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Posts posted by shoveldog

  1. You Negative Nancy's do realize that Merriman is only 26 years old right?


    Spikes and Cowart ruptured their achilles tendons. My understanding of Merriman's injury is that it was not a rupture. If he can regain flexibility in that area, he should be able to return. Maybe not the best analogy, but Tiny Tim Connolly had concussion syndrome for like 37 years until the Buffalo Docs discovered it was actually something else with similar symptoms.


    If it's my team and I can get a "maybe" on a player like Merriman who my Docs say should return to form... you bet I'm rolling those dice for 2.5 mil. When healthy, he has proven to be the type of impact player we're missing.

  2. Wait a minute, wait a minute. Are you really thinking that Modrak had Maybin pegged for the 7th round (where he obviously belonged) and the "powers that be" said, no, let's pick him in the first??


    No...I'm confident that's not what happened. Now, I am with you here. Maybe Modrak DID have Orakpo ahead of Maybin on his board and got "overruled" but Maybin must have been close enough behind on the board to even enter into the conversation (e.g. still rated as a first rounder, just maybe later in the round or early second).


    Sorry, this is STILL a big error in scouting. Okay, Todd McShay couldn't see that Maybin was going to suck, but our professional "scout" is supposed to be able to see this clearly.


    This is crazy talk... every expert in the country had Maybin going in the first round at the time. Did you ever see him play at Penn State? Sure, he may have been a 1 year wonder, but he was DOMINANT against college kids that year. He obviously hasn't and probably won't make the transition to the NFL, but to say that he should have been a 7th round pick is hindsight prognosticating at it's best.

  3. you are correct



    how can anyone doubt the veracity of a self-serving fluff piece put out by the team being accused of being moronic in keeping an incompetant talent evaluation staff?


    of course, the article does not question the stones of Modrak for staying employed in an organaiztion which has ignored his recommendations for 10 years


    I suppose the fact that he lives in Florida in semi-retirement helps him get over the slight and stay employed.


    It would seem the factual history of 10 years of bad drafts would have a little more weight than some self serving propaganda


    good to know that Ralph may have figured out the problem --- 92 must be the age of enlightenment



    Huh? Self Serving fluf piece? When did Gaughan start working for Bills?


    The bottom line is... none of us, not you, not me, none of us, knows if Modrak is a good evaluator of talent because we don't know who he has picked. This article seems to suggest that the disfunction in the last 10 years has not been with incorrectly assessing talent, but instead incorrectly selecting talent. BIG difference here.


    Now, IF, and it's a big IF... Modrak has recommended the guys we've picked in the last 10 years when it's our turn to pick, then he and anyone associated with that are fair game.


    Again, we don't know that and this article would seem to point to the fact that he has not had significant influence over the decision making process.

  4. That Modrak is still employed by the Bills in any scouting capacity worries me. Should have been first guy Buddy had replaced.


    Why? Do you know who he has recommended that the Bills pick in each draft? Do you know who was on his "board" when every pick was made? Do you know how he manages his scouts and how the scouting reports read? Nah, I didn't think so. I guess the point of the article completely bounced off your closed mind.

  5. Wanny may not end up in Buffalo, but if Edwards is replaced after 1 season, that's an indication Gailey got another big decision wrong. First it was moving to the 34, naming Trent as the starting QB, then Spiller and Lynch at RB, and maybe the DC. That's a lot of bad decisions in one year, even though he's much better on offense than DJ or his underlings ever could dream to have been.


    Seriously Dude? Have you ever heard the expression, "you can't make a cake without breaking a few eggs"? Or, how about "you can't win if you don't try?"


    Give Chan and Buddy some credit. It's their first year! They are making mistakes, but obviously see the mistakes and are taking immediate and decisive action to fix them. Everyone screws up, it's what you do after you screw up that makes the difference.



