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Posts posted by pioniere

  1. http://www.fannation.com/truth_and_rumors/...-up-in-carolina


    Bringing in Bill Cowher has been a much talked about subject on this site. Word has it that he is waiting for the Carolina job to open up. According to the article above, Fox himself expects to be fired at the end of the season.


    I think he would be a perfect fit. He was available before, back when we hired Mularkey. Fox was successful, Mularkey was not. Fox came from the Giants organization, and brought their smash-mouth offense and tough defensive style with him to Carolina. He would be a breath of fresh air at One Bills Drive.

  2. Here is what I would do if I was Ralph.


    1. Demote Jauron to D coord- I think Jauron would do fine at that job, if only for the year. At the very least, we'd retain his services for the rest of the season and then figure out what to do with him when the season is over. Doing this means Fewell would be fired and I'd be very happy with that. I don't think our defense would be any worse.


    2. Propmote Bobby April to interm HC while continuing to look for a replacement. I would place a lot of effort on briniging in guys like Shanny, Cowher, Gruden, Marty etc. If I could land one of them during the season, great. If not, we'd at least know if April can handle the position.


    3. Put the screws to Russ. Modrak and Co. need to go, and Russ has the power to make that happen.


    Yes, except for the fact that the defensive effort yesterday had Jauron's fingerprints all over it. Jauron doesn't coach to win, he coaches not to lose. Thats exactly how the defense played yesterday. I could count the number of times they blitzed on one hand. Jauron needs to go, right out of the organization.


    In any case, Ralph is old and just doesn't get it. And unfortunately, nothing is going to change in Buffalo until the owner passes on.

  3. That's bull ****. If you had a coach like Cowher or that fat pig Ryan that's coaching the Jet's you could absolutely change the behavior.


    All that needs to happen is a head coach with the stones to say "If you throw another pass that doesn't go at least 20 yards I'm benching your ass".


    Yep, absolutely correct. Pretty tough to blame Edwards for all of this mess when everyone on this list is ready run Jauron out of town. Mediocre coaching = mediocre performance by the players. Everyone forgets that it was the late Bill Walsh who recommended Trent Edwards. If we had a coach here with even half of Walsh's competence, I think Edwards and the rest of the team would be looking a lot better.


    Meanwhile, until Ralph Wilson passes on to the next life, I don't expect much is going to change. Even if Jauron is shown the door, it will be another bargain basement coach taking his place. Ralph has never figured it out, and he won't now at this late, late stage of his life.

  4. Ok. I understand the argument for Clarett, but he was not even a projected 1st round pick. Crabtree was named the #1 OVERALL PLAYER IN THE DRAFT. Clarett was not even Top 5 in his class, and 8 Running Backs went before him.


    Clarett set a school record, that's it. He was not Freshman of The Year, at all and didn't win any awards or honors.


    Look at Michael Crabtree's resume...





    Enough said.


    I think the fact that Crabtree fell as far as he did may speak more to a lack of character than his talent level. I also think that his insistence that he get top 5 money this season means that teams will a.) be scared off from picking him very high next year (2nd round maybe, where the salaries and bonuses are lower), and b.) will be more likely to blackball him so he won't get rewarded for sitting out and burning the 49ers. GMs do speak with each other on a pretty regular basis, and no doubt take a dim view of any player that tries to screw a team and upset the salary structure.

  5. Is this just another example of how screwed up this whole organization is? So we fire an Offensive Coordinator who shouldn't have even been brought back this year after last years disaster. We let him stay the entire preseason and install his No Huddle offense, and only his No Huddle Offense, no huddles all training camp and preseason. Now he is gone, we bring in a nice guy, probably a smart guy who has what one or two years as a QB Coach, and give him the offense with 8 days to prepare to play maybe the best team in the NFL? Are they going to try to put in a new offense with a little over a week to do it, or stay with the No Huddle that hasn't worked once in preseason? Either way it is bad, bad news for Bills faithful. This season is destined to be one of our worst, without a doubt. What is wrong with this organization? Over the last decade, they have made very few moves that have made much sense. Is there any hope for us and the Bills, or should we just stop routing for them and watch games as if we are watching "Two and a Half Men", just for the entertainment value? Does anyone at OBD have a clue?


    I've said it before and I'll say it again... it is unfortunate, but nothing at OBD will change until Ralph Wilson passes on. It is RW that has insisted on hiring bargain basement coaches for the entire existence of the franchise. We got lucky with Marv Levy, but otherwise our coaches, like our franchise, have been mediocre. Until he dies and new ownership takes over, we will not get the front office/coaching personnel in place to make this team successful. Sad but true.

