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Posts posted by pioniere

  1. Dear Buffalo Bills and Bills Fans Worldwide:


    (forgive me if this is a bit long)


    I've been watching the Bills since I was 9 years old back in 1988. I have followed them through thick and thin. I can honestly say that if the Bills hire Leslie Frazier or another up and comming coordinator to be the head coach instead of doing whatever it takes to get a proven leader in here, than I am done with this organization. You will have to prove to me that this team is worth MY TIME instead of the other way around.


    I do not take this decision lightly, nor do I go off spouting idle threats or feeling sorry for myself or other fans. This decision is based in common sense and logic. It has been a long time dream of mine to watch the Bills win a Superbowl standing next to my father as we celebrate together. But the older he gets, and this franchise becomes more of a joke, the time invested seems like a complete waste. The older I get, and more responsibilities I take on, I find myself having less and less time to commit to passions of my youth. All of my time has become a premium that must be divided among my family, firends, work, clients, and just living life. The older I get and more responsibilities I have as a husband, a son, a future father, and a business owner leaves me less and less time everyday for personal activiites like watching the Bills. The fact that my free time is decreasing everyday, every minute becomes more and more important and I have less and less of it to waste on an organization that is not commited to their fans.


    The fact that this organization has lost for years is not what really depresses me, the idea that this team has become a joke, and the management will cease to do anything to correct it is what really concerns me. It should be TRAVESTY to this organization that qualified coaches are not jumping at that chance to captain this ship. The idea that the front office has bought into the idea that being the head coach of the Buffalo Bills is a second rate job is not only stunning and dissapointing, but also unbelievably disrespectful to the fans and the enitre region of Western New York.


    This organization has shown zero commitment to make this franchise better for the people who have dedicated enormous amounts of their time, energy and money to it. This organization hired an inside candidate to take the GM position without even looking outside the organization, when the enitre NFL universe knows that the entire organization is completely dysfunctional, full of "yes men" and incompentant. This organization has ruined and injured countless promising players and ended careers prematurly due to the desire to not pay for competent help when players have been injured, thus leaving the players they actually do care about exposed to depending on teammates who are not skilled enough to proetect them. This organization has let pride and ego get in the way of winning, running some of the best football minds in the business out the door over petty arguements and personal vendettas. This organization has managed to turn what used to be one of the best blue collar franchises in American Sports history into a depressed joke of franchise that has become a punch line waiting to be put out of it's misery.


    Medicority is not tollerated in my business, or in my life, and will not be tolerated by the franchises I chose to spend my very valuable time and money on. This is it Bills, start making some serious moves to make this organization better or start losing fans.


    I encourage all Bills fans to hear this letter and demand today that the Bills truly commit to becoming a winning organization that we can be proud of. It is D-DAY in Bills Nation and the organization needs to hear our plea. Get to fixing these problems or dare I say it......... get the hell out of Wetsern New York and let us get on with our lives


    Don't let the door hit you on the a$$ on the way out!!

  2. Joe Thiesman and Joe Gibbs may be the worst announcing duo of all time. They are making a pretty decent game almost unwatchable..... I have watched the last 10 min with the TV muted they are so bad.


    Absolutely brutal. Not only just bad, but you knew they would spend far too much time reminiscing about the good ol' days, which they did. Whoever decided not only to have Gibbs and Theismann as color analysts, but to pair them up, needs to find a different line of work.

  3. Um, didn't he have Ted Washington, Trevor Pryce and a couple other big guys in Chicago? He's not the best inthe world, but trying to blame everything you don't like on him doesn't work


    DJ & the rest of the 'braintrust' had a chance to draft Ngata or Bunkley, and instead chose Whitner, supposedly because neither linemen fit their 'system'.

  4. sorry for not memorizing every coordinator for every team in every year of nfl history. i actually have a life.


    billick rode a great defense to success. he was hired because of his offensive prowess. remind me, how good was his offense in baltimore?


    yea, that's right, it pretty much sucked


    If you can't get your facts straight, then don't post. Stop wasting everyone's time. Don't go away mad, just go away.

  5. Whitner's selection was a major error. The Bills desperately needed a DT and both Haloti Ngata and Broderick

    Bunkley were sitting there when their pick came. Instead, the Bills reached for the 2nd rated SS in the draft after the

    Raiders took the top SS candidate (michael Huff) a pick or two earlier.


    Now, I won't say that Whitner was a major major reach, but the Bills had no business picking a safety when the

    two top DTs (THE position of need for them) were sitting on the board. What do you suppose the Bills would need

    to package with Whitner to get Ngata now? (I'd venture to say a 1st and Whitner might get us Ngata).


    Too bad, blown opportunity.


    I watched Ngata play when he was with the Ducks. He was a force, and was the guy I wanted the Bills to draft. Instead they took Whitner.


