yardage, even on third and 6 or less (they ran 3 and 4 yard routes), I am pretty sure that is not what was drawn up. Hopefully, the new QB will be in command and correct the QBing mistakes and be man enough to call out his receivers when they screw up.


    GO Bills!!!

  4. Two weeks into a season we all knew, no matter what, was going to be rough to downright horrible and the same people harping on the same things are still here with the same comments. The previous administrations should have, could have, but didn't make the right moves. The owner is too cheap to buy a team of all stars to go win a superbowl (I notice Jerry Jones and Snyder have been there every year :rolleyes: ). I too want to see a championship football team again before I die (At 63 that might be tough.How about the playoffs? LOL!!!)


    This administration has inherited the mistakes of the past, and unlike the one in Washington did not promise an immediate turn around (nor did they hint at a poor offensive showing in the first two games). But as the title suggests if we win Sunday the first two games will fade from memory and BB in NE will no longer be a genius.


    GO Bills!!!!

  5. I agree with eveything you said in the post, I would like to add that Chan must have been really FRUSTRADED with the way Trent was too scared to do anything with whatever play he just called, to pull him out just after two games. I mean it´s really hard after you have made such a big desition to change directions that fast. Chan knows this makes him look really bad, he is supposed to be the great offensive Guru and now people are thinking he can´t even pick a QB.

    After watching the first two games a couple of times, it is evident that Chan's game plans were right on. It is also evident that Edwards either could not or would not execute them properly. Chan's reaction at the 6:20 mark of the second period against GB, 3rd and 13, it is obvious Chan expected TE to throw to an open receiver downfield and not to CJ as a safety valve. That is when TE lost his coach IMHO.


    They can't let Lynch leave as a free agent and get nothing. They made that mistake with T.O.

    A.) Lynch is locked up until 2012, so he's not leaving anytime soon.


    B.) T.O. signed a one year contract. Franchising him would have been a huge mistake imo. He is 37 years old I believe and was not heavily sought after.


    Wake up and quit playing fantasy football. This team will win and soon, but did anyone realistically believe we were going to make the playoffs?

  7. What were Sanchez's comments? “We really took our turns making mistakes and there’s no excuse for that,” Sanchez said. “This is the ultimate team sport — we all have to [do] it right on every play for it to work.” More..."It just seemed like every time we had a good play on, something happened and we hurt ourselves,” Sanchez said.


    Exactly how is that sooooo much different? :blink:


  8. For you out of towners - I figure I'd give you a small tour of the city of Buffalo. This post doesn't go beyond the city limits (Elmwood strip, Delaware, Main street and Anchor Bar) but this should give you an idea of how Buffalo is! Enjoy :thumbsup:


    Some buildings in Buffalo. The black one has a mall built inside of it - it sucks, though.




    Here is Buffalos tallest building - HSBC tower. On the right, down the road you will see another famous Buffalo restaurant - Pearl Street Brewery. A hot spot before Sabres games!




    A cool looking bank on Main Street. This is actually going to be featured in some new movie coming out starring Keanu Reeves. The movie was filmed in Buffalo in the summer of 2010. Apparently he robs the bank or something.




    The Black Building was the "Erie County Savings Bank" and "Main St. Mall". One of the top 25 Savings Banks in America at the end of the 70's.


    The HSBC Tower was originally Marine Midland Bank back then.


    Finally, the cool looking Bank building with the gold dome was "Buffalo Savings Bank", a top 20 Bank at the time.


    When savings bank went retail in the late 70's and the real estate market tanked in the 80's, these banks and their new young liberal turks took unnecessary risks and went under. (talking about the savings banks). Back then I worked for the "Big E".


    Thanks for the Pics.

  9. At this point I see the Defense trying a number of different looks, that are causing the LB's to think and react rather than just reacting automatically. Also, I am seeing a lot of Dline with 4 men hands down, not your conventional 3-4. Case in point maybin seems to always be in a DE position, rather than OLB, making it easier for the Oline tackle to pick him up.


    Wondering how we will be gameplanning for the regular season?

  10. LMAO no ****. I would think they are sleeping together considering how sensitive Gailey is in regards to his boy getting heckeled.





    Bull ****. Pure and absolute Bull ****. What is this Russia or China? I and every fan has a right to boo, wear bags or whatever. 'Good fans'? You mean lemmings? 'Good' fans? Who the !@#$ are you or gailey or anyone to say what a good fan is? all gailey has done is show he is an over sensitive kitty

    I have no idea what you're age is, but I do have a pretty good idea of your maturity level. On a scale of 0-10 with 0 being the lowest, it is probably 3 and that may be generous.


    a.) You are one who contributes to such antics, as shown on this board with your diatribes about what the team and coaching staff does or doen't do to meet your prescribed ideals for this organization.

    b.) I know that this post, if responded to by you will be dripping with sarcasm because you dislike being reprimanded like an insolent child.

    c.) And, try to grow up a little and show more respect to the new FO and coaching staff until they can actually show something in the coming season or not.

  11. Do you really think it's as black and white as you make it out to be? Any financial adviser would point out a myriad of issues contributing to RW's decision making process. There's a lockout coming, estate taxes, setting up the family, et al. In the interim, maximize revenue (Toronto, raised ticket prices, etc) hype the team, and make preparations for the inevitable. Buffalo's salary will most likely decrease, like many other teams, from 2009 to 2010. Ticket prices went up, as I'm sure advertising and other revenue sources did.


    The Bills made 39M according to Forbes last season. Why would they spend more if the team's going to be sold? Who puts money into a car that'll be sold in short order? Fans need to face facts: the Bills aren't as interested in winning as we'd like them to be. Minnesota is one of the smaller NFL markets and has the highest dollar amount for contracts in the NFL. Don't give me that tired song and dance that Buffalo is small market and can't spend. GB spends as do other small markets.

    Minnesota may be a smaller market. what are their overall revenues and how much did they profit last year? If in fact they spent exhorbitantly to make that final push, good for them. As for Ralph prepaing for his estate and heirs, according to how many on this board view it, he already has his multi millions set up and should have simply sold the team in his middle to late eighties and given the funds as gifts while he could. unfortunately the longer you wait the more you become susceptible to the IRS two year rule, ( any money given as gift within two years of your death is considered transfer of wealth in anticipation of dying, even if the death is accidental. At this point if RW does not have his financial house in order with respect to his death, being cheap isn't going to help. If you don't like the product don't buy it until it improves!!!

  12. This is a business! Not an app on iphones. How much does Jerry Johnson or the redskins generate in profits each year. If you can get more you will spend more. I wish you kids would get better educated. How about we look into your finances and tell you how you should spend them to better interest prospective employers to follow your career. My guess is you would not spend what others think you should to make you better.

  13. I look forward to your sentiments after we come out of the gate 0 -4, which is highly likely. Phins, Pats, Packers and Jets. I do not see how this team wins any of those games.

    I believe the possibility is real that we go 2-2 after the first 4. Why? Both Miami and the Pats have Defensive Weaknesses that can be exploited. Green Bay is clearly Superior on paper, but still gives up a lot of sacks. The jets are still strong defensively, but I believe weakened themselves if they are going to have more of a dependence on Sanchez.

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