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Posts posted by Observer

  1. I agree. Which is why it should be eye opening to see how this is being spun in the corporate media and by the political talking heads. The conditioning is what's important to track. This is an intentional conditioning operation (for the sake of using the most controversial language), facts be dammed. This is terrorism and thus federal powers must be expanded. And funding. And citizens' rights must be abridged for the greater good.


    It's been the meme since 2001. And it works. How else can you explain this thread where we have a bunch of folks arguing the inalieble rights of the second amendment in response to gun control -- yet he same folks (by and large) are silent on defending our inalienable right to privacy and due process?


    One has been sold to the public as a necessary means to keep people safe by both sides of the political spectrum -- the other as a wedge issue.


    I heard it on the radio and only some really sketchy sites have picked it up so it might be bollocks.


    Thank for less annoyingly filling the shoes Dwight Drane left for so long unfilled.

  2. What ?


    He's a Muslim and he pledged allegiance to Isis. He's a terrorist.


    Hang his whole family and put it on the cover of the HuffPo.


    So if I pledge allegiance to ISIS before I shoot my neighbor's dog for crapping on my lawn, I'm a terrorist?


    This guy may have just been an unhinged repressed homosexual with an upbringing that gave him enough vocabulary to sympathize with ISIS.


    Or he may have thought he was doing something important for ISIS.


    He doesn't come across as particularly bright.


    On that note, let me take a moment to express how INFINITELY better this board is without Gator and Jim doing their mating dance in every thread. Whoever put a stop to that, cheers.

  3. Unless we are arguing semantics, it appears to be a case of terrorism.


    I'm not sure this guy killed a bunch of people in a gay club because he identifies with ISIS.


    Time will tell.


    The San Bernidino people were homegrown terrorists. OK City was a homegrown terrorist. This guy might just be a nutcase who said the magic terror words when he was in the middle of his rampage.


    EDIT--just read Tom's point and appreciate it. Even the Illuminati allowed Rhino to post below on this point. Terrorism is directed to political aims. Not a complete definition, but not sure this dude was motivated by political aims.



    Trump's position on immigration is the most sound except for the practicality of deporting all and getting Mexico to write a check. There are so many reasons to limit immigration. It's really a no-brainer. The terrorism threat is just one piece of it.


    Not debating that in this particular discussion. Trump's immigration stance is irrelevant to the Orlando shooting.


    Because when something like this happens, the left needs to point fingers, and their preference is to blame, in no particular order: whites, Republicans, Christians, Islamophobes, gay-bashers, gun-worshippers.


    This guy is none of those things, and in fact turns out to be a gay dark-skinned Muslim Democrat who bought his guns legally and went on to murder 50 homosexuals.


    The finger pointing from the left is so bad, even Sally Kohn of CNN has opted to blame this on the Christian right because she simply had no idea how to just shut up and let the facts come out.


    If you removed the ability to point fingers and assign blame, the political left would vanish.


    The day a party looks at itself and says, "We screwed up" is a long ways off.


    The right is blaming the left. The left is blaming the right.


    The Keystone Cops are us, the voters.


    Why wouldn't we ban Syrian refugees given what little we really know about those coming in? While we're at it, why wouldn't we do a lot more to secure our borders? Why shouldn't we bring all immigration (legal and illegal) down to a trickle until we can improve the process and until a time when our economy and jobs environment is better equipped to absorb higher numbers?


    Banning refugees is its own thread. You took Trump's soundbyte bait. He loves you for it.


    Let me take you through how Trump's mind works.


    Trump sees shooing in Orlando.


    Trump says "What has happened in Orlando is just the beginning...I called it and asked for the ban [on immigrants]." "Appreciate the congrats for being right..."


    Trump took the shooting and pushed his anti-immigrant agenda. He could have pushed his agenda to get more Peking Duck served in school cafeterias and it would have been almost as relevant to this shooting.


    At least when Clinton pushed her firearm legislation agenda, there was a firearm involved.

  7. Give me a price tag.


    Whatever number Tom answers, you could get a lot more bang for the buck in chemical weapons.


    I believe it was Hamilton writing as Publius in the Federalist Papers who said, "Sarin and VX will keep an oppressive government in check."


    I'm all for pie in the sky idealism around Libertarianism, but there's a limit to an ideal brother.




    Thanks - I'll be giving dinner a miss this evening.


    With a hint of Janet Reno on the side.

  8. Hillary Clinton is arguing in a speech today that the Orlando terror attack happened because we're not fast enough at taking away the basic rights of every person under FBI investigation.






    This is her pitch today.


    Along with explaining that it's high time that Saudi, Qatar and Kuwait...all massive Clinton Foundation donors...stop their citizens from funding terrorists.


    It's hard to sound more stupid than Trump, and yet here is Hillary.


    That's OK. Trump's reaction to this is "You see folks, we need to ban Syrian refugees." That and self-congratulations that this proves he was right somehow about immigration.