    Ngata was just named to the Pro Bowl. 'Nuff said.

  6. A lot of asinine replies who did not read the whole post. I was talking about his career path going to free agency after an injury and having to go back to Bills because there was no good offer on the table. I did not talk about stats at all. There is more to careers than playing Madden. Andre talked a lot about making money in free agency and then needed to go back to Buffalo due to injury and


    Personal attack comments are pretty pathetic when are twisting it say nothing regarding original post. May you be forced into a threesome with Tom Brady and Bill Belichick.


    I would have bet my mortgage that you would have been flamed hard, and you were!! To compare Josh Reed to Andre Reed is ludicrous. In 10 years from now, Andre should be in the Hall of Fame. Reed will have been forgotten.

  7. :lol: i hate these effen things


    the 3rd decision he needs to make after finding the right head coach and establishing his plan on improving the QB position is to get rid of these darn awful uniforms


    we have done nothing but lose in these things


    make the current throwbacks the permanent uniforms and the Kelly era unis the new throwback design :w00t:


    next stop- CHAMPIONSHIP!


    I wholeheartedly agree... if it truly is a new era, then lets make a clean slate of it all. Those unis are horrendous, and the 'throwbacks' look much much better. I love the idea of using the Kelly era uniforms as our new alternates.

  8. Word is that most of the staff (Fewell, etc) and front office did NOT want Maybin.


    Apparently, Maybin was a Jauron wet-dream.



    I wrote to Chris Brown several months ago and asked him why the Bills didn't take Orakpo instead of Maybin. He replied that apparently the Bills' front office felt he took too many plays off.


    If he takes too many plays off (11 sacks now for the Redskins), I wonder what Maybin does...

  9. Schottie would be a great coach for this team. He's a leader, a teacher and a winner and all of those are proven

    traits over time with multiple teams. His last season 3 yrs. ago the Chargers were 14-2. He has nothing to prove

    in his credentials. I would LOVE him in B-Lo.



    It would be nothing short of poetic justice if Marty was hired, and with Nix rebuilt the Bills into a playoff team, and then won the Super Bowl. Then Marty and the rest of us could spit at the rest of the league.

  10. What do you mean minus the Christian stuff? Correct me if I am wrong but Frank Reich did fine with the Bills. Faith has nothing to do with how someone plays football.


    I agree, it doesn't. However, it will be good to see Tebow stop the Sunday School activities like the bible verses on the eye blacks, when he gets to the NFL.

  11. I used to be rah rah rah after marty until i took a long look at his career, the guy knows how to build a winner, just not a playoff winner.


    While Shanahan is still out there I'll hold out hope for him, this franchise needs a proven SB winner in the worst way.


    I think I'd go after Brian Billick before Marty at this point, he knows what it takes to get there and win.


    Does he? Take a quick look at his career. He was considered to be an offensive 'genius' when he was the OC for the Vikings, with all-world talents with Carter, Moss, Cunningham, Robert Smith, et. al. Most OCs would probably excel with that group. So he becomes the head coach in Baltimore, but never, the whole time he was there, could ever get an offense that could do any more than the bare minimum. He had an all-world defence and managed, thanks in large part to Ray Lewis' leadership, win a SB. He was never able to develop a QB or an offense in his time there, and his playoff failures outnumbered his playoff successes. That, combined with his arrogant, abrasive personality, finally combined to get him fired. No NFL club has looked at him since, and probably with good reason.


    Billick would be no better a choice than Jim Haslett or any of the other retreads whose names have been tossed around here. I would take Marty any day over Billick.

  12. waaaaaaaaaaaaay too early for a guy signed mid-week to be expected to play.


    Yep. But its not inconceivable that we will see him play, possibly even start, before the season is over.


    I think we already know what we have with Edwards and Fitzpatrick, so I would love to see us give this guy a shot.


    Numbers from his senior season at Louisville:


    PASSING GP Effic Cmp-Att-Int Pct Yds TD Lng Avg/G

    Brohm, Brian 12 152.43 308-473-12 65.1 4024 30 81 335.3


    Over 4,000 yards and 30 TDs, and 335 passing yards per game. I haven't seen stats from Edwards and Fitz' best college seasons, but I doubt they put up numbers like this.

  13. The logic chain presented here evokes a reaction from of. "yeah there may be some connection between Jones departure and the Bills changing dieting, stretching and workout regimens, but a perceived increase in knee injuries falls way short of establishing a connection between Jones departure and an inordinate increase in knee injuries."


    Among the items where a statistical correlation might be found and needs to be presented for anyone to even take this conclusion seriously are:


    1. Are the Bills actually suffering an inordinate number of knee injuries compared to the rest of the NFL. I also perceive an increase in the number of injuries and IR declarations since Rusty got canned, but in a game which the players are well paid in part due to a significant of injuries, I have not seen word 1 of info that would indicate that the Bills level of injuries are drastically higher consistently than the rest of the NFL.


