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Posts posted by splinter21

  1. It is a bit laughable though you have to admit...Well TD...If the Scouting Department has done a good Job of filling Needs, if the Coaches are always well prepared and put together good Game Plans, if despite the way it looks the Bills are definitely making progress, and if we are always well prepared for an opponent, how exactly do you explain the fact that we are 4-8????


    Don't get me wrong, I understand the Spin Game that GM's feel they need to Play...But you have to admit it is a little funny sometimes... :D


    yeah im glad you can find some humor in such dark times. very commendable. i too have become numb :(

  2. Bring up his multiple children off the field with multiple women???,,,, if he was a women you would be calling him alot of other names that don't include the word selfless, team player ect ect...........What he does off the field speaks alot more of his inner manhood then anything he has done on the field.....He is a pig ,,,, period!!!! He's a real character alright , boy what a man he is!!


    thats his private life and its none of our business. who are you gloria alred? ellen degeneres?? he is not all so bad ok? to say he is a cancer is way out of line in fact comparing him to TO is way out of line. and as for your remarks for him hypothetically being a woman. i am quite sure there are players in the wnba that have multiple kids with different guys. if i was a fan of the wnba i wouldnt care cause as long as the team was winning id be happy and as long as they were a team player i would be happy.but i am not a fan of the wnba because it doesnt interest me. EM is a team player. he has proven that by taking paycut after paycut. the real guy you should be dogging out is mike williams a lazy sack of **** who is paid even more than moulds and does nothing for our team. TD should be dogged out for being a coniving weasley deceptive little **** who claims we are on the cusp of something that in reality is way out of our grasp. but no lets dog out our best player who gives us the best chance to win. not productive?? he leads the team in receptions morons. do the math. im sick and tired of people being so quick to judge and so quick to just turn on a player like that. I agree with you i dont aprove of his off field stuff with multiple women but to tell you the truth you're being ridiculous becuase even the married players mess around. heck if you feel so passionate about sexual escapades in sports, why dont you go to the vikings board and do some research and do your dissertation on sex and sports.

  3. From ESPN:

    and MM was quoted in yesterday's D&C:


    What a prick. :D


    I wholeheartedly agree with you my friend. mularkey has been handling this liek a woman. he is the whiny woman who cant take criticism. even in the press conferences he's so damn smug and high on himself when he hasnt accomplished didly squat. I hate how TD or MM try to find idiotic ways to praise our team even in the face of a horrible loss. TD was commending eric king and jabari greer and all these guys and players (basically feeding his ego so he could feel good about the minial draft class he had in 2004/2005) I say minial because he didnt address the issues with dier need like the lines on both sides.

  4. How do you figure that's idiotic? The Bills HAVE NO HEART. Moulds does nothing but whine. Now we are in an Eric Mould Love Fest? That's idiotic. The veterans are supposed to be the team leaders and lead. (Moulds, Adams, Clements). Their leadership stinks. Moulds is a cancer on this team and needs to go.


    and if you look again i modified the post.

  5. How do you figure that's idiotic? The Bills HAVE NO HEART. Moulds does nothing but whine. Now we are in an Eric Mould Love Fest? That's idiotic. The veterans are supposed to be the team leaders and lead. (Moulds, Adams, Clements). Their leadership stinks. Moulds is a cancer on this team and needs to go.


    to blame our playof drought on moulds IS idiotic when we have a gm with his head so far up his ass he thinks hes smelling roses and calling the shots on our team.

  6. Someone said Moulds was the heart of the Bills and the one constant for the last 10 seasons.


    My question is how many playoff games have the Bills won since 1996? ZERO. Case closed.


    i had to correct this post cause i shouldnt call you an idiot. that wasnt nice and i apologize. but i just dont see how you can just make a statement like that because you'r emaking it look so black and white. we havent won playoff games let alone played in playoff games in a while because of TD. and in 96, when EM was a rookie, marv made him ride the pine and return kicks and punts. it wasnt until wade took over that EM really started to become a part of the offense.

