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Posts posted by Observer


    Doubtful, the sort of thing that Nixon was impeached for would still stand today. It doesn't get too much more politically salacious than having your guys break into DNC headquarters for information, then go to great lengths in covering it up and then deciding to obstruct and not turn over the tapes. Not to mention all the other **** they dug up on him during that time period.


    Starting a war of WMDs that were never found based on intel that was sketchy was pretty bad.


    Nixon had a lot of people around him who took the fall. He could have ridden it out given today's apathy. You just persevere to the next news cycle and all is well. Benghazi lasted what...2 weeks of drama and then forgotten.

  2. Didn't know if I should put this here or in the Obamanomics thread. Draw your own conclusions.




    Got this text today from the WSJ. Turmoil is the best time to invest, assuming you make the right bets. Soros can afford to make a few wrong ones.


    I wonder if he has access to any insider info.



    No, I'm afraid that I don't.


    I am sure that there IS evidence of law breaking, but at this point I am cynical enough to say that it will not be released...............probably because they think its best for the country ,


    Of course the opposite is true.



    Tom's (insider) comment that a lot of careerists at State and Justice who are going to lose their heads if Hillary's elected, makes you wonder just a little bit though,


    could just one or two people leak something big enough to make a difference ?


    Lord knows, they have proved that their security is bad enough for that to happen. :unsure:


    In today's world, Nixon rides out the impeachment process with ease. Accountability for actions and words died somewhere after Nixon and the surgeons called it after the Saddam war/WMD zero accountability debacle. Since then, no one takes the blame and no one takes a fall unless it's for texting dick pics.


    Unless Hillary was selling nuclear secrets to Bin Laden by email, she's not going to get in trouble.

  4. Precisely why Bernie hasn't dropped out ..........................but I think he's kidding himself


    FBI: Records from Clinton's email server being held as 'evidence'

    by Sarah Westwood

    FBI agents have confirmed that they recovered records from Hillary Clinton's private server and other electronic devices, but won't reveal any details about those records because that information is being treated as "evidence" in a "pending investigation."



    "[A]ll of the materials retrieved from any electronic equipment obtained from former Secretary Clinton for the investigation are evidence, potential evidence, or information that has not yet been assessed for evidentiary value," the FBI said in documents filed with a federal court Monday.


    more at link: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/fbi-records-from-clintons-email-server-being-held-as-evidence/article/2593333




    Do you believe any of this will stick? Mind you the question is not whether the investigation will turn up evidence of bad acts...but just whether it will stick. I don't think the public cares about people's records or what they say in this cycle. This election is just about riding one or the other jackass over the finish line no matter what they say.


    I don't agree with Bernie on the economy even a little but I'm pulling for him to complete the hail mary.


    "If you have been watching CNN, you know Anderson Cooper has been reporting about the discovery that a sitting judge is actually a robot."

    By Prof. Ann Althouse
    "His name is Gonzalo Curiel and he is presiding over the Trump University case. Curiel looks human on the outside, and he has passed as human for decades. But Cooper made it clear in his interviews yesterday that while science understands that 100% of humans are biased about just about everything, this robot judge is not susceptible to being influenced by his life experiences. It sounds deeply implausible, but no one on CNN challenged Cooper’s implication that Judge Curiel is the only bias-free entity in the universe. Ergo, he must be a robot."


    Writes Scott Adams, saying in what might be the funniest and best observation about judges I've ever read (and being an long-time law professor, I've read a lot).



    The leading presidential candidate makes a racist comment about a judge. You post an article about how bias leaks into the judiciary.


    The two are not related and it's this mental gymnastics that is an embarassment to the Republicans as they attempt to accept their nominee.


    Don't worry: The Bernie supporters feel your pain this morning. Their #HillYes hashtags will be hard to tweet but they're coming.


    At this stage of the game, I'm beginning to pay attention again purely for entertainment purposes. In regards to voting, I know with 99.99% certainty that I will not be voting for either Hillary or Trump. I assume I will research Gary Johnson and see if he is a palatable alternative.


    Johnson looked better before I started looking harder and listening to him speak (the guy is a long ways from confidence inspiring). But if he's got a shot at 10%, I'm in. Pulling the lever for Trump is a 0% possibility for me. Only Trump's mouth in the next 5 months can convince me to vote for Hillary. I just worry about Trump so much that occasionally I get pulled to the possibility of a Clinton vote. At least with her I'd know the pain to come.


    I'm 0-fer in presidential votes since 1992. Hate to break a streak.



    good. not racist afterall.


    i still don't entire get the difference between transgender, transsexual, gender neutral, etc. somebody told me the other day people are starting to identify as no gender, so i assume maybe neutral. doesn't biology kind of determine that?


    I don't struggle to "get it" in the same way I don't struggle to understand why my wife needs a new dress for every event. I observe it. It doesn't harm me.* I move on.


    *I pay my credit card bill.



    I don't see it.


    I hope you're right, but he's got all the momentum and media, plus he puts a few states in play that weren't in previous cycles.


    In an election where a lot of people will stay home, don't underestimate Trump's ability to court blue collar Dems to his cause.



    If he really wants to win, and I have my doubts, the thing that will make this different is that he will directly and relentlessly attack Hillary in a way she more than deserves and which no other candidate would have done. And how is pointing to Hillary's flaws deflecting but commies pointing to Trump's flaws not deflecting for Hillary?


