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Posts posted by Observer

  1. Off the top of your head





    JR in Pittsburgh

    Bill in NYC





    Just Jack




    I know there are many more!!






    The only poster on that list with a recognizable personality to me is Bill in NYC.


    I have no idea what Beerball does except that the sub-community of TBD guys who like to post flirty messages to each other in threads often include his name.


    Not even close. NOT EVEN.










    are all WAY better historically than LeBron, and far more clutch.


    When I was growing up watching all those guys (except Russel who predates my biggest fan years), all the guys 20 years older than me would shout "travel" and "that's not a foul in my day" at the TV. You're just spouting old man speak when you deny the best player of his era a place among the greats. Lebron James is the best ball player in the last 10 years and he's still at the top of his game. I don't see why he won't be in another 3-4 Championships before he's done.


    I don't love some of James's bonehead moments but Jordan was a grade A #$%^-bag (as well as being my favorite player) and those 80s-90s era guys look mature because we got to see them through a really nicely filtered lens...not the Twitter-verse. I'm sure they were all dumbasses too--we just didn't get the reports moment by moment.


    Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one that believes that my rep (van Hollen) is part of the problem.


    And that is why of 435 representatives, only about 35 are in contested elections. Everyone thinks their guy is a "stand up guy" and the other guys suck. Wake up 'merica: They are ALL part of the problem.


    The most secure job in the world is to be an incumbent member of Congress.






    Do you know anything about NBA history or...


    I watched all those guys play and two of those guys (Bird and Jordan) are my two favorite players. James is in their company. Hard to compare eras though. James's body type in the 90s would have scored 40 a game, even with the allowed hand checking. Karl Malone was the only player "like" Lebron back then but he was not the athlete that James is.


    7 championship series in 7 years with two teams is a helluva stat.

  5. USA is up against it vs. Argentina tomorrow (6/21) night at 9pm on FS1.


    It's hard enough playing a red hot Argentina, but with three of our hardest working players (Wood, Bedoya, Jones) suspended, it becomes a real long shot.


    I'm hoping Klinsmann decides to go more in the direction of Pulisic and Nagbe as opposed to Beckerman & Wondolowski.


    Bedoya is a "meh" player to miss but Wood has been a consistent threat and Jones dominates space physically. They will be sorely missed. Definitely not the same time with Beckerman, Nagbe, Zusi arriving as the backups.


    To this point, the US has played well. Really like this group. A few players (I'm looking at you Bradley) continue to confound me with the occasional great play and then the massive bonehead one but there's hope for this crew.


    Argentina is a buzz saw so they will need to be disciplined and compact and make the most of counter attacks and any set pieces.


    I called the mentally disturbed excuse several days ago but that was an entirely predictable and obvious conclusion from the left.


    Of course he's mentally disturbed. He killed 49 strangers in the name of a fairy tale.


    I'm much more interested in the outside connections, if any.


    Not releasing the transcript is idiotic. It just makes the words that much more influential for the copycats who are bound to follow. It's only a matter of time before either the words get leaked or someone makes up a meme for the words.

  7. Welcome to Obama's America. Quite the legacy this (omitted) is leaving.




    I skimmed a few of these stories. What's the rationale of not releasing the transcript? Are they worried about copycats? Does he say victim names that would be too upsetting? Is there a pattern of behavior where the transcripts are often edited or is this a special circumstance?


    I don't get it but I'm reserving judgment until I understand why.

  8. Trump campaign proceeding as expected. Lewandowski is out.


    At the end of the Trump campaign and possible presidency, Trump's advisory circle will consist of a single person.


    Hillary's will consist of a bunch of people, whose photos you can find in the dictionary next to the word CRONIES.

  9. Ok. I'm a liar. You got me. He schooled me.

    So long, fellas. I'm done here. Can't take being called a liar or deal with this level of stupidity. Cancel my account. I'm done. I've never been welcome here. Never will be. It's useless.


    Ban me for life please.


    Signing off. -justice out


    I have no idea what you're arguing about. I just see the " I said" then "you said" posts, which means you two need a room to hug it out. Just chiming in here to say that if the idiot posts on this board prove anything, it's that this board accepts almost anyone, no matter what their level of stupidity, bias, language, etc.



    Observer is a big Grave spitter fan so he needn't read the rest of your post.


    Every time 4merper4mer says grave spitter, an angel gets his wings.

    To be fair and accurate Trump has called for a temporary ban on immigrants and visitors from Islamic countries. Obama is letting "Syrian" refugees into this country without proper vetting at the same time ISIS is calling for people to infiltrate the U.S. and commit acts of terror. In this instance it would appear that Trump is the one acting like a president, not Obama.


    Yeah, Trump is getting a lot of support for his "ideas." Great to see the Republicans rebuking his filth. It's actually a good moment for the Rs. You won't see such honest dissension on the D side because the leadership is fed from the Clinton trough.

  11. Or what others refer to as due process.


    Is it possible none of you guys in favor of this understand what due process is about? I mean, the left understands because they prefer you have NO rights at all.


    But some of you (not you...everyone knows you're a leftist) better pay attention, because Trump's inner-liberal is coming out, and all you're doing is trying to justify it.


    Be careful what you wish for...


    The only ideology that defines Trump is Trump-ism.

  12. A Muslim American citizen terrorists shoots up a gay bar. In response:


    Hilary expresses her support for Muslims. Wants to ban guns.

    Trump expresses his support for the 2nd amendment. Wants to ban Muslim immigrants terrorists.


    ...and Obama blames American culture, and wants to ban Trump.




    We all want to ban terrorists. Show anyone how and we're on it.

  13. I get a unique perspective being the only Muslim on the board here. I get to see which comments you come after and which ones you don't. A Donald Trump wannabe said the shooters whole family should be killed and nothing was said. I say these guys aren't true Muslims and that draws a reaction. Interesting.

    Here it is.


    He's a POS. Why bother giving him the credit of being more?

  14. I already explained this. You know how repentance works, right? These evil !@#$s somehow thought they can drink at a strip club and they'll be fine in the afterlife because they're going to murder a bunch of innocent people. Wrong and even more wrong! If they can't grasp how it works to repent then how do you expect them to understand Islam? They think they can laugh at God. Oh yeah we'll get torn up at a strip club and still get into heaven!! Yeah. Ok. Whatever.


    You don't know if you're right or they're right. That's religion.


    Yes but Trump's words is what is causing all the problems. According to Barry.


    Not just Obama rightfully attacking Trump today.

  15. Agree but you brought up Trump and my position on immigration was in place years before Trump ran for President.


    I brought up Trump's reaction to the Florida shootings being "You see folks, we need to ban Syrian refugees." You agree with Trump, which is quite beside the point that Trump's anti-immigrant agenda reaction to these shootings is totally irrelevant.

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