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Posts posted by Observer

  1. Can you explain the tangible "danger" assuming terrorists attacks are of the Islamic nature poses?

    Reaction bias. Herd mentality. Racial bias enforcement. Stupidity.


    Rushing to judge on a bulletin board is not life or death.


    Considering the reason for the recent wave of attacks, saying "I'll bet it was Muslim extremist terrorism" upon first learning about it is probably a good bet. It's sticking with it if/after it proves to be false that's the problem.


    Are you and Ozymandius in competition to see which one of you can post "Bet it was a Muslim killer" on PPP first?

  3. Reduce or eliminate the incentive not to work in this country and you'd likely be amazed how many Americans will be willing to do those jobs. Also go after employers who have those jobs Americans won't do and instead give them to illegal immigrants would do a lot.


    You think illegal immigrants are filling up US manufacturing job seats?


    I'm all for eliminating the welfare state but it's not an easy Band-Aid to tear off.

  4. So is that a yes or a no answer to my question? Because that's all I was looking for not a sermon.


    I don't know the answer. I don't even know what this German guy's story is yet. My point was less about whether posters' race to judge sans facts ends up being right, but that it's a dangerous way to back your "reason."

  5. From Wiki


    Johnson believes two approaches to immigration should be implemented: (1) "simplify legal immigration" and (2) "tackle illegal immigration."[51] He says, "Immigration into the United States by ambitious, willing workers and their families is a good thing. Not only is it a historical and energizing part of American culture and experience, it is vital to our economy. These positive benefits should not be sacrificed or reduced in any solution to stop illegal immigration."[52]

    Johnson favors issuing work visas, rather than granting amnesty citizenship or permanent residency, to people who want to work in the United States so that they pay payroll and income taxes,[7] and favors a two-year grace period to current illegal immigrants to obtain these visas.[51] He would require background checks of visa applicants,[51] because federal "authorities do need to know who is crossing our borders and be able to prevent criminals from entering the country."[52] He believes that, once a worker obtains a visa, the worker "should have access to the normal procedures for gaining permanent status and citizenship, and should be able to bring their families to the U.S. after demonstrating ability to support them financially."[51] Johnson does not support immigration quotas.[7]

    Under the present system, Johnson does not support "cracking down" on illegal immigration or creating penalties for businesses that hire undocumented immigrants.[7] Instead, he believes the work visa program will reduce illegal immigration.[51] But once the program is implemented, he believes in enforcing "a 'one strike, you're out' rule for immigrants who circumvent the" work visa process,[51] as well as imposing and enforcing "sanctions on employers for noncompliance with immigration laws.[51]

    Johnson opposes building a fence or wall along the Mexican border or placing National Guard units there,[7] because "security measures along the borders are just not enough" and "do not completely solve the immigration problem."[52] He believes that much of the Mexican-American border problems are due to drug prohibition, and that ending the prohibition of marijuana and the War on Drugs would end 75% of the violence along the border.[7][46][51]

    Johnson opposed Arizona SB 1070, and says he would have vetoed it were he the governor, though he understands and supports the spirit behind it. He says that the bill was devastating to drawing business to Arizona and believes the bill will create racial discrimination.[7]

    Gun rights[edit]

    Johnson does not believe in limiting the types or sizes of guns that private citizens can own. He believes the Second Amendment is "clear," and establishes an individual right for citizens.[7]

    Johnson has stated he is open for debate on the subject of gun control and is open to a discussion on preventing those the government deems mentally ill from possessing weapons.[39]



    Clinton will talk about how great the U.S. economy is under Obama then her, not dark like Trump portrayed it.



    As of March 2016 budget deficit for fiscal 2016 $ 534 B
    June unemployment rate of 4.9%
    Good paying manufacturing jobs replaced by part time minimum wage, pay very little in taxes
    What will the deficit be in another recession



    Pining for manufacturing jobs is like missing the good old days of building flint spearheads. They are not all leaving for China like many would have you believe and makes a good narrative. They are gone. Poof. Thank you very much-o Mr. Roboto. If we get hard on exporting China mfg jobs, those jobs (which most Americans would not deign to do...sitting in a giant room inserting screw 136 into hole 136A for the iPhone 7) will only come back as more robots.


    Starting in 2000, US Mfg jobs went off a cliff on a one way journey.


    Presidents don't play that big of a role in an economy, as long as inspire calm and predictability. We're looking at you Trump. Blaming Obama and Bush for a mashed (Bush) and mushy (Obama) economy in the last 16 years is like crediting Bill Clinton for his budget surpluses. Too much credit and blame.

