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Posts posted by shoveldog

  1. The team lacks a general awareness under Jauron that most good coaches instill in their players.


    Look, I'm not a Jauron fan, but you absolutely CANNOT blame this one on coaching. The penalties were a result of a young guy learning his new position after being elevated to a starter 10 days ago and the fumble by McKelvin was just another young guy trying to do too much at the wrong time.


    Be proud that we have a young team with loads of talent that appears poised to compete. But to use this loss to knock the coaching staff is ridiculous. The coaches can prepare them for the game, and have no doubt, they were well prepared. But, in the end, it's the players who have to play the game.


    D. Bell and L. Mckelvin lost this game, not the coaches. The good news is that each played relatively well asside from their brief moments of idiocy. They are young and will get better with experience. The future looks brighter, even after this heart wrenching loss, than it did just a few days ago.



  2. Centers aren't supposed to handle NT's one on one. We got him because he's quick and nasty. The intent -or so I've read- is him to do a lot of pulling as he's shown expertise in this @ Carolina. We saw virtually nothing of this in pre-season. I think that was by design -show the Pats nothin'. I expect we'll all be experts about his contributions Tuesday morning.


    One way of another..


    Yeah, what he said! :rolleyes:

  3. Pretty clear the Bills can't compete against a SB team.


    Along with all the other obvious problems that are discussed in other threads, I still think we're suffering from our drafts under Donahoe. You can't waste 4 1st round draft picks in the past 8 years and expect to win. Donahoe wasted the following:


    1. 1st rounder on Bledsoe

    2. 1st rounder on JP

    3. 1st rounder on McGahee

    4. 1st rounder on Williams.


    Compare that to the Steelers, and you see the difference.


    1. Ben R

    2. Simmons

    3. Polamalu

    4. Holmes

    5. Timmons


    No comparison.


    Add Donahoe's clusterf&ck to Brandon's inability to pull his head from his ass, and you have a recipe for disaster. And we are witnessing that disaster.



    Good points, but when your players are not producing, is it the players or the way they are coached? Our defense was decent under Dick Lebeau, yet went straight down hill under Fewell. Offense has been a cluster F for a long time, but a good QB makes all the difference and we've been without a true NFL calibre QB for a long time.

  4. Of all the reasons to get down on the Bills this year their pre-season performance is what you are going to point to as a sign of the teams chances at winning. It's the NFL the Bills are a 8-8 team that depend on injury and in game luck to add or take away wins to their total. Sure DJ might not inspire confidence and the O-line is still a work in progress but to get on this team for pre-season performance.


    Its pre-season do you really think that their quality of play during the pre-season is really the way they will be in the regular season. I have seen playoff teams look horrible in pre-season and bad 5-11 teams look awesome in pre-season it honestly means nothing at all.


    Sure you can look to the play of individual players and get concerned but to say 0-16 first pick here we come is just a little hyperbolic don't you think.


    You're kidding right? This is a joke? Have you watched any of these games? We have ZERO positives to pull from any of the games for the first string offense. The O-line is struggling, but Trent looks lost out there... and Yes, he has had time to throw on many plays and yet still earns the title "Captain Checkdown."


    Mark my words: TO is gonna blow a cork by about the 3rd week, calling out Edwards and Turk. DJ will be fired after the bye week. Bank on it.

  5. Ok, maybe I'm getting old and my memory is starting to fail me... but I seem to see things differently than most of you. I thought our O-Line was really coming together nicely last year in pre-season. Walker looked GOOD at LT. Then, Peters ended his holdout, esentially destroying any cohesiveness we established in the pre-season. I know some will say, "Yeah, that was pre-season." But, I personally think a lot of people are going to be pleasantly surprised at how well Walker holds down the LT position this year. He won't be a stud, but he is going to be a servicable LT.



  6. The blind ignorance of "fans" never ceases to amaze me. Folks, this is a business. Like any other business, you weight the cost and benefit of every spending decision very carefully.


    If the asking price was right, he would have been signed already. The fact that he hasn't been signed tells you that he's looking for more scratch than we believe he's worth. Nobody said we didn't make him an offer. He and his agent will shop his services and see if any better offers come about. They will use our offer as leverage and try to up the stakes. I'd be very surprised if we got him at our original offer, but if the bills left some wiggle room and can counter an offer by the Bears or the next team he visits after the Bears, you may still see him signed.


    Ask yourselves this... why did he suddenly become expendable with the Rams? It's a business! Clearly they felt his production wasn't worth the money they were paying. So, why do some fans insist on the "get him at all costs" mentality?

