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Posts posted by Observer

  1. Again, it's not a belief in a party as it is the reality that one of them is going to win. You do realize that as well, don't you?


    My litter doesn't make a difference as long as the rest of you don't litter.


    A third party won't ever win if people keep following the lemming in front of them.

  2. I've already made my position known, Ob. But again, since you obviously missed it, here it is again:


    This election is a choice between two candidates since the other parties have no chance in hell of winning the election. Go ahead and knock yourself out and vote for one if it makes you feel better (and you'll have to given all your talk about "morals," right?), but it's a wasted vote. Nether is a good candidate, but it is what it is. But I'll take my chances with the theoretical disaster that The Donald may be versus the actual disaster that LIAR was/is.


    And I am not an R lemming. Because I'm not an R. But out of curiosity Ob, are you going to vote Johnson or Stein? Come on now, you don't want to be a lemming.

    Johnson so far. No one else close.


    Clinton and Trump thank you for your continued belief in their Parties. Splat.

  3. I will say this Trump is very good at getting stupid people to fall for his ****. He is very good at doing this through Twitter.

    Now using Twitter to spit on fallen soldier's family. Amiright former performer?


    Trump is so thin skinned that he can't just thank Capt Khan for his sacrifice and offer sympathy for the parents, like a person with any moral compass would do.


    But yeah, how bad can a vote for him be?

  4. No.


    Straightforward reasoning.


    There are only four candidates left.


    Of those Trump is the best and would work with congress in most instances.


    There were plenty of better candidates before, but this what we are left with.

    Something in this campaign shows you he's a bridge building leader?


    I get the hope that he's created a persona and will negotiate back from that. That this is a game. Etc. but you support him based on "he's not Hillary." You sell your morals so cheap?

  5. Hillary lies about everything and its proven that she is willing to jeopardize our national security to further herself.


    She is unfit to hear classified briefings and be in charge of our military and nuclear arsenal.


    She has already been compromised to being predisposed to blackmail.

    And Trump is an unpredictable buffoon not fit to lead a class trip let alone a country. A vote for either one is a travesty.


    Gary Johnson
    "Cut Medicare/Medicaid by 43%, as part of $1.675 trillion cut. (May 2011)"
    "Open the border; flood of Mexicans would become taxpayers. (Jan 2001)"
    that would be too radical
    No way Congress would go along with any of those ideas
    Voter base Libertarian Party
    Ballot access expert Richard Winger, the editor of Ballot Access News, periodically compiles and analyzes voter registration
    statistics as reported by state voter agencies, and he reports that as of October 2012, the Libertarians ranked fifth in voter registration nationally with 325,807.



    The president can't enact legislation (except by Bush-Obama fiat). Johnson would have to do in the US what he did as governor, the unthinkable in 2016. He will have to reach across aisles, make compromises. Like a grown up. At the moment, he seems like the only person in the race capable of acting like one.

  7. I tend to imagine a Trump presidency having very little to do with Trump enacting policy. It will all be handled by lower appointees.


    But here's the thing. He will be the commander in chief of the US military. Finger on the button. Head of State.


    There's more to being president than working with Congress. He will be a disaster.


    On another note, some genius at the NY Times is keeping a growing list of all of Trump's Twitter insults, organized by party insulted. The party of Abe Lincoln brings you its 2016 GOP nominee:

  8. He was called smarmy, creepy and ugly because those descriptions fit him. And that's what separates leaders from iconoclasts. Leaders let it roll of their backs and move on.


    The GOP convention was pure proof that Ted can't lead or govern.


    Ding ding ding.


    Cruz was the wrong choice and made sure everyone knew it. If everyone you work with hates you at a deep level, you are not a good leader.




    I watched the GOP cower against the DNC media machine, and It's no longer acceptable to me. There is no lesser evil here. Trump is Clinton and Obama and Reid and Pelosi, and I want absolutely nothing to do with him.



    I've seen you hit this drum and I do understand why but I don't think it's that simple. Clinton has a pretty clear leftist with some serious hawk policy (sticking to ideas and platform here, not her abhorrent history). Listening to Trump, you'd be hard-pressed to figure out a coherent policy.