  7. Of who do you speak?  Moulds :D  :(  Star player?  Moulds?  This year or two years ago?


    Last time I checked it was the '05 season and the wiley veterans have been inconsistent - like newbies.


    you wait and see. next year when moulds is on a better team with a consistent qb with a good line, all of you moulds haters will eat your words. you all should be ashamed for ganging up on such a selfless player who puts himself before his teamates. you dont see players like him these days. go ahead bring up his children cause thats the only thing you can bring up is things off the field that have nothing to do with his contributions to the team. Something tells me his meetign with wilson might actually be a positive however. i am hoping. moulds was the reason why we beat miami the first time this year. he knows how to play them. and his absence will cause our loss to NE. Wherever he goes next season he is going to thrive. all you naysayers are gonna immediately jump the fence and start talking **** about how the management was stupid for letting him go. thats the usual pattern here.

  8. Lets say Marvin Lewis or John Fox were our coaches right now. Do you think they would have been succesful with TD AS THE GM?


    I think things could look a little better but the end result wouldn´t be so different than what we have right now.  Because, guess what, the're not MIRACLE WORKERS.


    We can say whatever we want about MM being this or being that, but it all comes down to the guy calling the shots.


    This is where i think yo uare slightly wrong. I think that they would have butted heads with TD about his horrible excuse for an O line and either the coach or TD would be gone eventually. kinda like how things went down in pitt between td and cowher.

  9. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.  Facts have no place on the retard rollercoaster.  Facts suck.


    dude my thoughts exactly alaska. i have no idea what all these tards on this board were seeing. you guys take a rumor and make it your opinion and jump the gun about moulds. geez and the fire that you have about throwing him under the bus. makes me wonder if you guys should check your blood pressure. GO BILLS!!!

  10. WHatever. I'll take Moulds any day over this pathetic coaching staff! Just like last week against the Panthers if you get Moulds involved you got a chance to win. You see what happended when he either sat or was used sparringly the offense sputtered. And every complaints Moulds has made has been legitimate for he just wants to win; as for wishing he had got hurt that is so classeless; you should be kicked off th board for making such a CLASSELESS statement as well as the next fellow who remotely agree with this HEARTLESS statement. He could have left a few years back when he was a free agent at the top of his game but stayed and played for us for less money than he could have recieved or at least went to a much more marketable franchise. I mean if he had went to Philly during that year as most suspected he would, he and Mcnabb could be looking pretty good right now. But no he stuck with us and watch us walloow the past 6 seasons teasing the fans going thru QB shuffles looking forward to next year. If this is his last season then I wish him the best of luck wherever he goes for he has always been a class act on my part!


    My thoughts exactly bluv. amen. It's disheartening to see pathetic fans scapegoat one of the most selfless players in the NFL. He has taken paycut after paycut in hopes of getting this team better. How can one not see how badly Moulds wants to win with this team? Ive said this before and if I were moulds I would have left buffalo like 3 yrs ago. I wonder sometimes, if moulds had a consistent qb to work with like harrison, how ridiculous his stats would be.

  11. I remember in the 2004 draft suggesting on this board that we draft DE shaun phillips of purdue university and every one else was drooling over will smith of ohio state. will smith is on NO right now not making as big an impact as phillips has on the chargers D he rushed JP a LOT last week and hes been ripping it up on D so yeah hindsight is 20/20. stuff like that always happens. i just heard from the grapevine that purdue's current star DE who is a junior plans to go into the draft. his name is Ray Edwards. thi syear wasnt a particularly good year for edwards as it also was horrible for purdue as a team as well. However i see so many similarities between his style of play and phillips' play. I have watched both players play live at games as i am a student at purdue and assure you that edwards has a lot of upside to him. wad has phillips playing pass rush OLB instead of a DE(he was a bit light for a pro DE). edwards on the other hand packs a few more pounds and is a solid pass rush. very athletic. anothe rplayer form purdue highly being scouted is Bernard Pollard the strong safety. he is considered a top 3 SS. I can however agree though that our OLine has more pressing needs and would love to see us get D'Brickshaw Ferguson from VT. however i have a huge feeling SF might get him. i know im talking about random things but i guess i was on a flow here and didnt want to stop it :D

