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Posts posted by Paco

  1. Thought you said you could feed the hungry, too.  Tough to do when you're simultaneously cutting ALL welfare.  And fight the war on terrorism...didn't see that anywhere,  either. 


    Oh, but you're putting the money into an incentive program to encourage companies to hire people.  I want to know how that's going to work...most companies hire people because they have work for them, not because someone else pays them to.  All you've done is move welfare from the public sector to the private sector...albiet still funded by the public sector with our tax dollars. 


    And it's such a sound economic policy in lacking any concept of tax policy or managing the money supply.  Do you plan on keeping the dollar strong or weak vs. the Euro and yen? 


    Oh wait...I'm sorry, my bad.  You say yourself that you don't have enough information to form the plan that you specifically said "ANYONE" could implement.  Guess that's "ANYONE" but you...


    Great plan.  Between the near-complete lack of any fiscal knowledge and equally near-complete lack of judgement, it's almost as bad as your football judgement.  You should stick to pretending you know what you're talking about when you suggest trading a "bust" like Lee Evans...


    And then there's all that. :P

  2. Buckner's Glove.  I thought the screen name didn't fit any more with the Sawx winning the World Series.  You could have asked - it's no secret unless your name is Thurman's Helment or Hollywood Donahoe.  Now you know.


    I appreciate that. I actually thought you were someone who currently posts regularly under another, that's all. And you're absolutely right about TH and HD.

  3. Sorry, the spell checker was off.  Do you have a point or are you just attacking my spelling, Taco?


    Just trying to align the guy with 89 posts with the guy he likely replaced. Can't remember who it was that always used to spell ridiculous with an e. Nothing personal. Just bustin' balls.

  4. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out, no doubt.  It's rediculous that machines used for such an important purpose were seemingly not thoroughly tested before being put into a real-life situation.  It will be a big deal if this happend in many machines, but you're right, we'll have to wait and see.


    Curious way you have of spelling "ridiculous." I'm sure it's just a typo. But I feel like I've seen that typo before. :P

  5. And everyone told us how they would fix the economy where?


    Or perhaps they really think the economy is perfect?


    What does Kerry have anything to do with this?  Move on already - we're talking about the economy not some past election.


    We didn't stand up and say we COULD fix the economy, and everything other problem in the world. He did. We called him on it. If you're going to join the conversation, please understand the whole conversation...not just the little parts that you can nibble on.

  6. Give a real answer and it gets kinda quiet.  I'm sure there will be a f-you type post eventually.


    Oh, please. Stop that nonsense. He said he could fix the economy. It took forever to get an answer as to how. He finally gives an answer. After constant prodding. And even then it's clear he doesn't know how to fix the economy because his answer was so nebulous.


    It's like saying, "I don't know anything about fixing a car, but the first thing I'd do is find out what the mechanic knows, then I'd rotate the tires, change the oil, put in new plugs..."


    But if you feel that he provided a full and deep explanation on how to fix the economy, then I can also understand how you feel that Kerry actually DID have a plan.

  7. According to the analyst from JP Morgan who I heard on the radio, the results arise, as is correctly pointed out, from construction jobs in Florida after the hurricanes, as well as "normal" (whatever that is) growth.  He didn't break down the numbers.


    The INCREASE in unemployment is attributed to those "discouraged" workers who are invisible because they aren't looking for work.  Apparently they become "encouraged" and are now actively looking.  Their numbers drove up the unemployment rate.


    It was also stated that October job cuts in excess of 100,000 have been announced (highest monthly figure in over a year) so if those cuts are actually implemented it will offset this increase.  I guess we just have to wait and see.


    Why do I get the feeling that you'd be happy about this.

  8. OK Paco, for someone to learn how to be a mechanic, that costs money.  Uusually the unemployed are short of money.  Understand where I'm headed here?


    I can understand your point, but you aren't taking into account normal circumstances that can factor into this.


    The good news is, there are PLENTY of opportunities out there to learn a new trade for little or next to NO money. THAT's the beauty of it, BF. While the government should not provide jobs, it DOES in many cases provide opportunity! You have to find the opportunities that are out there and put them to work for yourself. Don't wait for it to come to you. GO FIND IT!


    Personal accountability, BF. You're almost there! Stay with me.

  9. . If you have 10 people that are unemployed welders, and there are only 5 jobs as a welder open,


    As much as I fear extending this metaphor, the answer is simple. There may only be 5 welders positions out there, but there are also 25 auto mechanics jobs available. The other 5 welders need to learn how to be an auto mechanic. It's not the role of the government to come up with five more welders jobs. It's the role of the individual to adapt to employment demands.


    You think the government should concentrate on creating jobs for IT administrators given how many of them are out of work?


    Stay with me, BF. We're almost there.

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