    That said, his website lays out a modestly GOP-friendly platform. Trump appears to have little-to-no belief in those as-written positions and is not taking them seriously. If he was, maybe we could have an election on the issues and not the personalities.




    I live in Virginia. If I play my cards right, my vote could be counted multiple times in multiple states


    I've had a few people tell me that if I vote for Trump they will get their sibling/parent/child/friend in non-swing state to vote for Johnson. Then I mention that my Dad, who until recently thought Libertarians were just Republicans who wanted to smoke pot, is also planning on voting for Johnson in Pennsylvania. Could rack up a few votes that way :P

    I am likely to vote Johnson. I agree with his positions nearly completely. I like that he and Weld are committed to co-governing.


    Image wise, I wish Johnson didn't come across like the "B team" intellect. I hope he gets more exposure and proves me wrong. I'm not sure he has presidential gravitas--if he did, he might be doing a little better.


    I showed some interview to some friends recently and they literally said, "that guy?" They were laughing to imagine him as president. Nothing to do with his positions. They were on board with his positions. Strange issue, but a real one.

  10. Based upon what I researched and saw last year, and this deal, by the end of 2016 he will have made 51 million dollars playing football.


    Considering where he started, seriously, not bad.


    As I have said on previous occasions, this is a guy whose services are going to be in demand, primarily as a back up, probably until his late 30s. Even if he is overly mediocre this season, he should be able to earn 3-4 million as a back-up for the next few years...if he wants.


    Fitz is a no brainer on a team with a solid starting QB. He's a good teammate. Smart. Reliable (for a backup) and even occasionally quite good. Plays his guts out.

  11. It's awesome that following the schitshows that gave us Trump and Clinton, the media stories this week are about how you can't waste a vote on a third party and how third parties can't govern.


    That's rich.


    At least it's finally some press for Johnson. Keep it coming media. Bad press has been working wonders for Trump so far.

  12. Um...do you always start conversations off this way? :lol: Christ all Friday, that is perhaps the best beginning to a novel, of all time. Forget "It was the best of times....". Forget "To the red country and part of the gray country of Oklahoma"(which I believe is how anyone gets away with calling Southern/Midwestern states "red"). Forget "In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me advice..."


    No. In this day and age, despite 100s of years of the British trying to get India right, and Rikki Tikki Tavi being as about as close as it gets?


    That line, I'm sorry, is flat out better.


    If you truly did just wake up in India, imagine my persona, standing in the middle of the market in your town, saying: "Free passage to the USA, and a 48 month visa, if you eat this McDonald's Cheeseburger in front of your mother, and praise Kali!"


    Um, yeah, the opening of the DNC...was that kind of chaos.


    (EDIT: Some people have faggy bucket lists. Clearly, I do not)


    Here on business but travel here a lot. Won't hijack this thread too far off course but if you did the hamburger stunt, people would laugh and take videos of the crazy American guy for their facebook/Instagram feeds, just like anywhere else.


    Interestingly candid. Sounds like while Obama was out golfing Putin was doing his homework.


    Candid and Putin are not words that go together. That "press conference" was Putin manipulating his media and controlling his message in every word.


    But candid? No. Putin is candid when he takes a dump. In everything else he's manipulative and shrewd.

  14. I just woke up in India--reading the stories sounds like pre-prime time chaos. When I checked in, looked pretty much like every other boring convention.


    Michelle, Bernie, Booker, and Warren is a lineup that won't get booed. The Dems will fill the stage night after night with people the base love...and then finish off the festivities with a turd sandwich. But by then the crowd should be softened up.

  15. Putin despises Hillary and with good reason - she and Nuland facilitated the coup in Ukraine which has led to where Russian-American and Russian-European relations stand today.


    It's bigger than that. On one side, Clinton is a staunch hawk and supporter of global alliances and despite the sentiment at home, the world likes her a lot. Trump wants to get out of treaties and pull the US back from most engagements that help check Russia, and the world is frightened of his unpredictability.


    Pretty simple play for Putin.

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