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Kipers Hair

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Posts posted by Kipers Hair

  1. It's hard to believe someone named "Henry Fumbles" has given up on the season already.  :o


    If you can't wear rose-colored glasses during the season, every year the only thing you'll look forward to is the draft. Yeah, the Bills haven't played great--but they're only 2-3, and in every game until the very end. If this team can put together a couple of wins, I can easily see the playoffs.



    You know...as I think of it, I love the draft...


    on a serious note - I really want them to win, but I guess the great kelly-Smith-Thomas teams always had a chance at the Superbolw...And unless we can get there, I am almost not interested....

  2. Just a check on who still has the Rose colored glasses on here - Who still thinks the Bills are a playoff team? Going in to the season, I saw little reason to believe...after week 1, I had hope...since then, i want a top 10 pick since there would be no benefit from going into the playoffs with the team we have.


    Who still is burning a torch the playoffs and what are you realistically expecting? I myself and resigned to the fact this this is a team wrought with holes in the offensive and defensive lines, lacking decisive leadership and still does not know what it has at the QB position long term...

  3. After reading the AP article about Kelly Holcomb, one sentence jumped out to me:

    "Holcomb said the decision (on who starts Sunday's game with the Jets) rests with Mularkey and team president Tom Donahoe".


    We need a GM that allows the coaches to make the calls they feel are best for the team. The coaches know who is best suited to play each position week in and week out. I trust them way more than I do a GM sitting in a box.


    Again, another example of Donahoe not allowing his coaches to coach.


    Your thoughts????????



    I think the statement from holcolm is definitely one of the reaosns that the bills cannot win with TD meddling with the team. you always read about coaches who want to be the coach and GM, (cook buying their own groceries argument), but you never read about the GM wanting to coach...for good reason.


    It's known - I am not a TD fan, in fact, i place the blame solely on his shoulders for the Bills being how they are. in addition to interfering with the coaching, he has been a poor evaluator of talent. The drafts since he has been the GM have been poor. He hit it on Clements, Winfield and Mcgahee - but missed badly on the other 1st rounders we have had. I would even consider Mike Williams a bust for the 5th overall pick - he's average at best and can't stay on the field. An OT like that can be found in the 3rd round, not high first pick....

  4. These morons have have frustrated Bills fans long enough. I wish that Ralph would pull the plug on these clowns and insert Modrak as the interim GM, Wyche as the interim HC/OC and Crumrie as the DC. This is unbeleivable, we now have to watch these cowards blame JP as the cause to their dismal season? I'm outraged by this. I could totally see if JP was the only member not pulling his weight, but the blame for this bad team is on everyone at One Bills Drive. From the GM not getting "real" offensive linemen, to the coaches who refused to attack a defenseless team with McGahee, to the defense who have played softer than the Pillsbury Dough Boy.




    While I agree that TD must go, I can not fault the coaching staff for making a change. I know this wll rattle JP a little, but no one man is above the team...he'll just drum harder. I think the Bills need to do something to show the whole team they are serious about winning now...

  5. You guys are a bunch of JOKERS.  4 games into Losman's career.  FOUR GAMES.  We don't need "fans" like you - first off, you know nothing about football (making judgments about a QB after his first four games); second, you're crap fans - you bring nothing to the table other than uninformed pessimism. 


    Don't let the door hit you on your way out.



    Get off your soap-box and take the rose-colored glasses of cheerleader. Everyone on the board is entitled to their opinion and knows as much about football as you. I think the point of this post was to outline the fact that RJ had better stats than JP...I would bet most posting will be in attendance Sunday hoping for the best...They're just not blind sheet following the pied piper TD...

  6. Do you think Ralph sat down with TD and watched performances of Cincinatti and Charlotte to show him what the coaches he interviewed 5 years ago did? Then went over some of the pluses Tom did?


    Again, I am not slighting Mularky or any of the players, just the time TD set this organization back...We have little hope of a championship here for minimally 3 years...

  7. sucking?


    I personally think JPL is going to still be a great QB for us....I just concede that we pushed it along a little too fast.....




    I still think it was Drew Bledsoe's time to move on....I ALSO think we went out and got a better QB then Drew Bledsoe when we got Kelly Holcomb


    And I dont want to see this team take a losing season when we can win with Holcomb.....


