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Fan in Chicago

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Posts posted by Fan in Chicago

  1. Only a marginal fan would throw away a season on a rookie QB. I don't care who it is a college QB can't get it done in his first season.  This team is gonna get straightened out as soon as we replace Coy Wire. :lol:



    - Asking for a change does not make me a marginal fan

    - Wanting a rookie QB does not imply throwing the season away. We are not exacting charting an unabated path to the playoffs with oru approach right now.

    - What do we want done this season anyway ? Do you think we will win 10 of the next 13 games, assuming a 10-6 record is required to even think of the playoffs ?

    - One Coy Wire is not going to change anything. Neither is one QB change. We need to make changes whenever we see consistently sloppy play.

  2. Looking at our pending schedule, I honestly feel that we can sweep to victories in our next five games.  The Jets can be beaten as their undefeated record has been earned against three really poor teams.  The Dolphins are horrid and we can shut down the Ravens.  If we can handle Arizona and the Jets at home, we finish the midpoint of the season at 5-3.



    I still believe in this team and as frustating as this loss was, it did show me many potential positives we can look forward too.



    Is that you Tom Donahoe ?

  3. That's a bunch of poopoo. Their are PLENTY of QB's that start off as rookie's during a lost season. Just to name a few Brian Leftwich, Peyton Manning, our own Joe Fergy. Do you think these guys are bad QB's and is Jack Del Rio, Mora, or Lou Saban bad coaches? Listen to what Peyton says which is start off in your rookie year :lol: . Sick of Focking Bledslow



    Yep !!

    I hear big Ben Rothlesberger (sp?) is doing pretty well in Pittsburgh. How many years of experience does he have under hsi belt ?

  4. I don't now about Eric Moulds though I mean 10 receptions for 126yards and a touch, can you really blame him today???



    Agree 100%. He has scored a touchdown in each game - NOBODY ELSE HAS as single one !! I hope EM retires a Bill. We gain more by keeping him here than by chasing him out.

  5. Not so fast, i think Losman will develop better for the Bills as a QB if he follows the Vick/Pennington sit and learn to be a better QB method and then make the playoffs your second year rather than rushing him along faster than his background or talent merits and potentially make him into Todd Collins.


    I agree that this team is clearly not capable of winning by overdepending on the gunslinging of Bledsoe, but this fact does not mean that it can win by overdepending upon a rookie at QB or that this rookie will develop best and benefit most from being thrown in behind this Tulane like O-line.



    Umm.. I am sorry, but 'learn' what by sitting ?

    - Watching a disastrous offense ?

    - Watching a QB who cannot scramble ? (this is not DB bashing). JP can scramble and can learn nothing from watching DB.

    - Watch how other teams get blitz-happy against us ? He can only learn to avoid if he is in the middle of the action.


    We will have to win 10 of the last 13 to make the playoffs. With the Pats and Jets in our division, we can almost kiss Playoffs goodbye for this year. Might as well use this year to put JP in as soon as possible so he learns on the job this year and we do well next year. Else we are setting ourselves up for a build job next year as well. I am so sick of this 'wait till next year' philosophy that I now know how perennial loser teams like the Cardinals must be feeling.

    We are a sucky team. The past two years have been particularly bad for us fans.

  6. it won't be the end of the world,

    & it won't mean Drew is finished as the Bills starting QB.


    Sometimes during a game,

    a change at QB can add a spark to a team

    that can make a difference.


    IF Drew tanks on Sunday,

    MM should definitely put Matthews in to see what he can do.


    IF Drew takes a seat on Sunday,

    being the great pro that everyone says he is,

    he will prepare for the Felons game with no adverse reaction

    to the temporary benching.



    I hope Matthews STARTS and confuses the genius BB.

  7. Bledsoe or not, very few quarterbacks could produce any real type numbers with this o-line, receivers dropping passes and backs averaging under 3 ypc.....



    I too have been a DB supporter. But I am on the verge of going over to the other side. A good QB makes everyone around better - he does not need "a great supporting cast" to make the offense run well. If you have a great supporting case, Shane Matthews will be adequate. I need to actually see a game or two before deciding if DB has lost it forever.

  8. Went to the dentist today for the first time in years because part of my back molar broke off. :blink:  (didn't hurt luckily).  She said that I have several cavities that need to be filled (no big deal), but that I need a crown on the broken tooth (that was previously filled before).  I go for the "crown buildup" next month, and then the permanent crown a couple weeks later.  Anyone care to share their experience with getting crowns?  Does it hurt like hell?  What should I expect?


    Thanks! :blink:





    My tooth was really rotten and even after several numbing shots, all I remember was intense pain for as long as he was grinding and drillnig away. Sorry to have to tell you that. Sounds to me that a broken tooth will cause considerably less misery.

  9. At least you guys are consistent. You B word when we lose and I'm sure you will B word when we win. That's all you guys do.

    If and when it isn't is when I will start bitching but I'm not going to B word after just TWO GAMES



    Look - I don't care about the positives if we continue to lose. At some point you have to realize your potential if there is any. Potential is useless if you don't perform and deliver.

  10. I am a fan of Josh Reed.  I like how he plays but unfortunately teams aren't afraid of him. 


    The two biggest plays of the game on offense came when Evans was in the game.  The first one was where he drew the safety's away by going deep.  This lead to a 36 yard pass to moulds.  The 2nd play was the 60 yard bomb at the end of the game.


    Evans can go over the middle, make the short passes and is a threat deep.  Every team we faced probably scouted this guy this past draft.  So they know what he can do.


    The offense is struggling it is time for a change.  Smash mouth football won't win you a championship.



    At the risk of sounding cliched ...

    Smash mouth football has a much better chance of winning championships than airing it out. But I do agree that we need to get Evans more involved and test the opposition's weaknesses. No harm in having a constant threat of a 60+ bomb every few plays.

  11. As a fan you always want to have hope but sometimes you have to look and realize that we just aren't any good right now.


    That said I'll still pick the Bills in every football pool I play in. As much as they stress me and make me sick I still love them and will route for them to win each and every week.



    You summarized my thoughts very well. While I will root for the team, I agree with Foxboro Mike that there is no tangible advantages we can point to.

    It is a fair guess that:

    - NE will blitz up the middle

    - Brady will continue with his dinking and dunking

    - We will do a fair job against the run

    - We will probably run well till we get into NE 30 after which we can neither advance nor kick a field goal. If we ever get close to sniffing distance of the 30, BB will bring his big guns to stall us there.


    Basically we will lose and I predict the score to be 23-6.

  12. We need a TD to win this game...and I for one don't think we'll have a TD drive in the 4th quarter...go for the TD now because it's as close as this O is going to get.  If we don't get it, let's hope this D can stop them 3 and out and we can get another shot starting on their side of the field.


    Go for it !

  13. LMAO whatever man.  I talked to him about everything I listed and he talked to me about everything listed.  Now if that took less than 45 sec then I am amazed




    A roller coaster ride lasts 1.5 minutes but feels like 10

    A male orgasm lasts 15 seconds but feels like 2


    Guffalo, ICE was on a roller coaster having an orgasm and you were only watching - so it is a perception issue.



  14. Exactly, I encourage everyone to check out Moulds' stats his first couple of years


    Don't you mean dis-courage ? :P

    I remember that by the end of his second season, we were labeling him a bust and wanted to dump him at the cheapest possible price. Glad things turned out the way they did.

    As for Evans, let us not have enormous expectations from him so early.

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