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stinky finger

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Posts posted by stinky finger

  1. How many people on the board have played or coach sports? What sports if you have? I coach 3 sports (youth) Baseball, Football and Basketball and have done very well.


    Explain...."have done very well"......this IS youth sports we're talking. Are you one of those "winners"? If so, you're in it for the wrong reasons. I'm not even going to get into the rest of your post. Very strange.

  2. i have been hearing it will be John Abraham for Drew Brees and possibly a draft positioning change...not sure the details of that part.


    with Schottenhiemer's son (the son that coaches offense) moving over to the Jets, it is a nice fit.


    something else that will be incredible will be the Chargers Defense.

    adding Abraham to that D with Merriman, our old friend Wade Phillips will be having a field day.


    I like Brees and I hope he has no complications coming back from his shoulder problem. You would think the Jets would shy away from a QB with a busted wing. Pennington is their albatross.

  3. I think that NBC is going to get tp pick the Sunday nighters beginning like the 1st of Novemebr.But, they have to pick them 4 weeks in advance, so may not be as great as it seems. I do not think ESPN gets that option.


    BTW, is TK going to get a bus like Madden, he hates to fly. And i've been listening to Mister Tony since day at WTEM in DC, love the guy. Be interesting to see how he does


    I like TK also, though he might be out of his element in the booth. Since the MNF and SNF telecasts are not about the games as much as they're trying to entertain from the booth, how about swapping Theismann for Wilbon? At least then there will be some sense of familiarity.

  4. Good point. Imo, the disturbing thing is that Marv and RW are SO old, their inclination might be to bring in another vet. Do you see any out there that you have confidence in?

    I would be OK with this if they dump Holcombe, but I favor drafting a qb in the 3rd or 4th round and seeing if he can play. At least this type of player would be in his second year if Losman is a bust.

    Matthews has no place on the Bills roster as far as I'm concerned.


    I've thought all along that with the regime change comes philosophy change. That goes especially for the QB. If ML and company didn't like JP from the get go, they will not sail that ship with blinders on just because of where he was drafted. I'm not saying they will not allow JP to compete for the job, but I'm guessing they'd like someone more "win now". We all know the deficiencies we have with the OL. Those, I believe, will get the attention they need be it through the draft and/or FA. Now, with the "proper line" in place. they may want to go a step further and put the ball in the hands of someone more seasoned. Bill from NYC, you asked who else. How about Kerry Collins? It has been speculated that the Raiders will go in another direction. I know some might compare him to DB. That's fair. I've always liked KCs' game. I'd give a look see.

  5. I think a lot of people on this board are underestimating the importance of Levy and jauron not having loyalty to Donahoe's players.  The fact that he was a first round pick that cost us a 1st, 2nd, and 5th was extra incentive for TD to ensure he succeeds, but ML and DJ will view JP much more objectively.


    Agree completely.

  6. i believe there will be an open competition from the first day of spring session mini-camps. 


    JP can't possibly be feeling any level of comfort that the job is his to lose.


    I agree. I also think think there is another QB out there (no, not the draft...relax) that will push JP for playing time. Someone more seasoned and with better upside than Holcombs Arm....err KH.

  7. Did you watch the game? The best pass of the night by pittsburgh was thrown by randle el.


    What, that 3rd and 28 pass didn't impress you? I know he didn't play well. But when he had to make a play he did. My only point to this is equating his performance as a choke job is inaccurate.

  8. I agree.  Ben sucked in the SB but he was a key in getting them past 3 top AFC teams to get to the big game.  He is still a very young QB and he won the SB.  If JP were the QB in Pittsburgh, he would not have led them to the SB,...i doubt Eli or Philip would have either.


    :( .....unbelievable.

  9. Ben choked in this game, no question about that.  You could see it on his face, too; he was tight.  But he was still awesome against Indy and Denver and is still a great, young QB.  If Ben ever gets back to the Super Bowl, I'm sure he'll play much better, similar to how he played much better this year in the playoffs after he choked last year.  Overall, despite a poor game today, I'd much rather have him as my QB than JP.


    His team won. How the hell did he choke? He made plays when he had too. You didn't see great stats so he must have choked? Give me a break.

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