    Those are the choices.


    Yet Gary Johnson hopes for 3%.

  9. Interestingly, Presidential candidate Gary Johnson has the most sane thing to say in the aftermath IMHO


    From an article in the Seattle Times today:



    Chalk one up for Gary.


    Gary is the grown up candidate.

    As a high school student you don't develop those feelings on your own. Had to be the influence at home.


    His dad sounds like a peach.


    I disagree. I don't think Obama gives a rat's asshair about the shootings except to see them as an opportunity to push his agenda.


    This murder had virtually nothing to do with the way guns are sold in America and precisely everything to do with a terror attack, but what did Obama talk about?


    Gun control.


    Every 'mass' shooting is another chance for him to push his cause.


    He may feel badly for a brief moment, but you can bet your ass the minute he hears the death toll going up, he's getting his typical gun control speech tee'd up for an address...usually right before he takes off for a fundraiser.


    I'm all for pausing a moment before selling a serious gun to a guy whose name ends up in a potentially radicalized terror investigation. If there was aa cross check of gun buyers against names in terror-related investigations, does this shooting happen? Probably, but it at least gives the good guys a fighting chance.


    Obama couldn't have done one thing different to stop this attack in the same way Bush couldn't have stopped 9-11. But their gut reaction to the situation was keep America safe.


    You're an idiot.


    Mass shootings are becoming copycat fun for psychos who have been shown the way. I voted for Romney and Romney couldn't have stopped this shooting even if he spent an hour in bed with Barbara Boxer and Elizabeth Warren.


    His divisive polices and rhetoric have probably done more to promote mass shootings than prevent them.


    You're grossly overestimating the cost of acquiring a nuclear weapon.


    Please. Obama's an ass but I doubt Omar McSelfie shot up a gay club because Obama can't talk to John Boenher and Mitch McConnell.



    Really? If he did, he would use reality in his assessment of the problem. The "problem" he wants to solve is individuals having rights he feels they should not have. This was a terrorist attack. The mechanism was a mass shooting. It is interesting that you think he wants to solve mass shootings. Are you implying that if this guy bombed the club he wouldn't care?


    Grow up.


    Obama has an unreasonable gun control agenda but he wants to do what he can to stop mass shootings. I don't question his desire to make America a safer place. Sadly each shooter is in copycat mode now, whether they are just psychos or self-radicalized nuts, so this won't be the last time this happens.


    The root cause of this is not solved neatly with gun control or bombing ISIS. It's not an easy problem to stop Americans from self-radicalizing and acting crazy. Nor is it an easy problem to stop people in war torn countries from blaming their crap lot in life on someone else and wanting revenge. These are complex problems without simple solutions.

  13. Yeah we can cut though all the BS by simply noticing that Obama expresses near zero determination to solve the problem.


    Obama wants to solve the problem of mass shootings just like you do. It's just the means of solving the problem where you disagree.

  14. So far the left has blamed:


    • Christian Conservatives
    • The NRA
    • The Gun itself
    • Trump's speeches
    • The Bathroom bill
    • Automatic weapons
    • Anti-Muslim culture
    • Bush
    • Social Media
    • Republicans in general
    • Anti-gay culture
    • Capitalism


    who are we missing?


    And the right is blaming:




    Clinton (Bill or Hillary)

    Social media




    That's what people do in cases like this. Look for a root cause and try to fix it.


    If only it were that simple.

  15. Our resident "Libertarian" is here to talk about compromising our rights again.


    I haven't said anything about about gun control in the wake of this, but don't let a fact like that get in the way of the fiction that informs your political opinions.

  16. Someone give me the odds on Obama mentioning gun control in his upcoming speech.


    He's been president for several of these and it's been n his agenda for years. Of course he will.


    It will be part of the developing story to find out how he got the weapon, what his status was regarding the watch list, etc. I don't have that story yet.

  17. Very good win, 1-0. Down a man for just about the entire second half. I agree with the popular opinion that John Brooks was the man of the match. It was great to see. Brooks, if he stays healthy will be the real deal for the U.S. back line for years to come. He showed in this game that he is world class.


    Also, I think it's safe to say that Guzan has cemented his role as #1 GK. He has been outstanding.


    A little luck and help from Costa Rica upsetting Columbia means the U.S. wins the group. Their quarterfinal game will be on Thursday against the 2nd place team from group B (Peru, Ecuador or Brazil).


    Brooks was obviously the man of the match. Wood looked very nice up top and his touch is a nice contrast to all those years of Altidore's stone feet. Jones also did a nice job dominating space.


    It was the right call on the red card but totally a shame. I loved the style of the US in first half. After the card, the strategy changed and it was sad to see them have to get more compact and be so careful. Hopefully they come out Thursday like they came out in that match.


    Guzan played well. Going to take me a while to get comfortable with him like I was with Howard but so far so good.

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