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Posts posted by shoveldog

  1. Not necessarily. Certain privately-owned businesses are allowed to lose money for tax reasons. Also, when you're talking about a quasi-monopolistic oligarchy like the NFL, profit does not depend entirely on the success of your own individual franchise. There is a free rider problem, whereby crappy franchises are propped up by high-performing franchises.


    Spoken like a liberal.

  2. So 2 Free agents in 7 years, that the best you can do. And the team is still less than 90% of the salary cap, so why wouldn't they spend the full amount of money? There weren't any players available?


    They don't spend the money because it is the Bills business plan to run on the cheap.


    You really are blind if you don't see that.



    I love you "Ralph is a cheapskate" guys... Clueless! You mention the Bills "business plan" is to run on the cheap. The only part you got right is that this is a BUSINESS. Owners of businesses have them for one reason, profit! Just because the Bills have room under the salary cap doesn't mean they have money to spend and maintain profitability. For your information, the Buffalo Bills had the 12th LARGEST payroll in the NFL in 2009. The Bills absolutely have shown a willingness to pay players, they just haven't always made the best decisions when it comes to who they are paying. But this nonsense that Ralph is cheap because he doesn't spend to the cap is ridiculous.

  3. Poverty is the root cause of ALL of the problems in Haiti. High rates of birth, disease, hunger, death, etc are not new issues among the worlds impoverished countries or for that matter in poor communities in our own beloved US of A.


    Do the people of Haiti need help... ABSOLUTELY. Do the people of Haiti need a handout? Yes and No. The author of the article makes a strong point in this regard and I believe the old adage "Give a man a fish and he'll eat today, but teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime" applies here.


    As human beings, our initial reaction to disaster should be to assist those in need. To help provide basic necessities to preserve life. But, the relief efforts should have an education component and an exit strategy. Provide for their safety, teach them to provide for themselves, then get out and let them work hard, get their hands dirty and help themselves.


    We all come from varied backgrounds and have had varied experiences in life. For me, on a very personal level, I'm the last guy that would ever ask someone for help. I believe you make your own way in life and you take care of your own. Maybe that's the blue collar Buffalonian in me. Or, perhaps it's just my proud and stubborn nature.


    I'm always happy to help someone with a strong work ethic who is down on their luck. However, I'm hesitant to offer a handout to someone who is capable of providing for themselves but refuse to do so because it's easier to ask for a handout.


    That's my $.02.

  4. Well, Buddy Nix was there and it sounds like he disagrees.



    Ask yourself this... why would you fire a coach after a 14-2 season? The reason they gave was that he wasn't winning in the playoffs. I don't buy that. You just don't dismiss a coach after a 14-2 season without much more going on behind the scenes. When that happened, there was speculation that he and AJ just weren't seeing eye to eye. I just happen to have it on very good authority that it was because he was becoming "increasingly confused" on the sideline.


    Believe what you will... I'm just telling you what I know. Look at my posts. I don't speculate and certainly don't spread rumors or false information. You can choose to believe what I've offered or you can dismiss it. I know where I got the info and trust the guy with my life.

  5. Now we know why Brian declined the interview.


    THIS is something to be legitimately pissed about.



    No it's not... I cannot reveal my source, but I have a very good friend @ the NFL and he say's the reason Schotty Sr. was let go in San Diego is because he was starting to become "increasingly confused" on the sidelines.

  6. IT'S ALL ABOUT TALENT !!....here are PRO BOWL players by TEAM.


    1. St. Louis (1-15) - 1

    2. Detroit (2-14) - 0

    3. Tampa Bay (3-13) - 0

    4. Washington (4-12) - 1

    5. Kansas City (4-12) - 0

    6. Seattle (5-11) - 0

    7. Cleveland (5-11) - 2

    8. Oakland (5-11) - 2

    9. Buffalo (6-10) - 1

    10/11. Chicago (7-9) - 1

    10/11. Jacksonville (7-9) - 1

    12. Miami (7-9) - 1

    13. San Francisco (8-8) - 3

    14. Denver (8-8) - 5

    15. New York Giants (8-8) - 1

    16/17. Carolina (8-8) - 2

    16/17. Tennessee (8-8) - 1

    18. Pittsburgh (9-7) - 2

    19/20. Atlanta (9-7) - 4

    19/20. Houston (9-7) - 4

    21. Cincinnati (10-6) - 0

    22. New England (10-6) - 5

    23. Green Bay (11-5) - 4

    24. Philadelphia (11-5) - 6

    25. Baltimore (9-7) - 5

    26. New York Jets (9-7) - 4

    27. Arizona (10-6) - 4

    28. Dallas (11-5) - 6

    29. Minnesota (12-4) - 8

    30. New Orleans (13-3) - 5

    31. San Diego (13-3) - 5

    32. Indianapolis (14-2) - 6



    So, which came first... the chicken or the egg?

  7. here's a great example why nix is the wrong pick for general manager. he was out of football, doing what exactly? only to return to head our scouting department. ok, so he coached in college and has had a hand in bills and chargers drafts. does he know anything about actual NFL players? is he familiar with someone like joshua cribbs? probably not unless cribbs was on the bills or chargers draft boards.


    i'd ship a second rounder to cleveland in a heartbeat for cribbs. i have to ask, do you think buddy nix even knows who joshua cribbs is?


    Please tell me you are just here pulling our legs and getting a laugh out of it. If not, I hope, for your sake, you are just an ignorant young kid who doesn't know better.

  8. One possibility is Marty Schottenheimer, a close associate of Nix from San Diego, being lured out of retirement. His son Brian would serve as offensive coordinator/assistant head coach then take over for his dad in one or two years."


