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Posts posted by MRW

  1. I would agree with that statement, but first we would have to discount a few things:


    -7 years of NFL experience

    -50 NFL TD passes

    -4 years as a relatively effective NFL starter with little or no help from his teammates or staff

    -Nearly 10,000 yards passing

    -52 games as a pro, 47 of them as a starter.


    I guess if you ignore those things, then yeah, he's done about as much as Losman.


    Oh wait, I found a similarity. In those 7 years he's lost a grand total of 1 fumble. That's pretty close to what JP's done in 7 series.



    I think by Bachelor he meant Jesse Palmer. Wasn't he on that show? From what I've seen of Palmer, I see no reason to want him as a backup.


    Batch is intriguing.

  2. Vick is limited? You are aware that he just played in the NFC Championship game in his second full season right? Limited in the way that McNabb was in his first two seasons, no?


    Vick is limited. Look at how Tampa Bay shuts him down every time they play. Yeah, if you let him play the way he wants or your defense is poor, he will torch you. But he's not going to get you a championship unless he becomes a passer.

  3. If JP had started the first 4 games last year, the Bills would not have been 0-4.


    Drew makes as many stupid decisions as any rookie QB.


    And you're basing this on what exactly? I wish people wouldn't make arguments like this, it's hard to distinguish the rational football analysts who are ready to move on from the actual Drew haters.


    If you think we couldn't do worse than Drew, you must not watch much NFL football.

  4. Well I understand that we will give the patriots props for their winning, I also hope I can count on an ever-living hatred of them.


    Since they are getting all the media coverage, and winning, etc, I was wondering if your hate for them has outgrown your hate for the dolphins.


    Oh, and I know - I shouldn't hate.

    DAMN! Title should read OUR HATRED


    There's plenty of hate to go around, isn't there? I have a limitless supply of anger, why try to quantify it?

  5. BTW, I don't think it is right to put Brady in the top three, ten or whatever, nor should you discount him now. I think you should evaluate careers when they are over. He has the opportunity to win championships like no other QB before him because of his age and accomplishments thus far, but let's see how it plays out first (starting with the game 13 days from now).


    Yeah, you can't make a firm judgment without a little bit of distance.


    It is interesting to ask though, if Brady were to retire after the Super Bowl, assuming the Pats win, how would he be ranked in NFL history?

  6. I hate when coaches put players in a position to succeed by playing to their strengths instead of their weaknesses.  Baffling.    :w00t:


    What I want to know is what exactly people think Brady's weaknesses are. He doesn't have the strongest arm in the league, but as his TD to Branch showed, he can put the deep ball on the money. He's not mobile, but he can move around well in the pocket. And of course, the short- to medium-range passing game is his forte.


    So what exactly are people basing it on when they say he wouldn't succeed in a different system? Maybe he wouldn't, and I'm overlooking something, but I wish there were a better argument than "Brady sucks. Look how much better Manning's stats are!"

  7. During the Bills win streak this year, they had a lot of luck (things going their way) and no one... well almost no one, was saying they were lucky. They were playing good opportunistic football. But now, since this involves the hated Patriots... it is truly luck.


    Yeah, very true. When you have good players things go your way. What is luck is things like Givens' fumble bouncing right back to him yesterday, but most of what gets described as "luck" is players making plays.

  8. I personally think this is their greatest strength. You can envy the players all you want, but unless you bring all of those players to your team, it is impossible to emulate the way they play the game.


    However, this past year the one thing I noticed about our new coaches is that they tend to emulate the way the Patriots approach each game. It was at the very least a departure from what we saw from Killdrive.


    That is what gives me hope for the future. If we can get an adaptable coaching staff we have a shot. Obviously they are not at the Patriots' level at this point, but as the season went on I got more and more comfortable with Mularkey's handling of the team.

  9. I never said what they did yesterday was running up the score.  But to say that the Pats organization is classy and doesn't do things like that, that's the part I scoffed at.



    But the Pats organization under Carroll is not the same as the Pats organization under Belicheck. It would be one thing if people were saying that the Pats, in their history, have never run up the score, but that wasn't what people were saying.

  10. When the Bills play the Patriots I want them to knock the guys head off, but that does not "blind me" into saying he is lucky or not a very good quarterback.


    The thing about "luck" as it is brought up in regard to the Patriots and Brady is that I think they make their own luck. That is, it seems like most times after a team loses to them, they can point at a couple of plays that cost them the game, and maybe if a bounce had gone the other way....


    But I think the Patriots are one of the most adaptable teams I have ever seen. They change the way they play week to week and maximize their opportunities for breaks to come their way. Most times, if they do get a bad bounce, they just step up and counter it with a good play, and the other team is left scratching their heads.

  11. Good thing I wasn't drinking anything, or I would've spit it out all over my monitor.


    They don't run the score up?  So when they score a TD with no time left on the clock and the defense walks off the field in protest of two TERRIBLE calls that give them the game, they don't go for 2-points instead of the PAT?  Sorry, the Pats aren't classy.  They may be good, but they're not classy and they DO run up the score.


    Pete Carroll is classless, I'll agree on that. But I don't see how you can use that as evidence that BB was running up the score.

  12. The Brady bashers are loco. The guy is like a friggin' robot- he's one of the most disciplined QBs I've ever seen, and seemingly can't be rattled by a mistake.




    To all those calling him a "system" QB, what are the weaknesses in his game? The deep ball? Did you see his TD pass to Branch? Calling him a product of the system may have been valid after the first SB, but he has elevated his game since then.


    You can root against the guy and his team (it's very frustrating, but my duty as a Bills fan) without making foolish arguments.

  13. If the Pats go 12-4 or better next year, is there any doubt they are winning another Super Bowl?


    I wouldn't bet against them. Seems the only way to keep them out of the Super Bowl is to keep them out of the playoffs.

  14. lol, I bow to your intellectual prowess and appreciate your, um, contribution to my growth :w00t:

    And yeah, the media does hype vick a lot.......he's obviously very marketable, but at the same time, the guy DOES win........they've had stretches without him and they suck. He brings a lot to the game, I just don't think he, nor the Falcons as a team, are ready for prime time yet..........but you have to admit, the guy does have a lot of upside. What bothers me is you always hear him saying how he feels like he has good control of the offense, etc. If he can't realize how far he has to go, he'll never get there. In his own mind, he's probably already better than the Culpeppers, McNabbs, and Mannings.....he needs to look a bit more objectively at his game and refine it.


    There are a couple of things I think. Vick will not be a championship-caliber QB unless he can get better at passing. Also, Atlanta's offense is so one-dimensional that a playoff defense can contain him and completely shut things down. They need to bring in at least one #1 receiver to give him a target besides Alge Crumpler.

  15. The big thing for the Pats is that they will still have Pioli. As long as Belichick and Pioli are there, I think they will be able to find good assistants to support them. The OC is probably a bit of a question mark for them, but I don't think Belichick is going to have new assistants come in with completely new programs.

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