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Posts posted by Paco

  1. The election is over. I've posted a lot of stuff, some of it good and some of it crap over the years.


    I'm just really curious as to why my posts kill threads. There's been more than a few. I really wonder why?


    Disclaimer: You virgins here need not respond, but you will.


    There are times, my friend, when people will believe anything about themselves so they don't have to believe anything they hear from somebody else. During the election, people could go back and forth for hours over things like 527s, flip-flopping, and the somewhat odd ability to hear someone have a hard time pronouncing some words...and in the year 2004, still call them the villiage idiot. You can discuss this stuff back and forth for pages.


    When you post something, on the other hand, no one can argue with it. Because you post what you know...not just what you think you know.


    People can't argue with that. End of story. Just that simple.


    You're not a thread killer. You're a bringer of truth.


    (And you have a great way of bustin' Ice's balls.)

  2. You lost your job? Cool. Did they shut down the doors and move?  No. Again I think it's funny NO ONE will answer the question. How is it we have BILLIONS to go attack a country and NOTHING to fix the economy?


    I would guess because you don't have one. Just keep pumping money into fighting something you can't win.


    What exactly would you like to do to fix the economy, Ice? What's the plan of action? You see to think you can gurandamtee fix it. How would you do this?


    Also, this may be oversimplified, but if you lose the transmission in your car, but need to fix it, it's an unexpected expense and causes many people to stretch their credit to fix something that absolutely, positively MUST be fixed.


    We didn't ask for the war on terror. It was pushed upon us unexpectedly. Should we have just ignored all of that, taken $200 billion and given it to people in America so they can live better? That sure sounds like what you're saying.

  3. Bush was reelected with the highest vote total in American history. He is the first president since 1988 to win a majority of the popular vote. He increased his 2000 tally by 8 million votes and saw his party not only keep its majorities in the House and Senate but enlarge them. And he did it all in the face of an orgy of hatred.


    Regardless of what side you're on, this is the truth. I sincerely hope the Blzruls and Rcows of the world will learn to stop hating and step up.

  4. Please stop. Now you are just getting stupid. I have SEVERAL Friends in the military over there right now. and YES I was there in the last one. They didn't want us then, they don't want us now.


    Yeah DC it can be done by ANYONE. now lets see the guy that is BACK in office "Get er' done"


    Lastly Paco...JOBS.  MORE JOBS, less unemployment. That is a damn good start.


    Interesting how what you say works for you, but if anyone questions it, we're "just getting stupid."


    You claimed you were there and, in part, that is how you know. You haven't been there since the war started, so you can't tell me how the people feel based on that claim, ICE. That's not being stupid. That's being rational.


    I've met a number of people who have been there since the war and I hear just the opposite. That people are happy we're there. They are happy we've taken out Hussien. They are happy someone finally stood tall for them.


    Seems like we all hear what we want to here.


    And for what it's worth, you can send all the unemployed people to Monster.com or any of the other online job search engines and help themselves. There's plenty of work. It's not the government's job to bring the work to the people. It's the people's job to bring themselves to the work.


    I believe VABill has about 15 openings right now. That's not a bad start.

  5. Tell me that you don't think that if Al Gore or John Kerry were just "decent" candidates instead of the disasters their campaigns became that they would not have won the last two elections. Gore is without question.


    I personally think this is more the case with Kerry than Gore because I felt Gore was as much a personality issue as a campaign issue. Alternately, though, it was increasingly easy...even for a layman like myself...to see the micromanagement skills of Kerry when it came to his campaign. In fact, it was one of the things that turned me off about him in terms of being a president. If he's going to try and run his presidential campaign, and not trust people built to do that kind of thing, then what kind of people would he surround himself with as CIC?


    His changes came too late. They should have happened long before the debates.

  6. Moore, the vulgarian who made the movie "Fahrenheit 9/11," is unhinged by his loathing of Bush -- and of the country that has now reelected him. Moore and the hordes of his enthusiasts are a stain on the party -- as are those Democratic senators and representatives who in June made a merry festival of the movie's Washington premiere. Moore illustrates the fact that the Republican Party benefits -- it is energized by resentment -- when the entertainment industry and major journalistic institutions (e.g., the New York Times, CBS News) enlist as appendages of the Democratic Party's advocacy apparatus.


    I get great pleasure with each passing day that indicates Moore helped Bush get reelected.

  7. you  people have the sense of humor of a pile of dog poop..now we can look forward to Arafat join Saddam and Satan in South Park episodes.


    There are some things that require more respect than simply saying "You have no sense of humor." It is easier to say you have no respect for your audience because it is a much, much truer statement.

  8. Those numbers are close enough that they could easily have been the other way around without OBL doing Bush a favor with that tape or without passions being inflamed over gay baiting.


    I doubt anyone will ever be able to prove this, but I'd be willing to bet that Michael Moore did more to energize the Bush vote than OBL's video. A lot of polls I saw after the OBL video showed a large majority of people saying the video meant nothing to them in terms of the way they plan to vote.


    Moore, on the other hand, I believe really pissed off members of the right and got them to realize that his lies and misperceptions on a global scale needed a counter punch...and the Republicans provided that counterpunch at the polls.

  9. We'll just have to agree to disagree Ice because I believe we are, to a large extent, taking care of our own house by doing what we're doing in the Middle East.


    I also find it interesting that you say you want to feed the poor but you don't want to give out anything for free and you should work for what you get. Which one is it?

  10. Majority of my friends and shipmates used that money to pay off debt already incured.


    And I'd bet $100 that after paying down their credit cards, most of them went out and ran their credit cards up again.


    Do you not realise MOST of the Iraq People don't want us there? Has this not occured to anyone?


    I wonder how true this statement is, or if you're just busy reading the NY Times. If they want us out, it's so they can take care of themselves right now because they may see us as an occupier. But I think your statement is more false than true, unless you have some surveys of late that we haven't seen.

  11. Except California has the worst business climates in the country.  High real estate prices, excessive regulation, a court system that always sides with the workers, high insurance, etc.  It'll take alot to get reputable companies to move there.


    Workman's comp is driving businesses away more than anything. Arnie is trying to fix it, but Sacramento needs to be cleaned up before he can make any real progress.

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