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Everything posted by grammer_police

  1. He's been resting for an eternity. He has been looking forward to hitting Brady, and having him miss another year. He has witnessed the likes of Chris, Ryan, John, and Kyle. He is pissed. 10+ Sacks, and the rookie we draft on the other end will shine too!
  2. It's all about <b>Proven</b> vs. <b>UnProven</b> I'm not saying that draft picks arn't important-they determine the future, but I would take proven talent over potential talent any day of the week.
  3. I know this isn't Bills related, sorry... Just think. Only a few months ago the Bronco's had a potential HOF PROVEN coach who had taken the team to the ultimate goal TWICE, and also an almost undeniably budding QB, which is so hard to find. So hard to find in fact, that another team would complete hinge their future for the next few years on that player. I think that we are way to "stoic", or "consistent", "stone-faced", or whatever way you could describe Dick's attitude, but you'de think that you'de go to the playoff's with that mentallity at least ONCE in 3 years. You know... what about firing Dick J, and getting Shanahan? Throw enough money in his face that he can't turn it down.
  4. I thought this was very bizzare: " Shaud appeared on an episode of Da Ali G Show while he was attending the University of Alabama. He was asked a series of questions by the character Bruno that implied Bruno believed Shaud to be homosexual. Shaud seemed surprised, and concluded the interview by saying to the Austrian gay community, "I'm not gay, so don't come looking for me." " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaud_Williams
  5. I know that the Bills-TO relationship is still in it's infancy, but could it have gone any better up to this point? First impressions are important.
  6. You know, I will admit that only a week ago Terrell Owens was my most hated player in the NFL. I even hated him more than Tom Brady and Pac Man. When I first heard we got him it was a feeling of absoute conflict. The most conflict I have ever felt with sports. I expected the worst. But then I saw his interviews, I saw the rest of the Bills talk about him, learned how the whole deal went down, and I can lie to myself no more; This guy is saying ALL the right things. I know that it is early, but all I can say is that I've got that feeling again, at least a little bit. That feeling I had going into the Steeler 3rd string game; that feeling that I had for only a minute or so after Christie kicked that field goal in the music city miracle game, that feeling I had last year after we beat the Chargers. Dont Fu** it up Dick-Ralph-Guy-Modrak-Russ-etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Tim Grahm, I know that you check this board like a gajillian times per day. Do you know anyone, or is there any String s you can pull to make this deal happen?!!??!
  8. There were times when dockery looked like a Hall of Famer out there. In fact, I would like to see how the voting was for the pro bowl, because I wonder if he got any consideration. Remember the Seahawk game? He was a beast. He was inconsistent yes, but as another poster said, continuity is important for lineman. We could have had the best line in the leauge, now we have to depend on backups.
  9. I guess one reason would be I saw him play superbly in preseason after preseason just to be pushed to the back of the depth chart. I never heard any compaining or anything negative out of him. When he FINALLY was given his chance to show what he could really do in a starting role he flourished, even with all the factors against him(size, experience) I also remember some quote from him saying how much he loved buffalo, and how grateful he was for his opportunity here. I dont have a link, I just remember that quote.
  10. Because this kid was an undrafted free agent, and gave his all each year, and was a role model backup/role player for years. He is the perfect example of a "character" guy, and he is the kind of underdog that I love to root for. I hope he gets all the millions that he worked so hard for.
  11. If there are vikings players on that boat dont come a knockin'!
  12. This hits the nail on head. Isn't it funny how the second that Dockery got cut, so many posters immediately started saying how he was basically the worst player in the history of the game, but before he got cut most posters had a non-chalant attitude towards him. The point that the poster a few posts ago made about comparing Dockery to a defensive defensmen in Hockey is a valid point. How many times did we really notice Dockery out there? I can't remember a single penalty against him(I could be forgetting a few though) I also really can't remember a time where he got blown up and caused a sack. The guy came to work, did his job, and seemed to have "character." Who is gonna replace that? Bell??
  13. The title of this thread I will admit is a little misleading. I kind of wanted a knee jerk reaction. Dockery was arguably our best lineman. I would put him on par with Butler, Peters(if I forget this past season), and Walker. But behind these guys it seems like we have next to NOTHING, and it seems like we took a position that we were already very weak at, and made it even more weak!
  14. Fair enough, here's some more: The angle i'm taking on this, is not to make Dockery out to be a pro-bowler- because he's not. My angle is to compare him to what we already have, thus my listing of the other linemen around Dockery. Some more points: Duke: has maturity issues(end of 1st half vs Pats) Butler: too tall and lanky to really make a difference Walker: Seems to take plays off.
  15. Finally someone who actually watched the games. Peters was horrible this year! It seemed if he wasnt giving up holding calls, he was getting pushed aside all the time
  16. Do you actually have a reason or do you just randomly blurt out statements?
  17. Look, Dockery WAS overpaid, and he DID underperform a little, but regardless he was probably overall our best lineman last year. Lets break it down: Jason Peters - penalty machine. bad attitude. Langston Walker - slow as HELL. Butler - Ok, he wasnt bad. Preston - sh-- Fowler - even worse than preston I know I forgot a few, but everyone is saying how great it is that Dockery is gone, but he was still arguably our best o lineman. Is anyone else upset that our line is worse? ps. I know that it opened up some cap room, but is a rookie really gonna be able to be a successful starter on day 1 of next season?
  18. Is seems like we go in a "new direction", or we "change our mind" every friggin year. No wonder we're laughingstocks.
  19. First he says that this will be a no full back system, but now with cutting Royal, only a few weeks after Turk's statements, we sign up Corey, and go the opposite direction. Just sortof makes you wonder considering how seemingly unorganized our FO is
  20. Interesting reply considering you're "Bills Surrender" pic
  21. Trent looked like a hall of famer out there. When we needed a big play, Lee always seemed open, and when we needed a spark, roscoe's double reverse for 80 yards gave us a lead we would never give up. Marshawns trouble's are all but forgotton as he took MVP honors, with 153 yards and 2 td's. This offense truly understands how to open up the pass with the run. Our O-line finally is not an embarrassment. Jason Peters in the best LT in the game, and our 1st rounder is playing like a 1st ballot HOF. Dick J's consistent, composed mindset has kept this team focused this year, and we were the least penallized team in the league, and had only 2 penalties the entire game. Finally, did you see Greer's TD return!! And Poz's 15 Tackles!!! And who would have thought, even Kelsey had a sack! The wait was worth it, and now I am at peace. (I'm practicing my post after the bills win the Super Bowl next year: Bills 99, Dallas 0)
  22. I feel that Marshawn has paid for his mistake. He has had to endure an entire few hours of media coverage on his accident. Trust me, this is punnishment enough. I'm sure he's sorry, so why harp on an old topic. Can't wait to see Beast Mode on opening day!!! Go Bills!
  23. So just because you "served" in the war you have a right to be an ass? I dont "care" for the way you represent the troops.
  24. No, it's a well imformed, researched post. Unlike your's. Dick.
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