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Posts posted by BuffaloRebound

  1. 3 minutes ago, Chaos said:

    10-player to 3 ref ratio


    22 players on the field using the same ratio suggests        wait for it       7 refs in an nfl game. 

    Square feet of an NBA court to cover 4700 square feet.  Square feet of football field = 57600. Based on size of field of play, the NFL would 37 referees to have the same coverage. 


    The idea that three people could cover the field, while on the field, seems crazy.

    Here is my crazy idea:

    have 66 refs watching on monitors, rather than from on the field, with three people monitoring each player.  Similar to Olympic boxing scoring, all three need to signal a penalty on the player they are watching, and there is 1 or 2 people on the field designated to throw the flag.  If three people in real time agree a penatly happened, it is almost certain it is a penalty. 

    66 people may sound like a lot, but given there are 60,000 people in the stadium and millions watching on TV, its not really that big of a number. 

    Not saying 3 people can cover an NFL field, just laying out the problem the NFL has in getting 7-8 refs to work in unison.  I’ve always felt the NFL you should have eyes on every player.  Throwing a flag without having eyes on every player becomes a completely arbitrary thing and is what drives real fans of the game crazy.  

  2. There’s too many guys on the field who can throw a flag.  All it takes is 1 over-officious jerk to affect the outcome of a game.  NBA has 3 refs.  It’s much easier to get 3 guys to work in unison.  That’s what’s missing in the NFL.  One guy on the crew gets flag happy and forces the other 7-8 refs to do the same.  It’s almost impossible to get a 7-8 man crew to work in unison where they’re all calling the same type of things in a game.  

  3. Penalties are the result of not holding guys accountable.  If McDermott likes you, you can do whatever you want.  Phillips is an out shape undisciplined mess, but can do no wrong in mcdermott’s eyes.  Siran Neal routinely kills field position with special teams penalties, rarely makes any plays, yet has favored status with mcdermott.  Championship coaches like Parcells and Belichik would never keep around players like that.  They were loyal to the good, smart, disciplined players who they could count on in big spots.  

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, Buffalo716 said:

    Both are prototypical college QBs 


    Very nuanced in their system..  good at a lot of things , not great at anything


    Alot of average traits ... But developable


    I wouldn't take a first on them but they have developmental ability 

    I actually think Penix has the physical traits to be an NFL starter.  Just something off about him to me.  Not sure why doesn’t use his legs more.  It’s like he’s trying too hard  to prove he’s a pocket passer.  But I thought same thing about Hurts coming out of college and now he’s one of best QB’s in NFL.  

  5. 2 minutes ago, Scott7975 said:


    Did you watch the pathetic field goal drive?  I could have won that game.  Josh was the best player on the field in this game and probably the best player in the NFL that week.  Your expectations are too high if you don't expect a mistake when he drops back 60 times and passes the ball 51 times.

    Agreed.  If teams traded kickers, Bills win by 2 scores.  

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  6. All a publicity stunt.  If this dude gets in a game this season, he wouldn’t last a play.  The media eating it up is just as ridiculous.  Saleh is trying to sell hope and save his job.  And Rodgers just wants attention.  Let’s see him run some sprints, and do some hard dropbacks where he has to plant and then avoid a rush.  Everyone is out of the boot after 6-8 weeks following achilles surgery.  

  7. 3 minutes ago, julian said:

    This fool plays his defense straight up for 3 QTRs and then in crunch time he gets scared and leans heavily into pass defense sacrificing the run.


     Is there any other logical explanation ? I don’t buy the whole “they got wore down theory” and I’m not even positive that the time of possession would support it.

    I don’t know.  McDermott’s defenses have consistently been undersized at almost every position except 1 Tech DT. Asking taron johnson and 220 lb linebackers to hold up all game against O-Linemen ain’t a championship formula.  Not to mention Epenesa sized Defensive ends who easily get moved.  

  8. http://buffalonews.com/sports/professional/nfl/bills/buffalo-bills-defense-late-game-collapses-sean-mcdermott-eric-washington-nfl/article_3ffefc4e-8e25-11ee-877e-fb08a163ac71.html


    McDermott’s defense scheme has always been about disguising coverages in the back 7 with light in the ass guys who can cover.  He also likes light in the ass defensive ends who can bring edge pressure.  A stout 1 tech doesn’t cancel out the lack of size all over the field.  It’s hard to confuse a team for the whole game, especially a good one.  250lb ends, 220lb linebackers and 200lb safeties and CB’s aren’t gonna hold up all game.  Bernard and our LB’s were getting mauled by the Philly guards in the 2nd half.  Mcdermott’s defense might produce good numbers on paper, but it consistently folds in winning time. 

