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Everything posted by RLflutie7

  1. When I was at Michigan State in 1984-1988 Nick Saban was a ranting and raving nut. At least it was common knowledge that Saban was George Perles' "enforcer".
  2. Rich: If the economy is so great then why is the stock market so sluggish.
  3. The court hasn't approved, but the process is in motion. My uncle agreed but now wants my mom to stay. My mom just wants out. She doesn't care about the money or her brother. She just wants off. Is there a way the court could make her stay. I'm worried about my parents safety and there finanical well being. I've had words with my uncle who's 57 years old. One night I went to care for my Grandpa and my uncle started threatening me. . . so I told him in no uncertain terms what would happen if he threatened me again. Anyway, thanks for the reply. I just tried of all this BS
  4. Thanks for the answer. Bills fans are good people there's no doubt. The guardian is something my mother wants because she's afraid of my uncle and he has hit my dad. The guardian knows of my uncle and they've met. But my uncle now wants to prevent a professional guardian. I'm sick of the situation and I've only been in South Bend 9 months. I wish I'd never come home. If I don't go back to Phoenix before September I'll get those ND tickets. I was in South Bend this last season. They're not that hard to come by. But it depends on the game. Plus, it's going to get harder.
  5. I have a question about guardianship. My mom has guardianship over my Grandfather and it's caused untold family problems. My question is this: There are three kids and my mom wants to resign the guardianship. The other two kids said yes and my mom started the paperwork to resign with my grandfather's lawyer. A professional guardian was chosen and my mother turned over paperwork to him and gave him the keys to my grandfathers mail box along with a check for $50K. Now my uncle says he won't sign the paperwork. Can my mother resign or does she need both signatures? Other details: My uncle hit my dad in the parking lot of a nursing home and my mom and dad filed a police report and the police arrested my uncle and cited and released him. I moved from Phoenix Arizona to South Bend Indiana because my Dad is in poor health. After selling tickets (I'm a scalper) during the football season my mom asked me to help care for my grandpa because he needed 24/7 care and my uncle has been throwing a fit about the care providers. My mom wanted me to do it because my uncle said my grandfather wasn't getting the proper care and my mom couldn't find anyone else to do it. My uncle wants to fire everyone she hires. Now after 90 days, my uncle is threatening to file a law suit against me because he says "I have enough information to bury both you and your mother". You can see why my mom wants to resign. Her brother is nuts because there's a $750,000 estate that he's after. My 85 year-old grandfather went in the hospital and the doctors ordered him (my mother) to put him in a nursing home for rehab (four weeks). The doctor said the care providers (me and two other ladies) couldn't care for him because of his condition. He can't walk etc. Can my mother resign?
  6. And I can't figure why they are talking so much about him today. Tatum Bell is the No. 1 back in Denver and yet the media is saying that Clarett needs to run for 1,300 yards and over 10 TDs and he could do it in Denver. How many touches is he going to get? Why did Denver even draft him? I'm a Bronco fan and I can't figure it.
  7. You're right. I guess I just never liked his style.
  8. Yes I did and didn't Peyton keep losing the big games. The way he played against the Patroits leaves a lot to be desired.
  9. The Sporting News Pro Football preview for 2004 had Andrew Walter as the best College QB prospect. Utah's Alex Smith wasn't even listed. I guess it pays to be on a winning team.
  10. I agree with most of what you say. I would say since I went to almost every game that Walter played at ASU (home games) that he does indeed have mobility concerns but he has much more pocket presense then Bledsoe. Walter is truely great in my view. A true natural who sees the field well. I don't like Smith and I don't like Rodgers. Smith lacks arm IMHO and Rodgers seems a little small.
  11. It seems to me that Smith has come out of no where. He's a system QB IMHO. Walter blows out his shoulder and he drops like a rock.
  12. What Vick does is add rushing stats to the box score. And rushing stats add up to wins. Plus the defense played much better in rush yards given up from the year before. Positives in both those stat catagories often add up to victories. Look at Dallas. Their defense falls apart and they have a bad year. The year before the had one of the best run defenses in the league. As far as Vick is concerned, he needs to play better in the passing game or it's going to be hard to win it all. Yea, the Falcons can win and go deep in the playoffs but he needs to play better. He's got to stop looking to run the ball all the time.
