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Posts posted by grammer_police

  1. he's a kid who's been successful at the most ego-building position in a sport that glorifies kids from high school on. You dont think JP has gone out with the head cheerleaders gotten the gimme grades and been "the man" since he was a kid? Come on, after all that butt-kissing you'd be cocky too. He has confidence in his abilities, let him back it up and then you'll be praising him for being such a confident competitor. Only losers get called cocky, winners are confident. Just saying, dont be surprised when these young payers come in thinking highly of their abilities, id rather have  confident guy back there than a tentative guy afraid to make the big throws when all eyes are on them.




    good point, i guess i was mabey being a little hard on the guy

  2. Why would anyone raise it if there isn't even one tiny piece of evidence that would suggest steroids played a role?


    Raising this issue is ridiculous when there is no evidence to support it other than: "Gee, he was a professional athelete so he must have taken roids". A journalist would get laughed off the stage for that kind of logic ;)



    professional journalist's have not raised this issue becuase i would jepordise their popularity i guess, but why would someone who has had to been in excellent shape all their life to achieve what white has achieved, just die. remember giambi's tumor? when you take roid's weird stuff starts happening to you.

  3. No. It was congentital heart failure caused by a breathing disorder he had for his entire life...


    (according to Monday Morning QB this afternoon at least.)



    it very well may have been. i hope it was, because reggie was a great person as well a football player, but i cant believe that NO ONE is has even slightly raised this question on any site i have looked at (espn, nfl.com)

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