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Marv Levy

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Posts posted by Marv Levy

  1. It's about time. Hardheaded union pr1ck that should have been gone years ago. But Bettman should also go. Not for the lockout situation but for his lack of leadership over the last decade.



    I 100% agree with this!


    Please bring back HOCKEY!!!

  2. Saw the Dead with Steve Miller at Rich in 1992, loved that show!!!


    Also saw that Dead with Sting at Rich as well, anyone else go to either of those shows?




    I was at both. A recent grad of Orchard Park HS in '91. The Steve Miller show was good but Sting was so much better. I think that one with Sting was great. Near the end of his opener, Jerry came out and they played "Tea In The Sahara" together (from Synchronicity) and it was pure magic. That was the highlight right there. Great tune and to have Jerry play the lead was awesome. Man, I would love to have a copy of that!!! Anybody know where to get that? Just checking! It was 1993 right?


    I also had a buddy who lived on the corner of 20 and Abbott Road across from Salfranco's. Partied like a deadhead rock star and crawled to his house from the RICH. Fantastic - No driving required!!

  3. Nice story, nice guy.  But the NBA still sucks. :wacko:




    That's because he wasn't doing "Bizzo, Skizzo all up in dat fat house, with his homies and posse!"


    The NBA is all about ME and HIPHOP crap and terrible as hell. Couldn't agree more with ya Campy.


    And they say that hockey sucks?! Give me a break. I know they are bitching about money right now, but at least it takes a hell of alot more talent to play the game of icehockey over basketball. Show me one guy who can shoot a 100MPH freethrow!

  4. Been living in Vegas for 8 yrs now.


    Here are the bars.


    The Stake Out (Maryland Pky across from UNLV campus)

    The Big Inning (Sahara and Buffalo; no I'm not kidding on the street name)

    Johnny Mac's (Henderson NV, on Boulder Highway)


    There used to be another but I forgot! Anyway, many of the casinos and sports bars around town all have the Sunday NFL Ticket. You can pretty much ask them for the Bills game and they will put it on. You just have to hang with other fans who probably don't like the Bills or worse, love Miami or something. But at least you get to see the game! Don't forget PST time zone. 10am Kickoffs!!


    One more note. About 3-4 weeks before opening day, The LV Review Journal Newspaper, publishes a whole section of what bars around town are designated "TEAM" bars. The BILLS had 4 bars last yr, mentioned above. Its in the Sunday edition, so start buying it throughout August and you'll have the info. Many bars also have drink specials during the games (Labatts, Genny's) and free Wings and Halftime appitezers. Johnny Macs has FREE pizza, wings and chili for all games at Halftime. Pretty good stuff although kinda a far drive (Henderson, NV; about 15-20mins from Strip).


    Hope this helps ya out. There are tons of people from Buffalo NY out here too!



  5. Peter, What's happening....


    Office Space is one of those movies you can use as a character barometer - if the  people you work with tell you they didn't get it or didn't think it was funny,  it's time to move on...


    Giant magazine had a good article on the cast of Office Space last month. Their web site has a little bit of it:






    Cool link. thanks for that.


    Mmmm Yeahhhh.

  6. Yep, its a small part, but they do show the girl on TV for 3secs getting a breast exam. But as far as this movie showing lots of nudity, and crude profanity, well, there isn't any. Good fun for the whole family and Co-workers alike. A must see.


    Mike Judge is a genius. Office Space is so funny and so true.


    DREW: "If things go well with her tonight, she will be ridin' the ol' BONE rollercoster, know what I mean?"


    TOM: "Its a JUMP to conclusions mat!"

    also, "The People Skills" interview with the consultants is a instant classic.


    MICHAEL: "Well at least your name isn't Michael Bolton."

    SMAIR: "You know, there is nothing wrong with that name"

    MICHAEL: "There WASsss nothing wrong with it; until I was 12 yrs old and that NO TALENT ASS CLOWN starting singing songs and winning Grammy's!!"


  7. You must be a Canadian, because only a Canadian would think that Hockey is remotely as exciting as football.....and I love hockey.



    Nope, an American from Buffalo NY. Hockey is better than Football. A much faster game and it takes 3.5 hrs to watch a football game due to all the $^%#**!((*@&$ commercials!!

  8. Ha, good stuff, but just isn't the same.


    Toronto is the team we beat in '99 to make it to the CUP Finals. Only to lose in 6 games with a God$@#^&@$(%@!!Damn Crease Violation!!!! NO GOAL!


    Hopefully, they can SIMULATE that again. Bam! Take that all you Leaf heads!

  9. Playoff hockey is the one thing in sports I love more then the Bills.



    I could not agree more with this statement. I love the Bills, but there is nothing like playoff hockey. Its the best damn playoffs ever! Man, I really miss it right now!!

  10. Double Down signature drink is Ass Juice. And there motto is, "If you puke, you clean!" You can even buy "Puke Insurance" for $20. Getting you out of any cleaning if it happens. I'm not lying. Great jukebox from bands you never heard of and ALL walks of life in there. Its close to the Hard Rock on Paradise Rd.


    Enjoy! :D

  11. I asked the DA several different questions about the crime and the person in question. The lawyers don't want someone who asks alot of questions or to be biased, so I was released and didn't have to serve. Thank god because it was a child molestation case. Bummer!


    In other words, if you get a chance to speak, ask a ton of questions!! They will not like you and should get you out of it. Good luck. :D

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