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Kipers Hair

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Posts posted by Kipers Hair

  1. After looking over the Bills schedule and watching what looks to be a horrible offensive line in "action," it is unfortunately clear that this team is about a 6-10 type team this year.


    I was re-watching the game on NFL Network today and it was horrifying to see our offensive line. I couldn't believe it. I hadn't noticed it as much when the game was going on live, but really looking at it today was scary. The pressure on our QBs was often immediate, and I'm speaking about the starting offensive line. Gandy is a freaking sieve. He has no business starting at LT. On most teams, he'd be camp fodder, and waived during the first waive of cuts. Mike Williams is a very average lineman in this league, so is Bennie Anderson. Trey Teague is playing out of position. Our QBs aren't going to have a chance.


    Willis is averaging 3.1 yards per carry in the preseason. There simply are no holes. His number of carries that he's getting caught in the backfield for losses is ridiculously high. He is a franchise back that has looked exceptionally pedestrian at times due to this O-Line.


    And before you throw out comments like "It's only preseason" or "doomed" realize that I am speaking of the starting O-Line. Wait until teams really game plan and send all types of blitz packages in. This O-line is as bad as I have seen in the league. They are the worst (or as bad as any other) O-Line in the league.


    So, as much as it pains me to write, we've got to face it that a 6-10 type season is quite likely. No offensive line and an inexperienced, raw QB are going to be a lethal combo, especially in the AFC East. Who else is concerned out there? I haven't heard near enough on this topic as is warranted.



    Not sure I totally agree with the reasons, but I agree with the outcome. I know you will be taking shots on this board as "it's only preseason"...but what you saw of the 1st string in the preseason is enough to merit concerns that we are a sub-500 team. Nobody argues that a preseasopn record is meaningless, however, the performance of your "A" team matters...and they were hideous. The best thing that could have happened was an injury to Losman keeping him out for a couple of weeks..with Holcolm, maybe they had a chance this year. With Losman, they might be OK next year...

  2. you have a point...you really have to wonder about the logic of building a city below sea level. When you need to build levees to stop your city from flooding, and actively pump water out, maybe its time to rethink where to live.


    In cub scouts they teach you to camp on higher ground so you dont get flooded during a rainstorm.


    What part of some one thinks "Hmmm, sea level is this high, and we live below it. That means that water is going to flood FROM the sea into my home/city. Sounds like a good place to live."



    You guys are messed up...I suppose if an earthquake sends part of California into the Pacific - you'll get on your soap boxes and say - well, what did you expect for living on a fault line. It's during times like this that peoples true colors come through - nice to see what jackasses some of you really are...

  3. Isn't the saying "Poster Child for Abortion?"  Not "in support of" you halftard.


    By the way, you're the load your mom should have swallowed.



    Right smok'in....Thank you for the grammatical tutoring - your career in the collections house or telemarketing firm that employs you has undoubtedly prepared you for such occassions. I am sure your family is quite proud of the achievements you have made and status you have achieved at such a young and tender age. In fact, I would encourage you to perhaps print and post this upon the family fridge with a nice smiley face...Kudos Young Man!


    I am amazed at how well you type - though...with a "handle" such as yours, I should expect such witty repartee...but you put it so eloquently, I can only hope to aspire to web postings so profound. (I'll try better next time).


    Anyway, it was a privilege exchanging mindless barbs with you. Please do discuss this and regale your friends at the corner bar this evening with tales of your web posting, and "boy how you put that guy in his place...". I'm sure some of the denizens of your favorite corner bar would be happy to trade some message board war stories while secretly yearning to have some sort of life to turn to.

  4. Alright - I'll admit, I was going to grasp onto a weak point of the Bills last night, (because that seems to be the role I have taken on the board...anyway), but after watching I cannot. There were some things that could be knocked and might cause concern, but there was one thing that the bills showed last night that I have NEVER seen from them, (at this level at least) - SPEED.


