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Posts posted by splinter21

  1. Thanks for clearing it up. I appreciate that, I really do. Because next time my boss, or my girlfriend, or a policeman accuses me of something I did wrong recently, I can bring up the fact that I was a really good guy in 2001. That will be so great. I'll be instantly cleared and innocent.


    I really dont see where moulds has been selfish this year at all. I really do not see where he has complained other than for boneheaded play calling. If you dont want people to speak their minds maybe you should live in a fascist nation like in north korea. im sure you would fit in well there.

  2. This is an article form 2001 i dug up on nfl.com


    With coverage focused around Moulds, the sixth-year veteran admits that a path to team success in the last half of the 2001 season might involve capitalizing on opponents' defensive game plans and using the two-time Pro Bowler as a decoy.


    "Every week, teams are going to pay attention to me and try to take me out of the game," Moulds said. "If they give you the opportunity to throw 20 passes out of the backfield, take it -- we'll win. If teams are going to come out and double-team me, that's fine."


    "I'd rather win than have a 90-catch season."



    This kind of talk is what personifies moulds as a player on the bills. a class act player who puts his team before himself. even in the frustrating 2001 3-13 season he was able to say that.


    For fans to even forget that and call him selfish is disrespectful, ungrateful and way out of line. It sickens me to know people like that root for the same team as me.



  3. Oh and although not with our beloved Bills but RJ does have a Super Bowl ring and Doug's NFL playoff record is actually 0-2.


    If your gonna use the fact that RJ has a super bowl ring from a team where he didnt have to do anything at all, you are really digging for excuses. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA :D

  4. ... Ralph might have actually said to Moulds, "Look ... I have to come down on the coach's side here. I'm going to be interviewing coaches in January, and I just CANNOT come across as an owner who'll side with the players over the coach. Just relax & lie low. Well take care of you." Could happen, and I'm not even sure it's far-fetched.


    Then long live ralph!!

  5. Yeah the Bengals.. Hey I heard they have a good coach there.. I guess coaching is a lot more then having a good interview!


    whatdya expect when TD has his head so far up his ass he thinks hes smelling roses and that hes on top of the world and the best darn gm out there? his ego is what kils this organization.

  6. I'm pissed!!!!!!!!!!!


    Screw You Tom Donahoe!!! 


    Screw You Mularkey!!!


    You both can not leave town quick enough!!!!


    Thanks for NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


    This team is not worth wasting my time over!!!!!!!!!!!  My only joy will be looking forward to them falling apart the next month!!!!!!!!!




    my thoughts exactly go bengals!! lol

  7. The fact that Ralph has to be a referee in anything doesn't bode well for MM and espescially TD.

    Not that I think that Eric is the greatest or anything but he has contributed quite a lot to this organization and if Ralph has any stones left at all, he will recognize that.

    Eric has always had a way of politely pouting, but to see his career here end like this on top of seeing Rueben and then Bobby Shaw from last year leave under these scenarios should be a major wake up call to Ralph.


    Why the hell would any player want to come and be a part of this?


    Wow Ralph, this really is judgement day for your stewardship of our beloved Buffalo Bills.

    Do the right thing Ralph. Make sure you run the right two guys out of town!


    well said. only i think mm and td have an advantage in the fact that ralph is up in age and people of his age can be easily manipulated. I think they are manipulating rw. ralph i hope you can see how they deceive you and will get rid of these two who have bastardized the organization you created with your blood sweat and tears.

  8. Giving MM the benefit of the doubt for just a minute, let's analyze the following scenario:


    1. What if Moulds did indeed take himself out of the game because he was not being used to his satisfaction?


    2. What if Moulds REFUSED to go back into the game when asked to do so?


    3. What if Moulds did fail to show up to a mandatory meeting with Mularkey to hash all of this out?


    I'm not saying that any or all of these things did happen, since I don't know. But it is a possibility. And if it is true, then I have no problem whatsoever with Moulds being suspended. In fact, this behavior may even trump anything that TO ever did. TO's biggest sin was running his mouth and bad-mouthing his teammates,  but I can't recall him ever becomming a problem on gameday and refusing to step on the field.


    this could trump TO????? AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA THATS THE FUNNIEST **** i have heard all day!!!!!

