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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. His slide from the left continues. Soon he'll be shaving his head and setting up shop with David Duke.
  2. Thanks, I've been looking for a good 'Personal Photo'. Dubya
  3. Once again...I changed from Buckner's Glove - I'm not hiding anything. Strange that I would switch it up following the World Series...hmmmm. Keep on bringing it up so the Patsie trolls can gloat some more. IMHO, people should probably say nothing at all when they don't have a clue as to what they're talking about. Your original argument has no merit. Which users were you referring to?
  4. That's all well and good, but I seem to remember reading that TD attempted to trade down from #4 and was unable to find a willing partner. Some people also believe that TD would have taken Harrington at #4 if Detroit had not picked him at #3. I konw it's probably not the popular opinion around here, but in the long run I think we were better trading for Drew. Like you said, his presense here allowed us to get a 1st for Price and probably legitimized the team to the point that it was an attractive situation for high profile free agents like Spikes and Milloy. He was essentially a "free" pickup, essentially paying for himself by making Price's numbers that much better in his contract year. For TD, the McGahee pick is just icing on the cake. The jury's still out on Big Mike, but he's definately improving. But TD haters will always hate...
  5. Stubborn, stupid...it's hard to tell the difference sometimes.
  6. There is not a single post in this thread by a user who created their account after November 3, 2004. Who are you referring to? Are you feeling OK?
  7. Does it say that anal love between androgenous 1980s band members is a sin?
  8. George Michael and what's-his-name might have something to say about that.
  9. ...not that there's anything wrong with that
  10. People who call people pussies on internet messages boards are GAY!!!
  11. Hey, it's lonely over there - what's wrong with a young soldier trying to get a little...nevermind
  12. I thought so, but not until after I replied to your post. I was wondering if someone would pick it up - Brilliant!
  13. Wrong, but thanks for playing. Try again!
  14. Well, according to Dubya, we've been shut out. He's going to do things his way and that's that, so I guess all we have left is to serve our 4 year sentence (with very little chance of parole) and hope for a better result next time. The rest of you asked for it, now we'll all suffer the fruits of your labor - maybe that will bring the country together.
  15. Wow, look at all the run I'm getting! You're now at least the 3rd person who wanted to know who I was in my previous life (and the second to find out without asking). The funny thing is that I cared nearly nothing about politics before this year, but you guys have made my blood boil enough times to get me hooked. Thanks, I think. I'm outta here, GO BILLS!
  16. Oh, and before Paco points it out, 'technology' is the correct spelling.
  17. Tell me how you really feel! Progress if fine, but if there were votes added to either candidate's total as a result of a voting machine malfunction, it should be looked at, no? BTW, I WISH I had 1 billion dollars to spend - if I did I certainly wouldn't spend it solely on calling Bush a liar. Don't confuse me with the Democratic Party.
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