  7. He needs to be down in Philadelphia shaking hands and kissing babies, especially with all of the DNC vs Bernie stuff, and the scores of Bernie supporters that will be causing trouble there. Stein probably will be. I'm not sure Johnson will, although he was in Cleveland for most of last week.


    He's less likely to win the disenfranchised Sanders people but I agree: He should be there. He needs to get media time and that will spike his numbers, at least until the unfavorable stories come.


    He should be able to garner support from Independents and Repubs with brains. Not sure he can draw much on the left.

  8. Johnson/Weld are at 11-13% in CNN, NBC, and CBS polling.


    At 15%, they get to the debate stage, and that's also going to be the breaking point for the media to start covering them.


    I'm not sure they can do it but their ideas are more grown up than Trump's and their characters less questionable than Clinton's.


    If there's going to be a Libertarian president, this is a better chance than others.


    Question for you. Have most who have jumped to that conclusion lately been correct?


    Question for you: Does the eagerness of jumping to the sometimes right conclusion belie a dangerous bias?


    I guess it's only a problem when the [other side] does it. When BLM assumes the police officer is white, it's a problem for the right. When the righties assume a random mass killer is an islamist extremist, it's not? Here's the truth: Both side's eagerness to jump to conclusions is fueled by something darker than logic.


    The narrative on this one stinks.


    While I understand any information coming out of an active and chaotic crime scene is not the most reliable, when you have multiple sources reporting multiple shooters -- including police and video footage of multiple shooters -- and then suddenly the story changes to one shooter (after Munich police wiped social media and begged people to stop posting videos and images)... that's just inherently fishy.


    One shooter shut down an entire city while 2,300 cops searched for him... That's either utter ineptness or complete dishonesty.


    Remember the Boston Marathon? Finding a single person who doesn't want to be found is not easy.


    As to the rest, your association with tinfoil-hat theories makes me unsure of how to respond. Guess I'll keep reading what comes out from "them."

    What is Hillary telling you to think ?


    You can be against Hillary, Trump, and ignorance...all at once!

  10. If you don't have an answer to the question, why bother saying "I don't have an answer"? Leave it for someone that has something constructive to add. Pretty obvious you folks added nothing


    Edit: Oops, Doc did add something. Thanks


    Just to be clear, I was saying that your question is reasonable for a normal candidate. Trump doesn't back his words with plans. That's the entire point of his campaign. It's "build a wall" and "make America ___ again" but he's got nothing to back it up. He's an empty suit. So asking for a reasonable explanation while reasonable in itself is not reasonable to ask of Trump.


    His general answer is something along the lines of "I [read: the executive acting by Bush/Obama-fiat] will fix it, believe me." Which is a typically liberal response to a societal problem. This is what LA has been saying. Trump has no plans except a vague "my government will fix your ails" and "I'll make it rain money"plan.

  11. Looks more like a herostratic copycat nutjob than a terrorist.


    Makes all the posters here who are so eager to fit this into a narrative based their preconceived opinions look just like the liberals who often do the same.


    Which begs the question: If all the loony libs jumped off a bridge, is it possible the looney Rs would follow? Warren followed by Santorum. Clinton by Rove. Carville by Limbaugh. To dream the impossible dream.

  12. Hillary-Generic Democrat 2016!


    The focus groups must have indicated that with her electoral college advantage, Hillary Clinton just needed a generic Democrat to be her running mate. And the good news is, she found the generic Democrat.


    Painfully generic. Clinton’s selection of Tim Kaine as her running mate won’t raise her poll numbers much, or Democratic spirits. Ordinarily I would say the pick would “raise some eyebrows,” but maybe I should avoid that metaphor in references to Tim Kaine.


    Kaine’s bland, risk-averse political persona means he’s a fascinating measuring stick of the leftward shift in Democratic politics over the past decade.


    The 2005 era Tim Kaine sounded downright Republican: “I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman and that marriage is a uniquely valuable institution that must be preserved.”


    “I supported reducing Virginia’s sales tax on food and prescription drugs.


    I supported tax reform that eliminated the marriage penalty, reduced everyone’s income tax, and took over 140,000 Virginians off the tax rolls entirely.”


    He believed in enforcing “the current Virginia restrictions on abortion and passing an enforceable ban on partial birth abortion that protects the life and health of the mother” and “fighting teen pregnancy through abstinence-focused education.”


    His campaign literature promised, “Tim Kaine strongly supports the Second Amendment. As the next Governor of Virginia, he will not propose any new gun laws.”