  9. How old are you?


    This is nothing new with this organization, my friend.


    In fact, this is S.O.P.


    yeah i know it isnt new but its just gotten to a climax at this point. im 23. yea i know you've probably endured a lot more especially during the 80's before the kelly days. i bet it must have been sweet when we went 4 times in a row for you after waiting so long. whats s.o.p?

  10. I would advise a heavy dosage of alcoholic beverages to those intending on watching the next 4 games...If not alcohol, an alternative mind altering substance, preferably a Hallucinogen that would successfully give the false impression that you are watching a quality NFL Organization... B-)


    hahahahahahahahahahahaha. i swear i am going histerical. what kind of coach suspends the number one receiver because he privately disagreed with him?? what a pussyfoot. my god. thi ssunday is gonna be so funny to watch.

  11. It looks like you already agree on a lack of paragraphs.  :doh:


    (trying to lighten things up)  B-)


    hah thanks. its so frustrating that we have to go through a constant teasing of hope that we will get to the promised land and then TD successfully gives us a case of the blue balls for playoffs. and that mularkey is a joke for a coach who basically hates his best players. wow. never thought i would see the day.

  12. I didn't say that is the reason he should be gone, I just don't buy the PR that he is a great stand up guy, thats all... As far as the majority of players in the nfl do the same thing, I highly doubt it,,, after the second mistake its time to grow up......Last night I watched cowher call out the duce on the evening news responding to a question that a reporter asked....In bills land that would be considered a major mistake......I haven't seen the duce crying about it, or anyone else for that matter........Actually I could care less what moulds does just don't sell me the snake oil that he's a great stand up MAN..........I guess thats why alll 53 members of the vikings were on the love boat last time I checked maybe 15 of them were there!!! I'm not a big fan of mularkey but his nfl career is already  much longer than that of EM..........Just a hunch but I would guess that some of the real men in the locker room would totally disagree with your belief that all MEN mess around...How many coaches is mouldy going to undermine maybe he should be calling out ol'whitey for the lack of talent that would make them a better team or maybe call out some of his buddy's......EM a great wideout ........never was, never will be!!!!!!  Great is something reserved for guys like Andre Reed,,,Lofton,,ect. ect. Hell tasker was a better rec. than the great EM at least he hustled EVERY play.........


    im done with this. i do not concede my position and i still think you are way off your mark. he's been suspended, our season is over and i think we wont see the playoffs for a whole decade. so youy can sit there and be happy all yoou want. and as for me saying all nfl players do that. i did not. i said most (meaning a good number) of players have had illegitimate children. i never once called moulds a great receiver. moulds didnt undermine the coach. the coach undermined himself. and when the majority of the team supports moulds that says a lot maybe you should read the first post of this thread. its so sad to see fans like you who want all our players to be sissies and not stand up for what's right. whats right was to start moulds vs miami. yo uknow it i know it and every goddamn one of us here knows it. he was the one player who had the most experience against miami. tasker a better receiver than moulds?? you are so dumb!!! geez marvin harrison wouldnt be half as good as moulds if he were dealt the cards moulds was. moulds has played with 7 different qbs you moron!! and despite that, he was still able to be consistent and remain among the top 20 receivers annually. people like you dont deserve to follow the bills because you dont see the whole picture. you just take one aspect of someone's life which is really not any of yoru business and basically use it as an excuse to scapegoat someone. You saying moulds isnt a great receiver because of his off field antics is like calling magic johnson not so great cause he got aids by sleeping with many women. and though he won championships. he did so because his organization surrounded him with a great supporting cast of players. the bills became a ten cent prostitute for crappy qbs and didnt even try to hold on to the good ones. i am done replying to you on this. you are entitled to your IDIOTIC opinion and i am entitled to mine.

