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Posts posted by splinter21

  1. When has he acted like an adult?  The dude slaps women,  spits on people and throws QB's under the bus like it's his job.  Outside of signing an extension,  when he could have made more elsewhere,  where has this man shown you he has any character or class at all?


    wow i am in pure amazement that some of our own fans are willing to berate one of the most consistent producers on this team. moulds is one of the biggest contributors on our team. any other wr with his talent would have ditched us long ago. i cant believe people are willing to flush all hes done for our team down the toilet. the guys pissed. I dont blame him. his talent is equal that of marvin harrison and his numbers arent quite the same because our management cannot settle on a qb. hes getting old and he really wants to win. i see no problem with that. and about him revealing the starter. who the hell cares. mularkey has been dodging responsibility for the losses week after week.

  2. well said ajzepp. i wholeheartedly agree. in fact many people do not take into consideration how many better offensive options holcomb has at his disposal here in buffalo in comparison to cleveland. Our receiver corps is by far greater than theirs. Im not guaranteeing he will save us from the pits of despair. but c'mon. just give the guy a chance. If he had our weapons in cleveland while he started there i would bet some money that he would have done a lot better. and like someone said, the day he was acquired some not all of you but a lot of you were very pleased.

  3. something tells me that WM's knee still gets sore from time to time if he's in for x amount of series. i remember during the ATL game while he was on the sidelines he was rubbing his knees. There was even an instance where the camera showed a doctor examining WM's knee. so that may be a reason. im not saying this is definite, im just throwing it out there.

  4. our problem is our D has no depth whatsoever. what happens when a couple LB's get injured?? Never fear Crowell is here!!! Today, crowell wasn't so bad, but last week he totally stank it up. Last year when NE lost a whole bunch of starters, what happened?? Their second and 3rd stringers stepped it up like randal gay who probably lives up to his name on the gaytriots.

  5. I'm an Orangeman, too, and proud of it, but I wouldn't be too quick to denigrate VT's mascot when we have that macho, intimidating Otto the Orange.



    Im sorry i have no disrespect for the orangemen, but your mascot looks like a tumor. a castrated turkey sounds pretty weird too.

  6. one of the keys to us beating them is to put numbers on the scoreboard first. that should be one of the main priorities going into the game. if we do that we can gain enough momentum to let things fall intol place. If you all recall the shutout we had, thats what we did. we also played pissed. bobby bouchet has to visualize and attack.

  7. I'd have to say that the Rams, Jets, and Seahawks were all "above average."





    I am sorry but those teams with the exception of the jets were not above average. I cannot agree with you. with the records they had, if they were in the afc, they would not have made the playoffs. the seahawks were not that good at all. neither were the rams. Thats just my point of view. I mean just from their play. nevermind that we had the number 2 defense. we still had a crappy offense that barely made it cause of mcgahee.

  8. Leaving aside Elton's personal life, my brother saw his concert in Orlando last month and said he put on one of the best shows ever  (3+ hours, his voice was great, he had a lot of dialog with the croud, etc.). 


    If you can deal with the "Captain Fantastik" dimension, you've got to give him props for making some great music, once upon a time.


    Well stated. I agree

  9. Thanks for the great insight.    ;)


    Sigh...it's getting crouded in my ignore list.



    I was only half serious dude. Its just frustrating. I am pissed that no deal went down. You know?? When I look at the situation, theres nbo way we can trade him to philly. c'mon they drafted ryan moats. That guys a great back. he will definitely be a great backup to westbrook. Ive read up on most of the backs in the draft. Its frustrating cause everytime someone posts that a trade is still possible, it reminds me of how untrue that is. im sorry if I ofeended you, but lets be hionest here. theres no way henry gets traded. The runningback market is in inflation now. There is such a surplus of runningbacks that the demand for them is so low. especially when all three of the teams we were dealing with drafted rb's. Im a realist. Ignore me if you want, but the truth hurts, BIATCH.

  10. I agree with todd, how can you guys sit there and promote such draft idiocy. Mike williams was a waste of a pick. they are going to be tied up in the cap later. Think about it. You have three receivers hwo see themselves as the number one guy and getting paid 1st round money. Plain idiocy. Matt Millen is incompetent.

  11. ok if anyone actually buys that the fins will actually draft a receiver in the first round, you must get off the meth. seriously guys. We all know their biggest hole other than qb is rb. Ricky was essential to their offensive success. thats why either cedric benson or ronnie brown are two backs which they are probably going to draft. as for their qb void, they'll prolly snatch kyle orton later in the draft. :huh:

  12. will the idiot bills fans stopp trying to trounce the pats out of your seeded jealousy?? You give a horrible name to our fandom by being outright disrespectful. As a bills fan and as I do loathe the pats. I also have a deep respect for them. You see, unlike our quarterback who couldnt win games, tom brady wins them whether they be ugly wins or good wins. what it all comes down to is wins. so until we beat them like we did that season opener in 2003, stop talkin sh** about the Pats. We are in no place to do so. Wwe have an unbproven qb, our o line still has voids to fill, and we have a rb who wants out and we need to find a replacement for him. That said, why canty people here ever be rational?????? :doh:

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