    I know people are going to say that Kelly hasn't looked much better....but I disagree.  To me he looks much more comfortable...and we are not putting him in the game with enough time to make a difference.....


    If JPL isn't getting done by halftime....time to pull the hook.



    They need to let JP play to see what they have in him...it's a top 5 pick for us this year....

  8. Look in the mirror.


    You were also sure that Mike Gandy was going to suck, our LT was a mess and Losman was going to get killed from the backside. 


    YES - though Losman sucks on his own.


    You also thought that Ryan Lindell was one of the worst kickers in the league. 


    YES - maybe he's not the worst...


    You also thought that Willis was slow and sluggish and Mularkey was stupid for calling him out and is nowhere near the speed or talent he had in college. 


    NO - thought he would be everything he is now...


    You also thought that Josh Reed stinks and drops half of the balls thrown to him. 


    YES 0 But we'll never know as Losman can be blamed for many bad throws...


    You also thought that Troy Vincent was going to be a good free safety and that Nate Clements is a shut down cornerback who rarely if ever gets beat.


    YES - I think we all knew that one...


    You also thought that Tampa Bay was sh------- and that was probably one of the easiest games on our schedule.


    NO - Gruden is too good to be a Mularky...


    You also thought that Chris Villarial was probably the only reliable OL on the team (and he has been just as bad as any of them)


    NO - Mike Williams and Anderson were the guys going in...I thought Chicago let Villarial leave for the reasons we are seeing...


    You also thought that the Dolphins were going to stink


    YES - they are the surprise of the league right now...


    and Pat Williams was going to make the Vikings defense a lot better '


    NO - He would be missed though...


    and that TO was going to be a cancer for the Eagles


    NO - Would gladly have swapped Moulds and Reed for him when he was sulking in camp....


    and the Colts still had one of the worst defenses in the league.


    NO - Come on, yousaw them loading up for 2 years...


    Face it, you thought 100 things and maybe half of them came out to be true. The same percentage as the Bills fans that thought they were going to be 11-5.


    Not at all - instead of watching with wishful eyes, trying seeing the bills for what they are - a team weighed down my a GM who is running them like a business and not a team...  Get off of your soapbox and deal with the reality that is the BIlls season - st least the Sabres are tied for first today...


  9. Hey, I see the Sunday gatherings as an excuse to get liquored up, have a picnic, and meet old friends.  The attraction can not be to watch good football.  So like the old HS gathering spot in my hometown, long after it was demolished, kids gathered there as in the old days.  So shall it be with the Ralph.  Why does Western NY need a football team to conduct the 'normal' activities on gameday?  Just rerun some of the past glorious games on the Jumbotron; most of the crowd won't even notice.



    Now you're talking....WNY can tailgate for Ken West vs Ken East at Crosby Field...

  10. This is what I think about Peter King.


    ii) I bet dollar's to frappachino latte's that Peter King did not watch the game and has no comprehension of the Bills' other problems on offense, defense and coaching.


    I for one, would be much more concerned about keeping JP in the game if the defence and special teams were playing lights out. This team is going no where this year. Let JP play at all costs.


    PS. I really didn't think JP played too badly this game. (ducks as virtual rotten tomatoes are thrown at him!). Some nice throws. Some bad decisions. Some running first downs. Just about what I expected.



    Did you really have to see the game to understand the scope of how bad he was? If he saw it, the article would be worse.

  11. So, go ahead and throw your juvenile rant. See where that ends up, because if the fanbase starts thinking and acting liek you, that is EXACTLY what will happen.



    Is not a jouvenile rant!!! Now you say - Is So!!!!


    I really believe that the team faces the all too real threat of leaving WNY. I do not want it to, but I learned many years ago that some times you have to move to do what best for your family...And that's what the Wilsons will do....(That is sold and allowed to move...).

  12. This one is about as overused when things get tough about as much as the "It's only pre-season moron / Dooooooomed" crowd.



    Yeah but...If they are running the Bills like a business and not a passion, it makes sense to move it right? The Packers are an organization based in the passion of it's fan-base. While I think Ralph has the passion, what his family wants is a divestable asset... Unless the NFL moves in and protects the cities interests, the franchise as we know it will be moved..maybe not LA, but toronto seems an option as the NFL is proving that foreign markets are in the radar...

  13. Well, i imagine its hard to make a perfect throw every time you're given a chance, in between the multitude of times you have a 300 pound guy in your face.  And now hair length is the overriding factor in a players performance.  Definitely makes sense.