    Once he was elected governor, Kaine pushed for tax increases again and again. He began by pitching $1 billion tax increase, as well as increasing car registration fees and imposing steeper fines on drivers who got tickets. Two years later, he proposed a $1.1 billion plan to hike the titling tax and vehicle registration fees. In his final year in office, Kaine proposed increasing the state’s income tax another percentage point to 6.75 percent. Republican state legislators blocked all these proposals.


    In 2009, Kaine’s dedication to the party started getting in the way of his day job; he spent “about 30 percent of the workweek, on average” as chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Of course, that was his final year as governor.


    Once elected to the Senate in 2012, Kaine “tried to cultivate an image as an abortion-rights champion. He’s pleased reproductive rights’ groups with a perfect voting record.”


    He discovered that he believed in gay marriage in 2013.


    By 2011, Kaine, who once ran ads falsely implying NRA President Charleton Heston praised his record, said he supported measures to restrict the number of bullets that can be fired from a single magazine. Recently he declared that the Orlando nightclub terror attack was “just an additional wake up call that we need to find solutions to reduce this scourge of gun violence.”


    Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner







    I admit I read 5% of these pastes, which is more than I read of OC's drivel. Anyone else care to weigh in on percentages?


    I read B-Man's thoughts when he shares them.


    Close your eyes and imagine if Donald Trump had said this.




    Kerry: Refrigerator chemicals are just as bad as ISIS

    July 22, 2016 4:10 pm


    Air conditioners and refrigerators pose as big a threat to "life on the planet" as the threat of terrorism, Secretary of State John Kerry said Friday.



    Kerry was in Vienna negotiating a global climate deal to phase out chemicals used as refrigerants in basic household and commercial appliances such as air conditioning and refrigerators, called hydrofluorocarbons, or HFCs.





    Always better to read the headline than the quote.


    You say things to make people feel important.


    Hard to say to an autism awareness support group "The work you're doing matters, but probably not as much as the anti-cancer movement, veterans support groups, people who work on childhood cancer wards..."


    That headline is misleading. It talks about attacking his "lack of" religion, and in all fairness, that would have been a good idea. I've heard Bernie talk about his faith, and believe me, he sure the hell doesn't believe in God, and if you listen to him carefully, you can tell he only pretends to be a Jew to get the votes.


    Kinda like Hillary pretends to be a black southerner who ain't no ways tarred.



  15. Ladies and gentlemen, I give to you this morning's press comments from the GOP presidential nominee on the day after the Republican National Convention.


    “They have a picture, an old picture, having breakfast with Lee Harvey Oswald. Now, I’m not saying anything. They said — and here’s how the press takes this story. So this has nothing to do with me. Except I may have pointed it out. But it had nothing to do with me! I have no control over anything! I might have pointed it out. But they never denied it. Did anybody even deny it was the father? Did anybody ever say, ‘oh, that’s not really my father’? That’s a little hard to do because it looks like him. So here’s the story. The press takes that and says, Donald Trump and his conspiracy theories. He went out and said his father was with Lee Harvey Oswald and he assassinated the president. What did I do?”


    “I know nothing about his father. I knew nothing about Lee Harvey Oswald. But there was a picture on the front page of the National Enquirer which does have credibility, and they’re not going to do pictures like that, because they get sued for a lot of money if things are wrong. Okay? A lot of money. And there’s a picture. And that’s the only thing I know.”



    Trying to convince a Trump supporter (1billsfan, Doc) the error of their support is like trying to talk particle physics with a jar of mayonnaise.


    Still looking for trumpsters who own a calculator and can tell me how he can - introduce universal pre-K, help college grads with student loans, rebuild the depleted military, expand Medicare, leave social security intact, rebuild the country's infrastructure, blow up every trade deal and do it all by cutting taxes on everybody?


    You're looking to have a substantive conversation with a Trump supporter.


    Hillary bad. LIAR. Rinse repeat.

  17. I thought Kasich as VP could have given Trump a win in Nov.


    Clinton is ruthless with a lot of campaign money for commercials to tip the balance and win.


    Trump isn't doing anything and he's even with her. He could nominate you, Alf, and people like 1Billsfan would be entertained and vote for him. His campaign is not about ideas, it's about fun. And we all know that fun is what will run the US.


    The best candidate is Johnson--need him to get to 15% and get into the media dialog.

    It's because it was DARK.


    The night is dark and full of terrors.


    Winter is coming.


    Fear energizes people to do stupid things.

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