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Posts posted by MRW

  1. sorry boys, i'll stick to just opinion from now on........i'll stay away from the links, seeing you guys disagree with what is being said in them.........


    Yes, that's what we're crying out for. Fewer links! More opinions! :ph34r:


    Maybe you could let us know what you think of TD's approach to pending free agents. I've been trying to figure it out, but you're just so damn opaque.

  2. Of course.  He's bringing in Mike Vanderteriakers.  He's a free agent who reportedly kicks 75 yard FGs like most people kick 40 yarders.


    I don't think most people are good at kicking 40-yard field goals, so you're telling me we've got a kicker who'll be horrible from 75 yards? Great job TD, just great.

  3. ok - Now I'm sorry I asked...  :D


    In any case, I believe he can play both RB and FB... and we have a need for a backup at both positions... (I'm a big fan of Joe Burns, being a GA Tech fan, but he's NOT a FB)...


    That is a good point about his versatility, and he probably is worth a good look. I still wonder why GB wouldn't value him a little more highly though.

  4. Anyone else picturing Andywierling sitting there dumbfounded at the direction this thread has taken since his initial post?


    Now I feel guilty.


    OK, to try to get it back on track, I would be somewhat skeptical if only because it seems like Green Bay has been able to plug in just about anyone behind their monster offensive line and have success. I would wonder why they haven't offered a higher tender.

  5. not to be a party pooper, but if I were to have two coaches praise JP so I could feel more confident in him, my choices would definitely NOT be the two Mikes, Martz and Sherman.  In fact, they might be my two last choices because frankly, I don't respect their coaching acumen at all, and their opinions are therefore garbage to me.


    If, say, Belichick or Bill Walsh had praised him, or heck, even John Fox, it'd be another story.


    I do think Martz knows QBs and receivers, even if he doesn't believe you need an offensive line or a defense.

  6. Just read an interesting article, and it could have been here, that said Indy braintrust, both Polian and Dungy, feel the shutdown corner is a thing of the past. They will not spend big money anymore on them, and corner carries with it the highest tag number I believe(maybe QB, not sure). Their thought is new rules make this a completely differant position than it was prior to 04.


    That is an interesting point, although I'm not sure we should follow Indy's lead on defense. :D


    And of course, don't forget the example provided by New England this past year too. Their defense continued to frustrate great offenses even with extremely untried corners.

  7. They were playing the STARTERS for the Jags bro, STARTERS. Not the Pittsburg scrubs at home with a playoff birth on the line. I would love to hear from you why those 3 turnovers (two directly leading to 10 points) were not Drew's fault. Why the 7 three and outs were not Drew's fault. Explain to us why we should be supporting Drew as the Bills starting QB in the 2005 season. Please.


    But by the same logic our starting defense was going up against a third-string QB and running back when they gave up the back-breaking drive in the Pitt game.

  8. 9-3 in your last 12 games (after the replacement of TH) is terrible.


    In other news, we lost to the Patriots three times this year according to espn:




    Sun Oct 3  New England  L 17-31

    Sat Nov 6  at New England  L 7-21

    Sun Nov 14  at New England  L 6-29




    In fairness to ESPN, the second loss was really embarrassing. I can see why they'd add a second L for that one.

  9. I have said it before and I'll say it again...Vick is the second coming of Randall Cunningham and will never win a thing.  11-5 in the NFC?? Terriffic.  We would have been at worst 11-5 in the NFC.


    I'm depressed that 11-5 was good enough for second seed in the NFC. Meanwhile, 14-2 got you second seed in the AFC.

  10. I know you're being sarcastic, but for those who believe that crap remember that Vick and Culpepper were tied for 2nd most sacks in the NFL.  And to the people who say, "Yeah, but that's because they run and get hit for a one yard loss and that counts as a sacl," note that Vick lost the 3rd most yards in the NFL and Culpepper lost the 7th most yards in the NFL on sacks.  Bledsoe didn't even make the top 10 for yards lost.


    And that's because the scrambling QBs are the ones who take the big sacks, because they think they can get out of any bad situation (and to be fair, they're often right). You will not see Bledsoe running around 15 yards behind the line of scrimmage trying to get away from a pass rusher. Of course, the opposite tendency, to "turtle up", isn't often all that great either.

  11. While enticing, the theory conspiracy fails on several counts I think.


    1. The Eagles have a history of failure in big games, playing with a lack of urgency, etc. Look at the last several NFC championships. It seems like they expect superior talent to carry them through, and when they need a late drive they come up short.

    2. As noted, McNabb's accuracy problems.

    3. The MO of the Patriots, more than anything else, is to play mistake-free football and let the other team beat themselves. That happened again yesterday.

    4. It wasn't just McNabb and Reid lolly-gagging, it was most of the offensive team. I have a hard time believing they were all paid off. A conspiracy needs to be kept small, and it's not like you can point to one individual play that was a turning point, so multiple players would have to be involved.

  12. OT - Ar eyou a member of the Sherman Oaks Association?


    if so, read "City of Quartz". Apparently Mike Davis doesn't think much of you.




    Nope, not one for associations. I think I may have read a bit about that book when it came out, but I have not actually read it.


    I'm just a lowly renter here, no actual position of authority.

  13. However, I only want JP to start IF HE IS READY. We have what may be the best QB experts in the NFL that can make that call. If he is ready, then he's ready and let's sign a veteran backup that can come in and manage a game, NOT a veteran who will be a liability (Bledsoe, Carter, etc)


    If he's not ready, then sign a veteran to a 2 year deal. Maybe Brad Johnson? I don't know, I'm sure you all know more about what veteran qb's are out there.


    But the "maintenance" QBs have liabilities too, just not the same ones Bledsoe has. What if we bring someone in with a weak arm and lose the threat of the deep ball? I think the end result might be that our offense might struggle even more.


    I was quite frustrated with Bledsoe's play too (especially in the Pittsburgh game). However, he's a known commodity, he's been with the team, and I don't see anyone available who makes me think "Yes! Definitely an upgrade over Bledsoe."

  14. The issue I have with this post is I don't think simply replacing Bledsoe put the Patriots over the top, it was replacing Bledsoe with Brady. I hope Losman pans out as much as the next guy, but even if he is a successful NFL QB it will be along the lines of Brett Favre rather than Brady. Meaning - I don't think the Patriots blueprint is one for us to closely emulate.

  15. In private, most all players say the same thing. Milloy could have used better judgement but decided to speak up anyhow. Dumb but hardly surprising.


    The Pats do spread the wealth but many players would not do as well without Belechick, thus , they sign on for a little less. Brady won't accept peanuts when his next contract is up.


    Once Milloy returned to the lineup this year, the Defense improved significantly. Hardly a coincidence. This reminds me of when Sam Adams has a sideline blowup earlier in the year. The next day, I read a thread where dozens of people want to cut him. Brilliant !


    These guys won't be performing surgery on you in the near future. They're athletes. Sticks and stones. Get over it.


    Yeah, I do understand the emotional part of being a fan, you want the players to play for love of the game, but I have to wonder if those calling Milloy "overrated" and "trash" watched the games early in the year with Milloy out.

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