    It seemed that all 3 facets of the team are faster than in the past. Maybe drafting so many players form the "U" has made an impact...I honestly could not believe the speed at which they play now...including the young QB.


    I still think 8-8 is a reaosnable and good finish for this team, that said, they will be one of the more exciting teams to watch and, if some players mature or jell with their teammates quickly, they might surprise some people...hopefully me.

  5. Frester - your right be on the money...I think that would be the only way we could:


    1. Afford Simon and keep Clements

    2. Get any value for Moulds - I too think he might be gone next year.


    I don't want to lose Moulds, but unless you think he is the difference between making the playoffs THIS year or not, moving him and getting a player of Simons caliber might be the right and smart thig to do.

  6. 1) JP looked a little rushed.  He made good decisions.  Had a good completion %.  SHould have given up a pick and 7 points, but the packer dropped it. 


    *  Not sure the decisions were so good..but looked good enough against the 27th ranke defense in the league...


    2) McGee would have ran back the opening kick if it wasn't 2-hand touch.


    *  Somehow, I don't think their special teams was playing all out in a scrimmage...but it was exciting until you realized nobody really cared on the 1st team kick return/coverage part of this.


    3) Defense will win us every game this year.


    *  Every game?  If you mean every game we will win...you're probably right.  They looked good against what was a retooled and supposedly better line...


    4) Even though McGahee is nasty, our O-Line need improvement.


    *  Amen.  The TE's didn't bloack very well if you want to throw them in.


    5) After watching our D tonight,  it is ridiculous that we would consider getting Corey Simon.


    *  How much better might they be?  If we want the playoffs, it might be necessary...


    6) Mularkey will run a lot of trick plays during the season.  It was a scrimmage and we ran 2 or 3 end-arounds.  I was drunk and still am.  I didn't keep track.


    *  Yeah - it was wierd to see tricks in a scrimmage...


    7) Moorman is great.  1 game, 2 or 3 punts, 1 pinned at the 1 yd line.


    *  1st Probowl maybe this year...


    8) Parrish will be our 3rd down man.  Twice tonight he converted on 3rd downs.


    *  I think Sharpe had him in the probowl already...but when he gets the ball, the defense does get on it's heels a bit...If he can take an NFL beating, he might be special...Hope so - especially if moulds decides he wants to run to a perrenial playoff team for his ast few years...


    9)  I believe we will make the Playoffs this year and beyond.


    *  I think we need one more year for JP and the line...but they did give reason for hope...


    We look good.  Our Offense will evolve over time.  Our schedule is easy in the beginning giving JP time to develop.  Our D and special teams will help us.  After that, Willis will tear it up.  We will be in good shape.  I am dead serious.  This season will be memorable.


  7. Do you guys think he would be better than Pat Williams? I know he was a premium tackle coming out of collage, but he also has the reputaiton of taking too many plays off. All things being equal, if they were intent on spending money for a tackle, why wouldn't they throw it at Pat Williams, (from a continuity and chemistry perspective if anything...).

  8. i need to come up with something to do for my wife that would make her feel like queen of the f&%*ing world.  Not talking an elaborate vacation or diamond jewelery.  I need to do something from the heart that really just blows her away.  Anyone have any good things they have done?  Ladies what would you like?  I know it seems odd that I said I want it to come from the heart and then come here for suggestions, but I want and need this to be .......................HUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGEEEEEEE!!

    Thanks in advance!



    Just whos heart is this from? Anyway, just how bad did you "F" up to need something this huge?

  9. With a name like "HenryFumbles" and reporting ONLY on negative stuff, it's obvious this joker is a troll.



    Actually have been a member for a while now and a Bills fan my whole life...Not a Troll, just not too optimistic with what was on display. The more I think of it, I would not be surprised to see Holcolm under center by week 4...either injury or looking for a win.


    Honestly, the attacks are pathetic...I need to find something I savd from last year, when a lot of guys were attacking someone named SoCalBill I think...I saved one of his posts because I thought it was funny and kind of insightful into the mindset of some of the folks on this site...I'll post it when I have a chance...

