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Posts posted by pioniere

  1. And when you do face a teams of equal talent, you go 0-1.


    Honestly, it's not even worth the keystrokes anymore. The Teballers will not be dissuaded from the "he just wins" lunacy under any circumstances.


    Now thats just glossing it over. You might as well say the same thing about Jim Kelly, or Joe Montana, that the only reason they won was because they were on good teams. Say what you want, but the facts are that Tebow has won at ever level he has played at, and has been a team leader on every team he has played on. Facts, not conjecture.

  2. I'm going on the record with Tim Tebow. I'd love to see this kid in a Bills uni. I wouldn't even mind using our first round pick on the kid. If we can get him in the second round? Even better!


    He's a winner. Pure and simple. I don't care about his mechanics. He'll be great, even with his flaws.


    The Bills would be lucky to have him.



    Yep, I agree. The kid's a winner, and a born leader. That's why Jim Kelly wants him, and thats why I want him. This franchise already sucks, so there is nowhere to go but up. Lets take a chance! Definitely worthy of a 2nd round pick at least.

  3. Does anyone care.Its what have you done for me lately and Mr Maybin held out, and did absolutely nothing on the field.He has collosal bust written all over him.


    I would give it another season before declaring 'bust', considering that Maybin did hold out, and the chaos on our coaching staff. Maybin strikes me as being pretty intelligent, so if he works hard in the offseason, he could turn out yet.


    Although personally, I would have drafted Orakpo :lol:

  4. Fair enough he is a midpack QB. Is that even an upgrade from Trent or Fitzy considering the baggage he brings?


    And for Tebow I would love him on the Bills..... As our version of Tom Rathman or Mike Alstott. Line him up in the Wildcat from time to time. Just don't let him take a snap from under center and don't draft him before the fourth round...


    I would love to have him on the Bills too. As for whether he can line up under center, or where he gets drafted, lets see how he does in the Senior Bowl this weekend. Except for the first day (Monday), he's had a good week of practice.

  5. Great analysis. Not.


    Look at all the players lost on their defense first. That tells the srtory.


    I agree. You think Belichek is going to hire someone to run HIS defense that he's not totally comfortable with? The Patsys defense needs to be re-tooled, and I'll bet if Belichek had it to do over again, Seymour would not have been shipped out.

  6. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/...-modkins-as-oc/


    Here's some more info on the guy, knew Gailey from G-Tech.




    Not that this is a big deal considering Gailey will be calling all of the plays. Still though, I guess you could say he had some success with Beanie Wells this year.


    Here is a bit more background on Modkins, from his Ga. Tech days:



  7. Chan and Buddy have no coherent plan except to say their were so many people interested and to bash the Raiders. Chan doesn't have a clue. I'm guessing coordinators don't want to be here either - just like head coaches. UB probably has a staff they could pilfer.


    You don't know much about football, do you..

  8. The difference between a 3-4 and a 4-3 isn't that dramatic IMO. There are some subtle differences that require different talents (for example, a dominant NT required for a 3-4) but the schemes are similar enough that IMO a great defense should be able to run both in a single game.


    I remember back in the mid-90s we had a slew of LB injuries so Wade Phillips turned us from a 3-4 to a 4-3 in one week's time. We played Miami that week and Marino was LOST against a defense they hadn't prepared for.


    Why can't this be the case every week? IMO it can and should be part of any good defensive system. Throw in some forty six for even more diversity and watch opposing offenses panic.


    I agree. We just need the parts (players) and a DC that is creative enough to do it.

  9. This guy calls himself a sportswriter? Just another "jump on the bandwagon" article rehashed from everything else written the past weeks,,,, not an original thought in the piece.


    Agreed, absolutely nothing new or insightful. Yet another member of the media who would rather pump out drivel to fill a web page, than to actually look into all of the details and produce something interesting and credible.