  12. Im waiting for nintendo's new console to come out it looks and sounds a lot cooler than xbox or ps3 (in my opinion) i never owned ps2, xbox, or gamecube. ive played them all and have to say each had their advantages. my last console was a sega genesis lol. but based on what ive read about revolution it sounds pretty badass. free wifi play with any other revolution users and the controllers are movement based which is hella cool. but anywho good luck getting xbox. from what ive seen of it it looks very cool as well. hope you get it!! :lol:

  13. We beat Seattle and San Francisco last year


    i think he meant afc left coast teams. if we were in the nfc we would make the playoffs. seattle was a mediocre team at best last season, and san fran?? well they were san fran. we lost to oakland last season. nfc west is like pop warner football almost every year the last 2 years.

  14. all i know is i sure as hell will play LT against us in my fantasy team. i am not gonna smoke the "we will contain LT" pipe and watch the skies turn purple. they have gates too. he is TOUGH to tackle. if it happens that we end up ssomewhat limiting either one of them, then hey i guess i was wrong to doubt us. im not completely sayin we have no chance but i aint gonna say we have one either. GO BILLS!!

  15. I guess you missed the actual quote, because Moulds couldn't leave it where you seem to think he did.  Should have, but he just couldn't, because he's a punk.  He went on to say that he didn't think he pushed off, when he clearly did.   He would go on to try to justify his position by saying the Pats were saying they got away with one.  No sour grapes?  More like a perfect example of sour grapes. 


    I know blaming the officials is very popular among avid posters here, but for one I expect the leaders on our football team to be men in defeat.  It's called character, something nobody on the Bills or otherwise has accused Eric Moulds of having. 

    This was not "just give it to them" all over again, this was a correctly called play that just didn't go our way.


    Moulds isn't up to the task of being a leader, but he just loves to get in front of that microphone and start speaking for the "veterans".   As for McGahee, he may or may not be a punk, but right now he's just a young kid without the perspective of experience.  He's also not a team leader and doesn't pretend to be.


    earlier on in the post he did say that. in fact he pointed out what what was said in the quote. maybe you should read the whole thread before jumping on what people say. in fact here is the actual quote of what EM said word for word. Im taking it from the paper right now.

    "He called offensive pass interference, so I guess he saw something that I didn't see," Moulds said. "But the officials made the call, and we've got to live with it. I don't think I (pushed off). Even the New Bruschi (We're not worthy!) guys were saying, "We got away with one that time.' It was a crucial point in the game, and at that point I feel like we should be able to play."


    where in that quote does he blame the officials?? I see him disappointed in the call because he feels it wasnt right. I would be too cause that kind of contact as dawgg says happens very often. he simply stated hes disappointed in the call, the officials called it and we gotta basically move on. he disagrees with the call but he holds no grudges. this guy wants to win games. if you cant see that i say your not a bills fan. GO BILLS

  16. i read somewhere that villarial has some intestinal tract infection of some sort. so i think he'll be out for another week or so. Itula Milli, TE of the seahawks had something similar in the beginning of the season. and as someone else posted earlier here, that may be the reason why villarial was "winded" as mularkey put it.

  17. Im a student at purdue, but yeah im really happy for you guys at Penn St. I have so much respect for Joe Pa. Wish i could say the same for Purdue this year. I really do not like Joe Tiller. His offensive schemes are way too predictable and unoriginal and basketball on grass is such horsesh*t. anyhow enough of my rant, but congrats on your victory over the evil empire of OSU. I hope you guys play Michigan and beat them as well.


    GO BILLS!!

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