    Matt Ryan 98

    Brian Brohm 93

    Chad Henne 90

    ]Joe Flacco 89



    Matthew Stafford 96

    Mark Sanchez 95

    Josh Freeman 85



    Sam Bradford 97

    Jimmy Clausen 89

    Colt McCoy 86

    Tim Tebow 78


    I find it interesting that Brian Brohm is the ONLY guy on this list not starting.

  7. I don't like waiting till the 4th for a TE...not saying you can't find a good TE there, but for some reason Buffalo always either totally ignores the position or waits to long to get one.


    So, when you do you go TE? This team has many more glaring needs on the defensive side to worry about grabbing a TE in the top rounds. Get a decent TE in FA and call it a day. What you see (or don't see) right now is more a product of the spread system Chan has been using than our TE's being lousy... not saying they aren't lousy, but they're not getting on the field much in Chan's current system. I think Stupar's performance last week catching the ball demonstrates that even a mediocre TE can add value if they are 1) in the game, and 2) targeted.

  8. There is a reason why there are only 1-2 great QBs in the NFL. By nature they are rare. I read posts that we have to get a franchise QB like it's something you get at Wal-Mart, like no other team in the NFL tries to find one? And nothing is guaranteed with Luck or Cam Newton. So when you have a very good QB like Fitz you don't toss him hoping to get lucky. Every NFL QB has some flaws in their game.





    Seriously? You bring rational thought to this conversation? Some Bills fan you are. :ph34r:

  9. This is idol speculation mind you...


    I think Chan has earned a lot of respect within the organization (i.e. Ralph) and he'll be given an opportunity to let his pick for DC have a shot next year with an improved roster. Despite the 3-10 record, Nix/Gailey inspire more confidence than any GM/Coach combo we've had on the carousel in a decade. If we see it, I've got to believe it's seen that way within the organization as well. My guess, Edwards gets another year with more tools at his disposal to see what he can do.

  10. The most impressive thing to me is the performance of the line. Even while changing up players and picking guys up off the street, the line performs well most weeks. Blitzes are picked up well, and complex, mobile running plays are executed. Almost no holding or false start penalties. In my mind, it's nothing short of a miracle. We have had so many different coaches paraded in here over the last decade, and none of them have been able to do with our line what Gailey has done in half a season.


    Kudos to Coach Gailey, but let's put some of the credit where credit is due... Fitz. A good QB with the ability to read defenses and make quick throws makes your O-line better, your receivers better and gives your offensive coordinator more of the playbook to work with.


    I loved in the post game presser when Fitz was asked about the sack and fumble... he immediately said it was his fault for holding the ball too long. Quick reads, quick throws... everyone looks better.

  11. This... from Oakland beat writer Jeff Armstrong 6/12/10


    "Oakland has not seen anything like this in a very long time, if ever. Even if Kellen Heard just stands in his gap responsibility and doesn't move at all, it will still be a nightmare trying to run around him and Henderson. I hereby declare the "one' holes officially closed for business. Heard won't just stand like a statue, however, because he is surprisingly quick and agile for a man his size. He is a mauler with attitude."

  12. There is no way we go Offensive Line with 3 of our top 5 picks. Have you been watching our Defense all year? We desperately need help stopping the run and rushing the passer.


    The interesting part in all of this will be the formation they choose to move forward with. Either way, I think you'll see a couple of key veteran leaders picked up in free agency, then fill in around them.

  13. Watching tonight's game by any chance?


    Oher has had 2 false start penalties with Harrison lined up against him and Flacco's been sacked twice. I guess Oher's a bust as well.


    And BTW, Hines Ward dropped an easy 3rd down pass that hit him in the chest to end the Steelers drive late in the 2nd quarter. I guess bad drops happen to everyone as well.


    My point being that bad games happen to all players all the time. It's funny how Bell and the line can play pretty good ball for 5 or 6 weeks, looking as though they're improving a little each week. Then, they have one bad game and suddenly they completely suck and its like all the decent play never happened. You can't expect perfection every week.


