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Posts posted by Observer

  1. No one needs that many pockets.


    Men should only carry three things: Keys. Wallet. and utility knife. Phones are optional.


    Miss carrying a knife. Travel too much so had to give it up for a silly utili-key.


    Cargo shorts are absurd. The pockets are either for show, so you're wearing them like faux epaulets like a chick or they are full of useless things and you might as wear a purse...like a chick.


    Man up men.


    Thinking the WH was interested in anything OTHER than ensuring the right was painted as obstructionists would truly earn you the title of 'deranged.'


    This president only knows two things: doing what he wants as driven by his warped ideology, and then blaming the other party when it doesn't work out by calling it racism.


    The left poisoned the well, and while the GOP could have done many things differently, they cowered under the racism yells because they were so effective, and now we have a Democrat on the GOP ticket.


    It will now happen again with Hillary as she pushes forward her warped agenda, and when it fails, she will explain that it would have worked had she not been treated differently because she's a woman.


    How anyone could align themselves with such a bunch of pathetic 'blameless victims' is beyond comprehension.


    Are you sure you're not a Trump supporter?


    I know there are months to go, but it's like getting the NFL schedule and seeing the Bills/Pats* matchup dates. Yeah, anything can happen, but we know better.


    Unfortunately, the damage Trump is doing will unquestionably give Hillary the house and senate,


    Hillary just needs to feign laryngitis for the next 3 months. Trump is doing all her negative campaigning for her.


    Holy crap is that a ridiculous article.


    It's not even really an editorial. It's just some blather about how Howard Stern has had Trump on his show and something something, voila Donald Trump.


    A ten year old could have written something better.


    I saw that and started to click on it and thought "nah sounds really stupid"


    I lost the IQ points you preserved.

  5. Libertarian Gary Johnson: "Religious freedom, as a category" is "a black hole" http://washex.am/2aliPaj



    Funny, that's where my chance of voting for Johnson went, with this ridiculous BS


    I made this point above: Johnson is the best candidate but he's a lightweight. Heavier than Trump (who isn't) but he doesn't have the mental engine.


    And I'm voting for him!

  6. Except that he needed investor money to launch and maintain the company in the early years and yeah taxpayer money didn't hurt.


    Exactly. He marshaled every resource he could to make his vision into reality. Imagine if politicians were able to get the government, private industry, and people to rally to causes in the way Musk did.


    He started a space exploration company.


    He started an automotive company.


    He co-founded an alternate payment system.


    That is a guy who gets stuff done.


    (I found his recent biography cold and uninteresting BTW. Still have no idea who he is.)



    On a side note, this Trump campaign has devolved from a **** show to a **** storm.


    And yet you have peple here who keep following him because "he's not Hillary."


    Even his own party is starting to get how dangerous he is. I just wish they'd shift to Johnson instead of Hillary. Just shows that the left, right, and many here are deeply invested in the current two parties.


    Bush's campaign manager, Whitman, McCain...the parade of defections has only just begun.


    I just don't know how you value "licensing" that way. I always thought licensing agreements were more "cash flow" than hard assets...which doesn't preclude treating them as assets. But valuing it as high as $5B must require some vaguely Enron-style accounting practices.


    You've obviously missed this gem in Trump's assessment of his net worth. Can't make this schit up.



    “Now, Mr. Trump, have you always been completely truthful in your public statements about your net worth of properties?” my lawyer asked during the deposition.

    “I try,” said Donald.

    “Have you ever not been truthful?”

    “My net worth fluctuates, and it goes up and down with markets and with attitudes and with feelings, even my own feelings, but I try.”

    “Let me just understand that a little bit,” my lawyer said. “Let’s talk about net worth for a second. You said that the net worth goes up and down based upon your own feelings?”

    “Yes, even my own feelings, as to where the world is, where the world is going, and that can change rapidly from day to day. Then you have a September 11th, and you don’t feel so good about yourself and you don’t feel so good about the world and you don’t feel so good about New York City. Then you have a year later, and the city is as hot as a pistol. Even months after that it was a different feeling. So yeah, even my own feelings affect my value to myself.”

    “When you publicly state what you’re worth, what do you base that number on?”

    “I would say it’s my general attitude at the time that the question may be asked,” Donald responded. “And as I say, it varies.”


    I feel like I'm worth 5 billion today.


    You're right, and what's more is that with robotic assembly lines you have a need for higher skilled employees. Instead of low-skilled people working the line, you now need programmers, engineers, and maintenance technicians. In addition, robots consistently perform one complete function (on average) approximately every 60 seconds with no breaks, and are able to perform tasks that are potentially dangerous, if not lethal, to humans.


    Way too many people buy into the "robots are putting people out of work" BS - all that's really happening is they're creating a demand for higher skilled (and higher paid) labor while helping to reduce on-the-job injuries. It's a win-win.


    Plenty of fogies on this board rooting for John Henry.


    That looks great to me. I've never understood criticism of Musk's endeavors - I'd like to see more like him.


    Dream big. Shoot for the stars. We definitely need more people like him. He will fail spectacularly in some of these things but we definitely need more Musks and less Wall Street money moguls. Even the people dancing a jig at the Tesla's problems miss the point. He's turned the auto industry, which seemed all but impenetrable to an outsider, on its ear.

  11. Being a career politician certainly gives Clinton the advantage in the debates.... The foreign policy stuff would, in my mind, be the hardest portion to get up to speed on..... Job performance good or bad depending on your partisan politics aside, her experience as SOS will help her look knowledgable and competent to the occasionally engaged voter... I see Trump having a hard time in the debates, especially in this area.


    He's not good on policy either. He's likely to shift direction mid-sentence and end up who knows where insulting who knows who.

  12. Trump is afraid of the debates I heard. This is why Trump will always fail he gets distracted by stupid ****. Can't have a guy who has the attention of a child and the maturity of one to be president.


    He should be. His role in the RNC debates was to spout a one liner every once in a while. He can't keep up with Hillary in a 1v1 debate--he's an imbecile. "Crooked Hillary" only gets you so far when you have to talk for 5 minutes about the situation on the ground in the Ukraine.

  13. And where was the outrage after Hillary said that the mother of the Benghazi victim was a liar?


    Really? Posters here talk about it almost daily and it's in the media constantly. Hillary is a POS.


    It's just that in perhaps the only area where Trump could say he was better than Clinton (he doesn't crap on dead soldiers' families), he is now doing his best to catch up.


    He's trash, bottomless trash. Narcissist to a level that it's hard to measure.

  14. Day 4 of CNN letting Khan be their coverboy.


    Note to Trump -- as a Democrat, you naturally hate all things Bush, but take a page from W and stop trying to pick a fight with the left's shiny new Cindy Sheehan.


    Note to Khan -- you're allowing yourself to be a puppet of the left, so please do not be surprised when you wake up in the next month and you can't even get a guest-blog published at Slate.


    A better note to Trump may be to remind him not to crap on the parents of veterans. It's hard for Trump to show a little class, but this would be an instance where it might be worth it to just STFU.


    If Trump hadn't said a thing, this moment would have been loud for just a moment. But now he's got Republicans disavowing him.


    Not that it matters. The Trump supporters here won't deviate from their path. Only Hillary gets vilified for disrespecting soldiers. Trump, well he's not Hillary, so instead let's attack the media on this topic.

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