    Hillary is a vile person who deserves FAR more criticism than she is receiving. Sadly, no matter who the R's nominated, that person would be painted as the absolute worst person ever to walk the face of the Earth. Yes even Kasich....that is just the way it works. I'm sure you would have fallen for that too, but I will grant you that Trump as the villain is an easy sell and for a lot of reasons. Meanwhile Hillary can walk around spitting on graves, hiding her communications and collecting King's ransoms from all over the world in exchange for the selling out of what is our country's best interest.....and nothing is said. Deflection or not....and it's not a deflection....exposure of that is warranted. Your post, OTOH is a tacit absolution of Hillary because Trump is a jerk. Nice one.


    I strongly dislike Trump as a candidate but there is not enough dislike in the world to ever justify 4 more years of a communist and/or criminal president, much less one that spits on the graves of American heroes. And you calling this a deflection is insulting. It's not just an insult to me, but to the entire country. Because if you are willing to accept her as president, then you really shouldn't talk down to anyone.


    There are a lot of issues for both candidates. Trump's open racism play is also one. Clinton's Benghazi performance is one.


    For you, everything harkens back to Hillary and Benghazi. We get it.




    I said it from day one, Trump's opening salvo was the worst sort of racist demagoguery that I've seen from a major presidential candidate in my adult life time. It wasn't just a one-off, he continues to pander to people's worst inner instincts and he shows no willingness to deviate from this whatever you want to call it.


    Watching some of the people on this board go to great lengths to attempt to justify his behavior by either deflecting and showing Hillary's flaws or doing mental gymnastics in trying to decode his plainly spoken racist words and connotations into something that it is not is beyond amusing.


    The media is now entering into a wholly predictable stage of the race and now are beginning to cover him the way he should have been covered the entire time. The media coverage hammering away at him is going to be relentless and he will get absolutely obliterated come November.


    Agree with everything but the underlined.


    The media hammering has no affect. He's not a candidate where people care what he stands for, or that his only skill is media manipulation. He's not a candidate running on issues and his crap reputation means nothing. His supporters don't care what he is and the people going into backbends to defend him here (with the exception of the few knuckledraggers who actually like him) are mostly just in anti-Hillary mode.


    You better get used to President Trump. I'm starting to steel myself for the nightmare to come, and the future elections it portends.

  10. Unfortunately the zoo staff made the right decision (YES I'm a BIG animal rights person) but they never should've been put in that position in the first place. A tranquilizer probably would've agitated the animal even more and would've become more violent. When you're kid says "I'm gonna go down to the moat to the gorillas" and then has the time to climb a rail, over a fence and fall down the cliff, or whatever, she clearly was not paying attention and needs to be punished for child neglect, endangerment of child, or whatever. She also needs to take full responsibility of the loss of an endangered animal. I think Harambe was trying to watch over the child and the screaming and yelling from the retarded people irritated him more.


    That btch of a woman should be charged and thrown in jail. The fact that she is getting away with this and nothing is happening pisses me off. Her name needs to be made public!!!!


    On both points, you have no idea and neither do I. I'm a parent. There are times when I'm not watching my child. I have no idea if the child got into the moat in 15 seconds of inattention or 3 minutes.


    Harambe could have killed the boy in 2 seconds at any point. The child was in mortal danger from the moment he fell in. Sure maybe the gorilla was not going to do harm but no one knows. The zoo made the better of two crappy choices.


    Mom, zoo, child should all go their separate ways. That said, lawsuit probably happening.

  11. Moronic parenting is at an epidemic level spreading around the world. What makes these idiot parents even more criminally negligent is that they delayed notifying the police because they were afraid that they would be in trouble. These people make a good case for being an advocate of forced sterilization.



    Moronic parenting videos are spreading. I could have jumped into any one of a million cages in the Buffalo zoo in the 1970s when my parents were letting me roam pretty free. I just didn't.

  12. Hard core Libertarians don't live in reality but Johnson is still an appealing candidate. My in-laws who are a hard core Republican and a hard core Democrat both refuse to vote for Trump or Clinton and have decided to throw down with Johnson.


    It's a shocking moment from a pair of 70 year old party lifers.

  13. Yes. Me. This is a myth perpetuated by the Hillary crowd and the media. I went to the caucus and in my district there were over 50 Bernie people and around 20 Hillary people. Most of the Bernie people, if not all, were well over 26.


    I know loads of Bernie supporters in their 40s and 50s. Hillary has a huge problem. She's got the nomination sewed up but not with anything like the authority she hopes.


    Go through each thread and you will see that it's impossible because he responds to practically everything


    And when he's on ignore, you don't see his posts.


    My WNY Catholic upbringing included sentence breaks.


    You must be one of those Nardin Academy graduates.


    It didn't need a sentence break. At best, we now have two responses requesting a comma after the word bingo.


    A stylistic choice. The comma slows down the thought.


    You edited your post and still came up with this? :lol:


    You never heard "We have a bingo?"


    Part of a WNY Catholic upbringing.


    Ignoring him hasn't worked. Calling him a blithering idiot hasn't worked. The only thing left then, is to shut down this forum.


    That makes zero sense.


    You put him on ignore and don't respond. It's not that hard.


    The problem comes when you, Tom, Jim, and the gang respond to his every post, which then pollutes the threads. I have no interest in ignoring you...until you engage with Gator and then I am reading more blather.

  16. Honestly, I'm tired of you continually polluting this board with lame idiotic responses to Gatorman posts. If you don't like what he says, ignore him. You're just making yourself look like a fool with nonsense like this.


    We have a bingo though in fairness to GG, he's just one of the many people feeding him.

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