    I couldn't help it...I hate the hippy look. Wheres George Steinbrenner when you need him?

  14. Is your thought that TD's convinced that Buffalo fans will only be compelled to come to the stadium if they can recreate the Bills of the early 90's?


    I kind of doubt it. Ticket sales were solid last year even though they were a team based on special teams and defense. W's should be his prime focus if he wants good box office - I think ultimately that's what brings fans to the stadium.


    If a team with say a good offensive line were in place, the skill position players around them will be that much better and the fantasy football type fans wouldn't know the difference and find it just as exciting.



    Just as exciting? What in the Hell is exciting about the BIlls this year? The turnovers? The Celebration of Champions at the home opener? Pinch me - I must be living a dream, my favorite team is laughable...Wow - let me run out and get some Miami tix for next Sunday - maybe we'll be retiring Joe Dufeks number on the wall and having free beer with every touchdown scored....

  15. It amazes me how the Bills front office and an overwhelming numbers of Bills fans can be so ignorant!!!


    For 10 years our O-Line has sucked ass and we've had non-existent Tight Ends.  Yet, all anyone can ever think of is the QB, the RB, or whoever else they happen to want gone that week.  Face it, until we improve the line with real players, we'll suck - it doesn't matter who we put in their!


    It's friggin incredible.  All I heard all offseason was how great we were going to be.  The Defense was great and would keep us in games, and would even score points.  The special teams was great and would give us good field position.  Willis was great and would shoulder the load of the offense.  JP didn't have to do anything and we could coast into the playoffs. 


    Now after 4 weeks.... the defense sucks and couldn't stop a runner if they had to.  The Special Teams is mediocore.  And Willis is given the ball 18 times in a game we were winning or only a score behind for most of.  So, what's the problem.... JP!  Lets get rid of him. He sucks.  We need a new QB with no experience.  If only JO could be the QB we all said he wouldn't be this summer.


    What a friggin joke.  Now we bench him. So a  2 bit back up can try and win the game.  This makes me sicker than just about anything.  Not only are we losing, but we're all SO ready to blame yet another QB, when there's not a QB in the league that can throw the ball with less than a second to throw on 75% of his pass attempts.



    So the overthrown balls were the result of lack of time...The amazing strike 15 yards over Moulds' head was preceeded by good blocking...JP's gotta man up, get that hair cut and play football instead of just doing and saying the right thing...That's for sheep-like fans to soak up on Sunday...

  16. Ridiculously premature beyond logic or reason. Considering there are 2 QB's EVER in the the history of the NFL who did not suck for a fair amount of time before the game slowed down for them.



    I think the others showed a glimpse of hope...JP better stick to beating the skins...with that wild 'dew. maybe he can be the next Neil Pert of Alex Van Halen...

  17. My favorite line to this is


    "Give me a better option"




    I refuse to go to another Bills game until they make the playoffs. Period.


    I've wasted too much money as it is on a franchise that has things like the "Celebration of Champions" so we can remember what it was like when this team wasn't a disgrace.


    Call me fair weather but I've endured 10 years of being below mediocrity and have a hard time believing in a franchise that only values my money for a below average return.


    So, Mr. TD and Mr. Ralph Wilson you ain't getting another buck out of me.



    I hope other fans are like you...but come Thursday, the bandwagon will be rolling again with visions of some great run and a fruitless sacrifice by TD...Until TD is gone, we'll suffer the same fate every week...

  18. I don't care what anybody else says, this D is pretty good probably even very good.  Are they getting turnovers?  No.  But the problem is that the opposing team knows the best way to beat us is play is close to the vest, take some shots, grind the ball b/c our D is on the field for almost twice as long and they are wearing down. 


    Horrible O and very good D turns the D into only a mediocre D. 


    Hopefullly they can turn it arounf these next two weeks to give us some hope.



    That would be fine...but we are not a mediocre D...We're pathetic.

  19. Does anybody think that when TD drafted players such as Losman, Reed, Evans and Parrish, increased ticket sales entered into his thinking to any large degree?

    After all, these guys are more exciting than a solid Guard.

    I am very curious as to what you guys think about this.



    Yes - TD is about sales, not winning...In Pittsburgh when he had to work with Cower, he made football moves. In Buffalo, he's making business moves...

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