  13. How would they be playing basketball if they where busy having kids???

    And as far as the TO comment I didn't say he was TO,,,,but the realty is TO did most of his damage behind closed doors in the locker room,, the same place that moulds has done his

    damage ....as with TO we have only heard the tip of the iceberg....Moulds is the one who brought up the TO comparison not mularkey......there's a big difference between taking a paycut and restructuring a contract.....I could be wrong but paycut after paycut isn't something I would assciate with EM,,,,,If he so great why would his agent let him take a paycut????? I guess I just don't have an oversized poster of moulds hanging in the den!!!!


    very insightful question i guess i didnt think that through:). but what i mean is i bet there are a lot of women basketball players that mess around as well. but being a fan i am aware that this is commonplace in professional sports. so you cant just make his little adventures your reason for wanting him to be let go. because frankly the majority of players in the nfl do the same thing as him. and i dont have a poster of him in my den. i just dont jump the gun and react like a powder keg. mularkey was wrong in the way he handled this situation. he claimed to have handled the situation internally but clearly broughgt media attention to it. personally i think his career is in more jeopardy than moulds. plus what took you so long to respond lol.

  14. Eric isn't Sam Aiken. He isn't Josh Reed. He isn't Lee Evans. He's the leader of these men, he's the on the field example of what hard work, skill and practice will get for you.


    The fact that he's put up solid numbers year after year and has had to work with SEVEN different QB's over that time frame yet a lot of folks on here can still bash him is disheartening. You wanna bash people who haven't been through all the BS pumped through this org over the last few years that's fine but leave Eric out of it. It seems to me he stood up for what is right, the fact that he's being payed to catch a mother lovin' football and we've got some coach who thinks he's Bill Belechick in disguise but doesn't have the balls to get his team to play for the entire game yet EM calls him out and now he's the bad guy?


    At this point it doesn't make one iota of difference if he gets suspended becasuse the fact that Moulds is going to end up leaving here on a sour note and a lot of fans feel the need to bash him is fuggin sad.


    that is exactly what i have been sayin all along brother i feel your pain. i agree with the whole 7 qbs thing too. can you imagine if we had a solid qb stay here as long as EM? he easily would eclipse harrison. yes i said it. EM's talent is equal or could be better than harrison's.

  15. The Buffalo News is apparently reporting that Mularkey has asked Ralph Wilson to approve a suspension of Eric Moulds.    It looks like we won't have to wait until the offseason to see the future of this team.


    1) If the suspension is approved, I can't help but see this becoming a Keyshawn/TO situation where Moulds is suspended/deactivated for the rest of the season on the way to being cut.    Given that Moulds has never seemed to be a head case in his 10 years here, this would be a sad situation indeed.


    2) On the other hand, if the owner is going to overrule the Head Coach's own suspension, then Mularkey could, no *should*, either be fired or resign on the spot - and let Jerry Gray be interim head coach for the rest of the year.   The Head Coach can't be overturned on suspending one of the highest-profile players on the team and survive.....    And if Mularkey is fired/resigns, how long can Donahoe realistically survive after blowing two head coaching picks?





    couldnt agree with you more. lets cross our fingers and hope. mularkey does nothing but cause unnecessary drama. like i said earlier he is the whiny woman who gets her panties all bunched up if someone disagrees with him.

  16. I don't have the luxury of being able to review game film, but two very simple _possible_ explanations:


    1) Most NFL teams line up two safeties in most formations.  In this case, they could have called Double-Moulds, Cover-1, where one safety double-covers Moulds and the other safety plays in a deep zone.


    2) They could have been playing a basic zone defense, such as a Cover-2 or a Cover-3,  so the corner released Evans to the deep zone, which was the responsibility of one of the safeties - this is often what QB's look for in deciding whether to throw the bomb, or check down to an outlet receiver underneath.    So, Losman sees the corner release Evans to the safety in the deep zone and heaves it deep.  Meanwhile, Moulds could be double-covered if it was, say a Cover-2, man-Moulds, where one corner sticks with Moulds wherever he goes, while the rest of the defense plays a zone.




    very insightful post thanks

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