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Everything posted by davefan66

  1. If this is true, it would be the funniest, yet saddest, twist to this whole Maybin thing. Only in Bills Country.....
  2. Yeah, but the mental image will never leave me!
  3. But he had much better stats in Madden....
  4. The rookie backup for the Colts Painter looks pretty good. Also, the Colts cheerleaders are HOT!
  5. I don't recall if he was on Empire Sports or WGR earlier in his career, but back then he was really good and I enjoyed listening. Insightful and told it like it was, didn't pull any punches. Seemed to have some good insider info. Now his stuff just seems planned. Nothing really "insider". More like he's just another media guy covering the team.
  6. Even though Maybin is trying to sell himself as a nice guy, I don't think any bad press would sway him to sign the deal. If you could pocket a 50K bonus from your employer today or 75K tomorrow with some bad press about you, what would you do? I'd hold out for the extra 25K. All that aside, the Bills really should make it public record what they are offering. If he is being slotted appropriately then he needs to shut up, sign a contract and get his butt in camp. If the Bills are low balling, which I doubt, then he has every right to hold out.
  7. The no-sack really annoys me. You hit the guy and it always goes off to the side a few yards as incomplete, never a fumble, always incomplete. Other then that, it is probably the best Madden yet. Graphics and gameplay are awesome. Still don't like the menu system very much, but it has improved over the last few years.
  8. With the reports last week a deal was close, I was pretty excited. Now, I don't see this getting done until after the first game of the season to be honest. Just has that feeling. Honestly, he is just scr*wing himself and his future.
  9. I like his attitude (especially when he put's the pipe away). My problem is with him is he is not fluid. He is too choppy at the line and indecisive when choosing a hole. In college a split second does not mean much, in the NFL it means everything between hitting the hole and getting some yardage, versus tackled. He will never be confused with Barry Sanders, but he will get 1000+ yards based on he's a tough runner. I would like to see him improve his footwork and hit the hole faster. Bulldozing for yardage will only get you so far. When he does hit the hole he seems to stumble a bit and does not get the extra yardage you'd hope for.
  10. I loved his enthusiasm....years ago. I really hope his season ends in a train wreck! Adam Schefter is saying he makes the Vikings a possibility for the Super Bowl now. God, I hate that stuff. Now we have to endure the Brett Favre watch EVERY WEEK!
  11. I know it's a lot to ask of him, but after this last game, he showed some promise. Maybe not quite Frank, but respectable at the very least. But I do reserve judgment to after next weeks game.....
  12. I used to work at Kmart in the auto dept. back in the early 90's. People used to do that all the time. I had a guy actually ask me a question about a part, worth maybe $25. About 10 minutes later I was called up to the service desk to approve a no receipt return (as was standard practice), well here is this same guy, with that exact part asking for "his money" back. Didn't matter how hard I fought it, the manager still came up and OK'd it with no questions asked. One of the funniest returns were when I worked in the paint dept and some quy would return the paint container filled with used motor oil and chunks of Styrofoam in it to prevent it from sloshing around too much. Happend about a half dozen times, then they finally started opening the paint up at the return desk. I'll say this, if these people spent half the time they spend on these scams for good, not telling what they could do.
  13. After last weeks performance, it was easy to jump on Fitz. As it is this week to jump on the bandwagon. Thought he played well enough this week. FWIW, he is a smart guy, moves well, seems to have a grasp of the offense. My hope is he turns into a Frank Reich type of guy. Dependable backup, plays well enough if called upon, and helps TE from the sidelines. Not looking for him to be the starter, just good enough to handle the backup role.
  14. They should believe you, I don't think anyone would be dumb enough to try anything like that! Or, it could be the best scam ever!
  15. Wood and Levitre both improve after a couple of seasons, playing a few games and simulated the remaining. Madden moved Wood to center after 2 seasons and both are in the mid 80's. Maybin is a stud! He has a rating of 88 after 3 seasons. His speed off the corner is crazy fast and ended up having 16 sacks in his 2nd season. Graphics are much improved along with the way the players moves. Trent ended up at an 81 after 2 seasons, dropping a point or 2. Think the game is a vast improvement over the first Madden for 360 a few years ago, and a big improvement over last year. Graphics and menu are much improved. Still a few bugs such as no way to not sign your own free agent (that I've seen). You can sign the ones you want yourself, but eventually the game sims signing the remaining players anyway. It's just a game, I know, but I enjoy it anyway.
  16. 40 was fine for me. But 41 kinda hit hard, realizing I've lived probably more than half my useful life.....not trying to be a downer or anything.... Anyway, Happy Birthday!
  17. Two preseason games are enough. You have what, maybe 2-3 players that are truly on the fence and need an additional 2 games to prove themselves? The coaching staff knows (or should) prior to training camp what the roster will look like. I thought Trent looked OK the last game, and would like to see at the very least 2 series, but would prefer the first quarter. The OL on need to play at least the first half to start to gel. After last nights *pats game, with the way TB looked, I'm worried we'll get into a shootout with them, and that doesn't bode well for us.
  18. I simply stated I believe Dungy will have a good deal of influence as to the team Vick signs with. Didn't state he signed with the Bills.
  19. Finally something that has my interest regarding Vick. I think Dungy is the Wild card in this, and if he has RW's ear, who knows?
  20. I don't agree. Being new to the NFL he needs all the time in camp he can get learning the system and how to survive in an NFL setting. A rookie that shows he wants to learn and be a part of the team is embraced by the veterans vs. a punk who only thinks about himself. If Maybin showed interest and wanted to be in camp, the vets would have a much better impression of him and help him out which is invaluable, especially in his rookie season. Without this, I believe he puts himself in jeopardy at the start of his career.
  21. Hope they have the same reaction when the opponent pulls the same stuff. Hope this lights a fire under them.
  22. Thing is we may not know how good this kid could have been this season without the benefit of camp. I just hope this does not impact more than just this season. The only way to clear this logjam is if these guys forget about Crabtree and focus on just their contracts for slotting purposes.
  23. Like him a strictly backup role. Seems when he is the starter, he plays poorly. Much better off the bench. That being said, I would rather see Hamden as 2nd string over Fitz anyway. Liked how he looked in preseason last year, and he looked decent last week. Either way, I would like to improve our 2nd string QB over those two guys. Like the athletic ability of Vick (or what he used to have), but never was totally sold on his QB ability in a drop back passer role. He is more of on the run, make the D cheat up and pass, or if lanes open run 50+ yards for the game winner.
  24. I understand these guys can get cut at any moment with no compensation. But I could care less. These guys are paid more money than the majority of people on this board playing a GAME. Why should I care if he gets 500K more for ruining his career?? My biggest problem is, he will eventually sign for a little more than what the Bills are offering, but he needs to look at the ramifications of holding out and the impact it will have on his first NFL season and how it impacts his team mates. As for the "tears", him!
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