    This would be the best of both worlds scenerio. We get a proven program building HC who is known for turning teams around. Once rebuilt, he passes the team on to his son (who is clearly on the rise in the NFL coaching ranks.) Serves both sort term and long term goals and would likely satisfy the majority of fans.

  9. While I have to rout against the Pats, I do home that Aiken has a good game he should get some looks with Welker out.


    Would like him to have a big game, secure another years employment, I always liked Sam.


    Agreed, but Sam's employment doesn't hinge on his abilities as a receiver. Sam's value is as a Special Teams ace.

  10. Well, not on this team he isn't.


    But on a REAL team? yeah, he would be a backup.


    What? That is a ridiculous statement. Incognito is a starter on just about any team in this league. Guy is a great pickup if we can keep him from blowing his top.

  11. yeah right...and everyone else can eat ****, right? :devil:


    look, i am sure there is much more to this story on both sides than we've been presented, and when all the facts are aired, i'm sure there will be enough blame to go around. and maybe mike leach is god's gift to the coaching profession and i'm just too blind to see it. but his story is just as ridiculous as adam james'. he really wants people to believe he sent that kid away with the trainers to go who-knows-where and the next thing he knew he was being strong-armed into signing a tacit admission of guilt and then when he didn't he was fired because they didn't like his contract? and that no one could or would tell him what he did wrong? i'm sorry, that doesn't add up.


    Oh, I agree wholeheartedly that there is much more to this story. Personally, I firmly believe the coach was sending a "message" to the kid after he showed up for practice in street clothes and sunglasses. You just don't do that in team sports. It's not good for team morale. The kid pushed the coach, the coach pushed back. It's going to end badly.


    But, that doesn't change my response to the post... Darwin's rules apply to all facets of life. Whether your position is that it's right or wrong doesn't really matter... it just IS. Those with power make the rules.

  12. I don't see how being forced to stand in the tool shed, in the dark, by your self teaches you about teamwork or helps you learn about your playing abilities. People in authority that try and teach their charges "lessons" through intimidation should realize that the only lesson that teaches is that the person with the power makes the rules.


    LOL! You are arguing what point exactly? The point your are ridiculing has been proven over and over again throughout history. The strong survive, the weak perish and those with power DO make the rules.

  13. For the love of God, the kid is 21. Name me one person that got drafted at the age of 21 and became a stud his first year. The bashing of this kid and calling him a bust already is just insane. Give the kid an offseason and training camp at least.


    Some on this board may be too young to remember, but even our hall of fame DE Bruce Smith wasn't exactly a world burner in his first year... and, he was 22.


    1985 - Games 16 - Started 13 - Sacks 6.5 - Tackles 48 - Fumble Recoveries 4


    Give Maybin a chance to figure it out. It's way too early to tell anything about the Pro he may become.

  14. Yeah, moving the other team 15 yards with a 1st down when we don't have players that can score or stop the other team isn't a probem at all :rolleyes:


    Yeah, and it's working so well with the bunch of pansies we have out there now. ;)


    We ran the ball better than we have all year behind a kid who didn't even know the offensive calls... and a good number of those runs were to his side. There's nothing wrong with the way this kid plays, he just grew up in an era of liberal "don't hit the QB too hard/save the world" pansies.

  15. I'll take the occasional stupid penalty to have a big nasty SOB on our Oline. In fact, sign more just like RI. Keep your "players of character." Give me 5 of the nastiest, meanest mother f**kers we can get our hands on. Fill the line with guys who just want to go out and hit someone in the mouth on every play. Turn us into the Raiders of the '70's and I'm a happy man.

  16. Remember- last year the simpletons said that adding Stroud would magically fix everything and that all you need is one NFL caliber DT. Spencer Johnson and Kyle Williams are back ups in this league


    Now THAT's funny. Kyle Williams has outplayed Stroud in all but two games this year.

  17. I think you missed where I cited USA today as the reference. And yes

    i do believe in second chances, and it appears by ALL accounts of PEOPLE WHO WERE CLOSE TO HIM, that he had made the most of it this time. Its an unfortunate turn of events, for a guy that was trying to get things right.



    No link = reference does not exist


    My point being, you have no idea exactly what happened and neither do any of the rest of us. Why would his fiancee be driving away from him at high speed? Why did a 911 caller say there was a black man in the back of the truck beating on the back window "possibly trying to smash it in." Doesn't sound to me like Chrissy boy was all that saintly in this situation.


    I feel bad for the young man, his family and especially his fiancee and his kids. Life is all about choices, the kid made one too many bad ones and it cost him big.

  18. As it turns out they were preparing for their wedding had an argument she drove of he jumped in the truck bed and eventually fell out, she stayed with him in the hospital last night. (USA TODAY)

    So for all you jerks talking about what u know nothing about SHUT UP!!

    The guy had finally gotten his life on track, he wasnt beating her, they had an argument like many couples do and unfortunately this accident is the result.

    The reactions by some to this is exactly what is wrong with people, automatically assuming the worst because he made mistakes in the past.

    You know, the bible says " let ye without sin cast the first stone" and since nobody here qualifies maybe u should keep your big mouths shut if its not some kind words or a prayer.



    And I suppose you know all of this first hand? Please, you are as clueless as the rest of us on here as to what really happened. Yet, you come on here spinning your version of sainthood for ole Chrissy Boy and divert attention by trying ot make others feel guilty for their feelings citing religious passeges. Get a grip, you're just as bad as the rest of us passing judgement and making suppositions.

  19. Who would have guessed thaqt Kyle Orton was the better of the 2 qbs.


    Wow did Denver make out in THAT trade.



    What? :blink:


    You are seeing the difference that good coaching, a good system, and some weapons can make. Take nothing away from Orton, I'm happy for him to be out of Chicago and into a better system. But, he's NOT the better QB.

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