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Posts posted by shoveldog

  1. Eventually, I would like to see Wood moved to Center. I think you want a player of his caliber at Center as opposed to Guard


    Agreed. Hangartner is OK, but he's not a dominant Center. Wood has the stuff to be a dominant Center. Levitre is a damn good player. Don't be surprised if Bell and Meredith improve a ton by the end of this season too. They've got the tools to be very good players as well. Tackle is a much harder position to play than guard.

  2. O-line played well? No running lanes..Meredith was awful against Peppers. Can not believe he did not get any help.


    Meredith was NOT awful against Peppers. He held his own 85% of the time WITHOUT help. Not to bad for a ROOKIE tackle with exactly 1 game of NFL eperience... up against one of the best DE's in the league. The kid looks pretty good, he just needs some time to develop.

  3. It was Meredith who popped up first, but Wood looked cooler doing it. :w00t:


    I've seen so many people bashing Meredith today... Folks, this kid is a ROOKIE and we just put him up against one of the best DE's in today's NFL. Sure, he had some breakdowns. But, most experienced OT's in this league would have breakdowns against Peppers at times. Meredith and Bell are both just learning to play at this level. They'll need some time to develop, but they both have the tools to be good tackles.

  4. This is probably the thing that drives me the most crazy. Why the Bills didn't draft a legitimate LT in the 2009 draft after trading Peters? Oher is playing rather well for the Ravens.


    And then the entire draft board changes and we likely don't get wood/levitre. Give the kids @ tackle some time. Remember, we're down to our 2nd/3rd string in those positions from what we expected coming out of the pre-season. Bell and Meredith have a lot of RAW talent. The only way they will get better is through experience. They are making some ROOKIE mistakes. Imagine that. Now, if they still struggle by the end of this season... that's a different story.

  5. Probably not-they don't wanna spend the money on postage. Seriously though, I would think that if a team loses their starting quarterback with a concussion, they would automatically look at it, what would it take a couple minutes?



    Exactly 2 minutes to say, "Nope, no foul here." If anyone deserves a fine for that play it's the Bills Oline. No way a QB should hit the 3rd step in his drop and have 4 guys in his face.

  6. Then number 97 (Calvin Pace) does a knee-bend and celebrates after it! It is right on the TBD drive page... Go back and watch it... Totally roughing the passer!


    I hope these douche Jets lose every game here out... Because that is all they are, douches. Fault DJ for being DJ, but the Jets are the exact opposite and WORSE. I would take DJ anyday over that fat ass trash talking coach Rex Ryan and his band of thugs.



    Step away from the crack pipe... NOT even close to roughing the passer. It was a gang tackle and they wrestled him to the ground. Sucks for him that he got a concussion. But, last time I checked, football was still a contact sport.

  7. The first play started to the left and was cut back to the right. Whitner had responsibility for backside containment. It would have been nice had he managed the tackle but the entire Bills front was dominated on that play, despite having 8 in the box.


    The second play started to the right side and was cut back to the left, it was similar to what happened on the first play. Again Whitner was responsible for backside containment and again he didn't make the tackle. Again the Bills front was totally dominated (this play they had 7 in the box).


    Keep in mind also that for much of the game the Jets played a reserve lineman (#76) as an extra tight end. The Bills tended to overpursue/overcompensate, allowing for the cutbacks on each play.


    I wouldn't single out Whitner, not when every guy up front is being dominated. It would have been nice had he made one of the two tackles, limiting the Jets to 8-9 yards though.



    Not sure where you played football, but when I played the guy who had backside containment's job was to keep the play from getting to the outside and keep the play to the middle of the field.


    Again, I'm not trying to say that Whitner couldn't have played it better. I'm just saying... both were cutback runs to the INSIDE. Your weak side linebacker has responsibility for that play... Ellison in both cases and he was simpley OWNED.

  8. It was just a slip up by the refs. They had to deal with a potential brawl on the field and slipped on the details when it was finally time to announce the call. Fair catch or not, you have to let the guy catch the ball, so it's still the same penalty either way.