  6. Ingram would have been better


    Ingram can make the catches and is a great athlete


    I don't think so. This from NFL.com:


    Compares To: DUSTIN KELLER, New York Jets -- If he is fully recovered from knee problems, Ingram has the ability to be a nice second-day draft find for a team looking for a motion back to stretch the field. If a team is looking for someone to block at the tight end position, they need to look elsewhere. It took him five years to play two seasons and Ingram almost quit on the team twice. Questions about his health are justified, but more questions need to be asked about his desire for the game before someone can invest anything more than a mid-to-late round pick on him. Those that compare him to Dallas Clark (Indianapolis) or Vernon Davis (49ers) need to check his dedication level first.
  7. Maybin is a swing for the fences pick and I like it. The Bills were 0-6 in the division. Maybin is good now but he has tremendous upside the only ohter players in the draft with similar potential were the Gerogia Tech kid and there was a lot of bad film on him. Barwin was the other and he would have been a real reach here.


    They took the guy with great attitude and outstanding physical skills. He is 6"4" tall so he can get much bigger.


    Nice work.


    Maycock's wrong the Bills will move him all over the field and let the defense worry about where he will show up.


    I agree. Think Dwight Freeney. If Maybin gets 10-12 sacks a year for a few years, no one here will be complaining about the pick!!

  8. ... Ralph Wilson passes away. Sad, but true.


    He is the common denominator in all of this. The Bills will continue to hire bargain-basement coaches and front office staff, and will continue to get bargain-basement results. We got lucky in the Kelly years because we had Bill Polian and Marv Levy. But before and since, its been a revolving door of amateurs.


    The result is a club with absolutely no identity that has not sniffed a playoff spot in years.


    I believe teams are truly a reflection of the personality of their head coaches. The current Bills, like their head coach, are bland and boring.


    We need to bring in someone with a track record of success, which means actually spending some money. I would hire Bill Cowher as director of football operations, and allow him to pick his own head coach and coaching staff. This would finally give this sorry a$$ club the identity we have sorely lacked since the Super Bowl years.


    Unfortunately, there is no chance of this happening until Ralph Wilson passes on.

  9. The common denominator to all of this is that nothing will change until Ralph Wilson dies. The Bills will continue to hire bargain-basement coaches and front office staff, and will continue to get bargain-basement results. We got lucky in the Kelly years because we had Bill Polian and Marv Levy. But before and since, its been a revolving door of amateurs.


    The result is a club with absolutely no identity that has not sniffed a playoff spot in years.


    I believe teams are truly a reflection of the personality of their head coaches. The current Bills, like their head coach, are bland and boring.


    We need to bring in someone with a track record of success, which means actually spending some money. I would hire Bill Cowher as director of football operations, and allow him to pick his own head coach and coaching staff. This would finally give this sorry a$$ club the identity we have sorely lacked since the Super Bowl years.


    Unfortunately, there is no chance of this happening until Ralph Wilson passes on.

  10. I agree!


    The way everyone was predicting a Buffalo win today and looking to the other ganes... Did anyone think of a scenario like this?


    Of course they will pin it on Drew... Too bad!  Shame on them all!




    Well, we certainly can't blame the whole season on Drew. However, big game players make big game plays. We needed Bledsoe to step up today and if not win the game for us, then at least not lose it for us. He needed to play mistake free, and he couldn't do it. Look where he ranks among the NFL's quarterbacks this season. Unfortunately, Drew is just mediocre now, and mediocre doesn't get it done. His last 300 yard game was in September, 2003. Unfortunately, I don't think he is capable of carrying a team on his back anymore.


    I don't expect Bledsoe to bounce back, and I don't want him to have the opportunity to try to in Buffalo. It is time for JP Losman to take over. We'll take our lumps early in the season as he adjusts, but he will give us so many more options on offence that this will be a much more dangerous team.


    Go Bills!!!

  11. We needed Bledsoe to step up today and have a big game for us today. He couldn't do it, he couldn't make the big play and he couldn't play mistake-free. As much as I've supported Drew in the past, the Bledsoe era in Buffalo needs to end now. This was the one he had to win, and he couldn't do it, and in fact his mistake ended up costing us the ballgame. I would rather take my lumps with Losman next season right out of the gate, rather than go through another rollercoaster like this season with Bledsoe at the controls.


    As for Lindell, he has never impressed me. He is not clutch. I hold my breath everytime he kicks. When he missed the field goal today, I was almost expecting that to happen. He is average at best, and kickers like him are a dime a dozen. I say cut him, and get someone else. It is unlikely his replacement would be any worse, and there's a good chance he would be better.

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