  10. This is great news ... you would think that one of our intrepid Buffalo News' reporters or whiners would have taken the time to develop a story on Eric's rehab. since he is a key component of our future "success" under ... oh how I hate to say this ... under Chan.


    Although Charlie Chan always seemed to find the solutions to his problems ... maybe ... NAH ... I need a cup of coffee.


    Guys like you read too much Jerry Sullivan. Gailey has the best resume of any coach we've had here since Marv. He hasn't even been in the job a week yet; hasn't even picked a coaching staff, and you're already treating him like he's the second coming of Dick Jauron. You might want to cut the guy a little slack for a while, at least until there's actually something to complain about!

  11. Herm Edwards said he thinks Gailey is a good coach and was the right hire for the Bills based on their situation. Somepoints he brought up about Gailey:


    - very good record at developing QBs

    - good offensive mind that can run any type of attack that adapts to the personnel he has

    - coaches hard at times but will be fair

    - demands players execute properly and will not tolerate sloppiness


    Seems like all the coaches all have good things to say about Gailey, but it could be because they are all in the same fraternity..



  12. I didn't see this posted anywhere, forgive me if I missed it.


    King isn't a fan of the hire (shocker!) ...


    The only thing that concerns me, because I don't know much about Chan, is this quote:


    "The Cowboy incumbents hate Gailey's more conservative offense that he installed post-Switzer in 1998. If it was too conservative then, what is it with the widespread spread offenses 12 years later?"


    Well, you left out quite a bit. King finished with some good points to ponder:


    4. Now for something positive. Gailey deserved better than getting fired after inheriting a 6-10 team and leading an aging, set-in their-ways, rich cast of players (including some me-first guys like Emmitt Smith and Deion Sanders) to two straight playoff appearances and an 18-16 record.


    Early this season, when the vultures were circling around Wade Phillips in Dallas, owner Jerry Jones said what he regretted most in his first two decades as owner was not giving Gailey more than two years. "I believe more than ever that continuity is important,'' Jones said in October, "and I'm not going to make that mistake again.''


    Gailey went 10-6 in his first year, including a club-record 8-0 mark against the then-five-team NFC East, before losing in the wild-card game to Arizona. Dallas went 8-8 and made the wild-card game again the next year, losing to Minnesota. Now, Troy Aikman thought Gailey was prehistoric and should have compromised to leave some of the Ernie Zampese/Norv Turner offense in place, but Gailey's offensive broom swept clean. So before you say he failed in Dallas, I'd caution you use another word. He didn't fail. He took a team in decline and staved it off for as long as he could.


    Last point: I can guarantee you one of the things that the Bills loved was Gailey's attitude about how you can win without stars in the NFL. In fact, that's the kind of team he prefers. More than once in his career, he's told coaches he worked with: "You can win the World Series without Babe Ruth.'' In Buffalo, he's going to get that chance.

  13. How awful was he in GB, Billy? Just maybe not quite as bad as some of you "know nothings" are pushing for some stupid reason. You know that in the last 3 pre-season games, playing with the super scrubs, he passed for a 70% completion average? Additionally, if you watched the 1 game he played with us, just barely knowing who our 1st team receivers were and having almost no time to look down-field with all the blitzing going on, he looked pretty darned calm out there, threw the ball pretty darned well, and the 2 picks were first, a slightly under-thrown 50 some yard ball in the endzone which the DB made a great play on, and the 2nd was a fabulous pickoff on, again, a slightly under-thrown ball.


    All in all, Billy, Brohm looked pretty darned comfortable in the pocket considering it was his first NFL start EVER and Atlanta absolutely threw the kitchen sink at him.