    Who says you have to let the guy catch the ball? There was no fair catch signal in the clip I saw. Was it brutal? Yes. Dirty? Yes. Was it illegal... you'd have a hard time proving that one to me.

  9. Watch this video: http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-game-highlig...ones-highlights


    At 0:15 watch Whitner only. Unblocked, runs up to the line of scrimmage and reacts late allowing Jones to breeze past him for 64 yards.


    At 0:55 again watch Whitner. Once again he's unblocked and gets caught running up to the line of scrimmage in over pursuit. Once again Thomas Jones blasts past him for 71 yards. Byrd took a bad angle on this one also, but the first issue there was Whitner.


    I see this every week with Whitner. Are the coaches not giving him an earful on this pathetic run support???



    Wrong, wrong, wrong... I'm not supporting Whitner, but his job on the play at :15 was outside run support. He did that and forced the play back inside. He did his job. It was Ellison getting manhandled by an Olineman that opened that hole. Carbon copy at :55 on the opposite side of the field. Ellison gets manhandled by an Olineman. Both situations were the same guy's responsibility and that guy wasn't Whitner.

  10. If only Fitzpatrick didn't throw like a girl, who knows how many points we could have scored?


    Really, he's got no zip on the ball and his accuracy on anything past 10 yards is pathetic (with the exception of the Evans on-catch).


    Apparently you and I watched different games. Maybe my futuristic DirecTV and LCD TV speed up the motion of the play. Sure looked like Fitz had MORE zip on the ball than TE to me.

  11. 2.) With a new coaching staff trent can actually get the chance to throw the slant and plays that focus on the middle of the field


    On point 2... I saw plenty of slant plays yesterday... AFTER Trent went down. Why is that? Did AVP suddenly start calling different plays for Fitz? Doubt it.


    Fitz ain't the answer, but if he comes in again and we "see" more of the playbook (not that he's successful, just that we see players "involved" more in our offensive) then we can rightly assume it's not just the coaching, but a true indictment of TE as well.

  12. Ryan Fitzpatrick completed five passes to wide receivers, including a screen to Owens that went for a loss. Two to Owens, two to Evans, one to Reed. That's not good. That's comprable to the numbers Edwards put up last week in that train wreck.


    I'm not sure that Fitzpatrick is worse than Edwards, but it's not enough to make a difference.


    Fitz was not a world beater out there. But, at least we saw some of the playbook and saw someone willing to put the ball up to let receivers do their job. It's a start.

  13. I don't think it matters what Fitz shows when he plays. There's little question the QB position needs to be addressed.


    There is a vocal camp out there that would disagree with you on the "little question" issue. As I said in another thread, I saw more of our playbook when Fitz came in than I've seen in over a year. If we see the same next week, it's the final indictment of Trent's inability to see the field... at least for me.

  14. TRUST YOUR EYES. Don't over think this. We have all seen Trent play enough games to know he is not an NFL QB. It's not even a debate.

    Just the fact that Fitz throws VERTICALLY and not HORIZONTALLY should get him on the field.


    I'm of this camp. Fitz didn't wow anyone with his stats, but I saw more of our playbook than I have in over a year. Was that Fitz, AVP or just the fact that it wasn't Trent running the offense... Guess we'll see this week.

  15. Pretty clear to me... we have not had success since Bill Polian. I'm not sure who the "football guy" is that we need to bring in, but someone needs to be brought in to run the football operations who:


    a) can identify quality talent, both pro and college.

    b) can hire a quality head coach with a passion to win.


    I like Brandon on the business side. Make him in charge of the business side and leave the football side to someone with a proven track record of identifying and developing players and coaches. A guy like Holmgren would be good, but he'd have to do what Parcels did and get away from the coaching side.


    Just my .02.



  16. Once again, they are not running a hurry-up. The problem is not converting on 3rd down and sustaining drives. This is due mostly to being in unmanageable 2nd and 3rd down situations and untimely penalties or both at the same time. Huddling up isn't going to change any of that.


    GO BILLS!!!!