    2. Further, is any perceived or actual increase in injuries of the type (joint and connective injuries which may be associated with stretching or a lack thereof, traumatic injuries which come from increased contact, or perhaps lack of preparation that heavy contact may be coming which is associated to a lot of padless workouts etc.


    3. What changes have actually happened in terms of diet, strectching, physical preparation, rehab, etc that correlates to some number.


    4. What other major changes have happened (like someone saying above there has been a significant playing surface change) which might explain part of an injury increase (if one is actually happening).


    5. Is there any organized or consistent blowback in terms of player comments that the Bills diet, prep, stretching, etc has changed since Rusty left that they theorize may be causing changes in injury rates, types, levels, etc.


    6. Do you see a significant number of individual Bills using their substantial personal wealth to hire their own trainers, dieticians, or getting their own doctors second opinions now that Rusty has left?


    This whole thing is incredibly complicated, but there should be some concentrated significant signs of disenchantment with the Bills conditioning prep post Jones that even we outsiders can begin to see.


    There seems to me to be a fairly clear larger number of Bills going to the IR which has been reflected in statistical correlations such as the Bills ending up with record numbers of players on IR a couple of the last 10 seasons or since Rusty was summarily and stupidly (in most fan's views as what he was doing seemed to work) dismissed by Mularkey.


    However, there does not appear to be anywhere near even a statistical correlation between a consistent increased number of knee injuries and a correlation between an alleged change in Bills strength and conditioning regimen post Jones.


    Traumatic injuries like Pos breaking his arm twice or Kevin Everett needing life-saving spinal treatment intervention are true facts. However, the connection between this increased number of literal bad breaks and a Jones linked change in strength and conditioning simply has not even been remotely established or even hinted at by the statistical events.


    This is an issue worth exploring as there is a perceived change in outcomes and definite changes in input.


    The surmise offered in these posts is pretty unsubstantiated however.


    Agreed that there seem to be a high number of Bills going on IR in the last couple of seasons. As a coach myself at the youth and high school football levels, I have seen directly that usually the best conditioned teams have fewer injuries, including pulled groins, hamstrings, etc. Teams that I have been a part of that are not as well conditioned seem to have a higher number of injuries. While it is true that any kind of injury can happen at any time in football, players who are not as well conditioned get tired faster, which leads to them being unable to react quickly enough in situations that demand it, resulting in a greater likelihood of injury.


    In the case of the Bills, I hope that strength and conditioning is one of the areas that comes under scrutiny with a coaching change. One season with a high number of players on IR is an anomaly. Two seasons with a high number of players on IR is a trend.

  14. I dont get the love fest for Schottenheimer. Everyone hated Dicks conservative play-not-to-lose style, and now you want to bring in "Marty Ball" - what gives? The over conservative "Marty Ball" does not work in the NFL - just look at his playoff record. Just say no to Schottenheimer.. :rolleyes: I agree with the lines comments though - our team should be built liek Minn. - just dont confuse Marty with Run first and stop the run.


    Marty Ball does work... he totally turned around the Chargers, and has gotten teams to the playoffs no matter where he has coached.. He has done that everywhere he has gone. It's winning in the postseason where he has the problem. However, since we haven't even been there in 10 seasons, it seems like a good place to start.

  15. Particularly like Ross--


    Forgot an obvious one--Greg Gabriel with the Chicago Bears--is a Buffalo native...was interested after Donahoe and after Levy...




    Yeah, but how successful have the Bears been - really. I hate the Cover 2 that Perry Fewell brought with him by way of Lovie Smith. Ask any Bills fan if they would like to keep our current defensive scheme, and I'm sure you would get a resounding 'NO!'.


    Chicago's current philosophies don't work. We need a fresh start, not another re-tread from Chicago.


    I like Ross & DeCosta though.

  16. Yep, I have to agree, letting Pat Williams leave was the dumbest by far. He wanted to stay, and would still be anchoring our defensive line. The McGahee selection would be up there for sure, considering what our needs were at that time. I think Dumb-a-hole wanted to make the big steal of the draft and get the next Walter Payton.


    No one has mentioned spending the 2002 #4 pick on Mike Williams, but as the previous poster mentioned, we could go on and on with examples of drafting incompetence exhibited by successive front office staffs.

  17. Great post, I think you hit the nail on the head. Poz is too slow and isn't nearly physical enough. I don't see him starting at MLB for too many other teams. There's a reason he didn't go in the 1st Round of his draft year. Of course, I was one of those who wanted to trade up and take Patrick Willis, but the Bills' braintrust wanted to outsmart everyone instead.

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