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Posts posted by Paco

  1. Paco did you even read what I said?  I said most do want jobs, that would entail that they take responsibility for finding them.  When there aren't any job openings (look at the Buffalo area) it becomes a little tough to get one.


    That doesn't mean they aren't trying.


    Then you've reversed your previous position on this, and I'm very happy to hear this. A week ago you were upset because our president wasn't providing enough jobs for people. I'm glad to hear you don't believe that nonsense anymore and respect that each person needs to hold themselves personally responsible for their actions and it is not the responsibility of the government to provide jobs to the unemployed...particularly when there are plenty of jobs available.


    Good job, BF. Good job.

  2. I think you understand my point, now let's see your witty reply to what you expected me to say Paco.


    Calm down, BF. I'm simply asking if I understood your point correctly...which is to say that people who use drugs need to be held accountable for their actions, not the people who supply the drugs.


    This is just ironic given that you feel that the government is responsible for providing jobs, and people who are unemployed should not be held accountable for their situation.


    You know what? That WAS a witty reply. I take back my initial comment.

  3. You're a good son.  Can't say I'd do the same thing (I'd have gotten tickets for Saturday and sent the women forth! :D).


    Enjoy the show.  I can't say I'd ever sit through something like that again.  I've been to TWO Broadway shows in my life.  The first was "Cats".  It started off cool (hot chicks in body suits running through the crowd).  Then they started singing.  They never stopped.  I paid $150 per for me to take a nap and my wife to smile. 


    I can't even remember the second one.  Slept through that too.  Musicals suck.


    I saw "Rent" in NYC and was absolutely stunned that this thing ever garnered the accolades it has received. What a whacked out messed up musical production.


    As I mentioned before, I also saw Cirque's production called "O!" About half way through I figured out what the O! stood for; it was short for "O my fuggin' God, I can't believe I spent $300 to watch this piece of crap!"

  4. Team reporter said his back was so bad he couldn't even turn around to answer someone questioning him. I know he killed us last game, but maybe he'll be used as a decoy this time around. Watch them try to go up top this time around.


    He didn't kill us last time. We LET him kill us last time. On third down you need to stay in Chrebet's pocket.

  5. Thank you, you have just made my whole point for me (you didn't even do it on purpose).


    You say people choose to come here?  True, SDS is providing them something they want.  They are hurting their employers by yapping here instead of working.


    Spammers are forcing the loss of production time.  In that sense, I would agree that is criminal.  The force of harm in my eyes is criminal.  However, a drug dealer hardly has to force anything on anyone.


    So you're saying that the problem is not the supplier of the drugs, but rather the fault of the person who takes the drugs, who should be at fault because they need to account for their own actions in taking the drugs? Is that what you're saying?

  6. I think his explanation is "I have a plan."


    It must be because I STILL haven't heard how he plans to fix the economy. I don't need him to explain how he would fix EVERYTHING. I just want to hear his economic plan. That's all. He said he could fix it. I'm just wondering how.


    C'mon, ICE. Even BF took a shot at defending his claim. Surely you can do it. Just explain what you said you could explain.

  7. Just don't look at the details, concentrate on the price of stocks that the majority of us don't have enough of to live off the dividends, and yeah, the economy is doing great.



    When did this fact become the fault of the government. The government didn't give me my stocks. I bought them myself. With my own money. The money I earned after working three jobs to get through college so I could have a good, solid source of employment and income so I could take personal accountability for my life.


    Tell me why again you bring this point up?

  8. You did take into account you are conversing with a guy who actually thinks it's clever to compare George W. Bush to Adolph Hitler?


    You really have to appreciate his avatar.


    (For the record, I use my Hogan's Heroes avatar because stevestojan referred to everyone at PPP at Nazis a couple of weeks ago.)

  9. Don't forget that it's a one-way street, too.  White man kills a !@#$, it's a hate-crime.  Black man kills a cracker, it's just murder.


    AND...it's not just murder. It's a murder that was caused by society not helping blacks get a leg up. !@#$ didn't kill whitey. "The man" killed whitey. !@#$ just happened to pull the trigger because the government didn't give him enough money to succeed in life.


    Just another example of "the man" keeping people down, I guess.

  10. And we STILL can't believe it, John... what an f-ing DISASTER.



    Herein lies one of the biggest reasons he lost. No matter what you think of Bush's intelligence, he's a much better manager of people than Mr. Micromanager and his Thorazine dripping wife. HIs vocal belief (in front of a major publication no less) that he is running against an idiot transcends to his people. And as it turns out, the Bushies wouldn't let it happen.


    Dennis Miller said it right; people like Bush are successful because they surround themselves with intelligent people like a hole surrounds itself with a donut.


    Kerry and his people just figured he's an idiot and should be able to beat him handily with little or no effort to develop a plan.


    Who's the idiot here?????

  11. The Kerry vote is still the most of any president until GWB garnered his count this year!


    If you're not in sales, you should be. You point out the most fitting tribute to Mr. Kerry as he heads back to the senate where he actually now has to do something signficant to prove that those other 19 years weren't a fluke. Add one more line item to the resume under "accomplishments": Set a record for garnering the single most votes of any president in the history of the US.*










    *for about four seconds.

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