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Colorado Mike

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Posts posted by Colorado Mike

  1. Was in Tahoe last weekend.  Great time, 2 feet of powder, but it's so far.

    Next year, I'm thinking Denver.  Been to Vail/Beaver Creek, awesome but expensive.

    Any recommendations?


    I live in the area, but do not ski. Howver, I can still tell you that having lived around here for over 5 years, the vast majority of the many folks I know around here who do ski regularly prefer Copper Mountain. From what I hear, Copper is reasonably priced, has good, varied runs, fewer out of town skiiers who don't know what they are doing, etc. You probably can't go wrong, as I often hear locals going to pretty much all of them, but again, I consistently hear a preference for Copper.

  2. Did anybody notice the little dig Drew got in about JP? He said he didn't see himself as a backup "particularly to JP." That tells me ol' DB didn't think too much about his former backup. Wouldn't it be something if most of the people on this board are wishing we had Drew back next year! God forbid.



    When I read that a few days ago, that was the first thing I thought of. Not cool, but as classy as DB had been overall, I'm willing to chalk that comment up to the heat of the moment.

  3. A word of warning - someone posted on here that DirecTV is raising their monthly price by $2-$3/month starting in March.  If you sign up now, you'll probably be able to lock in the current rate for a year.  If you're planning on switching anyway, it might be worth it.


    If you like negotiating, try calling and asking for "customer retention."  They might be able to give you a free TiVo receiver or something for staying on and subscribing to a higher package.  I've found that CR is very giving with the free goodies. :doh:





    Thanks for the heads up on the rate increase. Also, the customer retention piece is a good idea, as I have been contemplating moving into the DVR world as well. I have a question on that too. Why do people pay monthly charges for Tivo or other DVR service? Could one not just buy a box outright and use it in the same fashion as a VCR? Or is the cable or satelite provider actually enabling some service, such as on-line scheduling or something? Or is the monthly charge for DVR is simply to subsidize all or part of the hardware cost. For example, I see with DirecTV you pay $X for the box and a $5 monthly charge, and with Comcast, there is no cost for the actual DVR box but one pays $10/month. Could one go buy a DVR through Circuit City or someone like that and have DVR capability without their provider being any the wiser?


    Also, this morning's paper said Comcast is about to jack up their packages $4/month, so that'd more than offest DTV's increase even if I can't lock the current rate.

  4. Why have you been choosing Comcast over DTV?  At least in the Twin Cities, for me their costs are higher and their service is terrible.  Just curious.





    Ac ouple of reasons. My old, grandfathered basic DTV package was cheap, but did not have stations like ESPN, ESPN2, etc. To move up to a package that did was, at the time, a little more than the lowest cable package that would give me them. There was also the factor that I didn't want to buy a couple more receivers for my other TVs. Lastly, it was not Comcast at the time, but AT&T cable. It is beginning to look more and more like the time has come for me to beef up my DTV and cut ties with comcast, though.

  5. From the reports here throughout the season, this was the last year you were able to get Sunday Ticket without getting DirecTV service.  You now must subscribe.


    Do you have cable?  If so, why wouldn't you switch to DirecTV?





    Thanks. Same to you, richNjoisy. All things considered, if I was going to have to go with just Comcast or just DirecTV, it's looking like Comcast was the better route, but with the confirmation about not being able to subscribe to Sunday Ticket without a DTV subscription, I probably will have to go with them over Comcast.

  6. I have had DirecTV and the NFL Sunday Ticket for about 8 years running. I could have sworn that when I first signed up that when I asked, they responded that one could indeed order Sunday Ticket without having a monthly DirecTV package. I ordered their lowest-end package anyway so I could watch the Sabres on Empire. As I also have Comcast cable, the Bills and Sabres were they only things I watched on satelite. Since Empire is no more, it'd make sense, if I could., to cancel my monthly DirecTV service but still remain a Sunday Ticket subscriber. My wife called to ask this of DirecTV and they told her "no, you must have a monthly DirecTV package in order to subscribe to Sunday Ticket". I am a bit skeptical. Can anyone definitely confirm or deny this? Thanks.

  7. Back in my college days I was a waiter in a Mexican restaurant. When a customer had a birthday we'd have to do the obligatory give them a free dessert, slap this huge sombrero on their head, and sing the company b-day song. Needless to say that was always a pain in the ass when you were busy. One day this nerdy waiter dude we enjoyed giving crap to announced he had a birthday customer and needed singers. So, I quickly grabbed the sombrero and squirted some whipped cream from a can up in the inside of the pointy peak. He grabs it, a bunch of us go out to his table of 8-10 people, he slaps it on the head of this older woman and we sing. She is acting embarrased, the rest of the table is laughing, and when finished this waiter removes the hat and we start to turn away. Myself and the couple of guys who were in on it looked and this lady now had a sizeble glob of whipped cream on her head. Her fellow diners and this waiter all looked aghast while we were walking away as fast as possible laughing so hard we had tears in our eyes.

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