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Everything posted by CherryCoke

  1. yeah they showed Thomas on his phone a few times right before picks....but, then i remembered that Drew Rosenhaus is his agent. and he is notorious for bluffing by handing his guy the phone when he is on camera.
  2. can we all just take a step back and think about how long .3 of a second really is. anyone who runs a 4-5 second 40 is fast. People get so caught up in those fractions of seconds. ehh whatever. If they like him. take him!!
  3. I listen to WGR quite often and it is a very good station. Howard/White, Shoop/Bulldog, and Brad Riter are all quality shows with good content and flow. They talk about the sabres because PEOPLE ACTUALLY CARE about the sabres...hello people, they have sold out this whole season and they are actually interesting. Unlike the bills who cant sell out home games anymore. Im a big bills fan (and season ticket holder) and I support them no matter what...but id rather hear about the sabres, this time of year especially. When something becomes FACT...WGR reports it and talks about it....But they dont gush over little rumors and spend hours talking about the same CRAP like these message boards... Most of you probably come to this board to get your sports news..and i find that comical.. I know for a fact that most of you genius posters couldnt hold their microphones for them...its tough to fill 4 hours with content that is interesting and that will appeal to a lot of people. How bout you actually stop hating and listen...schoop may sound like an over opinionated jerk..but he is usually right! Advice: Listen to Brad Riter at night..he is hillarous and his opinions are usually right on. He never over reacts.
  4. Hey Guys, I was just on my way home this morning and every gas station around the University at Buffalo, and on sheridan drive heading towards Tonawanda had pretty much the same price.... $3.89/gallon for regular....it jumped about 80 cents over night!
  5. Hey all, im a long time member over at BB.com message board and i have to agree, its getting a little rediculus over there. This is my first post over here!
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