  7. Good find, I didn't know the extent to his injury history. He was still productive last year, but clearly this medical situation will devalue his future demands.


    No, not a good find. The article was from 2007... yeah, he sure has sucked since it was printed:



    Year Team G GS Rec Yds Avg Lg TD 20+ 40+ 1st

    2007 St. Louis Rams 16 16 93 1189 12.8 40 7 16 1 63

    2008 St. Louis Rams 16 14 64 796 12.4 45 3 9 1 40

  8. Take a closer look. It looked to me that Warner had the ball the whole time until he released it; it even came out as a sort of spiral.




    Ok, so you are either a Cards fan, a Steeler hater or you lost money on the game... Either way, you're on crack if you think that ball came out as a spiral.


    That ball was knocked loose by the contact and momentum of Warner trying in despiration to get it out pushed the ball forward. But, he NEVER had control of the ball as the arm started forward.

  9. Jauron is a very good coach who just needs a qb to win games. I supported the bills decision to go with Edwards, but if Pennington or Favre was quarterbacking the bills they would qualify for the playoffs. I just hope Edwards turns it around, because the bills need stability, not another coach.


    I wouldn't go that far... however, a good QB can make a weak coach look like a star and a poor QB can ruin a good coach's career... Just ask Andy Reid how things are going for him in Philly.

  10. I've been a devoted Bills fan since 1985. When the Bills were at 5-1, I became enthusiastic about their playoff hopes despite a nagging feeling of deja vue. This three game losing skid has made me remember exactly what is wrong with this franchise.


    I think the root of the Bills problems is Ralph Wilson himself.


    In the Bills 48 year history they've had 14 head coaches over 16 head coaching terms, (Johnson and Saban had two terms each) for an average coaching term of 3 years. If you remove 12 years of Marv Levy from the figures as an anomaly, the average head coaching term is only 2.4 years. This reflects poorly on team ownership to say the least.


    The fact that a great general manager like Bill Polian, and a good gm like John Butler, and good gm material like A.J. Smith were all fired, the travesty of the Donahoe era, and that these days the team doesn't even have a gm title anymore... poor reflection on Ralph Wilson again.


    I billieve that the root of all the Bills problems is the irresponsibility, egomania, and meddling stupidy of Ralph Wilson.


    Just had to get this off my chest.

    Go Bills (sigh)



  11. Cetainly, they need a TE, personally rather than get a DE, I'd rather se them pick up on OLB who is a pass rushing star, like a Bryce Paup when he was here. In addition, an interior lineman, either a center or guard.


    I'm not picking on you, but I've seen this on the board in several places. Does nobody understand that we play a 4-3 defense? Your OLB's in a 4-3 are not supposed to be pass rushing stars. When teams play a 3-4, they rely on that pass rushing OLB (i.e. why Joey Porter is "suddenly" effective again playing in Miami.) He was stuck in a 4-3 scheme and it didn' suit his strengths. A 4-3 relys on the DE's to get the up field push on the outside to sack the QB. Our problem isn't at OLB, it's at DE. Our DE's are average to slightly above average but none are game changers.


    The same goes for all the "Whitner Sucks" folks here. They see a player not standing out like insert productive player name here from XYZ team, but they don't understand our scheme and how it relates to a player's duties.

  12. None of us know the conversations that have been going on behind closed doors. Based on some of the interviews with the D-Line Coach, it sounds like they have openly questioned his desire and he has not responded. I'm guessing that was the reason for the trade.


    Here's to hoping that the trade and subsequent dismissal by the Colts will make him realize that this is his last chance to step up and prove his worth.

  13. You clearly have never had a concussion. He could be out for 4 - 6 weeks, I hope not, but concussions are an unusual injury that sometimes require a long recovery period. Playing (and getting hit in the head) while not fully recovered could cause serious long term problems.


    Yeah... gone are the days when guys like Ronnie Lott said "So, Doc, if you cut the tip of my finger off, I can play on Sunday? OK, cut it off!"


    Today, we've got a world full of Tim Connolly's. :D

  14. I keep on seeing alot of fault being put on one mans shoulders.....



    So to those who believe this loss was on JP...please name me one play .... JUST ONE that occured before the Royal fumble...that cost us this game...??


    I don't blame this on JP, he did an average job as a backup... But he confirmed why he's not our starter. Same old JP, holding the ball too long waiting for the long ball or waiting for what he perceived as an open receiver. Funny how TE doesn't need to wait that long to get the ball out of his hands. Bottom line, JP doesn't read defenses or see the field like a starting QB in the NFL. He certainly didn't lose us this game, but he didn't win it for us either.

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