  10. Which makes him even skinnier.


    I've seen Parrish live in Miami for several Cane games and that kid has the speed, the hands and the heart to be an excellent NFL player.  I have also seen him take some serious shots and he has always withstood the punishment.



    Didn't he suffer a collapsed lung on a hit he took over the middle when running a crossing route? You know, I hope he is the next Derrick Mason, Marvin Harrison and Jermain Lewis all roilled into one, but when you see him, it strikes you how small he is...


    Also, I'll try to pass positive thoughts and a good vibe to the team....but some how I don't think it will matter too much on the field...

  11. I spent Sat. & Monday at camp and if you want my POV just take the opposite of this nimrod.



    Come on - we disagree and I am a nimrod? Why are you so angry? You know, I saw these things and just wanted to convey...Accoridng to you:


    We won't mis Pat Williams


    JP - Does not hold on too long - your the only person who observed this


    Roscoe is bigger than 5 foot 10 and 170 pounds


    Gandy will make us forgot Jennings


    Come on.

  12. Fella's come on. I just posted some things I thought were a concern. I saw the positives, but felt enough reporting was there on them already.


    Sure Losman has great zip and a good release, but I am concerned that he is not as fluid as he needs to be. (I can;t even say should be as he is still new to this). I hope it comes as a fan.


    I thought the receivers were solid - in fact deeper than in the past...that said, Roscoe is really small and I am not sure of taking a guy like that as high as we did.


    I did not bring up the LB's and Secondary as they are like a machine - what's left to discuss with them - how many picks they'll get or where they'll rank - top 3 again I am sure.


    Anyway, I know we are trying to feel good, but therer are some soft spots to watch out for...

  13. Camp Observations -


    I got a good look at Roscoe yesterday, I can't see how a guy that size will be able to survive in the NFL. Catching patterns in the middle at camp is one thing, but doing under fire is another. If he wants to be a real receiver - he might want to join the Hamilton Ti-Cats.


    Losman is a real concern hanging onto the ball. Seems like he's thinking way too much, not playing football. Maybe it would have been in our best interests to keep Bledsoe one more year to help groom JP


    For you fantasy guys, you might want to rethink spending a high pick on McGahee - unless you get points for chip blocks on rushing ends, I am not sure how many points he's going to get you. Losing Jonus will be felt.


    Really miss big Pat in the middle, the choices to replace him are obviously high motor guys with little skill. Works well at Boise State, but not in the NFL. His loss is going to cost Fletcher a good 30 tackles as you can't run guys down with a guard in your grill.


    I'll report more as I spend more time at camp.

  14. * Josh Reed is catching everything in sight...man he looks motivated by Parrish


    * Losman looked great - split a couple of defenders with a tight spiral to Moulds.


    * Spikes looks like a complete animal


    * Moulds is the best football player on the team


    * Schobels engine is amazing, won't stop


    * Lawyer Milloy is hitting everything in sight


    * McGahee seems to have an extra gear this year...On same topic, someone will notice Willis seems to be favoring one knee or the other


    * Mallarky is an intense guy...chewed out insert rookies name here...


    * Hicks is going to make everyone forget about Pat Williams


    * Sam Adams looks tight and unstoppable


    * Nobady can shake Clemens - man he's gonna want more money...


    * Somebody is going to have dinner with Clemens onld highschool english teacher who will lend insight that he wants to reteam with Winfield in Minn..


    * Mark Campbell looks off - keeps favoring right knee...we're doomed.


    * Mike Williams looks like a lock in Hawaii for the pro bowl...


    * Lindell nailed a couple 50 yarders and some kickoffs into the endzone - man he looks great.


    * After what I've seen - there's no way they won't make the playoffs...

  15. Woah....I'd say this is a little hasty.


    Depending on what field he works in, headhunters are frequently the guys with all the jobs.  Now obviously headhunters are interested in their commission and not in you being happy in the job they placed you in and thus most of them are not to be trusted, but that doesn't mean you should ignore them if they have a good opportunity.


