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Colorado Mike

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Posts posted by Colorado Mike

  1. On 1/25/2019 at 7:22 AM, jwhit34 said:

    Kelso's no better than 4th, I'd put George Saimes, Tony Greene and Kurt Schulz ahead of him. Freeman and Henry Jones were strong safeties. It actually has been a pretty strong position throughout team history, Kelso was good, J. Byrd was very good for a couple of years, Corey Graham and Troy Vincent were decent, Bill Simpson was good for a couple years (big INT in playoffs).

    Was looking to see if someone would mention Bill Simpson.  Not saying he was the very best but he was damn good, and underrated.  

    • Like (+1) 3
  2. Yes, the Bills have a tendency to screw up these kinds of situations. Having extra high picks can make a team more willing to take "risks" with their picks, i.e., picking John McCargo with an extra first-rounder.


    That said, they brought real quality into the scouting and personnel department this offseason, so I'm cautiously optimistic...

    Good point. Hadn't thought of that but can see that happening. To be really forward looking, it's crossed my mind that with this many high picks, say they do get it right and select multiple really good players and we find ourselves in a situation about 4 years down the road when all their rookie contracts are running out at the same time and we won't have the cap room to retain them all. Good problem to have, I guess.

  3. May have already been stated in the thread as I am too lazy right now to thoroughly check, but I could see the Patriots pulling a Chris Hogan and then he has a big year for them and we get more bad press for tendering him too low. Not a prediction, mind you, just a bad vision. Would love to keep him around.

  4. Okay, so free agency will be upon us as the season is over. Who should the Bills go after and cut at each position listed below. Feel free to add other positions. "Go After" includes UFA's who I would like to keep. "Cut" also includes players who we are UFA who we should let go.



    Go After:








    Go After:












    Go After:


    Randy Bullock



    Gay (if still on roster)



    Go After:

    Anyone. Perhaps Jeff Locke





    Go After:

    Jamie Collins


    Alexander (if not cost prohibitive).



    Go After:



    (yeah, I'd love Berry, no way KC lets him go). Perhaps offer him something to up the price for KC.



    Sergio Brown

    Colt Anderson.


    Add RT:


    -cut: Mills

    -add: practically anyone else

  5. It was indeed amusing how often on TV i could hear booing when a penalty was called on us, loud cheering when the Bills made a good play, etc. Certainly we've seen this from time to time with other road games, but for me I have never noticed it as much as yesterday. I thought Bills fans last year represented very well when we were at the Bills-Broncos game, but yesterday looked almost like a home game or neutral site. Very nice!

  6. It reminded me of the call vs. Baltimore a few years ago when our WR Lee Evans caught a pass and went into a scrum, the pile just stood there for about 5 seconds, then the ball fell out (probably from fatigue). It was in overtime. The Bills were at midfield, and in a good position to win.


    But Woods was stripped of the ball yesterday. He should have put his knee on the ground and moved on.

    Exactly. When multiple guys have you like that you should know you aren't going to break free and when they are working on stripping you just drop to a knee, your rear end or something to put yourself down before that can happen.

  7. Last year I looked into it but as stated by others, you couldn't start the feed for any of the Sunday games until after the Sunday night game ended. That is way too long after the Bills have typically concluded their game for me to avoid all media so as to be able to watch it without already knowing the outcome.


    However, I looked it the NFL Game Pass FAQ the other day and I believe it says that all the early and late afternoon games can be viewed as soon as the later afternoon games are done. Still less than ideal, but that is definitely better. Hadn't been able to find a price yet, though, just the free trial link.


    That was certainly near the top, but Randy Moss 'mooning' the crowd in Green Bay was my favorite; made even better by Joe Buck's hysterical, Nancy-boy response.


    And while I hated Miami with a passion back then, Randal Hill's six-shooter against Texas in the '91 Cotton Bowl is pretty high on the list too.

    I always thought the same about Joe Buck's response. I never cared much for him before that anyway, but that sealed it. I believe he called the pantomiming "disgusting". He probably thought that is what he should say to look cool and ultra professional.

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