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Everything posted by Sundancer

  1. All that but still a liar without enough honor to admit it or to issue a real apology. Classy.
  2. You’re just too biased to listen. I agree with DeSantis’s policies on shutdowns completely as I’ve stated before: And you’re just an idiot. You hear what you want. DeSantis did right by his shutdown policies, not to be confused with his other failures.
  3. So you can’t link me me to where I predicted hospitals would be overwhelmed. You’re a liar for that post and this one. I said hospitals are the ONLY metric to drive any shutdown. Otherwise everything should be wide open no restrictions. DeSantis’s calls on shutdowns and schools opening were 100% right. Liar x 2. Want to lie again?
  4. Link me to my forecast or admit this is a lie. When SoCal can’t provide the link above, be sure to note what he’s full of.
  5. Is this Tweet sponsored by Dr Seuss? Nearly incomprehensible. In any event, the recommendation follows the current science. Moderna vaccines holding up robustly so far especially under 65 at 90+%. Pfizer next. Jj the least. Boosters will help. We have also learned that spacing the shots out more helps. More boosters for all would boost immunity but there’s no need to block vax access to get 4% more for people who are almost at no risk. And the stores remain open for the anti vax folk who want to stop spreading it and dying and taking up hospital space.
  6. Vaccines work part 78888888. Sorry apologists. No reason for people to not promote vaccines with gusto. Paging Donald Trump: Take the credit and save lives by advocating vaccines in clear terms.
  7. Irv hits the laugh emoji. Way to class up the place guys.
  8. NFL seems to be doing fine. Occasional case and nothing major. Vaccines working well.
  9. Polio vax was only 90% effective. Why did it work at almost 100% rate? Nearly everyone got it.
  10. Thankfully if it spreads, we have a vacc…never mind you’d probably say no one has to take it. I’m all for bringing back polio and the big hit smallpox. Let’s do this anti vaccine thing right! It’s a choice baby.
  11. I’d create it as a poll with viewable results. I’ve never created one but I think that’s the cleanest format. Below the poll, people can do the usual Tweet posting.
  12. I’m going to create a prediction thread with items we can check in 1 and 3 years. Let’s see who can forecast. Before doing that, I wanted to see what topics I should include. The ones I’m thinking are. - Covid related - senate, pres primary, pres election - climate (maybe hurricanes, drought) - war zones - terror attacks - bills - inflation - employment - annual deaths and births What else?
  13. Everything you wrote above regarding any prediction I made is a lie. The usual, for you. And I insult you because you're a source of ridiculously bad information. You and Billstime are the same poster.
  14. Are we just supposed to sprinkle fairy dust and make doctors and nurses appear, and then when the virus wanes wave a wand and they disappear? Increasing and decreasing hospital capacity over the course of the surges is not a switch you flick off and on. The only effective way to make room has seemed to be cancelling elective procedures and discouraging sick people from coming in, a very bad option with consequences that have been measured as horrible. Good article. The lack of off-road here in the US is embarrassing. More evidence of politics and not science driving both sides of the Covid discussion in America.
  15. Comedy gold Beach. The doctor hiding his vax status and giving secret advice to certain patients. I’ll take my chance that you’re lying or your crazy doctor is in a small enough minority as to not make a difference.
  16. I have said many times, don't make your vax conclusion based on social media, ASK YOUR DOCTOR. Something you antivax apologists never recommend because you know it terminates any discussion on whether anyone would be told not to get a vaccine. Pretty sure your doctor would allow his head dishwasher to convey his thoughts: GET VACCINATED. Probably could just put it on his outgoing voicemail. Cute antivax apologist argument though.
  17. Plenty of stupid to go around. Lots in this thread. Here’s another: Americans are relatively alone (with Venezuala) going full stupid in the anti-vax and anti-vax apologist PPP direction but they are not alone going full stupid in the mandate direction (Hi Australia).
  18. Agreed: Why are pretty much only Americans adopting such moronic positions in large numbers?
  19. Unlike you, I don't think it's the government's job to educate people on pandemic health and science. Certainly not the president, though I expect him to set an example and listen to his advisors. That being said, the government has unsurprisingly been bad at communicating the numbers.
  20. Two more studies on two-dose vax regimen vs infection and hospitalization. During Delta predominance and only 246,000 participants. I am sorry that I keep sharing actual scientific studies. https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/canada-vaccine-effectiveness-data-delayed-doses-mixing-matching-covid-19-vaccines-1.6205993 Says "Mr. Science" who thought vaccines don't work for most people after 6 months. I don't think you're a domestic terrorist. Just dumb on science, and that's not so bad. Most people are. But most people posting in this thread are confidently dumb and that's the problem. It's confident dumb people who are helping prop up anti-science decisions generally (like opposing nuclear power) and defending folks who won't vax because [insert irrational explanation here].
  21. You wrote all this because you can’t read the word “apologist” after antivax. I am not trying to convince you. You’re just making bad arguments and I’m pointing it out.
  22. In other news, here's a good article on the broken math people apply around Covid. https://www.persuasion.community/p/how-to-fix-our-broken-relationship "Throughout the pandemic, Americans have grappled with, and largely failed to make sense of, COVID-19 statistics. One major reason for this failure is that the public has found itself at the mercy of commentators who simultaneously report and interpret the math for them. Too often, these interpretations are skewed to support a narrative that resonates with their audiences, either painting a drastic scenario about the risks (school is dangerous for children!) or one that minimizes these same risks (COVID-19 is just another flu!)."
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