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Bob in Mich

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Posts posted by Bob in Mich

  1. Such devices have been around for a long time. You would just have to sneak it into a game which should be pretty easy to do considering the electronic part of it is very small and very easily concealed. Way easier to sneak in than a single can of beer. Could even be packaged to look like a remote starter for a car.



    No need to smuggle it in to the stadium in New England. They put it together in that room with the sinks but no toilet. Just ask the equipment guy nicknamed "Radio Jam Man"

  2. I have been following ticket prices to this game for several months. One might think that the prices would be going up just days before the game but they are instead falling.


    A lot of those season tickets that were bought were bought by re-sellers and they are getting more desperate as game time approaches. Tickets that were selling for $150 a couple of weeks ago are now selling for less than $100.



  3. Nope sober as a judge. Answer me this. If it's such a wonder drug why has it not been used as one?


    Not sure of your definition of a wonder drug but I'll put this list up against most any. This is not to say that today it is the best medicine for all of these conditions. In many cases too, it may have been palliative rather than curative.


    The point that seems to have missed some is that cannabis was considered the best treatment option years ago, before prohibition. The normal medical procedure was to treat with cannabis. Then, it was outlawed. All of the advances that have come to medicine and medical research since 1940 were not used to investigate what was once considered a nearly universal medical agent.


    It follows that if we now apply this research to cannabis and to the body's endocannabinoid system, discoveries will likely come in surprisingly rapid fashion. It seems incredible that the cannabis plant could suddenly seem to address so many illnesses. Fact is, there is nothing sudden about it.



  4. Dude you can sell Amway if you want to make a few bucks. And you don't even have to go on football boards kicking former coaches while they're down to do it. The very premise and title of this thread "pot cures everything" invalidates it enough for anyone not already hooked and looking for validation of their addiction.


    Look; I don't care if you smoke your doobage all day long in Michigan or Hogboyville or wherever you live. These attempts to convince yourself to rid your mind of guilt for your illegal activity by convincing others that this drug is some kind of miracle are very transparent. Just let go of your own guilt already. I know....maybe pot is a cure for guilt. Look that up and maybe cannaboid number 1296.438Dh7 is the magic strain and you can go about your day with a clear conscience and let us be.


    There is a thread on the main board mentioning DeHaven's cancer. Doctor pothead chimed in quickly with his cure all. If only someone had Bruce's cell number he'd be cured.


    Kicking DeHaven? You are much more of an idiot than I imagined. Go the !@#$ away, ****! I have asked both you and Tom repeatedly to please refrain from posting in this thread but your illnesses seem to force you both to try to appear relevant when you have nothing to contribute.


    To anyone else curious about the DeHaven story, here is a link to the Bruce Dehaven has Cancer thread. Go look at all the kicking I did to the poor guy.



  5. I agree. Not one of his posts made you go away.


    Surprise, surprise! The other totally useless poster chimes in. Try the same exercise I asked of Tom. Find one real contribution of yours to this discussion.


    Several posters love to pounce on every pro-cannabis post I make, claiming it is invalid. Where are the links to the research reports invalidating these claims?


    It only sounds fairly close if you're a !@#$ing stoner idiot. "Continue to have thoughts and feelings" and "can't make memories go away" are entirely different, you ignorant crusading dumbass.


    Make yourself useful for a change. Go back through this thread and try to find one of your posts that contributed anything to this discussion. I can't recall any

  7. Regarding my description of PTSD...



    No, it's not.


    This is why your cited "research" is such nonsense. Because it's performed by ignorant !@#$ing idiots.




    From the American Psychiatric Association's description of PTSD


    People with PTSD continue to have intense, disturbing thoughts and feelings related to their experience long after the traumatic event has ended.



    That sounds fairly close to my layman's description of this problem, you pompous prick.


    PTSD is a disorder where the mind cannot get certain disturbing memories to go away.

  8. example of 3 tax brackets ( a simplification )

    income from .$0.01 - $100,000 is taxed at 30%

    income from $100,000 - $200,000 is taxed at 60%

    income greater than $200,000 is taxed at 90% (the marginal tax rate is 90%)


    If income is less than $100,000, the effective tax rate is 30%


    If income is $200,000, the first $100,000 would be taxed at 30% ($30,000). The income between $100k and $200k is taxed at 60% (so $60,000). Adding $30k and $60k we get $90k on $200k income, yielding an effective tax rate of 45%


    If income is $300,000, the first $100k is taxed at 30% ($30,000), the second $100k is taxed at 60% ($60,000), and the dollars over $200k are taxed at 90% ($90,000). Adding 30 + 60 + 90 = $180,000 tax on $300,000 income, yielding an effective tax rate of 60%

  9. "Cannabidiol for the treatment of cannabis withdrawal syndrome: a case report".


