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Kipers Hair

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Posts posted by Kipers Hair

  1. In August, there were a small group that believed the Bills were a 5-11 to 7-9 team at best due to the change at QB, the lack of OL development and ignoring the loss of Pat Williams.


    After witnessing yet another beating at the hands of a mediocre team, is everyone finally gettig comfortable with the fact that the Bills are still at least 2 years away from being a contender? IF JP is to be the next Eli Manning or as some like to believe Carson Palmer - that won't be until next year or later in Palmer's case. Maybe, (hopefully), the game will start to slow down for him, but we're going to need another 10 starts to determine if that will happen - will TD, (who's seat must be getting warmer by now), hang in there and give him the opportunity to play to see if he has what it takes? If it's about survival - we won't know if JP can play this year...


    The O-Line needs another year to plug in talent, (not on today's roster), and heavy prayer that the line will meld quickly. Face is, our OL Coach wonderboy might be good, but he can't make Wayne Gandy into O Pace, (or even a Glen Parker or Dusty Ziegler by the looks of it).


    Just as troubling - There is currently nobody on the roster to replace Pat Williams.


    With an honest eye - how's how next year will play out - we will draft a big man for the O or D line next year, (it will be a top 5 pick and Donohoe will take the riskier of the players available...because "he's a gutsy genius"), and get the other starters in Free Agency as we let Moulds go...(the spin TD put's on it is that his skills are deminishing...even though Jerry Rice would be a failure with JP throwing it to him). TD slaps the franchise tag in Clements - telling the fans he is committed to winning. The Bills retain his services for 2006 only as Clements will not sign a long term deal and will be gone in 2007.


    TD let's Fletcher walk, moves Spikes to the middle and tells everyone that this is an upgrade...fans hail TD's creative genius. TD signs some mediocre free agents, drafts a high motor white guy or two from a Big Ten school and the Mountain West, and signs an undrafted free agent who wowed everyone at the combine.


    We again read how JP is studying diligently and working out like madman..."boy, he looks like a linebacker"...The Buffalo News writes a couple of feel good stories about his family in CA standing by him through thick and thin...The fans go wild when JP sits in with the Lowest of the Low at Thursday in the Square...


    Camp opens - Willis is in Miami, holding out because he wants a long term deal. TD plays hardball and starts extolling the virtues of Shaud Williams - "Look at the stats last year...he averaged 4 yards a carry...". For security, TD brings in Marcell Shipp.


    TD spins his magic and the fans hail this visonary GM and start to talk of Executive of the year. We assuredly will be in the Superbowl this year...What with JP studying film and working out so much, our depth at RB, high draft pick talent at DT, (never mind they need 2-3 years in the league to develop), and all those free agents.


    Season ticket sales again grow...Face it, all TD does is put people in the seats...not winners on the field. We will never win with him at GM and Ralph in the owners box.


    Now go ahead - start throwing out your "doomed" lines or whatever other gibberish you have concocted, but realize, all of the cheering has still landed one victory so far. Keep settling for this swill TD is serving and nothing will improve...

  2. Emphatic Yes - TD should be fired. Not for his selection of players and talent, but for his mismanagement of the coaching opportunties here in Buffalo. In his short time with the Bills, TD has taken, (keping the lists short and realistic):


    = Gregg Williams over John Fox and Marvin Lewis

    = Mike Melarky over Romeo Crannel and Charlie Weiss


    I think it is apparent that TD is taking coaches that will not challenge his authority - the whole experience in Pittsburgh with ownership taking Cowers side over his has made him damaged goods and unfit to be an effective GM in the NFL...

  3. It's just one game...That said, I will say the following with regards to previous predictions on my part:


    * Losman will outgain Willis...well...I was right for about 1 quarter....Then Duke got on the field and Willis was able to run...Losman is much better than the preseason showed.


    * The O-Line - the left side was not a problem at all - Gandy won't be confused with Jonathan Ogdan...but he's serviceable at a fair price.


    * Play calling - Great and not gimicky as I thought they would be.


    If they continue with the defensive play and the offense can continue to spread it around and punch it in the endzone with some frequency...I'll swap the bills for a wildcard in place of the Jets...


