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Posts posted by grammer_police

  1. You can't hate the guy for saying this. He got the shaft from the front office while he was here. Don't get me wrong, Gregg dug his own grave in many ways (airhorns and the like), but he was just not ready to be a HC quite yet. I know I'm not alone, but I've always thought he'd be a great HC down the line some day in his second go-around. I really believe that.


    And I don't take that as a dig against Buffalo at all. It IS cold up there. And we've gone 10 years without a playoff birth. Now he's in New Orleans and playing in the Super Bowl. He's not taking the piss. He's just stating facts. If anything, it's a slight at the organization, not the town.



    Not too much I can disagree with except for I think its very unprofessional to make a statment about a former employer/town.

    Made me think much less of ol' man boobs

  2. Oh yeah, forgot to mention the obvious inaccuracy:


    "But instead of having a franchise quarterback fro the next decade, the Bills' starting quarterbacks in 2001 were Alex Van Pelt and Rob Johnson. They traded for Drew Bledsoe the next year and have since called Kelly Holcomb, J.P. Losman, Trent Edwards, Ryan Fitzpatrick and Brian Brohm starters. "


    So, starting one game due to injury means that we are calling Brohm a starter?

  3. http://espn.go.com/blog/nflnation/post/_/i...passed-on-brees


    Direct Quote:


    "I'm never going to discount again on who's it with. I've been able to kind of pick and choose now after all these years about where I want to go to, and I really, really, really wanted to draft Drew Brees when I was the head coach of the Buffalo Bills, and thank goodness that didn't happen otherwise I'd still be stuck up there in cold Buffalo. "




    Greggggggo is my least favorite person ever associated with the Bills.


    Yes, even more so than Dickkkkko.

  4. I was hoping for Cowher but Chan seems like a good choice to me....


    I am loving how positive this thread has been so far.


    I think that a lot of fans got too entrenched in the mindset of

    "We need a Cowher or the world will end"


    "Shanahan turned us down so now we should just GIVE UP ON OUR TEAM".


    I for one am really happy with the hiring of Chan Gailey, and after doing some research, I think that Buddy has really made the right choice in his early tenure as GM.

  5. I don't like the hire, but I will give Chan one thing: He has far more going for him on the emotional spectrum than Jauron ever did. Chan strikes me as an "authentic" guy. But again, I did not like the hire but I hated the Jauron hire much, much more.



    Just think how great it will be when Chan and the Bills prove the world wrong and make a playoff run next year.


    Our back are against the wall. SO FU** IT!!!

    Incognito and Poz will run all over the league next year, and Chan will be screaming from the sidelines the whole time!!!!

    There's something about this hiring that is getting me all fired up

  6. Dick was: dead, corpse-like, boring, not motivating.

    Chan is: alive, passionate, speaks at a volume that is not a constant monotone.


    Mularky was: sort of an idiot, stupid.

    Chan is: a brilliant offensive mind.


    Greggggo had: man boobs.

    Chan: does not have man boobs.



    You know what?

    Marty would have been nice... for a year or two, then he would retire.

    Chan still has years left in him, and he has been a WINNER in the past.


    In his press conference he showed emotion that made me want to tinkle myself.

    He will bring respectabillity back to Buffalo, and I can't wait to enjoy the playoffs soon!!!!!!!!!!



  7. I would take Trent. that one game against Washington when Trent led that comeback. I thought we had our answer at qb. I was wrong but that was a good game.



    Good point.


    Didn't JP have 3 TD bombs to Evans in a single quarter once vs the Dolfags?


    Honestly, I don't see why we don't bring JP back in a backup/veteran role. He could come in from time to time and throw some bombs to Lee

  8. As a lifelong WNY, I'm sick of subsidizing RW's $25m a year in profit to the tune of $3M a year in taxpayer dollars. He took a $25,000 investment and using the loyalty of this fanbase and the NFL's fanbase and turned it into, by some accounts, a $900M entity. The continual taxpayer subsidies of teams like the Jets and Giants and Dallas Cowboys (JJ is a complete ahole saying that revenue sharing is on its way out and no longer going to happen while he took $350M in subsidies from willing taxpayers for his new stadium). Sorry but I'm open to this team leaving. See ya. Bye. Adios. Part of it is downrigfht hatred for the greed of the new neoliberal NFL, part is that $3M would be better spent elsewhere in this community, and part is sick of the owner and his greed and whining about how this city isn;t worth it anymore. Take you football and go home. I for one don't judge myself and this city based on the football team. My, and our, identity is not this team. Maybe if they left, we could focus on making the community better instead of using the team as an unfortunate distraction away from the issues that should be talked about in forums.