    What can be better - you take cannabis as a cure for cannabis withdrawal. I've heard heroin stops heroin withdrawal, too.

    For anxiety and PTSD: "Cannabidiol enhances consolidation of explicit fear extinction in humans."


    I have no idea what explicit fear extinction is so I googled it - every entry on at least the first page had something to do with cannabis.


    Some of the scientific/medical terms can be difficult to understand. As mentioned before, I am not a medical professional but following was how I read things.


    - Cannabidiol, or CBD, is just one of the very many cannabinoids found in cannabis. This study points out that CBD, a non-psychoactive substance, can alleviate the withdrawal symptoms from giving up whole cannabis, including THC, the psychoactive cannabinoid.


    - PTSD is a disorder where the mind cannot get certain disturbing memories to go away. CBD seems to allow those affected with this fear disorder to better compartmentalize those disturbing memories.

  10. http://medicalmarijuana.com.au/


    See the Dennis Hill article and video on this webpage. (It is below the Christina Sanchez interview) Dennis is a biochemist that treated his own advanced prostate cancer with cannabis oil. He has a unique understanding and familiarity of the disease and this treatment.


    Thursday, 18 June 2015 10:26 Written by Stephen Ramsey

    Background; Dennis Hill is a biochemist who graduated from the University of Houston Texas, doing his Graduate Work at Baylor Medical School.Employed as a researcher at the renowned MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston Texas.
    Five years ago Dennis was diagnosed with aggressive stage 3 prostate cancer, thanks to cannabis oil he is now cancer free.
    In the following video interview by Natalie Mazurek (2nd year chemistry student), Dennis explains in chemistry terms, how the essential oil derived from cannabis kills cancer cells.


    I have no problem with someone smoking weed for the nausea and pain side effects of the medicines they take to fight cancer, but I'm suspect of these clinicals stating the chemical in cannibas actually fights cancer. I've worked in the medical field for over 16 years and there are lots of bogus studies that never make it into esteemed journals like NEJOM, Lancet, and so on.


    Again, if using marijuana helps anyone for their pain, nausea, and vomiting from chemotherapy, it should be legalized in all 50 states. Reglan, Zofran, and so on do not work as well as marijuana for many patients.


    Smoking a joint can help greatly with some issues such as nausea or pain because its effects are immediate. It appears that a cannabis concentrate is better able to deliver many more cannabinoid molecules and so is better at limiting cancers or controlling epilepsy.


    You say that you have been in the medical field for 16 years. I am curious as to where you have been taught about cannabis as medicine. I have had discussions with quite a few medical pros regarding cannabis over the past 5 years or so. Most have had no formal education with respect to any cannabis benefits. That wasn't taught when they went to school.


    Also, they have pharmaceutical reps knocking on their doors all the time with the latest and greatest medicines. They have told me that this is how they learn about most new medicines. Prior to FDA approval these reps can't be educating the doctors about cannabis based medicines either.


    Also, alternative medicines are there because we don't have all of the answers with respect to many diseases. Not sure about you but if I got the death sentence from my doctor, I would do some personal research as to new treatment options. Have you seen this thread here?




    Please check out this GW Pharmaceuticals website for a discussion as to the mechanism of action. GWPH is traded on the Nasdaq and it has done well.




    From the site:


    The possibility that cannabinoids, including endocannabinoids, may treat cancer is supported by an ever increasing body of available evidence. In simple terms, cancer occurs because cells become immortalised; they fail to heed customary signals to turn off growth. A normal function of remodelling in the body requires that cells die on cue. This is called apoptosis, or programmed cell death and this process fails to proceed normally after malignant transformation. As will be discussed in greater detail below, THC, CBD, and perhaps other phytocannabinoids promote the re-emergence of apoptosis so that certain cancer cell types will in fact heed the signals, stop dividing, and die. The process of apoptosis is judged by observation of several phenomena: reduced cellular volume, condensation of nuclear chromatin, changes in distribution of phospholipids in plasma membranes, and cleavage of chromatin into DNA fragments called NDA ladders.

    Another method by which tumours grow is by ensuring that they are nourished: they send out signals to promote angiogenesis, the growth of new blood vessels. Cannabinoids may turn off these signals as well. Finally, cannabinoids may display complex interactions with oncogenes. Pre-clinical studies have highlighted an anti-cancer role for phytocannabinoids via CB receptor and non-CB receptor mediated pathways in a broad spectrum of cancer types bothin vitroandin vivo.

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