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  9. 9 hours ago, JohnNord said:

    You did not read what I wrote clearly.  I’m talking about the final drive in the NE game after they took the lead.  Not the entire game (though Phillips and Settle were atrocious), but I digress.  

    The explosive screen play didn’t happen because of a blitz.  If you go back and watch Stevenson breaks about 4 tackles.  This is not on the coaching staff, play call or scheme.  If Jordan Phillips makes the first tackle, it’s an 8 yard gain.   But he has one of the highest missed tackles rates in the NFL.  That’s not on McDermott.  

    I never said that it was “all” on the players.  In most cases these failures are a mix of players getting beat on defense and some questionable calls.  

    It’s not on McDermott that he keeps bringing back Phillips every year and continues to play him despite poor play and idiotic penalties?  That’s always been my problem with McDermott in addition to wetting his pants at the end of games.  He’s loyal to guys who’ve shown you can’t rely on them in big spots.  

  10. We need to get younger.  Floyd ain’t gonna have another season like this one.  In regards to Epenesa, I’m not breaking the bank for him.  Too many light in the ass players on this defense. Build around Oliver and Rousseau on the D Line.  

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  11. 3 minutes ago, dorquemada said:


    Romo kept talking about how Coach Siriana likes players who come from winning programs in college.  I hate that the Bills have a losing mentality now.  We ALL KNEW that the Bills were going to lose even when we had a 3 point lead near the end of the game.  Like my dad said "they always manage to ***** defeat from the jaws of victory" I dont know how you change that mindset but as long as it's there, the Bills will not go anywhere

    Gotta start with the head coach who routinely mismanages end of game situations and keeps bringing back the same defensive and special teams players who consistently come up small in big situations. 

    • Agree 2
  12. 8 minutes ago, Chuck Schick said:

    Have you watched any NFL games this year?  80% of QBs don’t make that play, nor are they making really ANY plays of significance.  

    I don’t see any teams we play miss wide open Receivers in end zone in critical spots.  Gabe probably ran the wrong route but I don’t see other NFL teams doing that.  Our win probabilities vs actual results is probably bottom of the League.  

  13. 2 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    I’m no expert but the QB watches the safeties before the snap on EVERY passing play.  When an all out blitz comes, the QB knows the safe place to throw the ball is over the middle, because there’s nobody there to intercept it. Why Gabe Davis doesn’t yet know that is beyond me! 

    Because he’s not athletic enough to make the right read and get to the spot.  The CB botched the coverage so bad that either side was open, but Davis ain’t athletic enough to get where he was supposed to go so he stayed outside.  

  14. 3 minutes ago, Ray Stonada said:

    Bench Cook for a mistake, or put him right back in to atone for it. 


    Either way, if another player does something stupid, treat them the same way. Be consistent, McDermott! 


    Don't make this into a weird fixation on punishing your whipping boy. 


    It's laughable if he thinks this sends any good message to the team.

    Completely agree with this. Phillips does dumb thing after dumb thing and is right back out there.  Same with Siran Neal, a gunner who makes no plays but gets plenty of 15+ yard field position flipping penalties.  

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  15. 6 minutes ago, QB Bills said:

    First part, agreed. But give Allen a competent coach and we've probably already won a super bowl. I can't see how you can include him in that conversation. How many times has he left the field after giving the team a lead in the final minute only to have his idiot coach and his soft defense give it right back?

    Allen leaves a disturbing amount of points on the board.  He’s so talented that he overcomes a lot of that.  But that pass has to be completed to Davis.  80% of starting QB’s complete that pass and win the game. The 3 straight incompletions after 1st down at the philly 31 leading g to the Bass missed FG was also killer.  And the turnovers are usually killer too.  McDermott needs to go but Josh has to play better to win a championship.  

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  16. 1 minute ago, QB Bills said:

    James Cook is a prototypical drought-era Bill. Talented player, but a complete mental midget who will lose you a game with a critical mistake. You can't win with players like him. 

    We have too many of those guys on the roster to ever win a championship.  If we’re being honest, our QB is included in that group but is too talented to ever give up on.  

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