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Posts posted by shoveldog

  1. Pittsburgh? :lol:


    Obviously you disagree, but Pittsburgh has the #2 defense in the league. Sure, their offense is struggling a bit right now, but this is the same group of guys that last year tallied a very respectable 9th in offensive points per game at 24.6. Their only loss was a close one to Philadelphia who is very strong.

  2. OK Major, I'm pegging you for about 19yrs old?? That's not a knock! But your statement shows your level of life experience. You'll learn... and if not, I've got a few things I'd like to sell you.


    Stating spending money = success is absolutely ludicrous. I'll point to the Sabres franchise as current proof. Big market teams buy championships. Small market teams win champions with quality personnel, good teaching and a "team" mentality.


    Sometimes the best coach/player for the "team" is not always the one that costs the most.

  3. I said the same thing in another post. If a new HC is named within the next week... you know this was a fact and that Marv had contact with someone else long before this "sudden turn of events."


    This whole situation reaks of corporate level manipulation to oust MM. I'm not disappointed, but I definitely think he was pushed out to save Wilson a big chunk of cashola.

  4. Don't believe this resignation stuff for one minute. Ralph and Marv have their eyes on another Coach that either just became available or that Marv has since talked to. This stinks of MM being called in and given an ultimatum, resign or be fired. I bet Ralph gave him nice severence and said... "let's part on good terms."

  5. We can sit at our desks and speculate until the cows come home.


    Bottom line: This team needed a new GM and the fans needed an emotional "pick me up." Is ML the right choice... who knows! But, he's loved and we fans are more likely to cut him some slack during the inevitable rebuilding process.

  6. I brought this up before.  So the team in the Miami game had no confidence in him when he led them to 21 1st quarter points, only to see the defense, play-calling, and Moulds piss the game away?  And JP came in and provided a spark in the KC game.  Are you telling me that, if he were healthy (I still say he wasn't, as per his agent), the Bills would have put him in after the 2nd INT by Holcomb, and at least the 3rd.



    JP came out in the media himself today and publicly stated he wanted to play yesterday. Fact is, he sucks and they don't think he can get better... mark my words, we have a new QB next year. Sad, but true... bye, bye Tommy D.

  7. Jerry Gray is a farce. Always was. He either had Greggo or Lebeau set him up. He got lucky last year because the team created so many turn overs it masked the weaknesses. Do you think these weaknesses occurred overnight or that it was just one player who made all this difference... Really? Not a chance. We've had these weaknesses, it's just the Greggo or Lebeau knew how to hide them. Gray does not.

  8. Another complete disaster.


    Mularky tries to save his job by starting the wrong QB for a meaningless game and still blows it.  That should pretty much seal the deal on pushing him out of town.



    You guys are dead WRONG! ;)


    It is plainly obvious (although the JP apologists on this board will disagree) that MM and the players themselves have no confidence in JP. Don't you think for one minute that JP would be the starter if the season was over and all he needed was experience.


    So, that leaves this fan to draw the only logical conclusion... Nobody in the organization has faith that JP can play at this level any time soon. He's been tutored all year by one of the most noted QB gurus in the league and he still can't hit the broad side of a barn when he gets in the game.


    Will he get better? Who knows. But the point is, he's not good NOW and nobody in the organization believed that 1 more game would make a lick of difference in his development.


    People will throw out that Carson Palmer, Eli Manning, Drew Breez etc... all needed time to learn in game conditions... I AGREE 100%. But, they all showed steady improvement. JP has NOT! He started the year with terrible accuracy and poor decision making and finished the year the same way. This was a very poor pick by TD. That's the bottom line.

  9. Man I'm almost as amazing in my calls as another ex-poster (Ice) on this one.  If you look at the original post you see I saw Williams move to Guard, Peters taking over at RT and Anderson going to the bench.  By next season it will all be complete when Preston takes the center spot and Teague is shown the door.  Lucky guess I suppose.



    Are you saying you are soon to be an ex-poster? :D

  10. It sounds like this could also be a move to faze MW out of the picture next season if things don't work out.  My only question is if we are trying to get our best five on the field, why not move Teague to LT and start Preston at center?



    Ink... I think you've got it nailed... I bet this is the next move on the agenda, but they just don't want to mix things up too much all at once. They are run blocking pretty well and too many moves all at once would surely create too much chaos. If Preston continues to play well at guard in spot duty, you can count on him getting the shot at center next season and Teague will be tried at LT or released.




  11. the Bills could have the makings of a really good O-line.



    <_<:wub: I'll believe that when I see it. What I do think could happen is that McNally moves Big Mike to LG... Big Bennie sucks. He was quoted on several occasions saying that he thought MW was a natural guard. Perhaps, we need to start getting the "BIG" out of our vocabulary when it comes to OL. Look at Denver. They've had the most consistent run producing offense in the league over the last 10 years and all their O-linemen are athletic types with good technical skill - minus the "BIG."



