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Posts posted by Paco

  1. A particular play by Kelsay, I think, deserves its own thread. Curtis Martin sweeping to the right. Mawae pulls to lead block...Kelsay blows into Mawae and literally shoves Mawae backwards into Martin, causing Martin to miss his turn upfield an run further outside. When Mawae collects himself and tries again to move forward, Kelsay AGAIN throttles forward and pushed Mawae into the play. By then, we strung Martin out of bounds for no gain.


    So this Kelsay guy. He's pretty good, huh?

  2. On the other hand, I'd gladly put our Defense up against either the Patriots' OR the Eagles'. The Eagles are very suspect in the run game, and the Patriots are not much better. Yeah, I know, we already lost to the Pats...but we seem to be improving on offense, and our defense has a tremendous way of holding their own in the second half of games.


    Do I think we could beat Pittsburgh. No. But I'd bet we hold them off better than the Eagles did.

  3. You can take all the bashing of T-Bone, Sue and BF combined and it doesn't come near the bashing that stevestojan takes. He posts virtually ever thought that bleeds from his Tom TV head and after a while some of us tire of it and jump him like he's a 7/11 robber carrying a watergun.


    So he fights back and says a bunch of crazy crap and incites more piling...but he NEVER complains that the problem is the board. He takes his lumps, grabs a rip from his skull bong, lights up a Marlboro, cracks open a beer, watches some TV, and then comes back and does it again later.


    And what's T-Bone's idea? Get Scott to start eliminating people on the board so a fuggin' Patriot's fan can live a more peaceful life on a fuggin' Buffalo Bills message board. What's BF's idea? Fire Jerry Gray because he sucks in his development of the #2 defense in the league. If those kind of thoughts don't deserve pile jumping, I'm not sure WHAT does!


    May as well add me to the list of people to ignore while you're at it, girls, because if that's the best you two can come up with it's NO FUGGIN' WONDER people jump in your crap all the time.


    Hell...even stevestojan is jumping in your crap! But oh no...it's the board.

  4. You think that's bad?  You should hear some of Dennis Green's comments when he was in Minnesota.  For example:


    "If you do one thing very well, then it has to be your hammer.  If you

    don't do anything real well, you don't have a hammer. If you do one

    thing real well, and if it's a big enough hammer to make them try

    to stop it, then you have to find another way to counterpunch it. That's

    the way it happened last week, but this could be a totally different



    Uh huh...




    Was that Green speaking...or Madden? <_<

  5. If you make abortion illegal, you are inviting all sorts of desperate measures from women who simply cannot afford to have a child, or cannot care for one because they are so young. To me, THAT is more suffering and deplorable conditions for a CHILD who is really born to one of those women, instead of a fetus which hasn't even been born yet! I cannot imagine a more horrible thing than FORCING a woman to give birth under such conditions.


    I KNOW you will come back with 'Well, she shouldn't have been stupid and gotten pregnant in the first place' and 'The KzooMike shouldn't be protected from their poor choices', but the alternative is MUCH MORE horrible; a young mother who is caring for a child she obviosuly cannot care for, or a mother who is poor and either lets her child suffer, or the whole family lives in deplorable conditions. I myself could NEVER let anyone be forced into that, and that is my reasoning.


    I would add to this, maybe a bit on the unpopular side, that in such situations the onus now falls on society to help and protect these children. A woman is not permitted to have an abortion, gives birth, and either raises the child in a squalor or dumps them on a doorstep or into a dumpster. It happens now, and in my mind it would only get worse if it were illegal.


    At that point, people would be dusting off their Swift Proposals and coming up with other options.

  6. Yes, I will admit to being concerned about all these things. But I have a "feeling".


    You know what I mean?


    Sounds like the same feeling I had after we beat Miami and were headed to Baltimore. <_< However, if we can play a relatively mistake-free game like yesterday...no turnovers, no sacks, good protection, solid defense, limited penalties...then yes, we can take NE on the road.


    I would also suggest we not wear those godforsaken away unis. :( I'll take all the help we can get.

  7. Another big issue I have with MM is his 'playing not to lose' mentality.  It damn near bit us in the ass!

    That aside, OL played the same as they have in awhile.  Bledsoe had time.  I will say it was nice to see Bledsoe finally MOVE for once!  What a concept!


    Any coincidence that WM starts it = 100+ yards and = WINS?  Buh bye Travis...Buh bye.... (Note I fully understand this won't always be the case, but damn folks LOL!)

    Our D is kicking ass and taking names. When Vincent becomes FS it will get MUCH better!


    Overall good solid game.  Now....string the next 3-4 together and THEN we have turned the corner.


    We really need to get rid of that crappy receiver Evans, though. :D

  8. I think it was a perfectly valid question.  The responses she got were uncalled for, period.


    A VALID QUESTION? Can you tell me where I can find a website for rate exchange? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Get over, BF. It's nice you come to the rescue, but get real.

  9. I agree completely......I don't see how anyone can find fault with the defense......I'm glad Jerry Gray is our D coordinator. He's doing a better job than I thought given the departure of LeBeau.


    Coming into the game we were the NUMBER TWO DEFENSE in the league!


    But BF says we should fire him. :D:huh::huh:

  10. I have nothing really to complain about today. 


    What the fug are you talking about? You just put up a thread saying we need to fire Gray. Which is it, BF?


    Oh, wait. You're right. What you WERE complaining about was, in fact, nothing.

  11. Laying back with a two point lead with 5 minutes to go is a LOT different then laying back with a 12 point lead.


    We won, but he's still an idiot.


    Everytime I wonder if you can't be more wrong about something, you never fail to let me down.


    We kept Curtis Martin under 100 yards, Pennington didn't complete a pass the entire time he played in the second half and aside from the one TD play, we ruled the school and beat a 6-1 team by putting 20 points on the board and closing the deal at the end.


    Where you come up with this crap is beyond me.

  12. I suspect the Fish will go down today primarily because the team is just not good enough to overcome the assssthrashing they got the other night. I'd be very surprised, though, to see Wanny thrown out in mid-season, primarily because the injuries to your team have been so significant that even Wayne Huziwhatshisname can't put it all on Wanny. Unless you know something we haven't read in the papers.


    I also think you're right about NE in that their current weakness, being their passing defense right now, is facing the Ram's current offensive strength.

  13. If I'm reading Jack Lalane power juicer threads in November of NEXT year, I'm gonna have to start killing people.


    No disrespect. I'm just sayin'. We're playing the fuggin' jets TOMORROW! And this is sitting on the front page of TBD. It fuggin' sucks when we suck.


    I'm tired of falling. I want to get better so the Jack Lalane power juicer threads of the world never get a chance to stay on the front page. I want to be able to watch ESPN Prime Time more often. I want to have confidence going into any divisional game.


    Sucks when your team is personified by Ed Harris in "The Abyss." All the way to the bottom you go, Virgil.


    :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Jack Lalane power juicer. <_<

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