    Our friend in TX wouldn't have bothered posting if he wasn't considering the job.  My advice to him would be to agree to a phone interview with the company and if both sides are still interested, then make the trip to CO.


    As for how he found you, that what headhunters do.  He can get your name any number of ways.  Are you mentioned on your company's website?  Do you have colleagues that he might have worked with in the past?  Did you ever post your resume on a job search site?



    I have to agree - I have benefited in salary by over 50% from what I was making. Listen to what is going on and trust the interviewing company - not the headhunter...


    If you are worried about the longevity of the company - get an agreement for a period of time you are comfortable with - say guaranteed 5 years...

  16. If we did not move up to get JP and kept our draft choice, we could have taken Aaron Rodgers this year. Granted, we would ride Bledsoe one more year, but long term, who would you rather have as our QB? I think the "draft Gods" had Rodgers as a more ready and polished QB coming out...Anyway, just wondering what everyone thinks going in to this year...

  17. I agree on the Henry comment.


    As for Holcombe, it would not surprise me to see him start a game or two due to an injury to Losman, since JP does a lot of scrambling and that tends to lead to injuries.  However, I dont think he'll ever PLAY his way into the starting lineup.  This team is dedicated to JP and will stick with him as long as he's healthy.



    Hey - Where in Malta are you? Henry's fumbling in Mechanicville/Stillwater...

  18. I found these while checking out Fox's Football site...Some insight into what this writer thinks the Bills might doing...(Not agreeing here - just passing along)


    6. Kelly Holcomb finishes the season as the Bills quarterback.


    Honestly, we're starting to feel bad for dumping on J.P. Losman. He's impressed teammates with his work ethic this off-season, and obviously the coaching staff believes in him. He's very talented, but there is a combination of factors working against Losman making it all 16 games. His scrambling style of play and the poor offensive line in Buffalo could result in a ragged first year.


    The Bills haven't made the playoffs this century and are desperate to please their incredible fans. With a very tough schedule in the second half, Holcomb may be Buffalo's best chance to win, even if Losman is healthy.


    7. Travis Henry leads an AFC South team in rushing.


    Perhaps this isn't that bold. But considering we grabbed Henry with the 119th pick in our latest "Expert's" Draft, not many owners project a trade yet. As a Henry owner, I'd rather see him end up in Jacksonville if Fred Taylor's status deteriorates. It's more likely, however, that Henry ends up in Tennessee. The Titans offered a fourth round pick; the Bills want a third-rounder. Chris Brown is an injury waiting to happen and Tennessee's current backup is … Damien Nash? Henry also has a similar workmanlike style to Eddie George. That appears to agree with Jeff Fisher more than Brown's boom-or-bust style. Look for Henry to get dealt and make an impact.

  19. This is stupid - going through the lists from the past years, my lists differ from those some of you pick as what you think a good movie is. Point is - individual tastes are the marker - I hated Titanic, but it was decent entertainment and made a moatload of cash.


    Some of the best movies I have seen in the past 10 years were not even close to the top 10's


    * Chasing Amy

    * Pulp Fiction

    * Sideways


    Some think these are an abomination...What can you do.

  20. We ordered Cubs tix for the weekend series vs the D-Backs....any suggestions on restaurants (steak or seafood pref.) Is it worth going up in the Sears Tower? Any gin mills in town that would suit a Buffalonian (massive draft beers for less than 10 bucks)  :angry: Any other suggestions or must sees?



    One of the greatest cities in the US. Restaurants:


    Pizza - East Side Marios - great deep dish - takes time to cook so you can get liquored up. Original Pizzaria Uno's is kind of cool, but always a wait.


    Italian / Steak - Harry Careys


    All Around - My favotite in Chicago - The Weber Grill - Everything cooed on Weber grills - food is amazing. Good scene and some good people watching...


    Stay away from the Italian Village - too touristy.

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