  12. On the issue of injuries.... I have two words to sum it all up...



    Another blunder by Teflon Tom. Actually I'm fueling the fire with that comment. I personally think Tom has done a nice job, but I did not like the idea of letting the best strength and conditioning coach in the league go. Not surprising to me that we have injuries now that he's gone.

  13. fairly heavily? i could not disagree more........


    he has not picked OL players "often on the first day"......


    jennings and big mike -- that's it! those are the only two first day OL picked by TD since he got here 5 years ago.......and that is not the type of investment that will yield a quality return........TD is too busy picking the glamour positions and ignores the OL....



    Hellooooooooo... name one team that has drafted more than 2 OL players on the first day in the last 5 years. Then compare them to our OL.


    You Can't! Why, because it doesn't happen. OL, more than any other position in the draft is a crap shoot. Very few OL go in the top rounds. Glamour positions ALWAYS go first in the draft because they are in higher demand. OL (with the exception of a few very highly celebrated - notice I said celebrated and not rated - players... i.e. Gallery, MW, Pace, etc...) There are MORE pro-bowl OL chosen in later rounds than any other position in football.


    It's not about what round you pick a guy. It's about proper evaluation of talent. THAT my friends is where we have fallen short in the draft the last 5 years.


    But, if you think by picking an OL higher in the draft it is going to guarantee greater success, you are declaring your football ignorance to the world.



  14. Come on now, Anderson hasn't played that bad; as a matter of fact he and Gandy have played way better than I thought they would. Teague and Vallerial have been dissappointments and Williams has been hurt the past 2 weeks. The biggest problem with this team has been over coaching and trying to be too cute. That game yesterday called for a steady dose of McGahee and the Bills never fed him the ball. They never run the ball on back to back plays. Our OL strength is run blocking but they can never get in a rhytm. Look across the field; we shut Duece down for 3 1/2 quarters with him averaging less than 3 yards a carry. On the last  drive he gained 65 yards.




    Can I hear and "AMEN BROTHER!" You nailed it... coaching was the problem in yesterday's game and maybe the whole season. We are supposed to be a POWER RUNNING TEAM... where, when? I certainly haven't seen it so far. Stop trying to "get JP into the game early." Cuz, it's digging us a big hole early. JP's confidence is rattled. Run the ball early and often and look to connect on a few short outs or crossing patterns BETWEEN RUNNING PLAYS! This team is built to run, the OL is built to run. What do we do? Pass?



  15. This is silly.


    Yes, our D was the worst performer on Sunday, in terms of the 3 groups.


    But Losman was the worst INDIVIDUAL performer.


    Some of you are already starting to back off and say, well, it's going to take a while...we'll suck until he's ready. Don't forget: This team was supposed to win NOW, the same way the steelers did it with BRoethlisberger. The team referenced their situation many times. THey said they're winning NOW. They said it in a variety of ways. After game 1 it looked like they were demonstrating that vision.


    But the reality is we were just lucky to play such a horrid team to make us look better than we are.


    Losman is NOT seeing the field. He's not seeing wide open receivers. He's hesitating. He has addressed his failure to pull the trigger and yet it continues. I give him credit for his ownership but this glitch in his game is the worst glitch you can have.


    And it could haunt him his entire career. Which would make his career short. Hopefully he'll get over it. I Like the kid. But again, it's a coach's game. And mularkey has not impressed me yet. Like him, but I'm not impressed. If I could trade him right now for Saban, I would.


    Too negative for ya? Well, whatever. I'm sick of the same old story with minor edits.




    I'm not sure where to pass blame, there is way to much of it to pass at the moment.


    But, I'll agree 100% with your assessment of JP. So many on this board want to justify... Will the kid be good, time will tell... But, right now, this minute, he is B-A-D, BAD. Rookie mistakes, maybe, but he's not even playing like a potential NFL quarterback at the moment. If he threw like this at a combine, he wouldn't have even been drafted, let alone in the 1st round. `


    I'll also agree 100% that MM and TC need to set the kid up for success. If he is not throwing with any accuracy, stop giving him those throws to make. Give him more quick slants, quick outs, and screens to take the pressure off and get him some confidence in his throws.

  16. Like I said he is starting to lose me. Let's not do the 'how long ive been watching football for' crap. I've been watching long enough to know that he's incompetent as a QB RIGHT NOW. When he gets accurate, call me pal.



    AMEN Brother! He may turn out to be great... but right now, he sucks! Worst QB in the league.

  17. Did JP give up 24 points to a one-dimensional offense? Did JP give up about 850 3rd and 10s?


    Did JP rough the passer TWICE in one drive?


    Keep trying, I could go on ALL night.



    Agreed, all hype. Our run defense is the worst in the league and deservedly so. It's not all due to Phat Pat either. We sucked against the run last year too.

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