    I'm eating crow...happily...

  4. + Coach Fassel has worked miracles for QB's...Boller needs a miracle.

    + They have the games best DB, Safety and LB starting on their Defense.

    + They finally have a legit WR to go with their all-world convict....er RB and TE

    + They have one of the best OT's in the game

    + Billick is a very good coach

    + Dion is bringing God on their side,,,


    At this time, it's all a crap shoot...

  5. McGahee admits that the more he carries the ball the better he gets.  We haven't seen him carry the load of 30+ carries.  When he does Sunday, look for him to break 100 yards EASILY!!


    But if JP rushes for more than 100, I don't mind if he leads our team.



    Agreed...Hell if buffalo wins..I don't mind.

  6. I'll have someone deliver a flaming brown bag in the 4th quarter. Make sure to eat all it's contents.



    Stop it Mark...Now, as for your Buckeye banner...Having lived in TX for over 3 years, I built a fondness for the Horns, (though they can't win the big one...)... I think Saturday night is going to be an amazing game - the winner will be playing for the Nat'l Championship...I can't wish luck to you're eyes...but still respect you as they are a great program...

  7. This is not an attack on you, BB, but in general I think the term "realist" is overrated on this board and in all sports discussions. I have made this argument before, but this thread has made me want to jump in again...


    Sports are the toy department of life, one of the least "real" things that any of us will ever have to deal with. We choose to follow sports because it brings us some sort of pleasure. That being the case, and given the reality that no one knows how things will turn out, why in the world would someone choose to take a bleak view of things. If things turn out badly, then you can be bleak with the rest of us. But if one would prefer to apply one's detailed "realistic" analytical skills to a problem, there are plenty of real problems in the world that do not involve 20-something millionaire glandular cases in funny costumes that should command our attention. To choose to be grim and gloomy in advance about something that has no actual bearing on one's real life is not realistic. In fact, it suggests a disconnect from reality. To go further, and to claim that it is a badge of honor to run around castigating people for failing to be gloomy for no reason as well, is even further detached from reality.


    Of course, as Bills fans, we are all intimately acquainted with disappointment and gloom. If we were "realists" we would have stopped this form of self-abuse a long time ago (in favor of more pleasurable forms of self-abuse, perhaps...). That we are here, again, breathless with anticipation about the new season ahead, is a wonderful example of "un-realism," and it pains me to think that people want to deny themselves that pleasure....


    Go Bills!



    Nice post.

  8. Hey HF, did you happen to catch the Pats last night?  Dillon had a negative rushing average for most of the 1st half.  It's called stamin and wearing down a defense.



    I'm not knocking Willis - I think he's amazing...but handicapped by an inexperienced QB and questionable front 5...If Willis were on the Pats - 2000 yards might fall to him....

  9. I guess I'd expect a pessimistic post by someone named "Henry Fumbles."  :unsure:


    But you'd be surprised how much playing a full game and getting into a rhythm makes a difference for a RB and o-line. WM didn't get enough carries in pre-season to do that (except maybe the Bears game, where we grinded out our running game against a tough defense). I fully expect him to get into that rhythm on Sunday and run for 100 yards.



    I hope so.

  10. I am going to go way out on a limb and say that Losman is going to gain more yards on the ground than McGahee...


    Unless Willis and the O-line were playing possum in the preseason games I saw, I really think he's going to disappoint a lot of people this year. I think Bledsoe was horrible, however, he forced other defenses to respect the long ball. At this time, Losman will command no respect. I hope he's the next Brett Favre or Steve Young, but don't really see that happening this year.


    All said - Losman will scramble enbough to outgain Willis Sunday....


    Now let your explatives and insults fly...If you care to deliver them in person, I'll be on the visitors side, 30 yardline closer to the scoreboard, 15 rows up...

  11. You're definitely on the short list to be moved or "downsized". Not sure it's legal to fire someone for not fitting in or being like everyone else. That said, they can certainly make things uncomfortable enough for you to leave.


    Find another job before they pull the trigger - regardless of what some are saying here, being fired is never good for your resume or ego. Good luck to you.

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