  13. At the time it was a give away. That's the way I took it Alaska Darin. I mean didn't the Chargers get another 1st rounder to move down spots with Eli Manning?
  14. I think you're right. I think Butler met Vick and just didn't like him. I think Butler thought this was a character issue. I remember that Vick and the Chargers were starting contract talks and then all of a sudden boom. They trade the pick. It was weird. And I agree MV's way overrated.
  15. I was thinking about the 2001 draft and what John Butler might have known about Vick before the draft. Did Butler know Vick had an STD before the draft and decide to trade the pick in the 11th hour for basically nothing. . . Tim Dwight . . . People (the media) were saying he could be the next Michael Jordan before the draft, but that he was very raw. And some wondered if SD would be stupid enough to trade him. Dan Reeves didn't even meet Michael Vick in person and just looked at film. At least that's what I heard him say on TV. But Reeves had the same medical report. I'm thinking Butler knew and figured it wasn't worth it to bring Vick in. And that he didn't want to hurt the Chargers public image. Or did Vick just catch the STD after NFL money.
  16. Flutie has expressed interest in Tampa Bay according to Kffl. Backing up Brian Griese? The NFL network said that New England, Carolina, Indy, and Seattle could all be interested. I think Denver could also make a move here. I'd welcome that. Because if Plummer can't get it together all the time, Flutie could play some spot duty.
  17. he's one of the worst announcers ever.
  18. And that sure is an earlier offseason for Bills fans ever since Flutie left town isn't it Brandon. BTW: JP will have to give up the #7.
  19. I wouldn't be against Flutie going back to the Bills. I still have a lot of Bills clothes in my closet that I could wear. Then again I wear the stuff anyway. And I know Ralph Wilson would take Flutie back even though he hated him. But that would only happen if Flutie played for the veteran minimum. Then penny wise and pound foolish Wilson would be dancing on the kitchen table. "I got Flutie cheap"!
  20. Very well put. I think Mannings great offense could be the very thing that ends up costing him the championship.
  21. I don't agree and many TV guys that played in the NFL don't agree with you either about Flutie having a weak arm. Phil Simms, Dan Dierdorf etc, etc. Flutie never had an "Elway Arm" but it was good enough. Manning does have a stronger arm than Flutie. Well, now he does because Flutie is too old and has lost some zip on the long passes. But back in 1998-2001 that didn't apply. I've noticed that when Manning throws an off balance throw and it's a wounded duck nobody says a thing. But when Flutie was under duress and threw a bad pass boy do the fans howl. BTW, what's your take on Michael Vick. The Carolina and Atlanta game on ESPN Saturday night pretty much summed up what Bills fans always said about Flutie. At least that's the way it sounded to me. And all those slights were refuted by Joe Theisman. So what's your take on Vick. Can't throw from the pocked? Runs too much? Should be a running back?
  22. I wish I had some real cash to spend because: The top five teams in rush defense have, once again, beaten the point spread. Pitts, Washington, SD, Denver, NY Jets ended the year with a combined total of 46-30-7 against the point spread. Pittsburgh was 10-5-1, Washington 8-8, SD 13-2-2, Denver 6-8-3, and NY 9-7-1 (includes playoffs). New England 11-3-2, Buffalo 11-5, Baltimore 9-7, Atlanta 7-8-1, Dallas 7-9 rounded out the top 10. Top ten total 91-62-10. Points spreads records provided by covers.com. Some other publications, such as PFW, could have different results by one or two.
  23. Flutie doesn't have a weak arm. That was only a myth created here that never seemed to die. I guess you'll have to ask Phil Simms about that one. Plummer got a team with a good defense to the playoffs. Only that defense didn't show up in the playoffs for two years in a row. The Broncos scored over 20 points, so it can't be blamed on Plummer. Did he play great? No. But I'm glad the Broncos were there. Bledsoe has one of the best defenses in the league. Had it not been for McGahee the Bills would have never been in that position. BTW: Flutie put up good numbers with second string receivers and running backs against the Chiefs starters.
  24. How about Manning Munch. A tasty corn flake cereal.
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