    Wow, somebody who actually "gets it!" Huddle or no, they are still using most of the playclock. Why can't people get that?

  17. I though this article was grade schoolish when I read it yesterday. IMO it lacks any depth of thought and probably took him 5 minutes to write. His use of GM as the comparison point in the piece is absurd. Yes, GM is a mess and has become a shell of its former self but the complexity and contributors to their situation are far deeper and more numerous. A football team can be largely controlled by three people - owner, gm and hc. A far cry from the situation with a global organization like GM.


    Because he approaches the situation from a direction you are clearly unfamiliar with, he's grade schoolish and amateur? The bottom line for this organization, is that we have not had a good football person at the top since Bill Polian was allowed to walk out the door. Thus, the product you see on the field today. Our Marketing Director (er, GM) is doing an outstanding job selling tickets, but our football operations and talent evaluation is severely lacking.

  18. We are not middle of the pack. How can you deny this is one of the worst teams in the league? Because we have one win? Open your eyes and try to put yesterday in perspective. Miami is not a good team and they dominated!!


    What? We are talking about the division winning Dolfelons from last year right? How can you possibly say they aren't a good team? Their record coming into the Bills game was not good, but they ARE a good football team. Certainly much better than the Bills... at least yesterday.

  19. OK, Tim. I generally don't do this, but.......I'm giving your TO article a boo! (kinda like the ones we gave the Bills Sunday afternoon).




    Tim, I'm with Cable Lady on this one... BOOO! To me, the media types DO look like they are trying to goad T.O. into throwing someone under the bus. Frankly, I wish he would!! You seem like a reasonable guy and I'm sure your questions are well intended, but there are plenty of jounalistic idiots out there looking for sensational headlines. T.O. is a guy with a past.


    To me, T.O. comes off in this whole thing looking like a guy who knows he's had trouble keeping his mouth shut on controversial issues in the past and is trying to correct those mistakes now... even if he really wants to scream "THIS SUCKS" at the top of his lungs.


    Shame on you Tim, I've come to expect more objectivity from you.

  20. Guys, the plays are drawn up correctly. The scheme is right. It doesn't matter if we huddle or not. TRENT is not getting them the ball.


    When he looks down field everyone looks covered in his mind. It's something instinctual that he lacks. You can't teach it. He just doesn't have that in him.


    Great (or even good) QB's anticipate where and when to throw. Unfortunately, he is not one of them.


    Ding, ding, ding... give that man a Cupie.

  21. BS on all this negative OL crap. Yeah, they had a rough day. But Trent had enough time to throw way more times than not. Thus all the completiond to our 3rd string TE. Often he ran out to the side where he had a good 2 or 3 seconds to look down field while rolling out. Just like Big Ben did when he hit Holmes for the SB game winner. Good QBs make these kind of plays. Put Big Ben on this team and we're 3-0.


    At this point, I'm just not sure if it's the QB, the scheme or the play calling. If your O-line is struggling at times (and they did in obvious passing situations late in the game) then call more 1-2 step drops, quick slants and WR screens. I didn't see ANY of this from our beloved Bills yesterday. If our 3rd string Tight End is getting open over the middle, you cannot possibly justify why TO is not getting free over the middle... oh, that's right, they only run him straight up the field every friggin down. TO did a nice job yesterday in the PC not throwing the entire organization under the bus, even though he was clearly being set up to do so by Hamilton. But, he's right... our game plan and play calling are not putting out biggest weapons in a position to succeed. Bottom line, we have way to much talent being wasted because either Juron, AVP or Trent are not utilizing them. I'm not sure where to place the blame, but there is plenty to go around.



  22. Runyan worked out with the Eagles, a team he played for for NINE years. They needed a tackle as bad as we did and they didn't sign him. What does that tell you?


    House Ballard can move as well now as Runyan.


    Absolutely nothing. He passed his physicals and knows more about the position and techniques than anyone on our roster or avail in free agency. I live outside of Philly and saw Runyan at the gym rehabing the knee. Dude looks strong and agile to me.

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