    Thank you... I now have to clean Pepsi off my monitor! :w00t: Welcome to Buffalo, land of depression and the need for constant change.

  14. Reggie Bush has more than 30 touchdowns in this league. I don't think it's a given Spiller will have as successful a career as Reggie Bush.


    I use Reggie Bush as an example only because he's a situational back and kick returner, not an every down back.


    Seems like a an empty threat at this point. It's the NFL - which running back has no chance of scoring when they get the ball? That isn't really a compliment, it's the job description.


    Nonsense. Sure, all NFL running backs are great athletes, but not every one of them is a legit "take it to the house" threat every time they touch the ball. Like I said, CJ has a LOT to learn to be a quality back in this league. If (and it's a big IF) he can learn to run between the tackles and block in the backfield, he's got the potential to be a VERY special player.

  15. This thread will quickly devolve into a "what a wasted pick" thread. Bottom line, CJ is very talented kid who is a threat to break one every time he touches the ball. He's got amazing speed/quickness. That said, he needs to learn a LOT about the NFL game. You can't get by in the NFL with just physical gifts. If he learns, I envision him being the next Chris Johnson. If not, the next Reggie Bush.

  16. If they raised $900 million, why wouldn't they just raise another $100 million and pay off the debt? Why pay interest on it, when they could just pay the debt off period...that makes little sense...It would be like someone who has a $10,000 credit card, and has saved up enough money to pay it off, yet still just makes the minimum payments each week...


    Two reasons...

    1) I doubt the $1 billion is the full debt. A single stadium would cost that much. I'm sure it's only a portion that is guaranteed.

    2) Tax Deductions. The deductions and depreciation are probably huge. It's better to take those over time and invest the other money elsewhere.

  17. Luck is not coming out this year people, and he is the only one worth a damn talking as a first rounder. I say we build up the Front 7 and O-Line, since that is where we're getting killed. Gotta Run and Stop the Run!!! That is how you win NFL Football games :)


    Luck will most definitely come out this year. The new CBA threatens to have a rookie salary cap, which would likely take effect in 2012. If Harbough and his manager are sensible, they'll talk this kid into grabbing his payday while it's a sure thing.


    I love what Fitzy brings to this team, but if Luck falls to the Bills, you have to take him. That being said, I seriously doubt the way the Bills are playing that they'll have a shot at Luck and you'll see LB or DE as our #1 pick.

  18. At this point, they are inconsistently good...which is a massive improvement. The biggest change in this team compared to Bills teams for the last decade: They believe they can win. A Jauron/Losman/Edwards team after that abominable 1st half would have folded up and lost by 39. This team is completely different.


    Johnson is the epitome of inconsistency. He's fantastic and terrible at once. He's young but replaceable. I credit his emergence as 90% Fitzpatrick, 10% Johnson.


    I remember another young bills receiver that was wildly inconsistent in his first couple of years... his name, Eric Moulds. That one didn't turn out too badly. Give the kid some time. He may have been in the system for a while, but this is his first year seeing the field in live action on a regular basis.

  19. The Bills have been a few players short for about 6 years now. Most teams have a few stars, surrounded by blue collar types and fill the bottom 20% of the roster with low round picks and UDFA's. Buffalo doesn't have a star and is playing a lot of low round picks and street free agents. If they can win with that, fine. But to get elite talent you either A) overpay for it in UFA or B) draft really well, particularly at the top. The Bills aren't players in UFA and haven't proven they're experts on draft day either.


    The UFA part is just not true... they have spent pretty big at times in free agency. Unfortunately, they overpaid for what they got (Dockery and Walker come immediately to mind.) But, they definitely have shown a willingness to spend at times in recent years.


    As for not being experts on draft day... this is a whole new regime. Can't blame them for the sins of the past and the results from the 2010 draft won't be fully know for a couple years yet.

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