    In short, I think your criticisms are ignorant and unwarranted. :thumbsup:


    Haha, right on, well stated. First of all, for someone to declare that Brohm has already been ruled out as a possible QB option for the Bills is completely ridiculous, and secondly, there are far too many 'fans' on here who don't actually seem to watch the games, or if they do, don't really understand what they are seeing. For Brohm to do what he did, in his first ever start, with an offensive scheme that was almost entirely new to him, with such a pitiful, patchwork offensive line in front of him, was very good. Its hard enough to play QB at any level, understanding protection schemes, reading coverages, etc., but to be thrown in like that, Brohm acquitted himself well.

  14. Why the !@#$ do some folks insist on calling Gailey "old"? Guy's like 3 years older than Jim Haslett. :blink:


    Is it out of ignorance? Do they not realize that Gailey and Bill Belichick are 3 months apart in age? That Gailey is younger than Norv Turner, Mike Shanahan, Dick Jauron, Wade Phillips, Tom Coughlin, Marty Schottenheiemer, et al?


    Or are Shanahan and Belichick also 'old guys'? :thumbsup:


    Probably because he *looks* older than those guys.

  15. I wish all of you guys well. I have served the team faithfully in cities all-around the country proud of my colors. Well I'm not from western NY, but the Adirondacks, and I've never seen the Bills play live. I've watched just about every game since I discovered football in 89'. I even watched the entire Oilers game and I BILLeved.


    Why should I treat a team like a wife or a child I love? They don't treat me that way, they treat me as a product they can capitalize on, and if that's true why oh why should I treat the product so lovingly when I cannot love the product they give me? Why should be so hell-bent on the emotions of a team that I don't live there and MAINLY because you treat the customer like garbage?


    People can say I'm a bandwagon jumper and to that I say B.S. I always had hope the product would improve and I could enjoy the game even if they lose. I enjoyed watching the Bledsoe years as much as they pained me because we tried to improve the team even though the results weren't great. I got excited about Losman as a 1st rounder even after his 2 games under 80 yards and I was scratching my head how he was in the NFL. I loved the Flutie OR Johnson year, even the Collins years.


    Now as a man in my 30's I realize this is a business, and why should I treat this business like my freaking family when it spits in my face? I should be following players and liking those teams they play on. Some team that is exciting and young with a good nucleus I could enjoy for 8-10 years.


    The hiring of an old man as GM without any experience and a figure-head to a nerd who knows nothing about football, to an owner who won't hire a guy like Schott, to finally now hiring a guy like Gailey has me relinquish my love for this team.


    I wish everyone well and I'm sure all the "don't let the door hit ya" posts will be lost on me as I don't care.



    Thanks Ralph!!!!


    Good riddance. If you ever grow a pair, don't bother coming back.

  16. He thinks maybe Gailey convinced the Bills they can win with Edwards. Jesus how much longer before people get that this clown is worthless as an NFL QB? I mean seriously, he wouldn't have ever started in the NFL if not for Jauron. Average arm, below average ability to read a defense, a pure chicken **** when it comes to pulling the trigger on tough passes and throwing with anticipation.


    Man I really hope the nix and Gailey have finding a new QB at the top of their list.


    Yes, as would any of us when we got our heads knocked off every other play, thanks to our swiss cheese offensive line. Joe Montana would have looked just as timid and inept behind that line. Not to say we shouldn't look for a new QB, but I think the Bills themselves stunted Edwards' development.

  17. +1. Drives me nuts also when these guys gripe about covering the Bills. Covering or working for the Bills would be a dream job for most of us.


    Yes, and thats all Sullivan does is sh*t on the Bills. He never has anything good to say, ever.

  18. I've read up on Gailey and I don't see a big problem.


    Worked on 11 playoff teams, was OC for Miami during consecutive 11-5 seasons, coached in a Super Bowl w/Pittsburgh.


    Reputation as a good teacher, innovative offensive mind.


    I agree. Let's face it, he's not a sexy choice, but compared to Dick Jauron's one season of success as a HC, Gailey is practically a Hall of Famer by comparison. I would be far more interested to see who he would bring in as OC and DC, and then pass judgement.

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