    And I'm a season ticket holder, so it's not that I just hate the team and the owner. I support them financially as a ticket buyer and as a taxpayer. But I'm sick of the record profits, record TV contracts, semi-literate millionaires acting like children and whining about money as "respect," the game of owners and players argung over how to split billions of dollars in revenue while holding fans hostage, the $75 parking prices at NFL stadiums, $10 beers, $5 hot dogs, etc.


    This is my last year supprting this team. I just can't get to a place where it matters to me anymore. So when they're ready to move, I'll gladly show up to the stadium and help pack the truck.


    And I wanted to add in repsonse to the post above about the Chargers leaving being a "big problem" for the city. Yeah, research continues to show that subsidizing professional sports has minimal economic return and that it's largely just a political handout as teams are considered more of a symbol of a city than an economic engine. Basically asking taxpayers for a subsidy for a new stadium is akin to the owner saying "Hey, I want the average over-taxed, underemployed Joe to pay monmey to ensure I make millions in profit." The NFL is highly profitable because it was able to leverage public subsidies into marketing to grow the brand on our backs. Then after they grew on new stadiums and hype, they hit us up for personal seat license and disgustingly high ticket prices.





  9. What do you mean minus the Christian stuff? Correct me if I am wrong but Frank Reich did fine with the Bills. Faith has nothing to do with how someone plays football.



    I should have been more clear, sorry about that.


    I have NO problem with anyone being a christian, but he seems to put the faith stuff in your face much more than the average athlete. Personally, it kind of offends me, but it's not then end of the world either.

  10. I understand the passion aspect, and I like his fire. But having a lot of passion isn't gonna cut it in the NFL


    He seems like the kind of player like Flutie, who just finds ways to win - esspecially with his legs.


    Also, Jim Kelly personally endorsed him and I trust that a Hall of Fame QB could pick out a gem prospect from a dud most of the time.

  11. We need someone like Tim Tebow on this team.(minus the christian stuff)

    We need a WINNER.


    I was checking out youtube videos of Tebow and came accross this:


    If Trent had done this when Dick was here, Dick would have told him to quiet down.


    I see Tebow making an immediate impact for whoever drafts him.

  12. Without a plan in place going forward this was an absolutely pointless move at this time. The Bills should have already had multiple interviews scheduled for their permanent coach when they pulled the plug. Maybe they do, I don't know. But if not this move is just stupid and pointless.

    If they want to do anything positive in the near future they should have a coach in place by Thanksgiving (and I don't mean Fewell or April or anybody else on staff) and a new GM and a reorganized front office completed before Christmas. If they can't manage that, then this move was nothing but more of Ralph Wilson's mindless bullshlt.



  13. The following things will occur next year that will catapault the Bills into the playoffs. I know this because I consulted with my crystal (left) ball.


    1. Negotiations between the players union and the owners will get so ugly that the union will strike.


    2. Owners will bring in scabs to play the games.


    3. Since both the union and owners do not recognize the names of any member of the Bills, this allows Ralph to sneak in with his regular roster, making the Bills more competitive.


    4. To keep the fans from rioting, the owners will allow half the teams participate in the playoffs. Thus enabling the Bills to sneak in with our standard 7 - 9 record.


    5. Even though we lose to Oakland in the first playoff game, there is a huge parade in downtown Buffalo, featuring the one additional player who was added... and helped us make it to the playoffs: Vinny Testaverde.


    Did I miss anything?



    One of the better "funny" posts I've seen here!

    I also enjoyed your "dream" post. Keep it going!




  14. People always act like 7-9 is a horrible record.


    Ok, I get it, it's not like the best record ever, but just imagine if we were the lions or the Browns.


    7-9 is only several wins away from the playoffs, so that means he's real close. If not this year, then next.

    Every year the chance of seeing the playoffs gets larger.


    So, in short, keep the dick if you want to go to the playoffs next year.

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