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stinky finger

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Everything posted by stinky finger

  1. It's all about knowing when to realize when it has passed you by. Do you really think RW is at the top of his game? If he's not, he's doing a disservice. I know, I know. It's his toy he can do what he wants with it......I've heard all that. Fact is, he's being lapped in this race that is the NFL.
  2. That's great. If you have access, put on WEEI right now!! They are doing an "interview" with RW. Only it's not really RW. They hired some comedian to play RW. It's the PERCEPTION people. Justified or not. Right or wrong. The perception is not favorable. RW may have been the only one in that room the other day with a clue. But you'd never guess it.
  3. Who the hell is turning their back on him?!?!?! All I said is he embarrassed himself. Which he did. I love the man. I love what he has done for the community. I love the Bills. I love hot cocoa and long walks on the beach. Fact is, he embarrased himself. The business he is in, which is played out for all to see, has a trickle down effect. For better or worse. It's perception. Wether it's media generated or not, his actions are a reflection on the organization. Top to bottom. I'll say it one more time. I love and respect the man. I say these things so he can maintain his dignity. I believe others might feel the same.
  4. Absolutely perfect. Thank you. I'm beginning to think I've been reading eulogies, not posts.
  5. He picked TD, right? How's that working out for us? Did I see what happened? We all did. Nothing but ineptness. And don't tell me about how well TD did on the "business side" of things. The PRODUCT he put on the field was laughable. It was RW that put him there. I also understand the ramifications when Ralph "passes the baton". We'll cross that bridge. All I'm saying is he is not without fault. I think he's too old to play the "game" he's played for so long and so well.
  6. So regardless of how poorly this franchise has played its games and in general, operated, RW gets a free pass because ST. RALPH still has a pulse?!?! Sorry. I expect more. We may not get it until someone else takes over.
  7. I don't really have a problem with him voting no. I certainly don't know whether this deal benefits the Bills in the long run, but I will say that RW appears that the business and the daily "dealings" may be moving too swiftly for him. This is not to disrespect him in any way. CBA aside, he has done nothing beneficial regarding the team and how it performs on the field. It's time to pass the baton.
  8. Excellent point. If that were Kraft, it would give us, and others, reason for pause. Do you realize Bob Kraft wasn't even present at the meetings yesterday. His son was. Someone he trusted. RW should have that "someone".
  10. You get my vote for BESTEST Bills fan ever.
  11. Unfortunately, perception is reality. Unless you're a Bills fan apparently.
  12. Good for you. The boyscouts are looking for guys like you. Now, I respect the man too. He is and should be commended for his fine work with the Bills. But there comes a time when you should appoint someone, I don't know who, but someone you can trust to represent your organization who is not only intelligent, but sharp enough to keep up with your colleagues in such operations as this CBA. That is not to cast aside RW. But the organization could use sharper representation. I'm not going to pretend that the other 31 owners are any sharper or come across as geniuses, but I feel I can comment on our owner. An owner that I do respect. I felt very embarrassed for him. That's all.
  13. I thank RW for everything stated in this rather eloquent post. All but the first paragraph. His comments were embarrassing. God bless the man, but jeez....
  14. All this proves is TD was a good sheister, but a lousy GM.
  15. WEEI is having fun at RW's expense as well. Everyone will jump on it. Mike & Mike suck. They're the Romper Room of sports talk radio.
  16. Touche'. I was merely equating the alleged "head problem" issue. The successes he enjoyed with my beloved Yankees (and Twins) notwithstanding.
  17. Because he MIGHT be good somewhere else. If that's the case, get that fat tub MW back here. He MIGHT be good somewhere else too.
  18. If that's what Mikey likes, let Mikey have him. Is he going to turn into Chris Carter all of a sudden? I think not. Let the fish have him. I'd rather he be good for them than suck with us. So long, Josh.
  19. Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about. Some good 'ol toughness upfront.
  20. Nobody would be more upset than I, should our beloved Bills exit OP, but I wouldn't "quit" football. I have a FFL championship to defend!!
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